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Home City Abah's Landing
Race Nord Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly

Tovjor is a Nord found relaxing on a rock immediately southwest of the Abah's Landing Wayshrine. He has been traveling with his uncle all across Tamriel, learning the business. Though Tovjor is more concerned with his hair than having a "head for numbers".

He was hired by Narahni to deliver a letter to Velsa without her noticing.

Related Quests[edit]


When spoken to, he happily says, "This hot desert sun feels so good upon my flesh! Not like the pitiful sun we have in Skyrim!"

A Faded Flower[edit]

After Velsa receives a letter, you will have to track down Tovjor who gave it to her and ask him about it.

"My uncle went to town, but he should be back shortly if you need something. I'm still learning the business and I'm not allowed to do anything.
My uncle says I don't have a head for numbers. I say as long as my head looks pretty, what else matters?"
Did you slip a letter into a Dark Elf's pack?
"What? No. That wasn't me. Did you see something? There are plenty of half-naked Nords running around Abah's Landing ….
Oh, stop interrogating me! I'll confess! It was me! It was all me! But that's all I can say. Client confidentiality, you know."
It's important to someone, just tell me.
"Not breaking my word is important too. But also mead. Mead is important."
The Dark Elf want to make contact with whoever gave you the letter. [00000347347 Gold]
Aldmeri Dominion "Gold! I like gold!
I met a Khajiit woman in Rawl'kha while I was drinking at the inn. She paid me to deliver the letter to the Dark Elf lady here. Never got the Khajiit's name, though. Sorry."
Daggerfall Covenant "Gold! I like gold!
I met a Khajiit woman in Evermore while I was drinking at the inn. She paid me to deliver the letter to the Dark Elf lady here. Never got the Khajiit's name, though. Sorry."
Ebonheart Pact "Gold! I like gold!
I met a Khajiit woman in Riften while I was drinking at the inn. She paid me to deliver the letter to the Dark Elf lady here. Never got the Khajiit's name, though. Sorry."
[Intimidate] I wonder what your uncle would say about your little side business. He might want a cut.
Aldmeri Dominion "You'd tell my uncle? That's not very friendly of you.
Oh very well! I met a Khajiit woman in Rawl'kha, when I was drinking at the inn. She paid me to deliver the letter to the Dark Elf lady here. Never got the Khajiit's name, though. Sorry."
Daggerfall Covenant "You'd tell my uncle? That's not very friendly of you.
Oh very well! I met a Khajiit woman in Evermore, when I was drinking at the inn. She paid me to deliver the letter to the Dark Elf lady here. Never got the Khajiit's name, though. Sorry."
Ebonheart Pact "You'd tell my uncle? That's not very friendly of you.
Oh very well! I met a Khajiit woman in Riften, when I was drinking at the inn. She paid me to deliver the letter to the Dark Elf lady here. Never got the Khajiit's name, though. Sorry."