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Low-Neck is an NPC hireling who sends you clothing materials via the in-game mail. He is an assistant to the primary Clothing hireling, Madam Firilanya, and ships you materials in her stead while she recovers from her nightmares.


The following are all known mail messages from Low-Neck.

Number Message
Preceding messages are sent by Madam Firilanya.
70 I am Miss Firi's assistant, Low-Neck. She is very sick so I will be sending you packages until she gets better. She is a private person who would not want details of her sickness shared. Out of respect, I will not say she was found screaming and scratching at her ears in the small hours. Or that her wounds will mostly heal.
71 I am still Low-Neck, Miss Firi's assistant. She is very organized and has prepared many packages for you, to be sent if she is ever delayed on a journey. Her long rest is a delay, is it not? Therefore I will send you packages daily. Unless her journey takes longer than three weeks, at which point all I could send is her stockpile of calipers.
72 This is Low-Neck. While going through Miss Miss Firi's belongings I found a silvery cloth with black weaving. It smelled strange, like rotten eggs. I traded it for another stinky thing, a small barrel of salted fish which I left by her bedside. She hates the smell of salted fish, so perhaps it will help her wake.
73 Low-Neck again. Miss Firi is unable to pay me while she sleeps, so I took my wages from the strongbox where she stores her money. The locked one, beneath the locked trapdoor, under the junk-laden cart. The one with the old tapestries draped upon it. Did you know her decoy strongbox has more locks than the real one? She is a clever woman.
74 It is still Low-Neck writing, but not for much longer. I am pleased to say Miss Firi recovers. She no longer screams when she sees my face, so this is progress. It is now more of a whimpering, with occasional prayers to the Eight Divines. I tried wearing an amusing hat, but that led to more screams.
Subsequent messages are sent by Madam Firilanya.