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Home Settlement Tel Aruhn
Race Khajiit Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
In dialogue window

Kizmar is a Khajiit slave at Tel Aruhn. During Objections and Obstacles he can help you cause a distraction to gain access to Gothren's tower.

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"This one heard you arguing with that foul-mouthed Dark Elf. Kizmar can help."
Why would you help me?
"This one likes to help. Maybe you can help Kizmar too. Telvanni lands could use some kindness, yes?
This one's knees ache. Kizmar is too old to slip away. But a little distraction might help the other ja'khajiit escape Tel Aruhn."
What kind of distraction are we talking about?
"This one left some crates of dried saltrice on the dock. Fine kindling, yes? A little fire might catch the slavemaster's attention, then my ja'khajiit can slip away.
When you return, Kizmar will ask the dungy guards to help fight the blaze you see?"
All right, I'll give it a try.

Returning after starting a fire on the docks

"Even Kizmar's battered nose can smell the woodsmoke from here! Good work, walker!"
Thanks. What's next?
"This one will shout, and wave his arms, and run in circles. If Kizmar tells the guards Slavemaster Arenim needs their help, they will scamper off like beetles under a lantern. Everyone fears Arenim, even the guards."
Won't you get in trouble for lying to them?
"Ha! No. All Kizmar needs to do is take off his blue shirt and put on a red shirt. This one has served Gothren for many years, but the Dark Elves still cannot tell us apart. Funny, yes?
Moons protect you in the tower. The master hates surprises."
Thank you, Kizmar.

Kizmar will then run up to the tower door and rouse the guards

Kizmar: "Serjos! A fire burns on the docks! Slavemaster Arenim shouts many foul words! Hurry!"
Midiri Berathi: "Dumac's blood. All right, come on!"


When spoken to on your second visit to Tel Aruhn during The Magister Makes a Move. He will now be wearing a red shirt, just as he hinted at previously.

"This one does not even like mushrooms in his stew. Why fate has brought him to live in one, he will never know."
"The magister in the giant mushroom tower is not a nice man. He should try moon-sugar. Perhaps it would sweeten his personality, yes?"
"This one did not get in trouble for his recent mischief. The guard was not even sure which Khajiit to blame. The Magister does not hire them for their brains, it seems."
"Kizmar should be hard at work, but it is good to sit. Either way, this one is not paid, so what does it matter?"