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Online:Tia Doran

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Tia Doran
Home City Lilmoth
Location Guild Hall
Race Imperial Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Tia Doran

Tia Doran is an Imperial mage and scholar who can be found in the Lilmoth Guild Hall. Due to her passion for history she is a great benefactor of Cyrodilic Collections.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

When she is spoken to outside of quests:

"History. Can we truly discover the truth of the past, or are we forced to view it through the eyes of the victors, the survivors, and the silver-tongued poets ….
Forgive me. My passion for historical knowledge often overwhelms me."

Antique Armor[edit]

"Waiting is the hardest part, don't you agree? Of course you do. Which is why I won't force you to wait a moment longer. Well, no longer than necessary.
So, how can I help you today?"
I'm working for Cyrodilic Collections. Tell me about the armor you're interested in.
"If my research proves correct—and it usually does, by the way—then Tsofeer Cavern was occupied by the Imperial Legion during the expansion of the First Era. It stands to reason that some of their armor might still be in those caves."
What did the Imperial Legion use the cavern for?
"Oh, probably for all the usual reasons: Shelter, storage, the acquisition of natural resources.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if we found the lost Ninth Legion in those caves? Well, if you found them. I'm terribly uncomfortable in enclosed spaces."

Talking to her before delivering the armor to Varo Hosidias:

"Was the Tsofeer Cavern as full of ancient wonders as I always imagined? No, don't tell me! I want to be surprised when Varo brings me the items later.
You should go and talk to Varo. If he authenticates your findings, he'll reward you handsomely."

Old Scrolls[edit]

"I feel so helpless, waiting here while Cyrodilic Collections searches through the kitchen midden of history on my behalf!
But you don't want to hear my complaints. I'm sure you came to see me for some important purpose. What can I do for you?"
I'm working for Cyrodilic Collections. What can you tell me about Tsofeer Cavern?
"So you're the lucky adventurer Varo selected for my little quest. I approve, I certainly do!
I've long suspected that Tsofeer Cavern was tied to the Imperial occupation of the First Era, but until recently the place was sealed up tight as a drum."
So what changed?
"Tremors shook the region, clearing away rocks that once blocked the entrance to the cavern. When I noticed the path was open, I petitioned Famia to get her associates to conduct some research on my behalf.
I have a burning passion for history!"
What kind of scrolls am I looking for exactly?
"If my assumptions are correct, then Imperials of the First Era sheltered in the cavern in the distant past. I suspect that scrolls containing interesting information should still be inside.
And if you can find a cypher ring, too, even better!"

Talking to her before delivering the scrolls to Varo Hosidias:

"You found something in the cavern? Sealed scrolls, I presume? Maybe a cypher ring? No, don't tell me! Famia insists we follow proper procedure.
Take the items to Varo. He'll confirm their authenticity and render payment before he brings them to me."

Sacred Candles[edit]

During the quest Sacred Candles she can be asked about her request.

"The practices of indigenous tribes fascinate me so! Many of them are so primal … so visceral!
Pardon my musings. Is there something you need?"
Why do you want me to place sacred Argonian candles in Tsofeer Cavern?
"One of the local tribes uses the candles to cleanse a place of evil influences, especially where unburied bodies are concerned. If there are any Imperial remains in the cavern, I figured why not use the candles to help settle their restless spirits?"
Is that how the sacred candles work?
"Who can say? The Argonians have a different view of the afterlife from the other races. But I'm sure the benevolent rite won't hurt anything. And it might even help.
Besides, it will make me feel better, and I am paying for the service, after all."

Talking to her before delivering the news of your success to Varo Hosidias:

"Were their Imperial remains in the cavern? If so, were you able to place the sacred candles and help them on their way?
Very good. I suggest you inform Varo Hosidias and claim your reward for a job well done."