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Online:Rajhin's Shadow (Falinesti Winter Site)

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Rajhin's Shadow
(lore page)
Location Falinesti Winter Site
Race Khajiit Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
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Condition Projection
Rajhin's Shadow

Rajhin's Shadow is one of the seven shadows of the trickster god Rajhin, each representing one of his traits and carrying out his will on Tamriel. The one in the Falinesti Winter Site represents Rajhin's desires, and was infatuated with Lady Nairume, a married woman who refused his advances, and so he imprisoned her within an icy room deep beneath the city, leaving Rajhin's Mantle to conceal the shame he brought her.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Travel northwest, to the Eastern Welkynd stone. When you get these, Brelor will perform a ritual, which will allow you to hear a conversation from the past:

Nairume: "Who are you? What brings you into my home?"
Rajhin's Shadow: "A simple thief of hearts, come to steal yours from this walking city."
Nairume: "Steal my heart, or still your loins? For your arrow looks aquiver."
Rajhin's Shadow: "Such a lowly mouth can dine anywhere … a trait we both share. What service to our palates should we conjoin in feast!"
Nairume: "I am a married woman, so you must starve. Unless you care to feast upon yourself."

Next, travel west to the Northern Welkynd Stone, where you will hear yet another conversation between the woman and the Khajiit:

Nairume: "I cannot sleep, and my husband will not wake. What cruel jest is this?"
Rajhin's Shadow: "Say the word, Lady Nairume. I will allow you to sleep in my bed.
Nairume: "Scoundrel! You think to steal me from my husband? From this city I call home?"
Rajhin's Shadow: "I only stole your sleep, which I gifted to your husband. His inattention must make him harder to love."
Nairume: "What would you know of love, monster? You have none of it—and you will have none of me!"
Rajhin's Shadow: "Your protests ring hollow, Lady Nairume. We shall see how much when I steal you away from husband and home."

Travel south to the Western Welkynd Stone, where you will hear a final conversation between Nairume and the mysterious Khajiit:

Rajhin's Shadow: "Come to me, my little snowbird."
Nairume: "What have you done? Where am I?"
Rajhin's Shadow: "This vault? I built it to hold a precious treasure, deep below your Walking City. I will keep you safe, and away from … interference."
Nairume: "Why have you done this? Is your heart as cold as this chamber?"
Rajhin's Shadow: "Your heart is cold, Lady Nairume. Warming it to Rajhin's Shadow will unlock the prison built of your denial."
Nairume: "Never! I would rather freeze until time's end than share one warm moment with you!"
Rajhin's Shadow: "So be it. This vault shall forever hold your frozen heart! I leave my mantle to conceal the shame you caused me. Farewell, Nairume."

When you follow Nairume's tip and place Rajhin's Mantle on the brazier, which will turn all the blue fires in the room red. Rajhin's Shadow will then appear and declare the condition of returning back Falinesti before disappearing:

Rajhin's Shadow: "Lady Nairume. You denied my love, and now I deny your journey home. If you beg my forgiveness … convincingly … I'll return the Walking City from where I stole it,"
Nairume: "What? Could that filth spirit away all of Falinesti?"