
Online:Master Norvora

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Master Norvora
Location Tel Huulen
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) House Telvanni
Mistress Norvora

Mistress Norvora is a Dark Elf Master of House Telvanni.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Conclave of Fate[edit]

She will be one of the masters having a meeting with Magister Gothren on how to deal with Master Shelreni.

Before speaking to Magister Gothren:

"Meln is dead? I knew it! Master Foves owes me two hundred gold!"

After speaking to Gothren:

"I forgot how boring my so-called peers can be. Pity Shelreni didn't eliminate a few more of my rivals before we noticed.
But your master, Meln. I have fond memories of his many antics. That's why I wanted a word with you."
What did you want to talk to me about?
"Your master has delayed these proceedings long enough. Master Shelreni reached above her station and must be dealt with. Anything that postpones that and increases the time I must spend in the company of my so-called peers will not be tolerated."
Master Shelreni murdered Magister Meln. He has the right to confront her.
"Murder, you say. That is serious. I suppose anything can be expected from a master who makes pacts with Daedra. We really need to strip her of her rank and exile her.
Well, if you must see her, she's being held in a meeting room down the east hall."

She will be at the hearing of Master Shelreni but will have to flee after she caused chaos to escape.

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