Imperial City

Online:King Khrogo

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King Khrogo
Location Imperial City's Arena District
Species Daedroth
Health 2,653,794 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 3.png
Reaction Hostile
Daedra Husk, Daedra Heart, Poison Solvents, Imperial Fragments, Tel Var Stones
Lead: Malacath's Brutal Rune Core, Lead: Carved Signet Base, Lead: Jeweled Skull of Ayleid Kings, Lead: Moth Priest's Cleansing Bowl, Lead: The Heartland
King Khrogo

King Khrogo is an armored daedroth and one of the Patrolling Horrors in the Imperial City's Arena District. He summons Dark Seducers in combat.

Skills and Abilities[edit]

Mind Spike
While out-of-combat, King Khrogo reveals all stealthed players in an area around them indicated by a blue ring. Any revealed player cannot return to stealth for some time.
Jagged Claw
Basic melee attack dealing high physical damage.
Fiery jaws
King Khrogo lunges forward and bites you, dealing high flame damage.
King Khrogo spits fireballs at targets, dealing high flame damage and knocking away. A burning area is created under every target hit, dealing continuous high flame damage.
Daedric Tremor/Tremor
King Khrogo pounds the ground beneath itself multiple times, as indicated by a growing red circular AoE around itself, dealing high physical damage. This cannot be blocked and staggers anyone who is attempting to block it. Also create "Tremor Shards"
Tremor Shards
Additional smaller AoEs appear at random locations outside of the ground pound AoE, shown as steam erupting from the ground, dealing high physical damage.
Body Slam
King Khrogo charges forward, indicated by a red rectangle, dealing very high physical damage as well as knocking down targets. Blocking prevents the knockdown.
Summon Seducers
A daedric rune appears beneath King Khrogo, followed by four Dark Seducers being summoned around him. They wield battleaxes and can cast fireballs. They have low health however and can be quickly killed.


There are a few achievements associated with this creature.

Achievement Points Description
ON-icon-achievement-Horror of Horrors (desktop).png Horror of Horrors 15 Defeat all the Patrolling Horrors in the Imperial City.
ON-icon-achievement-Horror of Horrors (desktop).png Mayhem Horror 15 Defeat all the Patrolling Horrors in the Imperial City during Whitestrake's Mayhem.