Online:Mirri Elendis/Rapport

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Ways for Mirri to lose or gain rapport
Amount Action Cooldown
Actions that give Positive Rapport
ON-icon-Rapport+5.png +500 Returning A Mother's Obsession, Dead Weight companion quests Once
ON-icon-Rapport+5.png +125 Returning Dark Anchor contract offered by Cardea Gallus in Fighters Guild 10:00am UTC (6:00am EDT) Reset
ON-icon-Rapport+5.png +125 Returning Numani-Rasi relics daily in Vvardenfell 10:00am UTC (6:00am EDT) Reset
ON-icon-Rapport+3.png +10 Mirri commenting Clockwork City while visiting it. Between 24 and 44 hours.
ON-icon-Rapport+3.png +10 Enter certain daedric delves and public dungeons, such as Ashalmawia, Broken Tusk, Mehrunes' Spite, Sanguine's Demesne, The Cave of Trophies and The Grotto of Depravity 30 minutes
ON-icon-Rapport+3.png +10 Talking to Sotha Sil (?)
ON-icon-Rapport+3.png +10 / ON-icon-Rapport+1.png +1 Taking all loot from a treasure chest 60minutes/No Cooldown
ON-icon-Rapport+2.png +5 Excavate an Antiquity 5 minutes
ON-icon-Rapport+4.png +75 / ON-icon-Rapport+2.png +5 View a completed Khajiit of the Moons 20 hours
ON-icon-Rapport+4.png +75 / ON-icon-Rapport+2.png +5 View a completed Library of Vivec 20 hours
ON-icon-Rapport+4.png +75 / ON-icon-Rapport+2.png +5 View a completed Kari's Hit List 20 hours
ON-icon-Rapport+4.png +75 / ON-icon-Rapport+2.png +5 View a completed House of Orsimer Glories 20 hours
ON-icon-Rapport+4.png +75 / ON-icon-Rapport+2.png +5 View a completed Vault of Moawita 20 hours
ON-icon-Rapport+4.png +75 / ON-icon-Rapport+2.png +5 View a completed Rithana-di-Renada 20 hours
ON-icon-Rapport+1.png +1 Kill a goblin 5 minutes
ON-icon-Rapport+1.png +1 Kill a riekling 5 minutes
ON-icon-Rapport+1.png +1 Kill a snake. Includes passive snakes, giant snakes and others (cooldown shared across all snake types) 150 seconds
ON-icon-Rapport+1.png +1 Craft an alcoholic beverage 5 minutes
ON-icon-Rapport+1.png +1 Reading a book from a shelf > 30 minutes (?)
ON-icon-Rapport+1.png +1 Summoning certain Daedric pets such as a Daemon ChickenWhich other ones? (?)
Actions that give Negative Rapport
ON-icon-Rapport-1.png -1 Harvest a torchbug, butterfly, or honey bee (cooldown shared across both) (?)
ON-icon-Rapport-4.png -10 Enter the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary (?)
ON-icon-Rapport-5.png -25 / ON-icon-Rapport-2.png -5 Use the Blade of Woe, including against enemies 5 minutes / 0
Mirri's Expertise
Mirri's Expertise[edit]

Based on 1,000 "hidden treasure bags", this is the approximate loot per bag:

Item # found per bag
Gold 55.5
Common Contraband 0.450
Fine Contraband 0.160
Superior Contraband 0.012
Fine Furnishing Plan 0.233
Superior Furnishing Plan 0.082
Provisioning ingredient 0.070
Fishing bait 0.024
Contraband Clothing 0.028
empty Soul Gem 0.009
filled Soul Gem 0.008
Foul Hide 0.006
Crusty Bread 0.010
Spoiled Food 0.007
Lockpick 0.006
Essence of Health 0.009
Violet Coprinus 0.002
Provisioning recipe 0.004
Trash 0.009
Namira's Rot 0.002
Clarified Syrah Wine 0.001

The loot consists of a series of specific drops, including but not limited to the following:
