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Location Reaper's March
Race Khajiit Gender Female
Health 10842
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Follower Grimmer Still
The First Step
Motes in the Moonlight
The Moonlit Path (dependant)
Faction(s) Aldmeri Dominion

Khali is one of the Lunar Champions, along with her twin sister Shazah. If she completes the Moonlit Path, she could become the next Mane. Ubraz, her father, died during the Knahaten Flu.

Khali is more adventurous than her sister, although she can also be prone to rage when it comes to revenge. She often mentions sharing a drink with the Moon Hallowed and wields a sword. When she begins her first trial on the Moonlit Path, she becomes enraged at the Colovian soldiers, asking you to help her kill them all. It is later revealed that her mother Namu, her guide on the Moonlit Path, was killed by a Colovian general. As she walks the Path, Khali hones her anger and begins her journey to becoming the future leader of the Khajiit.

However, if you choose to make Shazah the Mane, Khali will become corrupted by the Dark Mane. You and Shazah are forced to kill her.

Related Quests[edit]

Depending on your choices the following quests may not involve Khali:

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Striking at the Heart[edit]

Khali along with her sister, Shazah, and their mentor, Kauzanabi-jo, can be found outside Hectahame by order of Mane Akkhuz-ri:

"Khali is but a student of the Mane, but this one longs to be inside and undo this corruption."

After defeating Prince Naemon, she will be at the bridge leading to the grotto and will remark:

"Khali wanted to be there, but Lord Gharesh-ri and Kauzanabi-jo wouldn't have it. How does one expand her horizons if no one allows Khali to test her skills?"

Once Queen Ayrenn announces Indaenir as the new Silvenar, she will bow to him and will add:

"Shazah is enamored with the story, but all Khali sees is the battle missed."

After completing the quest, she'll say:

"This one wonders where our journeys will take us next. Hopefully not back to Elsweyr so soon."

Grim Situation[edit]

After your encounter with the first Mane, Shazah will send you to find her sister at the temple:

"By the moons! You made it through the gate! Who in Oblivion are you?"
You're Khali, right? Shazah sent me.
"Ha! Shazah managed to get her head out of a book long enough to break through, eh? Well done, well done. Khali has some White-Eye brandy in her pack. You've more than earned some!"

Grimmer Still[edit]

After the fort has been taken back, Khali needs to dispel the magical presence of the door to proceed into the temple:

"You have any more miracles in your pocket? We need to get through this door as well."
What is this stuff?
"How should Khali know? Look, this one knows a few spells. Can't have known my sister as long as I have without picking up a few things. Other than a few incantations, though, Khali leaves the heavy thinking to Shazah."
I was able to dispel the dark fire outside just by passing through it.
"There you go, then! Just touch the door and we'll see what happens. Oh! And just in case we never have the chance to speak again, it's been a pleasure meeting you."
All right then. I'll just touch the door.

Speaking with her again:

"Well? Are you waiting for it to reach out and give you a cuddle?"

After you extinguish the flames and clear the path, she'll congratulate you:

"Nicely done! Shazah really does have her tail on straight today. Get in there. Khali will be right behind you."
Khali within Khaj Rawlith

Approach another barred path inside Khaj Rawlith and she'll exclaim:

Khali: "Dark moons, another barrier. I grow tired of this."

Speak with her:

"Damn this place. Another dark fire door."
I should be able to break through again, right?
"Khali … does not think so. The barrier here seems much stronger. And she senses—moons, that is strange. This one senses a dark energy powering the ward on this door. We'll have to open the door from the other side."
How do we do that?
"There's a ruined doorway on the south wall. This one bets we can slip through.
If my suspicions are right, whatever is beyond this door is powering the barriers."
Let's find it and destroy it.

You can speak with her further.

"Just so you know, after this Khali will drink that brandy—whether or not you are still alive. So, stay alive."
What can you tell me about the attack?
"This day has dull claws. We were ready for the Colovians. Shazah and Khali would have helped the Dominion troops break the siege. A new song would be sung in out honot. But the 'mathra. Bah!"
It sounds like you've been in a number of battles.
"Moons, yes. My sister's spent most of our life practicing her spellwork. I have trained. Blades and claws, that's how I spend my time. This one has marched with the First Auridon Marines and sparred with the Vinedusk Rangers."
Have you fought the Colovians before?
"Yes. Not very fond of them, honestly. Lost our parents in a Colovian raid. Was looking forward to slaking my blade on a few of those Divines-obsessed bastards."
Have you ever encountered Dro-m'Athra before?
"Just in books for cubs. Honestly, I thought they were dreamed up so Shazah would have another way to bore me. She and the Moon Priests have gone on about the 'mathra since we got to the monastery."
You grew up in a monastery?
"Partially. The priests let us live with our mother and father for a time. We just had to do some studying, learning about "our place in Khajiiti culture." We moved to the Monastery when our parents passed away."

Enter the inner sanctuary and she'll bark out some more orders.

Khali: "There! Get those Senche to rest. Khali will handle the crystal."

After you disrupt the guardian senche, she'll add,

Khali: "This will only take a moment. Glad I paid attention to the monk's lessons."

