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Online:Magister Irin

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Magister Irin
Location Tor Draioch
Race Breton Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Magister Irin

Magister Irin is a Breton mage who can be found at Tor Draioch. Ember is his apprentice.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Tower Full of Trouble[edit]

You first hear the Magister's voice when a trap protecting the arcane library is triggered by Ember's presence as you attempt to enter:

Ember: "I don't sense anything. Maybe the old man was bluffing."
<Ember is suddenly wrapped in magical chains>
Ember: "Fish biscuits!"
Magister Irin: "I warned you, Ember!"
Ember: "This spell is specifically targeting me! I'll figure out a way down, you just focus on getting the book!"

After assisting Ember with performing the counterspell to fix the issues, you can head back to the tower where Magister Irin will have arrived and is speaking with Huldressa:

Huldressa: "I refuse to work under these conditions! I was turned into a guar! A guar!"
Magister Irin: "Of course, Huldressa. I promise to address the situation."
Huldressa: "See that you do."
Ember: "Huldressa sold me out, didn't she?"
Magister Irin: "Let me speak to your associate first, Ember."

You can then speak with Magister Irin about what has happened:

"So, you were witness to the events here. And as I understand it, you had a hand in bringing them to an end. For that, I thank you.
But if you'll indulge me, I do have a few lingering questions. What in the world happened?"
Ember had a spell go awry.
"I don't know what I expected leaving her to her own devices here, even temporarily. Ember and trouble are old friends.
I can still feel the repercussions of this spell gone … awry, as you say. Do I have you to thank for rectifying it?"
Ember already had an idea of how to fix it before I got here. I just helped.
"I see. As trying as she can be, she truly is a talented mage. She can be impatient, but given her natural inclination to magic, it's understandable. I always knew I was perhaps not the best teacher for her."
What do you mean?
"I took her in because I knew I could not leave someone as skilled and impulsive as her to her own devices, but I have neither the time nor aptitude to teach her properly. It is my own failing.
Speak to her, would you? I must collect my thoughts."
I'll talk to Ember.

After agreeing to speak with Ember, you can continue asking him about Ember:

"Don't worry, Ember isn't in any trouble. While I am not pleased about my traumatized cook, I must concede that everything is back in order and the consequences of Ember's magic weren't dire.
Still, I must consider what to do now."
Is Ember a difficult student?
"I don't mean to give the impression that Ember is incapable of learning, that's not the case. She's a bright mage—one of the brightest I've ever seen. Everything I've taught her, she's taken to like flame to parchment. But therein lies the problem."
How so?
"Just like a flame, Ember wants to devour everything around her. Her appetite for knowledge is ceaseless. That's a good quality in a mage, but not necessarily one I'm equipped to deal with. By my own admission, I am methodical. Cautious. By the books."
And Ember isn't.
"Exactly right. Ember needs someone who can keep up with her, someone who thrusts themselves headlong into adventure so that she may temper herself and her magic beside them. Perhaps when I was younger, I could have been that for her. But not now."

Speaking to him before you turn in the quest to Ember:

"I believe Ember still wishes to speak with you. I recognize that gleam in her eyes well, the near palpable excitement coming off of her in waves. She must be formulating some kind of plan. Speak with her before she bursts."

After speaking to Ember, she will decide it is time to spread her wings. She will turn to address Magister Irin:

Ember: "Magister Irin, I'm grateful for your teachings. And your patience. But I think it's time for me to move on."
Magister Irin: "The world is an excellent teacher for one of your talents, Ember. Do write me occasionally."
Ember: "I should go pack my things. And say goodbye to Huldressa! Ha! Not a chance."

If spoken to after the quest, he will say one of the following:

"Ember has a sharp mind. It's her enthusiasm that gets in her way most often."
"I think it will be good for Ember to see more of Tamriel. I know she traveled a good deal before coming to me, but as she tells it, it was not always enlightening."
"If Ember wishes to take up more formal training in the future, she knows where I am."
"Ember has seen much in her young life, not all of it good. Yet she retains an enthusiasm for learning. It's rather admirable for one of her circumstances."
