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Online:Justice Dialogue

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Justice dialogue is associated with actions that warrant a bounty. There's dialogue for assault, trespassing, murder, theft, getting caught pickpocketing, transforming into a werewolf in public and feeding on an NPC's blood in public as a vampire. There is also dialogue for NPCs expressing suspicion towards a player sneaking while detected, trying to speak to a justice neutral character/merchant with high infamy, and NPCs noticing that their pockets have been picked clean. Each race has a variety of dialogue with which they respond to illegal or suspicious actions.

If an NPC responds to a crime by engaging you in combat, they will not utter any dialogue.

Crime Witnessed[edit]

  • "That's it. You've forced me to call the Guard."
  • "Hey, what are you--? Guards!"
  • "Why would you do that?"
  • "You think this is funny? I'm calling the guard."
  • "Unbelievable. Guard!"
  • "That's it. You've forced me to call the Guard."
  • "You must be mad. Guards!"
  • "I didn't want it to come to this, but you wouldn't listen."
  • "If you've seen one crime, you've seen them all."
  • "The law sees your indiscretion, fool."
  • "Enough, criminal."
  • "What audacity. Guards."
  • "A crime has been committed."
  • "People like you give crime a bad name."
  • "You call that a crime? Well, I guess it is illegal."
  • "This is beneath me."
  • "Your crime has been reported."
  • "The guards will deal with you."
  • "Enough, criminal."
  • "Why am I not surprised? Do you want to earn a bounty?"
  • "I erect the spine of help!"
  • "Send for the guards, I've spotted a dangerous criminal."
  • "Guard! There's a criminal on the loose."
  • "You won't get away with these misdeeds."
  • "Excuse me. Perhaps you didn't see me watching you."
  • "I wish I hadn't seen that. I must get the guard."
  • "For some, I'd look the other way, but not for you."
  • "I saw you and I saw what you did."
  • "The guard must hear of this."
  • "The guards won't be pleased about this."
  • "I wouldn't have done that if I were you."
  • "Sithis' fury! Someone call the guard."
  • "Tell your excuse to the guards."
  • "Some criminals are just so … petty."
  • "That bounty will follow you to Oblivion."
  • "The Guard knows how to deal with the likes of you."
  • "The mud of justice flows in your direction."


  • "Stop this instant!"
  • "What savagery!"
  • "Guards, protect me."
  • "It's a rampage."
  • "Guards! Break this up!"
  • "Guards! Come quickly!"
  • "Stop this senseless violence!"
  • "Please someone. Help!"
  • "Stop before someone is killed."
  • "This bloodshed must end."
  • "No more violence."
  • "Hist mother protect us from turmoil."
  • "Stay away from them. They're dangerous."
  • "I have never witnessed such evil."
  • "Anuiel's fury … someone do something!"
  • "Stop before someone gets hurt!"
  • "Stand down!"
  • "Fighting is not allowed here."
  • "Such brutality."
  • "Tribunal protect me! I did nothing wrong!"
  • "So much bloodshed! When will it stop?"


  • "Murderer! Get away from me!"
  • "Auri-El protect us!"
  • "Death all around us. It's the end of days!"
  • "Help me!"
  • "By the Stars, what have you done?"
  • "I need help! Anyone!"
  • "You murderous cur!"
  • "Why do such a terrible thing?"
  • "In broad daylight?"
  • "Murderer, someone help me!"
  • "Help, I require aid."
  • "What you did was dastardly, villain."
  • "There's blood on your hands."
  • "Stop and face justice!"
  • "I am afraid for my life here!"
  • "You murderer!"
  • "Please someone. Help!"
  • "Murder--help!"
  • "Someone ought to stop that murderer."
  • "I have never witnessed such evil."
  • "I can't believe they just killed a person."
  • "I do not believe it is my time to die."
  • "We have a killer in our midst. Someone get the guard."
  • "You can't just kill people like that."
  • "You don't have to kill me."
  • "You thrice-damned monster!"
  • "I refuse to stand by while a killer walks free."
  • "It's a massacre, I tell you, a massacre."
  • "Damn murderer, you'll pay for that."
  • "Murderer! You won't get away with it!"
  • "Stop that villain! Don't let them get away!"
  • "Guards! Help!"

Caught Pickpocketing[edit]

If your target catches you picking their pocket, they'll turn around and respond.