Khali will use magic on the center stone; an explosion will send you reeling:

Khali: "There, done."

Speak with her.

"Well. Don't see something like that every day."
What's next?
"It sounds like Shazah and the others have made it inside. Our task is not yet complete. Khali senses an even stronger source ahead.
Please, speak with Shazah. She'll know what to do."
Will do, Khali.

Shazah will enter and announce:

Shazah: "You've done well! Now, we must secure this place."

If you speak to her again she'll remark:

"Moons above, she likes to talk sometimes."

After speaking to Shazah, she'll tell you:

"You have any more miracles in your pocket? We need to get through this door as well."

If you chose to take Shazah into the inner chamber, she'll say:

"Nice work, very nice. Always good to see Shazah out from behind her books."
Thank you. I think we've contained the Dro-m'Athra.
"Sharp claws, traveler. It's been an honor to fight by your side. And I think I know why Rid-Thar appeared to you. Good thing those monks were so insistent on our lessons. I'm pretty sure you're the Moon-Hallowed! Amazing."

Otherwise, she'll say:

"Ha, good! Good! Don't let anyone tell you these spirit bastards don't know how to fight."
Was that it?
"I think so. We've capped the source here. Without new spirits to replace their fallen comrades, we should have the Fort cleaned up in a matter of hours. Come on, let's make sure Shazah still has a tail."
I'm with you.

Speaking to her again before finding Shazah:

"Come on. Let's go find my sister. Leave Shazah alone too long and you'll find her curled up in a corner with a book."

The Champions at Rawl'kha[edit]

If you have completed Stonefire Machinations first and then Grimmer Still, as well being identified as Moon Hallowed, she will say:

"What did Shazah say? Are we going somewhere?"

A Door Into Moonlight[edit]

(If you have completed the Arenthia quests prior, Khali will give you this dialogue before completing Grimmer Still). After completing the quest, she'll repeat:

"You have any more miracles in your pocket? We need to get through this door as well."
What are you talking about?
"The monks taught us that a sort of herald would arise in bad times. Blessed by the Manes of old, this person would be the one to guide the Mane of tomorrow. I'm just quoting now. I don't claim to understand half this stuff."
So I'm a Moon … Herald?
"Moon Hallowed. And right now it's just a suspicion between the two of us. We need you to go and find out. Head to the Moonlit Clearing, just north of Senalana. Speak to the priestess there and we'll know for sure."
The Moonlit Clearing. I'll go there as soon as I can.

Speaking to her again:

"Don't let the priest bore you, my friend. And ask Shazah if you have any questions about this Moon Hallowed business. This one's just happy she understood what her sister was talking about."

After you prayed at the altar, the First Mane will show a projection of both her and her sister.

The First Step[edit]

The candidates begin the trial

If you speak to her in the temple, she will say:

"Welcome to our cleansing, my friend. Eh, sorry... Hallowed. We were right about you, I hear. It is good we'll have someone so strong and trustworthy at our side today."

After speaking with Kauzanabi-jo, Khali and her sister will take their elixir to begin the ceremony.

Before you take your elixir:

"Hallowed, you are my strength today. I couldn't do this without you."

If you choose to start her trial first:

"Ugh, that elixir. I can't get the taste off my tongue. Do you feel more enlightened? I just feel a little sick."
You ready to get started?
"Yes. Just a little nervous. Damned moon-sugar roiling my stomach. Hmm. It's this ceremony. Just irritating formality. Dull claws, let's get this over with. Ready?"
I'm ready if you are.
"The sooner we're done with this, the better. Let's go."

If you took Shazah on her trial first, upon returning to the main hall Khali will look worried:

"Shazah doesn't look like her usual upbeat self. Is she all right?"
She'll probably want to talk to you about it herself.
"Of course, of course! She probably knew exactly what to expect here. No moon-sugar-induced vision would scare the likes of her!"
Are you ready to go?
"I'm ready. Shazah's done well, I'm sure. Time for my chance to prove my worth!"
Lead on, Khali.

If you speak to her any time during the trial, she'll say:

"Hallowed, you are my strength today. I couldn't do this without you."

In the East Temple Hall, she'll exclaim:

Khali: "Colovians, here? These bastards killed my mother. Let's take them out!"

Khali will experience her first vision of her mother after she seeks to find more Colovians to kill:

Khali: "Colovian bastards. Where are you?"
Khali: "I know there are more of you. I can smell you!"
Khali: "Come out and face me!"
Khali: "What's going on here?"
Namu: "You draw your swords when you're frightened, Khali. Just like when you were a little girl."
Khali: "Mother? Is that you?"
Namu: "Even as a cub, you were filled with such anger. After I died, that anger grew. Now, you laugh and curse in turn."
Khali: "Mother, Namu... we lost you so long ago. And you were gone so much. Why are you here?"
Namu: "I know, Khali. But you and Shazah had each other. A bond that transcends your rage. Now, face your past. Face my rage. Pray at the lunar shrines."
Namu: "Know what has come before. That you may face what lies ahead at Moonmont. Channel your passion, Khali. Protect your sister, and our people. Become what you were born to be."
Khali: "Wait! Don't go!"

