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Online:Lark of Rosgard

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Lark of Rosgard
Home Settlement Sailenmora
Race Breton Gender Male
Health 15000
Reaction Friendly
Lark of Rosgard

The Lark of Rosgard is a Breton rogue who can be found at Sailenmora.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

When you first approach Armiger Rilasi, you'll find her yelling at the Lark.

Armiger Rilasi: "This is your last heist, Lark of Rosgard!"
Lark of Rosgard: "The Talisman of Saint Vorys will be mine. And I'm all yours, Rilasi—if you can catch me."

After you investigate the temple and the Baandari camp for Rilasi, she'll tell you the lark is in the Sailenmora Crypts. You'll find him in the first major chamber, where he gloats before disappearing:

Lark of Rosgard: "The way that priest tripped all of your protective runes—it's almost like they're working against you, Rilasi."
Armiger Rilasi: "No—! Get him!"

In the next room, he teases her again:

Lark of Rosgard: "Rilasi, who's your friend? Are you ever going to introduce us?"
Armiger Rilasi: "Quit running away, and I'll do more than that!"

In the second-to-last room of the crypt, the Lark presents Rilasi with a proposition:

Lark of Rosgard: "If only those priests had listened to you, Rilasi. You know it's not too late to switch si—"
Armiger Rilasi: "Shut up! I'm not switching sides!"

When you observe the viewpoint in the final chamber, you'll witness the Lark stealing the Talisman of Saint Vorys.

Lark of Rosgard: "And the talisman is mine."
Lark of Rosgard: "You know, if you leave that replica where it is, the high priest would be none the wiser. It could be our little secret."
Armiger Rilasi: "No, no, no! How did he know?"

The Lark appears in the Baandari Pedlars' camp outside town once you've read the ransom note, picked up the bloody rag, and spoken with the dying Urishabi:

Lark of Rosgard: "Everything went off without a … wait. Where is everyone?"

You need to speak with the Lark to progress.

"What happened here? Did you do this?
I knew Rilasi was desperate to get me, but I never thought she'd order something like this."
Shadeya did this. She left a ransom note.
"Shadeya? Why did he tell her? That old cat is too quick to assume the good in everyone.
And perhaps I'm about to make the same mistake. But I'll ask it plainly: can I count on your help in rescuing my client and his family, or not?"
You don't get paid unless you rescue them, do you?
"You think the Baandari are paying me? They could barely afford to pay their mercenaries.
The Lark of Rosgard never leaves a job unfinished. Simple as that."
Why would you agree to steal something without getting paid for it?
"Stealing is so inelegant a word for what I do. I prefer to think of it as reacquisition. And the simple answer is that some things are much better earned than bought.
Trust, for example. If I give you the talisman, will I have earned yours?"
What's your plan?
"When we get to the ruins, I need you to barter with Shadeya. Do whatever you can to keep her occupied with the talisman.
While you do that, I'll do what I do best. It's a gamble, but I think we can pull it off."

Having a chance to ask more questions:

I have some questions first.
"I have some answers, but let's not go on too long. As much as I'd welcome seeing Rilasi, I think it's best if we keep ahead of her for the moment."
What's the story with you and Rilasi?
"She was on duty guarding the Library of Vivec when she almost caught me reacquiring a rare first edition on behalf of the original author.
She took it very personally, and she's been obsessed with catching me ever since."
Has she ever come close to catching you?
"Oh, sure. Within kissing distance every time we've met. The only reason she hasn't yet is luck, plain and simple.
But you'll never see me admitting that to her. Better to leave her thinking I'm at least one step ahead."
Are you always so flirty with her?
"She's obsessed with my every movement, but I'm the flirty one. Sure.
Ooh. I wonder if she'll be jealous when she finds out we've been working together."
She seemed pretty insistent that you worked alone.
"I keep telling her we should run away together. That's probably what she tells herself to keep from saying yes."
Why did you agree to steal the Talisman of Saint Vorys for Eilirsu-dro?
"I met Eilirsu-dro with a bounty on my head. He could have turned me in for the payout. Instead, he welcomed me into the caravan.
And that story of his ancestor tricking Saint Vorys into coveting the Eye of Baan Dar always stuck with me."
So you're repaying him a favor?
"The Baandari believe that favors should be passed on, not repaid. The Lark of Rosgard was born from that idea.
Still, we both always wanted to reclaim the Eye of Baan Dar. So we planned it, with some trickery of our own."
Why did he decide to bring the caravan all the way here for something so risky?
"Leave that to the customs of the Baandari. His family wanted to reclaim the Eye just as much as him. Going alone was never an option.
Still—the camp was vital to misdirect investigation, just as the Lark of Rosgard serves to misdirect motive."
Do you keep any of the things you steal?
"Reacquire. Not steal.
And no. The only things I keep are memories and my notorious name."
If you left the crypts before me, why did I reach the campsite before you?
"You really don't trust me, do you?
If you must know, I was waiting until you ran off to try and catch a moment alone with Rilasi. If I had known what happened with Shadeya, I would have come straight here."
What did you end up saying to Rilasi?
"Nothing. All the times we met before, there was this fire in her eyes when she pursued me. Now it's … gone. I think I pushed her too far this time.
I thought making my presence known would have just made things worse. So I left her alone."

