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Shivering talk:Xirethard

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If you have become the Duke of Mania, it is possible to enter Xirethard by the rear entrance and proceed all the way through to the private gardens where you will be trapped (the game will not let you fast travel from here, and the doors to Xirethard & the Halls of Dementia cannot be opened.) 18:19, 23 April 2007 (EDT)

Only way out (if you completed the main quest) is to use Sheogorath's Protection and let a seducer or summoned creature kill you. I don't think it's possible to have the guards arrest you, they are already hostile like the ones in Xirethard. Has anyone tried this as the Dementia lord? I was allied with Mania, so results may vary. Wpfossil 10:14, 7 July 2008 (EDT)

If you're the Duke of Dementia, will already have been through Xirethard. You also will have the key to get in and out of the private gardens, and won't be stuck.

Map Problem[edit]

The map link for Xirethard centers on the entrance in the Duchess' quarters; it should point to the one outside the city. --RpehTCE 04:15, 25 November 2007 (EST)

Fixed (by completely disabling the entrance in the Mania Gardens... see UESPWiki talk:Oblivion Map Design#Map Improvements for explanation) --NepheleTalk 02:10, 14 January 2008 (EST)

Dark Seducers Remaining Hostile[edit]

Pertaining to this Note: Even if you have completed the main quest and received the benefits that come with it, the Dark Seducers found here remain hostile. Although, if you have gained the benefits for completing the quest Ritual of Dementia, they are not.

This needs a little clarifying. First sentence establishes an absolute claim, the second sentence then introduces a conditional claim. Absolutes ahead of a conditional are either contradictory or penned poorly.

It what this note saying is that if you chose to become the Lord of Mania, then the Dark Seducers (even after becoming the Prince of Madness) will remain forever hostile? But if you ascended through the House of Dementia, they will not be hostile once you become the Lord of Dementia?Dark Spark 15:01, 16 December 2007 (EST)

More Detail Please[edit]

This article requires more detail and warnings. Although I'm assuming that most people know about the bug but the article doesn't clarify some of the most important issues.

  • The Dark Seducers who are hostile towards the player (who became the Duke of Mania then the new Madgod) are they considered to be guards? Meaning they are always right, as in Cyrodil the guard attacks you, you don't even fight back but you reflect damage and as a result they die. You get a bounty, infamy and it counts as a murder. Is it the same with these Dark Seducers?
  • Is the player tresspassing? If so, at which point? Will there be a warning? "You cannot wait while tresspassing" or "You cannot wait in this location"?
  • Is taking anything from chests etc. including harvesting plants considered stealing?
  • "Injure yourself" might tempt people to eat the Poisoned Apple... I'm sure most people know about the Cursed Mage's Hood so perhaps that should be mentioned as well?
  • What are the incentives for one to explore this place? Are the Dark Seducers equipped with non-standard weapons? (e.g. Dark Longsword istead of the Mace.)

Thanks--Webdemon00 07:38, 4 September 2008 (EDT)

Nevermind, tried it myself. The Dark Seducers you encounter are non-leveled standard NPCs (Summoned Dark Seducer killed 3 of them) and are not considered guards. They never accept to your yield even with you being the Madgod with a personality of 255. Kiling them is not murder nor an assault. No unique loot other than the Ring of the Oceanborn, and only non-standard Dark Seducer equipment I found was the Dark Waraxe. carried by those awaiting outside. (I'm not sure if they always carry them or if I was level 15 or below; they'd have a Darksword etc.) The dungeon is exactly the same with the one for Ritual of Dementia except you are not tresspassing. Incentives? None. The Dark Seducers you encounter inside were most likely generated long before you decided which Duke/Duchess to replace so unless you haven't leveled up since, are not even worth your time.

Locked Door Needs a Non-existent Key?[edit]

I'm trying to get into the Duchess's Quarters early in the questline so I can decide which rooms I would prefer to have, thus deciding which ruler I replace. What can I say; I'm a sucker for houses. While I easily broke into the Duke's rooms, the paranoid Duchess has doors everywhere that require keys I don't have. When I heard you could get into her quarters through this dungeon, but would be trapped, I figured that would work, since I just want a look anyway and could reload a save before I became trapped. However, I cannot seem to progress from the first zone to the Depths. The door is blocked by a wooden door that requires a key. It is even noted on the map as "Wooden Door at J (locked, says 'key required' but there is no key)" I am assuming this door automatically gets unlocked at some point in the questline? Does anyone know when? If it doesn't unlock until a certain point, it's probably worth noting when on the page. The area can't only be accessible if you choose to rule Dementia, or other players would not get trapped in it. EmmBee 16:15, 22 July 2011 (UTC)

The wooden door will be there until you choose sides during the Ritual of Accession, making it more or less useless to take the Xirethard route to Syl's quarters. Just make a save before the quest, choose to kill Syl, get the key from Kithlan, and check out her quarters that way. If you dislike them, reload. :) --Krusty 06:59, 26 July 2011 (UTC)

Escort Mazken hostile as well[edit]

I completed Main Quest, replacing Duche of Mania. I went to Xirethard with Dark Seducter escorting me, and when Mazken near the entrance attacked me, she turned hostile as well. She accepted yield, but attacked me again in a few seconds. Quite a surprise, really wasn't expecting it :) Summoned Mazken didn't fight me, however. 12:08, 2 February 2012 (UTC)

Xirethard still works during The End of Order, but it doesn't help[edit]

(original section title: Is there a small, dead-end version of Xirethard during The End of Order?)

I didn't know that The End of Order would start immediately after The Roots of Madness. I was almost out of arrows, and had a bunch of loot I wanted to either stash or sell, so I was looking around for another way out of the Palace besides the courtyard.

I was the Duke of Dementia. I went into the House of Dementia and the Private Gardens, and when I saw the door to Xirethard, I thought "Great! I can get out through here!" I went through the door and there was just a very small area. If I remember correctly, it was maybe 30 feet of straight hall, and then a small room that was maybe 30 feet wide and 20 feet deep... and that was it. No other door except the one back to the Private Gardens.

It would make sense for this alternate exit from the Palace to get blocked off temporarily during The End of Order. I just don't know if there is any evidence in the game files or CS or similar that this actually happens. 08:44, 13 June 2021 (UTC)

I had a save from right after The End of Order started, so I tried it again. The full Xirethard is there even when The End of Order is running. I think I had it confused with the Duchess' Quarters, which is always a small dead-end. I remember going through a regular door to the dead-end area, and not the "turn the statue to expose the ladder" door that goes to Xirethard, which makes me think I was actually in the Duchess' Quarters.
You can go through all three zones of Xirethard when The End of Order is running. Zones 1 and 2 are empty; Zone 3 (Subterrane) had Shambles for me. The exit at the end of Zone 3 to the Realm of Sheogorath works, and you can walk over to the Crucible gate to New Sheoth and enter the city if you want to. You just can't get back into the Palace from either Crucible or Bliss; this is already described in the bugs section of The End of Order. 06:36, 14 June 2021 (UTC)