Skyrim:Captain Lonely-Gale

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Captain Lonely-Gale
(RefID: 000A05D1)
Home City Windhelm
Location Candlehearth Hall
Race Nord Gender Male
Level 10 Class Warrior
RefID 000A05D1 BaseID 00014134
Other Information
Health 155 Magicka 50
Stamina 80
Primary Skills Heavy Armor, One-handed, Archery, Block, Two-handed
Class Details CombatWarrior1H
Morality No Crime Aggression Unaggressive
Voice Type MaleNordCommander
Faction(s) CrimeFactionEastmarch; During sieges, staff and family hide.; Imperial Government; TownWindhelmFaction; WindhelmCandlehearthPatrons; WindhelmMarketBrowsers; WindhelmSteward; Ruling Government
Captain Lonely-Gale

Captain Lonely-Gale is a Nord warrior living in Windhelm. He's a retired sailor, and a pretty well-known face around Windhelm. He's also a widower, which has attracted the unwanted attention of local woman Viola Giordano. He was supposed to become Brunwulf Free-Winter's steward after Ulfric is deposed, but doesn't due to a bug.

The retired captain enjoys a rather relaxed life in Windhelm, although he never sleeps, spending most of his time in Candlehearth Hall. He does leave to browse the market stalls for 4 hours at 8am, followed immediately by 6 hours of wandering the city.

His outfit consists of fine clothes and a pair of fine boots. He is also equipped with a steel sword and carries around a selection of rich class loot and gold.


When the captain greets you, he almost always refers to his past:

"I made my fortune as a sea captain, but now I'm retired."
"The townsfolk call me "captain" because I used to be a sailor."
"I lost my family years ago. Truth is, I don't really know what keeps me going."

However, should Viola Giordano still be alive, he might assume you were sent by her:

"Did Viola send you to bother me?"

He also seems very knowledgeable of the city, and has a lot of topics regarding it. For example, you could ask him about what there is to do:

What's there to do in the city?
"If you're looking to pass the time, you can give Calixto a few septims and gawk at whater [sic] oddity he's come across lately. If you're need of goods, there's a market. If it's a soft bed and a hot meal you're after, there's Candlehearth Hall."

You can also ask him about the city's prominent citizens:

Who are the prominent citizens in Windhelm?
"There's an author named Adonato staying at the inn. He's published a few works of historical fiction. The clans Shatter-Shield and Cruel-Sea see most of the gold that passes through the city. And obviously you have Ulfric, the Jarl and future High King. Oh, and that busybody Viola Giordano. She's got her nose in everyone's business, which I guess is one way of being prominent."

You can also talk about the ongoing murders:

Folk are talking about murders.
"Terrible shame, that. Seems we have a killer on the loose here in Windhelm. He's claimed three victims that I know of, though maybe there's more that haven't been found yet. All lovely young ladies [sic], too. Let's hope the guards find that demon soon, and introduce him to the headsman's axe."

It's also possible to ask about his title:

What kind of captain are you?
"Well, nothing. At least not any more. Folk just call me that because of what I used to do. I was a sailor for many a year. I made my coin as a trader and in time, I bought my own ship. When I retired here in Windhelm, most folk already knew me as Captain Lonely-Gale, and the name just stuck."

When exiting conversations, his farewells may reflect his past once more:

"Fair winds and calm seas. That's an old sailor's parting."
"It was a pleasure to talk to someone so interesting."


At the marketplace, Lonely-Gale might converse with shady vendor Niranye:

Niranye: "Captain Lonely-Gale, it's always a pleasure to see you. In fact, I'm glad you're here. There's something I'd like to ask you."
Lonely-Gale: "A pleasure to see you as well, Niranye. What can I do for you?"
Niranye: "I was wondering if you still had many associates in the shipping profession. I have a business proposition for any sailors who might be looking to make a few extra septims."
Lonely-Gale: "If that business proposition includes smuggling, forget it. The sailors I know are plenty good at finding trouble without any help from you."
Niranye: "You're such a wet blanket, captain. Can't a girl have a little fun from time to time?"

Inside Candlehearth Hall, he may also speak with the innkeeper, Elda Early-Dawn:

Elda: "Captain, have you heard these stories of dragons?"
Lonely-Gale: "Elda, you know better than to believe every idiot traveler that wanders through."
Elda: "But they're saying that one of them freed Ulfric... that he's in league with them."
Lonely-Gale: "Think about how ridiculous that sounds. Come now."
Elda: "So what's the news on the street, Captain?"
Lonely-Gale: "The dark elves are uneasy. There's a killer on the streets. And Viola Giordano won't leave me alone."
Elda: "How would you like a drink?"
Lonely-Gale: "Very much so."
Elda: "Coming right up."