Once you finish the conversation, he tells you where to go before disappearing:

Lark of Rosgard: "I'll meet you at the ruins. Remember to keep Shadeya talking as long as possible."

The next time you see the Lark will be in the Old Sailenmora Outpost. While you bargain with Shadeya, the Lark will be untying Eilirsu-dro. He teleports the elder across the magma to safety during Shadeya's final line of dialogue. Furious, Shadeya draws her blade and begins to walk towards the back door.

Shadeya: "No! You will pay for this, walker! Surrender the talisman, or the others die!"
Eilirsu-dro: "Please walker, save this one's family! Give her the talisman if you must!"

Armiger Rilasi runs up from the cave's entrance, and the Lark speaks.

Lark of Rosgard: "That's Rilasi. Follow my lead and play along."
Armiger Rilasi: "Stop right there!"
Lark of Rosgard: "You've tricked me out of the talisman, but you'll never catch me alive!"

<He then disappears with a smoke bomb in use.>

Eilirsu-dro: "Scoundrel! Thief! Pariah curse you and hound your steps for all your days!"
Armiger Rilasi: "Well, that was convincing. Where are the others?"

You'll meet back up with the Lark after taking the southern exit out of the Sailenmora Outpost Annex.

Lark of Rosgard: "Oh, good. I was starting to get worried."
The Lark of Rosgard hands over the replica talisman

Talk to him.

"The others just passed me. They're safe.
Now, all that remains is to decide the fate of the Talisman of Saint Vorys."
What if Rilasi tells the high priest about you working for the Baandari?
"She wouldn't. The only person Rilasi wants to suffer for this crime is me. And she still needs to catch me.
Besides, if the high priest knew about her little stunt with the replica talisman, she'd be finished. We've got that we can hold over her."
What if she tells the high priest about the truth about the replica herself?
"Way ahead of you. While you were saving the hostages, I doubled back and managed to steal Rilasi's replica off the high priest personally.
Serves him right for not listening to my favorite armiger in the first place."
Why did you do that?
"So I could give it to you.
Will you honor the patron saint of House Telvanni by restoring his shrine's most beloved spoil of war? Or will you don the mask of the Pariah and deliver them the replica? The choice is now yours."
You're trusting me to make this decision?
"For everyone involved to keep their desired reputations, there is no one else I can trust with this decision. It has to be you.
I mean, I know what I'd do. But it's in your hands now."

Asking for further explanations:

Explain this choice to me. Why does it matter that I have both the replica and original talisman?
"As far as Rilasi knows, you only have the original talisman.
If you give the original to Eilirsu-dro and the replica to Rilasi, she'll have to pretend it's the real thing—or get herself in a whole world of trouble by admitting how she lost it."
And if I choose to give Rilasi the original?
"Then you'll have honored the Tribunal and saved the Shrine of Saint Vorys from a fate of worshiping a worthless trinket with no real mystical properties for time immemorial.
Or … perhaps they'd be doing that either way. Who can say?"
You don't feel sympathy for the followers of Saint Vorys?
"What they don't know won't hurt them.
The Eye of Baan Dar has been lost for generations, and yet the Baandari kept its legend alive through stories. Is the faith in Saint Vorys so fragile that the loss of one relic would send it crumbling?"
What exactly is the significance of the Eye of Baan Dar, anyway?
"That question, my friend, would be best asked of Eilirsu-dro.
Though if you've heard the tale of his Little Ancestor, you may have some understanding of it already."
Why are you trying to help out Rilasi?
"Rilasi has made things hard for herself, remaining a decent person in her line of work. Even her making that replica was done with the best of intentions.
Chasing someone for so long with little to no headway can't be easy. She deserves a win."
Are you turning yourself in?
"When we've just started having fun? No, no. The Lark's got plenty of work to do, believe me.
And if I wind up playing the fool in Rilasi's story more often, I think that's something I can live with."
She seems pretty intent on catching you, not just playing the fool.
"Rilasi follows a code. As did Saint Vorys, as do the Baandari. As I do, and I'm sure you do, too.
Our codes clash and harmonize. Most of the time, they pass in quiet opposition. I'm holding out hope that Rilasi and I will harmonize again someday."
Will failing this heist ruin your reputation?
"No, no. See, the important thing here is that Rilasi didn't catch me.
In fact, you looking like you caught me works in my favor. Trust me, she needs the encouragement. It'll keep her from giving up."
Why is that a good thing for you?
"My reputation wouldn't be half of what it is today without Rilasi making me notorious. That's a valuable thing to have in a long-term adversary.
And she keeps me on my toes. That's useful—even if I'd much rather she have me on my back."

Once you've finished conversing, the Lark disappears.

Lark of Rosgard: "See you around, stranger. And send my fondest farewells to Rilasi, will you?"