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Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Appinora Essorinus

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Appinora Essorinus (PC_m1_AppinoraEssorinus)
Location Fort Heath, Iron Man Tavern
Race Imperial Gender Female
Level 7 Class Publican
Rents Bed Bed 10 gold
Gold 200 Mercantile Expert (54)
Sells Food
Other Information
Health 71 Magicka 120
Alarm 50 Fight 30
Appinora Essorinus

Appinora Essorinus is an Imperial Publican, who together with Warahn runs the Iron Man Tavern in Fort Heath. He handles the drinks, she handles the delicacies.

Appinora wasn't always a publican. If asked about her background, she talks of her more militant past:

"I spent my youth in the Imperial Legion, but unfortunately my sword arm was crippled and I was unable to continue serving. We legionnaires take care of our own, though, and I found a place here, keeping tavern."