Online:Shroud Hearth Barrow Mage Tome

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Shroud Hearth Barrow Mage Tome
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Shroud Hearth Barrow Mage Tome

Necromancy is a part of Nordic culture. That cannot be argued. But that does not mean we should exempt northern necromancy from scrutiny. Far from it. The ancient Dragon Cult's harrowing practices are reflections of a past not yet fully gone. The Draugr still stir in their tombs, after all, all these year later.

My intention is not to attack the Nords. Merely to reflect on what was, so we might ensure what is yet to come does not mistake the mistakes of the past.

Take the Draugr-ridden tombs of Shroud Hearth Barrow. Just one rot-ridden fruit to pluck from the Rift's aspen trees. A clear demonstration why we must not ignore the past, but instead should abolish this cursed practice.

I spoke at length with Taaria Bantien, an adept mage of the College of Winterhold who studied the Draugr that still walk Shroud Hearth Barrow's tombs. These studies were done at great person risk, as she reports months of relentless attacks. It was only her skills with the art of fire magic that saved her head from being taken by a battleaxe.

Now, imagine if these implacable Draugr were somehow loosed from the barrow, practically on the doorstep of the hamlet of Ivarstead. Ivarstead could be reduced to a burial ground. A plaything for further depredations by the necromancers of today. A cycle of death unending.

It is our responsibility to nip this perverted practice in the bud. Before more fruit buds on this horrific tree.