After praying at the first shrine, a vision showing Namu urging Foldor to save Khali:

Sergeant Foldor: "Captain, you have to pull back! There's too many of them!"
Namu: "Get my daughter out of here, Sergeant! I'll hold them off."

After praying at the second shrine, a vision showing Namu dispatching Colovian soldiers:

Namu: "Die, Colovian dogs!"
Namu: "Is this all you've got, you bastards? Come at me!"

After praying at the third shrine, you'll witness a vision showing Quintilius standing over a dying Namu:

General Quintilius: "Hah. They sent a house cat to fight their battles. Desperate failure."
Namu: "Khali... Shazah... be safe ...."

After seeing all visions, you can speak to her:

"My mother... I can't believe it. Why?"
What happened?
"My mother was a great warrior, a commander. She led a squad in the campaign to retake Orcrest and Riverhold from the damned Colovians. That was almost twenty years ago."
How are you feeling?
"Why are you even asking? I'm fine. I've known I'd be facing something dark in here since I was a cub. The monks made it very clear. Here, wherever we have to go next... the Two Moons Path. This is not an easy journey."
What do you mean wherever we go next?
"The monks taught us that once we complete this Moons-blasted cleansing, we'll have to face some kind of challenge before we walk the final path. We should see hints as to where we must go before all this is over."
Orcrest and Riverhold?
"Cities in Elsweyr, to the east of Dune. When Shazah and I were young, the Colovians annexed most of the northern part of the province. They thought our people were too weak from the Knahaten flu to fight back."
Knahaten flu?
"A terrible disease. It took many people from the face of Tamriel. Actually how we lost our father... ahem."
Why was your mother leading this squad?
"Mother was very well respected in our militia. She used to train the cubs from a young age in the use of claw and blade. Shazah used to sit and read after training, and we'd all take turns practicing tumbles and leaps. She was such a good teacher."
Are you ready to move on?
"Khali is ready. Why, do you need more time to rest? If I know anything about these spirit journeys, we will most likely face that General as our final test. And I am eager to put my blade in his side."
Lead on, then.

Upon seeing the Imperial who killed her mother:

Khali: "You killed my mother, you bastard!"

After killing General Quintilius:

"My blade has tasted the blood of my mother's killer. I should feel happy, righteous... but I don't feel anything."
What do you mean?
"The monks taught us that this cleansing would open old wounds, and I expected to feel triumph... victory. Like any day in the field. But here... he was just another threat to put down. I think I understand what my mother was telling me."
What was she trying to tell you?
"Who I fight is not the question I should ask. The question I should ask is: Why do I fight? I fight to protect those I care for. And, perhaps someday, those I lead. Thank you, Hallowed. I could not have done this without you."
You're welcome, Khali. Let's get out of here.

After completing the trials:

"Your bravery and spirit impresses even Khali. Truly you are the Hallowed. Shazah and I are lucky to have you at our side."

After speaking to Kauzanabi-jo, she will announce the end of the ceremony and both Khali and her sister will be cleansed in golden light to mark their completion of the path of the Lunar Champions.

After the quest if you speak to her before she leaves the temple:

"We shall see you at Moonmont, my Hallowed."

To Moonmont[edit]

If you received the quest from Moon-Bishop Hunal and started it after the completion of First Step, Khali will be the individual you will speak to instead of Nabira.

Speaking to Khali:

"Good to see you again, my friend…what's wrong? You have a strange look on your face."
I met a moon priest near Dune that told me to seek out this ruin.
"Ahh, yes. The lunar clergy, telling you what to do because the moons say so. Good that you're here just the same. I'm getting tired of killing Dro-m'Athra."
You don't think it's strange the moon priest knew you'd be there?
"When you've lived your life in the shadow of the Bright Moons, nothing is strange any longer. I'm just glad you're here with us now, Hallowed."

If you exit out of the conversation before turning in the quest, she will alternatively say:

"Once, when I was a cub, I caught one of the priests fashioning a sort of neck-cone out of cane bark. He said it allowed him to catch the moonlight better. They are strange, strange creatures."
So it's not strange at all the lunar priest knew you'd be here? (Leads to quest completion dialogue)

Motes in the Moonlight[edit]

Before the start of the quest, you will find both her and her sister at Moonmont surrounded by dead Dro-m'Athra:

"Shazah and I are ready. We are prepared, focused, honed. Are you?"
I am, Khali.
"Bright moons light our path, then. Speak to Shazah, and she will describe the trial before us."

After speaking to her sister, Shazah and Khali disappear in a flash.

Khali: "We'll meet you at the beacons! See you there, Hallowed."

At the Northwest Beacon, Khali will be there cutting down dro-m'athra:

Khali: "Just wanted to be sure you were well protected. Go ahead, Hallowed."

If you speak to her, she'll offer to be the muscle on this one:

"Better you than me, Hallowed. I've never been much for the spiritual."

After you purify the beacon, she'll remark:

Khali: "Nice work. See you at the temple door."

