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Online:Loading Screens/Morrowind

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This page contains loading screens from the Morrowind Chapter.

Location Messages[edit]

  • Vvardenfell - Surrounded by the Inner Sea, the sprawling volcanic island of Vvardenfell dominates northern Morrowind. The ominous, ever-smoldering peak of Red Mountain looms over this strange land.
  • Ald Carac - The crumbling Dwarven fortifications of Ald Carac are said to date to the time of the War of the First Council, early in the First Era.
  • Ald Velothi Harbor House - On the coast north of Gnisis, this three-level home in the Redoran "bug-house" style comes with a walled courtyard, a nearby dock, and convenient access to the nearby ruins of Ashalmawia and Arkngthunch-Sturdumz.
  • Andrano Ancestral Tomb - The prominent Andrano family has been among the leading members of House Redoran for generations.
  • Amaya Lake Lodge - Enjoy the opulent luxury of a country lodge built by the Dark Elves of an earlier, more expansive era-a walled estate with a grand multistory house, roof balcony, stable, storage building, a well, and room for a formal garden.
  • Arkngthunch-Sturdumz - "I believe the name of this site translates as 'Graveyard of the Ghost Invaders.' Unless the fourth syllable is inverted, in which case it's 'Where Bread Becomes Toast.'" - Narsis Dren, Author and Explorer
  • Ashalmawia - "Among the ancient ancestral spirits who accompanied Saint Veloth and the Chimer into the promised land of Morrowind, the four Daedra Lords, Malacath, Mehrunes Dagon, Molag Bal, and Sheogorath, became known as the Four Corners of the House of Troubles."
  • Ashimanu Cave - Any visit to a grotto occupied by wild and untamed kwama only emphasizes the courage of those Dark Elves who first domesticated the bizarre creatures.
  • Ashurnibibi - "Malacath is a weak but vengeful god. The Dark Elves say he is Malak, the god-king of the Orcs. He tests the Dunmer for physical weakness." -The House of Troubles
  • Bal Ur - This ancient shrine was the primary focus of the worship of Molag Bal by the Dark Elves of Vvardenfell in the days of old Resdayn-though even then the Lord of Domination was not so much worshiped as placated.
  • Barilzar's Tower - The so-called "Velothi Towers" were built by the Chimer in the early days when Morrowind was known as Resdayn. Many of these remote outposts have been occupied by hermits, wizards, and others who value their privacy, including the mage Barilzar.
  • Cavern of the Incarnate - "FATE is the Book that She writes in to inscribe our worth and deserts. For by our acts do we earn Her regard or disdain, and read our destiny in Her prophecy." -Sigillah Parate
  • Clockwork City Vault - The vault that contains the City of Seht lies deep below Morrowind-but how deep, exactly? "As deep as it is possible to be," proclaims the Clockwork God.
  • Dreloth Ancestral Tomb - The ancient Dreloth family, a cadet branch of House Dres, long ago relocated from Vvardenfell to Kragenmoor. But their ancestral tomb remains.
  • Dreudurai Glass Mine - "You may be surprised to think that glass can be thought of as metallic, but appearances are deceiving. What we call glass is nothing like the window panes you see in houses. The greenish material is far stronger and has a much higher melting point." -Revus Sarvani
  • Firemoth Island - The Firemoth islets seem to float like forgotten derelicts on the surface of the Inner Sea, shrouded in mists that might hide all manner of crimes and corruption.
  • Forgotten Wastes - The Dark Elves of Morrowind have five Great Houses. Once, long ago, there was another . but it has been erased from the official histories, and no one dares speak its name.
  • Foyada Quarry - This quarry on the southern slopes of Red Mountain is the source of the granite being used to construct Vivec City-or it was, until the volcano awoke and began once more pouring lava down its foyadas.
  • Galom Daeus - On the slopes of Red Mountain, beneath the eternal pall of the volcano's ash cloud, the sun never really shines and the gloom may conceal those who have cause to love the darkness.
  • Gnisis Egg Mine - "Scribs, as the miners call juvenile kwama, roam freely through a kwama colony. Scrib jerky, made by drying thin slices of scrib meat, has minor restorative properties and Dark Elf culinary experts consider it to be quite delicious." -Dorayn Redas, Kwama Keeper
  • Halls of Fabrication - It is said that Sotha Sil's Fabrication Chambers can analyze anything in the Mundus, organic or inorganic, and reproduce it in clockwork form.
  • Hleran Ancestral Tomb - Once well known in northwest Vvardenfell, the Hleran family fell on hard times and, seeking new fortune, scattered across the length and breadth of Morrowind.
  • Inanius Egg Mine - "Egg harvesting must be done with an eye toward balance. Remove too many eggs and you may agitate the workers and the queen. Remove too few and the queen's egg production may fall." -Dorayn Redas, Kwama Mining
  • Kaushtarari - "Malacath is the reanimated dung that was Trinimac. Malacath is a weak but vengeful god. He tests the Dunmer for physical weakness." -The House of Troubles
  • Khartag Point - The Camonna Tong syndicate has operated most forms of organized crime in Vvardenfell for generations. These Dunmeri crooks are intolerant of outlander interference-to put it mildly.
