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Skyrim:Fanari Strong-Voice

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Fanari Strong-Voice
(RefID: xx018FCF)
Added by Dragonborn
Home Town Skaal Village
House Greathall
Race Nord Gender Female
Level 1 Class Dremora Class
RefID xx018FCF BaseID xx018FC5
Other Information
Health 50 Magicka 50
Stamina 50
Morality No Crime Aggression Unaggressive
Protected Yes
Voice Type FemaleNord
Faction(s) DLC2PillarBuilderFaction; Favor104QuestGiverFaction; Actors in this will never fill world interaction aliases; DLC2SkaalDialogueFaction; DLC2SkaalVillageCitizenFaction; DLC2SVGreathallFaction
Fanari Strong-Voice

Fanari Strong-Voice is a Nord living in the Greathall at Skaal Village. She is the chief of the village. With the exception of quest-related events, such as working on the Wind Stone or speaking with Deor, Fanari spends all of her time in the Greathall. She wears a Skaal coat with matching boots. She carries a one-handed weapon and a selection of common items and gold.

Related Quests[edit]


Her greetings:

"I've met a few Nords from Skyrim. They thought us strange, but in our hearts, I don't think we are so different."
"As leader of the Skaal, I name you friend to our people. You are welcome here."
"I'm the leader of the Skaal, but it's the All-Maker who truly protects and provides."
"The Skaal live in harmony with nature and take only what we need from the land."
"Tharstan hasn't stopped talking about the crypt you explored with him."

When spoken to:

How did you become the leader of the village?
"I was chosen by the people of the village when our last leader, Skaf the Giant, departed the cold world to join the All-Maker. I suppose I've always spoken my mind and tried to do what's best for the Skaal. That's why the others call me Fanari Strong-Voice."
Tell me more about your people, the Skaal.
"We are Nords, much like those you'll find in Skyrim. Long ago our path diverged from that of our cousins on the mainland. We live as one with the land, for the land provides all that we need. Also, like the Nords of old, we embrace the All-Maker. We do not worship the nine gods of the Empire."

Her goodbyes:

"Be welcome in our village."
"Until our next meeting, outsider."

During combat she may shout:

"If I must die to protect my people, so be it!"
"You anger one, you anger us all!"
"Are you truly ready to die?"
"My steel will be your death!"
"All-Maker, give me strength!"
"Prepare to leave this world!"


Inside the Greathall, Fanari can engage in conversation with Tharstan:

Fanari: "I have a favor to ask of you, Tharstan."
Tharstan: "Hm? What do you need?"
Fanari: "When you visit the ruins again, will you bring back some blue mountain flowers?"
Tharstan: "My dear chieftain, I will bring you back a whole bouquet if you wish."
Fanari: "I don't need so many, but thank you, Tharstan. You are as sweet as honey from the comb."

Tharstan: "Is it just me, or is it colder than usual today? By the Nine, I feel as if my bones have turned to ice."
Fanari: "And you want to put more logs on the fire?"
Tharstan: "Just a few."
Fanari: "Then take an axe and find a dead tree to cut. We keep only what we need in the village, you know that."
Tharstan: "I'm not setting foot out that door unless it's absolutely necessary. If I do that, I'll be even colder than I am now!"

Quest-Related Events[edit]

"Goodbye, old friend. We will miss you, but do not worry. Frea will guide us well, thanks to you."

A New Source of Stalhrim[edit]

After completing The Fate of the Skaal a conversation can be overheard between Deor Woodcutter and Fanari:

Fanari Strong-Voice: "Deor, you must be calm. I'm sure there is a good reason Baldor left us."
Deor Woodcutter: "Something isn't right Fanari. I feel it in my bones and I smell it in the air. Baldor wouldn't leave without telling someone."
Fanari Strong-Voice: "Don't worry yourself over nothing, Deor. Do you want a head full of gray hairs before you've seen forty winters?"
Deor Woodcutter: "It makes my heart heavy that you don't believe me, Fanari. Baldor could be in danger, and you will do nothing. If you won't help me, then I'll ask the All-Maker to send someone else who can."

If she is spoken to after this:

Did I overhear that someone is missing?
"Oh, I doubt it. Deor has always been quick to worry. Go and speak to him if you like, but do not be surprised if you end up in a wild fox chase. It would not be the first time."

After saving Baldor:

"You risked your life to save Baldor. Your name will be honored in our village."

Kill the Bandit Leader[edit]

You can talk to her and she may ask you to kill some Bandits to help the Skaal:

What can I do to help the Skaal?
"Bandits sometimes come at night to steal our food. They think that stealing from us is easier than hunting for themselves. It will be dangerous, but if you'll deal with these thieves, we would be most grateful."
Consider it done.
"Then may the All-Maker give you the strength of a great bear and make your will as firm as stone."
It's not my problem.
"I was foolish to expect compassion from an outsider."

Once the bandits are dealt with:

"Have you put those thieving bandits to the sword?"
The bandits won't be a problem anymore.
"Your kindness warms my heart as sunlight warms the skin on a cold day. The Skaal are once again in your debt, outsider."


  • According to game data, she is Tharstan's wife.