At the temple's entrance you'll find the sisters waiting for you:

"With the beacons cleansed, this ward is just an annoyance. Shazah is preparing to crack it wide open."
What do I need to do?
"You've already done your part here, Hallowed. Let's just stand back and let her do her thing."

Shazah lights the braziers, but there's a sudden explosion:

Khali: "Shazah! What happened?"
Shazah: "That thing was stronger than it looked. I'll be fine. Let's get inside."

Inside you can talk to her again:

"This place reeks of corruption. Hallowed, this temple is unclean."
How are you doing, Khali?
"Khali is thrilled to be here, Hallowed. I've trained for this my whole life. Shazah and I were children when the monks first told us of Moonmont, of the Dro-m'Athra. Now we are here. Making history with you."
Making history?
"Shazah and I spoke of it last night. We know that soon we will have to talk of the Mane. Who will be donning the headdress? Who will lead our people in their rituals? She thinks I should lead. Says, 'my bravery would be an example.'"
There's a headdress?
"Hah, yes! In ancient times it was huge, made of the braids of every Khajiit to worship the Bright Moons. The Mane had to be carted around on a palanquin to make appearances. The modern headdress is much more … manageable."

In the next room with the altars, Khali will comment on how she's out of her element:

"I'm glad you and Shazah are around. Altars, lunar phases … it's a little beyond me.
Just shout if something jumps out at you."

Once you've solved the puzzle, Shazah is able to open the second door:

Shazah: "Let's see this done!"
Khali: "Right behind you, sister."

In the next chamber, you'll hear the haunting voice of the Dark Mane:

Khali: "Where is he?"
Shazah: "I don't know. He should be in here."
Dark Mane: "You're mine now, "Champions!""
Shazah: "Khali! Watch out!"
Khali: "What?"

The sisters are suddenly bound by magic:

Shazah: "Aah!"
Khali: "Aah!"

After wearing the Dark Mane down, he'll try to flee, but suddenly find himself bound in magical chains:

Dark Mane: "Enough of this! I'll return to Tharn, and together we'll …."
Dark Mane: "No! Damn you, First Mane!"

Speaking to Khali here:

"Shazah and I are ready. We are prepared, focused, honed. Are you?"

Choosing the Dark Mane:

"Hallowed, Shazah cannot contain this darkness. She does not have the strength. Choose me to take on this burden."
Can we talk about this, Khali?
"Ask me any questions you need to. let's get this whole thing over with."
If you become Mane, what would you do?
"I would lead with a firm hand and a brave heart. Just as mother taught me, all those years ago."
What would your parents think?
"Father was ever speaking about the brilliance of Shazah's spellcasting. Once, she cast a spell and the whole sky lit ablaze. They were so proud of her. I'm sure they'd want her to be Mane. To lead our people."
Are you sure about this? / So you want to take on the Dark Mane's mantle?
Yes, Hallowed. Shazah is brilliant and talented. But I do not think she can physically take the strain of holding this darkness within her. I have the strength and the will to take on this burden."
So Shazah would become the Mane?
"Yes! Shazah is much better suited to lead our people. She has studied so long and so hard. She knows much of the Bright Moons and is much better at dealing with people. She should lead. And I should stay."
[Khali Holds the Dark Mane]Thank you for your sacrifice.
<Ends the conversation>
Let me think about this for a moment.
<Ends the conversation>

If Khali is to become the Dark Mane:

Shazah: "Sister! Please reconsider!"
Khali: "This is the way it must be. Sister, do not weep for me."

After Khali becomes the Dark Mane:

Khali: "This creature is now contained. Leave this place... sister."

If Shazah is to become the Dark Mane:

Khali: "Sister! Please reconsider!"
Shazah: "This is the way it must be. Sister, do not weep for me."

After Shazah becomes the Dark Mane:

"Javad Tharn will pay for what he's done to my sister! I swear it!"
We'll get him, Khali.
"Moons be damned, I will get my sister back. I don't care what that moldering old ghost says. I'll walk the Path with you, cut Tharn's throat, and come back with an army of mages to free Shazah from this torment."

To Dune[edit]

After you exit the temple through the portal. She will be outside:

"Shazah … damn it. Why did she force me into this?
I suppose there's nothing else for it. We have to make for Dune."
What's the plan?
"Walk the Two Moons Path, of course. It's been my destiny since I was a cub. I know that now. We walk the path, I become Mane. Then we get my sister back."
I'll meet you there, Khali.

Speaking to her again:

"Go, my friend. I want my sister back, and I want her back now. The path to her freedom starts in Dune. I will meet you there."