  • Kushalit Sanctuary - The recently abandoned Sheogorath shrine that locals call Assalkushalit features a statue to the Mad God within its stony hall. Whether you revere this Daedric Prince or want a home nestled in Red Mountain, this portal-ridden sanctuary can be yours!
  • Kudanat Mine - Though initially opened with great fanfare, the promising ebony vein in Kudanat Mine was actually quite shallow and the mine was soon played out.
  • Library of Andule - Like all the Elven races, the Dunmer devote a great amount of time to the study of genealogy, and information that can reveal ancient ancestral connections remains highly sought after.
  • Mallapi Cave - "The honorable warriors of the Great House Redoran are the hereditary defenders of Morrowind. To be a noble of House Redoran requires more than being a great warrior, however. One must follow the triune virtues of duty, gravity, and piety." -House Redoran Code
  • Matus-Akin Egg Mine - "With judicious yet unobtrusive maintenance, a moderately sized mine can produce an abundance of valuable kwama eggs. Kwama mines can also produce tasty scrib jerky, acidic scrib jelly, and kwama cuttle, which is highly valued by alchemists." -Dorayn Redas
  • Nchuleft - For the long-lost Dwarves, Nchuleft-don't confuse it with Nchuleftingth!-seems to have been some sort of heavy manufacturing facility. Though millennia have passed, its defenses remain active . and dangerous.
  • Nchuleftingth - Scholars of Dwemer history have concluded that this site on the south slopes of Red Mountain was built late in the reign of the Deep Elves for some specific research purpose-but none can agree on what that purpose was.
  • Pinsun - For the Dark Elves of Vvardenfell, to find a black snail in one's salad means ill luck in the week ahead. A black snail on one's smallclothes means imminent death.
  • Prison of Xykenaz - In Coldharbour, the fury of Molag Bal in response to the notorious Seat of Tyranny Rude Cushion Incident is legendary. It's said that in punishment the perpetrator has been confined to a nanoplane for seven epochs.
  • Pulk - In the Grazelands, bandits are uncommon near the coast where there are plenty of Telvanni guards. To the west, toward the slopes of Red Mountain, the region is more dangerous.
  • Ramimilk - "Molag Bal is, in Morrowind, the Lord of Brutality. He tries to upset the bloodlines of Great Houses and otherwise ruin the Dunmer gene pool." -The House of Troubles
  • Redoran Garrison - "A Redoran is a warrior whose duty is first to the Tribunal, second to House Redoran, and third to family and clan." -Vilyn Girith, Mottos of the Dunmeri Great Houses
  • Saint Delyn Penthouse - For the city-loving Dark Elf, there's no better choice of residence than the Saint Delyn Penthouse in the heart of Vivec City, on the Waistworks level of the Saint Delyn canton.
  • Shulk Ore Mine - "The Nycotic cult? I'm not sure who they are, but one of them who came into town for provisions was muttering something about his 'rueful acts.'" -Grubesha, Grocer
  • Skar - "Once, the mighty and colossal emperor crabs ruled all of Vvardenfell! But they put aside divine pursuits in favor of mundane satisfactions, and were diminished to become the mudcrabs of today. And are we any different?" -Visrula the Mad Prophet
  • Tel Galen - Fulfill your fantasies of a fungal flat with this fabulous Telvanni wizard's tower, on a private island on Azura's Coast! Comes complete with grand foyer, workshop, suite, and tower chamber ideal for magical research.
  • Tusenend - "Molag Bal is, in Morrowind, the Lord of Brutality. A race of monsters, said to live in Molag Amur, are the result of his seduction of Vivec during the previous era." -The House of Troubles
  • Ularra - The ruins of Ularradallaku are all that remains of an ancient temple complex devoted to the dread Daedric Prince Mehrunes Dagon.
  • Vassamsi Mine - "The scourge of slavery is the defining sin of our people. We built our Houses on the backs of a proud and mysterious people whose lives we destroy with reckless abandon." -The Final Words of Nilvyn Omaren
  • Vassir-Didanat Mine - "Ebony is a substance whose acquisition and use tempt mortals into acts of achievement that transcend their usual limitations. Did Lorkhan 'intend' this? Alas, the concept is self-referential, and therefore nugatory." -Divayth Fyr
  • Veloth Ancestral Tomb - Claiming their descent from the Prophet, Saint Veloth himself, the Veloth family had a long and prominent history in Vvardenfell.
  • Vivec City Outlaws Refuge - Even in a city under construction, you can count on the fact that one of the first functioning locales will be the place where the local underworld gathers to conduct their illicit business.
  • Zainsipilu - Its dampness, volcanic warmth, and natural ventilation all combine to make Zainsipilu an unusually lush subterranean environment.
  • Zaintiraris - "Malacath, Mehrunes Dagon, Molag Bal, and Sheogorath are holy in that they serve the role of obstacles during the Testing. Sheogorath is the King of Madness. He always tests the Dunmer for mental weakness." -The House of Troubles
  • Zalkin-Sul Egg Mine - "Kwama warriors protect the colony, reacting quickly to any perceived danger. They should be treated warily and with respect, for they are aggressive and highly dangerous. -Dorayn Redas, Kwama Keeper"

Loading Screens[edit]