Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Ayleid Scholar's Notebook

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Book Information
Ayleid Scholar's Notebook
Added by Project Cyrodiil
ID PC_m1_GarAge_NotebookScholar
Value 10 Weight 0.5
Related to Into Ugly Obscurity
Found in the following locations:
Ayleid Scholar's Notebook
A trapped scholar's record of their research - and a way out.

[This notebook has weeks worth of entries, surrounded by scrawls of Ayleidoon in the margin and various small notes that seem to be either terrible handwriting or a scholar's personal cipher.]

...After days of searching through the chambers of this ancient castle, I was ecstatic to have discovered the grand library of Garlas Agea. And, oh, grand it is, indeed! I knew I was the first to lay eyes on these hallowed halls in millenia, perhaps the first unbound man in history. I began poring over scroll after stiff, crumbling scroll, and tracing etching after faded, corroded etching. It must have been weeks since last I've seen the sun, now. All I'm left with is this cold, manufactured starlight.

Upon entering the library, I discovered a stone door that, unlike the many others in this ruin, didn't respond to any of the keystones I had collected, nor brute force. I assumed at first that I had simply not found the keystone and resolved to return later, to instead focus on collecting the lore this library had to offer. My discoveries in this library though, lead me to a fascinating conclusion: the door was to be opened by an incantation, but in weeks of research, I could not find it. When I realized that my rations had run out, I left, ecstatic about my findings, recorded here in this journal, but glum nonetheless that I had not discovered the secret to this door.

I discovered then that by some arcane means, the door I had came through had been entirely sealed. It, much like the door on the story below, now no longer responded to my touch or to my keys. I suspect this to be the work of one of the many protective spirits that wanders this castle, simply going about its habits with no mind for the mortal it doesn't even know is within. Days on, I have resigned myself to my death.

I refuse, however, to let my death be in vain. I dedicate this final entry to you, whoever discovers this notebook. My dying wish is for this to be published, for all my findings in this accursed library to be revealed to the world. I spent my last days starving, reading through more and more texts and recording them in this journal.

Then, I had hope: I had found the incantation to open the door. I scrambled to the door, overjoyed, and opened my mouth to say aloud the incantation.

Nought but dust came from my mouth. I was too weak to speak. Damn.

I can only hope that you who discover this has the will to speak the incantation. I have recorded it as follows.


In the caverns of lore, ugly and obscure, shines the gold of truth.

TD3-scroll-Caverns Truth.png