The Fires of Dune[edit]

Arriving at Dune, you find it under siege by Daedra:

"Hallowed! Bright moons, it's good to see you. This mage here has an idea of how to deal with these portal-gate … Daedra things."
It's good to see you, too. Portals?
"Damned Daedra are everywhere. I saved Esan from being an ice sculpture, and in return he's proposed a bold plan. I think it might even get us out of this alive."
What's his plan?
"When he saw the Daedra, Esan raided a vault at the temple. Kid after my own heart. He stole a fang relic and did something with it. Something magic. We can use it to seal the portals. I'm sure the priests wouldn't approve, but they're not here."
So what do we do?
"Well … the Fang's a little rusty. It sat in the dust for years. Esan's magic has tuned it, shaped it so that it can gather power from the Atronachs. We can repower the Fang."
We gather power from the Atronachs? How?
"The old fashioned way! With claw and blade and spell. End the Atronachs while you hold the Fang, and their essence will be transferred into the relic. Once it's primed, it should be simple to seal the portal."
I'll see it done, Khali.

Before you charge the Fang, you can ask Khali how she is holding up:

"You're brilliant, Hallowed. You have the smarts to see this through. You always have before. Shazah loved that about you. You're almost as wise as she was!"
How are you, Khali?
"I'm fine. I'm … almost glad she isn't here. Moons know, she didn't like all this fighting. She would have hated walking into another city ablaze, all this death in the streets. Almost."
Who's behind this?
"Tharn. You can be sure of that. It wasn't enough that he inflicted the Dark Mane on Akkhuz-ri, or duped the Colovians to assault Arenthia. Now he tries to shatter the jewel in the desert. Our great city of Dune."
Do you think we'll ever get Shazah out of there?
"Rid-Thar seemed pretty well certain she'd have to stay down there. Holding that darkness down, keeping it away from the light. I'd love to get her out of there someday, though. Maybe if I walk the Path. If I'm the Mane, maybe."

After closing the portals:

"Sharp claws on you! All the Atronachs are gone!"
What now?
"Esan went to investigate the second portal near the Mages guildhall. He might have gone to talk to the other robe and book types. They're over in the merchant district, my friend. I'd like you to see if you can find him."
You're not coming with me?
"I wish. No, the Thalmor council wants me to report in. The Queen and Speaker Gharesh-ri want to know what's happening on the ground. Khali has your back, Hallowed."
Good luck, Khali.
"Keep your claws sharp, my friend. And go carefully. This invasion smacks of desperation. Until now Tharn has stayed to the shadows. To openly invade Dune … he must have a plan."
I'll find the Guildhall and close the portal.

Speaking to her again:

"Find Esan. I'll try to muster some troops to support you in the district. This one trusts you to get the job done."

After taking back the merchant district you'll find Khali at the temple district:

"Hallowed. I take it you've restored order to the Merchants District?"
Yes, we retook the merchant district and I closed the portal.
"You do have sharp claws! I have the lads hanging back. I don't think the priests would like mass bloodshed on temple grounds. We should make the tiles run red, though. They've defiled the shrines. Darkhearted bastards."
What do we do?
"I don't see a portal so … I have to trust my instincts. Let's cleanse the shrines and let the bright moons shine down on this place. You see to the temples of Jone and Jode. The old shrine to Lorkhaj still stands. I'll take care of that one."
I'll meet you there, then.

Speaking to her again:

"The shrine of Lorkhaj is old and decrepit. I'll need to focus my energy on it. Go cleanse the other shrines and meet me afterward."

When you get to the shrine to Lorkhaj, she will be magically restrained by Javad Tharn. After destroying the Dark Anchor, she will be free:

"Hallowed … you saved my life. Your claws get sharper every day."
Are you all right?
"I'll be fine, Hallowed. That was some damned impressive work. Shazah would, I'm sure, say something about how momentous your actions have been today. I'm just glad I have a friend by my side. Especially for what must come next."
What comes next?
"We pushed back the Daedra. You heard Tharn, he means to walk the Two-Moons Path himself. I can't … I can't put this off any longer. We need to make for the Temple of the Dance. Follow me. I'll lead the way."
After you, Khali.

At the entrance to the Temple of Two Moons, she'll wait to speak to you:

"My friend the Moon Hallowed. Always getting me out of the hard scrapes. Thank you. For all you've done and all you're about to do."
I'm proud to stand with you, Khali.
"And I'm damned proud to be standing with you. Ahem. All right, enough of emotion. Let's walk the Moons-damned Path and see this through. The way Shazah would have wanted."

The Moonlit Path[edit]

Before entering the Temple of the Dance, Khali will state:

"I'm not afraid. I'm ready for this."
I'm ready as well.
"Sharp claws on you, my friend. You know, since we were cubs Shazah and I prepared for this day. I studied the combat techniques of past Manes, past Moon Hallowed. Nothing can really prepare you, though."
We'll see it through together, Khali.

