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Skyrim:Call to Arms

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SR-icon-spell-Illusion Light.png Call to Arms
School Illusion Difficulty Master
Type Defensive Casting Fire and Forget
Delivery Self Equip Both Hands
Spell ID 0007e8dd Editor ID CallToArms
Base Cost 655 Charge Time 3.0
Duration 10 min Range 0
Magnitude 25 Area 100 ft
Tome ID 000a271b Tome Value 1150
Purchase from (after Illusion Ritual Spell)
Targets have improved combat skills, health and stamina for 10 minutes.

Call to Arms is a master level Illusion spell that increases the combat skills, health, and stamina of all allies within 100 feet of the caster for 10 minutes.



  • Animage, +8 to Fortify magnitudes when cast on animals.
  • Kindred Mage, +10 to Fortify magnitudes when cast on people.
  • Master of the Mind, allows spell to work on undead, daedra, and automata.

This gives the following performance:

Fortify Magnitude
Default 25
Animage 33
Kindred Mage 35

Master of the Mind will not stack with Kindred Mage or Animage, which is primarily of interest when attempting to cast spells on friendly undead, typically people or animals you have raised yourself. It's also worth noting that if you are a vampire, Champion of the Night will apply to the Fortify magnitude, not the duration, as will Necromage, when cast on undead.


  • If a follower who is Protected has had their health reduced to the point where they are crawling around on the ground, this spell will get them to stand up and fight again, mainly due to the Fortify Health part. However, if their health is then reduced again, and not restored before the effect wears off, they may die, as the extra health is removed and reduces them to below 0.
  • Unlike the earlier spells Courage and Rally, this won't necessarily prevent targets from fleeing, though with increased health and skills it does make it less likely they'll need to.
  • This spell has by far the longest duration of any (non-permanent) spell in the game.
  • The effects of this spell are independent from Rally and Courage. Thus, the bonuses from all 3 spells can be stacked together.


  • The Fortify Marksman, Fortify One-handed, and Fortify-Two-handed effects will not work on undead, daedra, or automatons even with the Master of the Mind perk unlocked. From looking through the creation kit, this is due to the corresponding magic effects not existing.