  • "Touch me again and I'll take your finger!"
  • "Hands off, thief!"
  • "Help! I'm being robbed!"
  • "Get your filthy paws off me!"
  • "Get your hands away from me!"
  • "Hands off, sticky-fingers."
  • "Unhand my valuables!"
  • "Caught with your hand in the proverbial honey jar--again."
  • "You've got hands like a troll, you know that?"

Pockets Picked Clean[edit]

  • "Hmm. I must have left it in that tree."
  • "Stop right there, outlaw!"
  • "Oh no! I should have left it at home!"
  • "What was that? Who touched me?"
  • "Try that again and I'll scream."
  • "I can't believe I lost that."
  • "Strangest thing. It just disappeared."
  • "I must have dropped it somewhere."
  • "What just happened? Did I drop something?"
  • "It's gone, oh gods, it's gone!"
  • "I just had these pockets sewn!"
  • "Must be a hole in my pocket."
  • "Did someone just touch me?"
  • "Do you ever get the feeling your goods aren't exactly safe?"
  • "You mean I misplaced it again?"
  • "Huh. I must have left it at home."
  • "It's gone. Will my bad fortune never end?"
  • "Where did it go? I just had it."
  • "Where could I have put it?"
  • "Once I misplaced an entire roast chicken, so this doesn't surprise me."

Refusal of Service[edit]

  • "Wouldn't be wise for us to talk."
  • "Stay away!"
  • "May the Divines crush your bones, outlaw."
  • "Stay away!"
  • "This will have to wait until you clear your bounty."
  • "Stay back! Until you clear your bounty."
  • "I want no part of this."
  • "Not interested."
  • "Settle your bounty--then we can talk."
  • "Filthy thug ..."
  • "I don't speak with wanted criminals."
  • "Get lost."
  • "I can't be seen dealing with the likes of you."
  • "I don't want to get involved."
  • "Come back after you've cleared your name."
  • "Back away, criminal."
  • "Do you really expect me to talk to you? You are a criminal."
  • "As Auri-El is my witness, I won't talk."
  • "Do not drag me into this."
  • "Your problems are not my problems."
  • "I avert my claws, but you must go."
  • "As the ancestors' witness, I condemn thee!"
  • "Just leave me be!"
  • "I suggest we both walk away."
  • "Leave me alone."
  • "Stay back."


If an NPC sees you sneaking, there's a chance they'll warn you against theft.

  • "Don't pull anything, or I'll tell the Guard."
  • "The Eight frown on criminal activity. Just a thought."
  • "You're acting very strangely."
  • "I'm watching you, stranger."
  • "Can I help you?"
  • "I'm watching you, stranger."
  • "What are your intentions, I wonder?"
  • "You aren't a fox trying to steal an egg, are you?"
  • "Your scent has been noted."
  • "I've got my eye on you."
  • "What do you want?"
  • "I've no time for games. Move along."
  • "Back off! I mean it!"
  • "Could you stop doing that, please?"
  • "Don't even think about it."
  • "Try anything, and the full force of the Guard will be upon you."
  • "What do you think you're doing?"
  • "Hmph. So uncivilized."
  • "Keep it clean and orderly. Or else."
  • "Move along, citizen, lest we have words."
  • "Just leave me out of this."
  • "Your behavior is rather suspicious, friend."
  • "I can't be bothered with this."
  • "Your behavior has caught my attention."
  • "You are not being subtle."
  • "How about you find something else to do?"
  • "If you try anything, be warned, I will call the guards."
  • "Come near and I'll scream!"
  • "The ancestors see you, as do I."
  • "Do you always behave that way near an officer of the law?"
  • "Stay away from me."
  • "I don't want to get involved."
  • "You seem like a nice enough person. Why not?"
  • "Stop and face justice!"
  • "I see you there!"
  • "I erect the spine of suspicion."
  • "The guards will learn of your thievery."
  • "You really shouldn't be doing that."
  • "Don't do it. It's not worth it."
  • "There is no moisture in this for me. Go."
  • "Could you just go? I won't report you."
  • "Don't worry. I am no friend to the guards."
  • "If you break the law, I will report you."
  • "You have nothing to fear from me."
  • "Don't worry. I mind my own affairs."
  • "There are witnesses, you know."
  • "I see what you're doing over there."
  • "What do you think you're doing, s'wit?"