Before going inside the temple, you may ask questions:

"We'll walk the path together, yes. I'll be relying on you, Hallowed. To be wise for me, for her."
Are you all right?
"I'll be fine, Hallowed. That was some damned impressive work. Shazah would, I'm sure, say something about how momentous your actions have been today. I'm just glad I have a friend by my side. Especially for what must come next."
What comes next?
"We pushed back the Daedra. You heard Tharn, he means to walk the Two-Moons Path himself. I can't … I can't put this off any longer. We need to make for the Temple of the Dance. Follow me. I'll lead the way."
After you, Khali.
May I ask you a few questions?
"Sure, Hallowed. I'll tell you what I can. I've been listening to half-crazed moon priests since I was a cub. I think I remember a few things."
This will be dangerous, right?
"Damned right it's going to be dangerous. You heard Tharn, right? He intends to walk the path with us. Bastard is powerful, capable of almost anything. If he's figured out some way to twist the Path against us, there's no telling what we'll face."
What can we expect?
"The priests kept going on and on about how the Path was mostly about the spirit. Something about "walking into the heart of the Khajiit, the soul of the lunar faith." I think they mean that each part of the path represents something."
Represents something?
"Yeah. You know, manifestations? Shazah used to tell me stories about past Manes that fought great battles on the Path. They fell in love, they saw distant shores. Whatever we'll face in there will be about our challenges in the here and now."
How do we get to the Path?
"The monks do almost all the work for us. We'll just walk into the temple, and from there onto the Path. I think they bathe the temple in moon-sugar vapors. Something about "opening the mind's eye?" I just think the monks like the smell."

Enter the temple and the First Mane will be waiting. Speak to her first and she'll comment:

"Old Rid-Thar! Good to see him again. This has got to be a good sign, right?"

Speak to her after speaking to him:

"Great, a history lesson. As if I didn't get enough of those growing up. I think Shazah told me about these things. One of the old Manes … Jinninji-ri? Had them installed years and years ago."

If you speak to her during this part of the quest, she'll only say:

"The Bright Moons will see us through this, my friend."

Activate the first crystal and you'll witness a memory:

Queen Ayrenn : "Mane Akkhuz-ri, it is a pleasure to meet you. The Khajiit and their faith will be the Dominion's bulwark against the darkness."
Akkhuz-ri: "Thank you, my Queen. May the Bright Moons guide us in our new endeavor."
Khali : "I know this! The day the Elden Accord was signed! The Mane was a good leader, Hallowed. A warrior."

Activate the second crystal and you'll witness another memory:

Rid-Thar-ri'Datta : "Jone and Jode, you have shown the way to Rid-Thar-ri'Datta. This one is your humble servant."
Rid-Thar-ri'Datta : "By your light this one will lead his people. By your light will this one imbue balance to the Khajiit."
Khali : "The day Rid-Thar-ri'Datta became the first Mane. He had to crack some skulls, mark my words. But my people are better for it today."

Activate the next crystal and you'll witness another memory:

Moon-Bishop Hunal : "Jone and Jode have spoken. Shazah, Khali … you were both born beneath the same moon. Never before has this happened. Never before have the Bright Moons gifted us this way. Forevermore you will be known as the 'Lunar Champions.'"
Shazah : "We … we understand. The Mane is strong, and we are … we are new."
Khali : "Yes, we understand. We're an embarrassment! We didn't ask for this. We were born this way, moons-be-damned!"
Khali : "Damned priests. Treating us like that. Even Shazah couldn't stomach it. But look at us. You and me, today. Shazah … I wish you were here."

Activate the last crystal and a portal will open:

Khali : "Look up there! The top of the central pillar."

Speaking to her here:

"Finally, we're done. Hopefully we'll get to the fighting soon. Heh, I'd bet if Shazah were here she'd be happy as a cub in moon-sugar about now."

Inside the Demi-plane of Jode, Khali will ask:

Khali: "Where are we? What is this place?"

Speak to her.

"Have you ever seen a place like this, Hallowed? Even in my dreams, I never imagined it would look like this …."
Where are we?
"Shazah was always telling me stories … I never thought I'd see this place. It's the Plane of Jode, Hallowed! The place where the Bright Moons dwell, the home of the gods. It's … different than I expected in some ways. But that makes sense."
What do you mean?
"The Path is changing to suit us, to reflect the challenges we face. Dull claws … this is just like the monks' prayers. Put something in front of me, let me hit it!"
Where do we go from here?
"Remember back to your training, Khali … Let's just wait a moment. If I'm right, the Path will show us the way."
All right, patience it is.

The ghostly visage of Elilor appears and runs up to a portal:

Khali : "You see! A vision of a Wood Elf. That must be where we should go. Come on, Hallowed."

If you talk to her here, she'll say:

"Quickly, Hallowed. After her!"

On the other side of the portal she'll remark:

"And now we're in Valenwood? What in Nirn is going on?"

Approach Elilor and The Green Lady and The Silvenar will run off:

The Silvenar : "More are coming! We have to leave him!"

A vision of the Silvenar and the Green Lady fleeing from chaos. After you fended off the hostile Bosmer and before you speak to the Green Lady:

"This is some horror. A vision of the future, right?"

After these events, Khali will tell you:

"Come, my friend. Let's return to the temple."

Once you've returned, she'll say:

"The monks never made it sound … like that. We killed the Silvenar! The heart of the forest, the Green Lady is dead."
We did what we had to do.
"It was the Khajiit. We failed them. Because, here, no one became the Mane after Akkhuz-ri."
That's not going to happen.
"Let … let us continue on the Path. If the Bright Moons felt we needed to see the future of the Bosmer … perhaps we shall now see the future of the High Elves. Let's hope it is not as bleak."
Let's hope.

