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Online:Old Ri'jhaad

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Old Ri'jhaad
Home Settlement Dune
Location Temple of the Two Moons Path in southwest part of city
Race Senche-raht Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Old Ri'jhaad

Old Ri'jhaad is a Senche-raht who can be found at the old Temple of the Two Moons Path in Dune.

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Leramil the Wise will have summoned you to investigate various locations around Tamriel visited by Torvesard who is trying to find the third Glyphic so he may free his Prince. Leramil's portal to Reaper's March will bring you to Dune, following the threads of fate will lead you to the old temple complex where Old Ri'jhaad waits at the entrance:

Old Ri'jhaad: "Ah, the fatewalker arrives, just as foretold."

Speak with Old Ri'jhaad to see if he has any leads:

"Old Ri'jhaad saw your coming in the tides. Hermorah wished this one to greet you here. So it is that our fates cross paths.
What is it you seek, fatewalker?"
I'm looking for a Dremora named Torvesard. His actions threaten reality itself.
"Old Ri'jhaad has seen no Dremora, but that does not mean your quarry has not been here. There is change in the air, a change that began long ago. Hrm.
Old Ri'jhaad knows. You should seek the blessing of the children ever-mourned."
Seek a blessing? What do you mean?
"Visit the nearby shrines of beloved Jone and Jode. Pay your respects. In days of old, we Khajiit would pray to the twins to bless our paths with moonlight and sugar.
Perhaps it will be so again."
Very well. Where are these shrines?
"The shrines are here, in this courtyard. Old Ri'jhaad can tell you have a long journey ahead of you, fatewalker. You will need the blessings of the Two Moons.
Return after you have paid your respects."

You can ask some questions before going to the shrines:

What is this place?
"You stand in the Temple of the Two Moons Path. Long ago, Dune was a kingdom guided by moon-priests and scholars. To this day, new Manes come here to complete their journey with the Moon Hallowed and take up their sacred duties."
There seem to be a lot of Stonefire cultists here. (If you haven't saved Dune from the Stonefire Cult)
"They are followers of Molagh. Hrm. There was a time when Ri'jhaad would have driven them away from this place. Now Old Ri'jhaad knows it is for another to cleanse the temple.
He would not be displeased if you punished a few today."
A long journey ahead? What do you mean?
"This place is just a stop along your path, fatewalker. What you ultimately seek is not here. But do not despair. Old Ri'jhaad thinks you had to come here. And his heart tells him your journey will take you to strange and distant places indeed."

After going to both shrines and receiving the Moons' blessings, Old Ri'jhaad will be waiting for you on the path:

Old Ri'jhaad: "The moon spirits favor you, fatewalker. Old Ri'jhaad sees your path clearly now."

Talk with Old Ri'jhaad to see what he means:

"Hrm. Yes. Though the twins remain silent, their light shines upon the path … for those who know how to see it. Old Ri'jhaad understands now why the Tidewatcher told him to meet you here."
What do you mean?
"You seek an unraveling fate, yes? This one now realizes that means examining an event from long ago. Hermorah wishes you to see a memory trapped in the stone of this place. Yet how could we do such a thing, Old Ri'jhaad wonders."
I have a relic of Hermaeus Mora, the Echonir. It reveals memories.
"A thing blessed by the Tidewatcher himself, hrm? Old Ri'jhaad was never one to deal in relics of any origin. Still, if that is its purpose, then use your relic here. Let us see what it shows you, fatewalker."

Go up to the thread of fate that appears and use the Echonir, if you speak with Old Ri'jhaad before:

"Use the relic and see what it reveals."

When the Echonir is used, a green-tinted vision will appear, with Prelate Mazka demanding that the temple be razed as it against the First Mane's new path. In response, Blade-Maiden Ishara kills him and says the temple is under Boethra's protection. She and fellow Claws of Boethra leave for Do'Krin.

Once you have witnessed this you can speak with Old Ri'jhaad, he will provide context for what you saw:

"Ah, interesting. Old Ri'jhaad is an expert concerning those days. Strife consumed all of Elsweyr when the cult of Riddle'thar spread like a storm across the sands.
One could say Boethra died in that time."
Any idea why Hermaeus Mora wanted me to see this memory?
"The Riddle'thar kicked sand over old beliefs. Many Khajiit turned away from Boethra. The Warrior of the East and West was abandoned.
Only at Do'Krin Temple was her worship preserved. Though the monks there fell too, in time."
You think there's something important about Do'Krin Temple?
"The fate you follow was knitted there. Old Ri'jhaad sees it now. Hermorah wished you to relive that old memory so this one could tell you of Boethra.
Your quarry's path leads to Do'Krin. Now so does yours. Ri'jhaad will mark the place on your map."

Speaking with him again before you leave:

"Your path leads to Do'Krin Monastery, fatewalker. You can find it in the southwest part of Reaper's March."