He may also be spoken to by Viola Giordano if she crosses his path while walking through the streets:

Viola: "Captain, captain!"
Lonely-Gale: "What is it now, Viola?"
Viola: "Did you notice that the snow settles in a different direction near the murder sites?"
Lonely-Gale: "Don't you think all your tramping around there investigating might have something to do with it?"
Viola: "I... well. Perhaps. But still! It's curious."
Viola: "Captain Lonely-Gale! I've been looking for you everywhere!"
Lonely-Gale: "And now you've found me. Can I help you?"
Viola: "Have you thought about my invitation?"
Lonely-Gale: "I've thought about it, but I'm not sure it's such a good idea."
Viola: "Oh, I see. Is it still too soon?"
Lonely-Gale: "Yes, I think that must be it. My wife hasn't been gone that long, after all. Ask me again on another day."
Viola: "I'm sorry to be such a bother. We'll talk another time."
Viola: "Do you think those dark elves had anything to do with the murders? The attacks all happened at night, after all."
Lonely-Gale: "Viola, dark elves sleep just like the rest of us."
Viola: "You wouldn't think it from the racket that Cornerclub makes."
Lonely-Gale: "I'm sure the guards have the matter well in hand. Now, if you'll excuse me."
Viola: "Hello, captain! Can you spare a moment? I heard something the other day that I wanted to share with you."
Lonely-Gale: "What did you hear?"
Viola: "It was an old Nord proverb. It said, the best way to get over the loss of a lover is to find a new one."
Lonely-Gale: "I didn't lose a lover, Viola, I lost my wife. It's not the same thing."
Viola: "Well, if it works in the one case, why not the other? Don't you want to at least give it a try?"
Lonely-Gale: "No, I really don't. It'll be a while before I'm ready for that. I'll be on my way now."

Originally, a scene was also meant to play out between Lonely-Gale and Ambarys Rendar when you entered the city for the first time, but it never plays in the final game. It seems that Lonely-Gale originally played the role of Windhelm's guard captain:

Captain Lonely-Gale: "If anything actually happens, call a guard."
Ambarys: "If the guards in the Gray Quarter weren't a bunch of n'wahs, I wouldn't be here talking to you."
Captain Lonely-Gale: "My men have their orders. But it's a big city and there's a war on. Plus these murders. A few dark elves getting shoved around doesn't really amount to much."
Ambarys: "Typical Nord. Beard for brains."
Captain Lonely-Gale: "Watch that tongue, Rendar, or your whole lot could be down with the Argonians hauling ballast by tomorrow."

Two more scenes exist which had Lonely-Gale function as a guard captain, once again, these go unused. They imply that he was at one point meant to head to the Palace of the Kings in order to report to Ulfric Stormcloak himself:

Ulfric: "Captain, I've been receiving complaints about this Giordano woman."
Captain Lonely-Gale: "Yes, sir. I've been trying to quiet her, but she's insistent. She thinks she can find out who's been killing the women..."
Ulfric: "I don't care if she can find a living dwarf -- I can't have her stirring up trouble. We have enough problems as it is."
Captain Lonely-Gale: "Yes, sir. I'll try to contain her."
Ulfric: "See that you do. I will not let Windhelm descend into chaos over a few overactive imaginations."
Ulfric: "What's the current spirit among the dark elves?"
Captain Lonely-Gale: "As restless as ever, sir, but I don't see them taking any kind of incendiary action. Not soon, anyway."
Ulfric: "Well that much is good. Let's finish this first war before starting the next one, eh?"
Captain Lonely-Gale: "Um... yes, of course, sir."
Ulfric: "Carry on, Lonely-Gale. And loosen yourself a bit."


  • As steward, Captain Lonely-Gale would have had new dialogue, which can never be heard in the base game. He could have been asked about the aftermath of the war:
Is the war really over?
"I wish I could say that it was, but it's not that simple. Many Stormcloaks will fight until they die, because they still believe they're fighting for Skyrim's freedom. But without Ulfric, the movement will wither and die. It's only a matter of time."

It would have also been possible to ask him about the city's history:

Tell me about the city's history.
"Windhelm is one of the oldest human cities in Tamriel. In fact, it was the capital of the First Empire, which was founded by Ysgramor. The Palace of the Kings in which you now stand is one of the last buildings that remain from that era. Long ago, the Empire used the city to garrison troops who guarded the passes to Morrowind. And now, thanks to you, the city is back under the Empire's banner."

You could also ask him why he was chosen as steward:

Why did Brunwulf choose you to be Steward?
"Well, a few reasons come to mind. In my days as a riverboat captain, I was known to run a tight ship. That, and I made my fortune by knowing when to spend my septims and when not to. I can't stand waste."
  • In addition to the scenes mentioned above, there are some other internal references to Lonely-Gale being a guard captain, as well as a scene between Adisla and Belyn Hlaalu that still takes place in the final game, where he is still referred to as such.
  • In the game's DialogueViews files, an early version of Lonely-Gale's "What's there do in the city?" response can be found: "If you're looking to pass the time, you can give Calixto a few septims and gawk at whater [sic] oddity he's come across lately. Fight in the Pit if you've got the mettle. Wager on the fights if you don't. If you're need of goods, there's a market. If it's a soft bed and a hot meal you're after, there's Candlehearth Inn." These lines make mention of The Pit, Windhelm's removed arena, and also use an earlier name for Candlehearth Hall.


  • In the Creation Kit, he belongs to the faction WindhelmSteward and has some dialogue which suggests he was supposed to become Brunwulf Free-Winter's steward if the Imperials gained Windhelm, but Jorleif remains the steward in the Palace of the Kings regardless.
    • If the Unofficial Patch cannot fix this, using console commands addfac 0003662A to add him back to the Ruling Government should make him steward again. He will therefore give you the option to buy property and decorate it.
  • He still speaks about Ulfric being a prominent citizen of Windhelm even after Ulfric is dead.
  • His other dialogue about the prominent citizens of Windhelm will also not change if any of the others he mentions are dead. ?
  • You can still ask him about the murders after Blood on the Ice is finished. ?