When you enter the alternate Summerset Isles:

"Bright Moons! Now we're somewhere in the Summerset Isles?"

After seeing the vision of Urcelmo and the Veiled Heritance turning on the Dominion, Khali will speak of the dire prophecy:

"I never thought it could be this bad. I'm used to something I can pin down and fight, you know? Something that my blade can solve. No blade can solve this."
What we saw … could it be the future of the Dominion?
"Not if I have anything to say about it. I know what this is, Hallowed. These visions … they're a future where the Mane does not lead her people. With wisdom as well as strength. This will not be our future."

If you exit the conversation before turning in the quest, she will alternatively say:

"To have seen such things. The Path is truly a hard road to walk, Hallowed."
What we saw…could it be the future of the Dominion? (Leads to quest completion dialogue)

The Den of Lorkhaj[edit]

Khali as the Dark Mane[edit]

Location Den of Lorkhaj
Race Khajiit Gender Female
Health 133844 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Condition Dro-m'Athra
Khali possessed by the Dark Mane

If Khali was chosen to capture the Dark Mane's energy, she will reappear here as an enemy.

Shazah: "The Den of Lorkhaj … it's even more beautiful and horrible than I could have imagined. Come, Hallowed."
Javad Tharn: "Ahh, you remember her?"
Khali: "Shazah... I've missed you. You left me alone in the dark."
Shazah: "Khali? Is that you? You're alive? You're safe?"
Khali: "Of course I'm alive. Safe and sound..."
Javad Tharn: "Your sister is safe. Her soul has been purified by darkness. Come, join her. Come join your sister."
Shazah: "Let her go! Show yourself, you bastard! I'll burn your flesh from your bones!"
Javad Tharn: "Oh, you want her free? Here is your sister, free. Your sister, my new Dark Mane!"

When Javad Tharn is at 50% health, he will call in the Dark Mane:

Javad Tharn: "It seems I have the wrong sister... weakling child!"
Javad Tharn: "Fine! I'll take care of you myself!"
Javad Tharn: "Dark Mane! Attend me! May the shadows of your dead god imbue you with strength!"
Khali's spirit

After the Dark Mane has been defeated, Khali will appear as a ghost:

Shazah: "Khali? Are you all right?"
Rid-Thar-Ri'Datta: "Your sorrow is misplaced. Your sister is at peace. Together, you and she have walked the Two Moons Path to its end."
Shazah: "No! I … I had to let you go once already. I'm not ready to lose you again."
Rid-Thar-Ri'Datta: "Her soul is at peace now. She has traveled beyond the Path to Aetherius. The light of the Bright Moons surrounding and guiding her."
Shazah: "How can I trust anything I've seen? The Path has shown me terrors, lies... failure."
Khali: "Shazah … don't cry. Tharn can't hurt me now. I'm at peace. Soon I'll be with mother and father."
Shazah: "Please … don't leave me."
Khali: "Goodbye, my sister. You will be the Mane. You will lead the Khajiit with wisdom and strength. Know always that I love you."

<Khali will depart for the afterlife.>

Rid-Thar-Ri'Datta: "Hallowed, Champion, your journey is complete. Return now to Dune, and begin to walk the next path in your lives."

Khali as the New Mane[edit]

Mane Khali

If Shazah was chosen to become the Dark Mane, Khali will fight by your side.

If you haven't started the quest, she will say:

"This is it, Hallowed. We stand on the threshold of our final challenge. The end of the Path."
This is it, then? (Leads to quest dialogue)

Continuing on from the previous conversation, Khali will be ready to enter the Den of Lorkhaj:

"We've walked the Two Moons Path, the path of Jone and Jode. But there is a third moon: The Dark Moon, the enemy of the Khajiit. Lorkhaj, the Missing God. This is the secret at the end of the Path … we must travel to the Den of Lorkhaj."
It's going to be that bad?
"It gets worse. Legend says that the Missing God is dead. That the Den … it is his body. The great emptiness of the Den is the decaying corpse of a dead god. I don't know … what's that?"
What's what?

A vision of Shazah appears and runs up the path:

Khali : "Wait! That's my sister! After her, Hallowed!"

After chasing the vision of Shazah, you will reassure Khali that she's ready to take on the final challenge before becoming the new Mane:

"She led us here … Shazah led us to the threshold. Hallowed … I've never been afraid like this before. But I don't know if I can do it. I don't know if I can take the last step."
What's left to be afraid of?
"There's been so much corruption, so much darkness. Even if we walk the path through the Den of Lorkhaj … seeing these visions has made me realize how critical the Mane can be. I don't know if I'm ready."
You're ready, Khali. You can do this. Just one more step on the path.
"Perhaps … for you, Hallowed. For Shazah … for the Khajiiti people. Hallowed, we owe you so much. I don't know if I can ever thank you properly."
Let's take that last step.

Speaking to her before entering the portal to the Den of Lorkhaj:

"This is it, Hallowed. We stand on the threshold of our final challenge. The end of the Path."

