Online:Pirate Swab Outfit

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Ready for piratical action? You will be in this basic sea rover attire, which gives you plenty of opportunity to show off your buccaneer body art. Avast, and prepare to repel boarders!
Pirate Swab Outfit (female)
ON-icon-costume-Pirate Swab Outfit.png
Pirate Swab Outfit
Type Costume
Acquired From Crown Store (Pirate Costume Pack)
Reaper's Harvest Crate
Reward Level Epic
Price 00700700 Crowns
0004040 Crown Gems
020002,000 Seals of Endeavor

The Pirate Swab Outfit is part of the Pirate Costume Pack, which was sold in the Crown Store for 00700700 Crowns. It is also available as an Epic-level reward in Reaper's Harvest Crown Crates. The Pirate Costume Pack returned to the Crown Store from June 13 to June 17, 2024, and from March 17 to March 24, 2025, with a discounted price of 00560560 Crowns for ESO Plus members.


Slot 1: Chest and the utility sash draped across the chest
Slot 2: Belt-sash
Slot 3: Pants

