Online:Nightmare Courser

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The origin of this horrific mount is obscure, but some see the hand of Mehrunes Dagon in it.
Nightmare Courser
ON-icon-mount-Nightmare Courser.png
Nightmare Courser
Type Equine
Default Name Darkness
Acquired From Crown Store
Price 025002,500 Crowns
Availability March 17, 2015
Category Mounts (Equines)
Quality Legendary
Limit Type Special Collectible

The Nightmare Courser is a fiery black horse mount currently available from the Crown Store for 025002,500 Crowns. It first became available on March 17, 2015, and hasn't left the store since. Its default name is "Darkness".


Appearances: 1

  • Crown Store — March 17, 2015 - March 10, 2025

Physical Appearance[edit]

This horse's fur and hair are black, and it has glowing red eyes. Its hooves, which are constantly burning, are cracked with a hot orange hue that fades as it climbs further up the horse's leg. When it moves, it leaves behind flaming orange hoof prints. Fire puffs out of its nostrils as it exhales. Its eyes are also on fire. The Nightmare Courser has unique sound effects.

Crown Store Showcase Description[edit]

This flame-wreathed steed, black as the pits of Oblivion, is hungry for the chaos of war. Many conflicting legends surround its mysterious origins, but all agree on one thing: only the mighty could hope to control such a beast. [1]