Inside the Den of Lorkhaj

Khali : "The Den of Lorkhaj … it's even more beautiful and horrible than I could have imagined. Come, Hallowed."
Javad Tharn : "Ahh, you remember her?"
Shazah: "Khali … I've missed you. You left me alone in the dark."
Khali: "Shazah? Is that you? You're alive? You're safe?"
Shazah: "Of course I'm alive. Safe and sound …."
Javad Tharn: "Your sister is safe. Her soul has been purified by darkness. Come, join her. Come join your sister."
Khali: "Let her go! Show yourself, you bastard! I'll take your face off with my claws."
Javad Tharn: "Oh, you want her free? Here is your sister, free. Your sister, my new Dark Mane!"

Defeat Shazah and Tharn will step in:

Javad Tharn : "It seems I have the wrong sister … weakling child!"
Javad Tharn : "Fine! I'll take care of you myself."

As Tharn starts to lose the battle, he'll call for reinforcements:

Javad Tharn : "Dark Mane! Attend me! May the shadows of your dead god imbue you with strength!"

After the Dark Mane has been defeated, Shazah will appear as a ghost:

Khali: "Shazah? Are you all right?"
Rid-Thar-Ri'Datta: "Your sorrow is misplaced. Your sister is at peace. Together, you and she have walked the Two Moons Path to its end."
Khali: "No! Damnit … I had to let you go once already. I'm not ready to lose you again."
Rid-Thar-Ri'Datta: "Her soul is at peace now. She has traveled beyond the Path to Aetherius. The light of the Bright Moons surrounding and guiding her."
Khali: "How can I trust anything I've seen? The Path has shown me terrors, lies... failure."
Shazah: "Khali … don't cry. Tharn can't hurt me now. I'm at peace. Soon I'll be with mother and father."
Khali: "Please … don't leave me."
Shazah: "Goodbye, my sister. You will be the Mane. You will lead the Khajiit with wisdom and strength. Know always that I love you."
Rid-Thar-Ri'Datta: "Hallowed, Champion, your journey is complete. Return now to Dune, and begin to walk the next path in your lives."

Speaking with her after returning to Dune from the Path:

"We … we did it. We walked the path and lived. I'm … I'm going to be the Mane. And my sister is dead."
I think they're waiting for you, Khali.
"They await you as well, Moon Hallowed. Come, let's see this done. And stay after the ceremony, please. I'd like to speak with you when it's all said and done."
Of course.

Khali walks to where the Bishop and guests have assembled:

Moon-Bishop Hunal : "Champion. It is time. You are at the end of your path."
Moon-Bishop Hunal : "As the Lunar Champion, you have proven yourself time and time again a leader of our people, but do you truly understand what it means to be the Mane?"
Khali : "Yes. I've walked the path and know what lies ahead and honor those left behind."
Moon-Bishop Hunal : "You've begun the path and know what lies ahead of our people. Are you prepared to lead your people?"
Khali : "Yes, I accept this role in service of kith and kin."
Moon-Bishop Hunal : "Then wear this as leader of our people and rise, Mane of our people."
Rid-Thar-ri'Datta : "You've come through these trials and emerged victorious."
Rid-Thar-ri'Datta : "Continue the path, young one, and accept this blessing for the journey ahead."
Moon-Bishop Hunal : "Rejoice one and all! Long live the Mane!"

<The First Mane Disappears.>

Speak to her as the new Mane:

"I'm … I'm the Mane! Hallowed, we survived!"
Congratulations are in order.
"My friend, this could never have happened without you. Your wisdom at Arenthia. Your strength at Rawl'kha. Your bravery at Moonmont. And here … we saved the Jewel of Elsweyr! Dune is safe. Javad Tharn is dead, and I have walked the Path."
What now, Mane?
"The end of one path, and the beginning of another. As you well know, the path never really ends. Here in Reaper's March I will restore the soul of the Khajiit and you … will travel on."
Bright Moons, Khali.
"Bright Moons, Hallowed. Wherever Jone and Jode take you next, I hope you will remember your friend Khali. And her sister Shazah. The sisters, and the Khajiit … they will never forget you."

If you exit the conversation before turning in the quest, she will alternatively say:

"I wish you sharp claws and clear night skies in your travels, Hallowed."
Bright Moons, Khali. (Leads to quest completion dialogue)

After the quest:

"The Bishop and Gharesh-ri are already clammoring [sic] for my time, my friend. I'm sure we will see each other again. You are the Hallowed, after all."

Old Life Observance[edit]

The spirit of Khali

If Khali dies during the Reaper's March storyline, her spirit may return from Aetherius and appear to you during the New Life Festival event quest Old Life Observance when you perform a remembrance ceremony at one of the Old Life shrines.


  • While Khali is following during certain quests, other players will see a Dominion Soldier or Pilgrim instead.
  • If fought during The Den of Lorkhaj, she has a Health value of 133844 (Prior to Update 12, she had 40918)
  • Like her sister, Khali has heterochromia, having two different eye colors. Her left eye being light blue and the right amber yellow.
    • After becoming the Mane candidate, her eye colors change. The left eye becomes deep blue and the right green.