Theft Detected[edit]

  • "There's a thief among us."
  • "That doesn't belong to you!"
  • "Auri-El's hand—it's a thief!"
  • "As surely as the river flows, you will pay for your crimes!"
  • "Someone stop that thief!"
  • "What's the meaning of this? Get out."
  • "Stop, that doesn't belong to you."
  • "You will pay for that, thief."
  • "The Hist doesn't steal and neither should you."
  • "Call the guard. Stop that thief!"
  • "The guards will learn of your thievery."
  • "Stealing is for dry scales and dunderheads."
  • "I am witness to your theft."
  • "There is a bounty for thieving."
  • "Hold onto your gold, there's a thief on the loose."
  • "Hey, that's not yours."
  • "Thief! Someone help me."


If a character sees you in a restricted area, they'll call you out.

  • "Think you can just walk right in? No you can not."
  • "You can't just walk in here."
  • "That's it. You've forced me to call the Guard."
  • "Guards' on their way. Best clear out before they clear you out."
  • "Enough. Leave or the guard will make you leave."
  • "You need to leave. Now."
  • "Oblivion take you, get out."
  • "Are you lost? You can't be in here."
  • "You're as welcome here as hoarvor in heat. Guard!"
  • "Don't you move. A guard is on the way."
  • "Leave. Right now."
  • "You've got till the count of three to leave. One ..."
  • "What's the matter with you? Get out of here!"
  • "Are you trying to make me angry? Get out."
  • "Did someone tell you you could be here? I think not."
  • "Why are you here?"
  • "You will go no farther."
  • "This is a warning. There won't be a second one."
  • "Depart or I will toss you bodily from this place."
  • "You do not belong here."
  • "Maybe I wasn't clear before. I want you to leave."

Vampire Feeding[edit]

NPCs will respond with revulsion at the sight of a feeding vampire.

  • "Unholy creature!"
  • "Bloodsucking fiend!"
  • "A vampire? Here?"
  • "There's a blood-drinker here!"
  • "You won't get my blood, foul creature."
  • "Cease all movement, now."
  • "A vampire! Run!"
  • "Vampire--Help!"
  • "You won't get my blood, vampire!"
  • "By the three, an undead abomination."

Werewolf Sighting[edit]

If you enter a populated area as a werewolf or transform in public, civilians around you will react with fear.

  • "A werewolf! Trinimac aid me ..."
  • "W-w-werewolf!"
  • "Arkay have mercy--it's a werewolf!"
  • "A werewolf? Ugh ... disgusting."
  • "Aetherius protect us from that creature."
  • "Ill met, werewolf."
  • "It's a damn wolf!"
  • "Auri-El protect me, it's a werewolf!"
  • "Shapeshifter! Blasphemer! Curse your kind!"
  • "Please, creature, just stay away from me!"
  • "What manner of creature are you?"
  • "What ugly mother birthed you?"
  • "Stay away from me, beast!"
  • "Help! There's a beast about!"
  • "Agh! Get away from me, you … whatever you are!"
  • "Who … what are you? Trinimac defend us!"
  • "Grah! A beast stalks the streets!"
  • "Beasts like you have no place here. No place at all!"
  • "You don't scare me, beast! Off with you!"
  • "Why do monsters always find their way to me?"
  • "Easy. Easy. Please don't eat me."
  • "Get out of my sight, you foul creature!"
  • "You are not welcome here, monster!"
  • "Abomination against Y'ffre! Leave my presence!"
  • "You are not welcome here, monster!"
  • "Someone call the Watch! A beast is about!"
  • "Be off, creature! Get!"
  • "By Hircine's pelt! That traveler's a beast!"
  • "A monster! And on this day of all days!"
  • "The sight of you dries my scales, beast."
  • "Look out, a werewolf!"

Looking the Other Way[edit]

Dialogue for NPCs choosing to ignore crimes you commit in front of them exists in the game's text file.

  • "Crime? What crime?"
  • "I'd do something about that, but I just don't want to."
  • "Toss some of that over here and I'll forget I saw anything."
  • "The guards won't get anything out of me, I assure you."
  • "As with all things, there is an ebb and flow to the law."
  • "Well, I'm not speaking to the guards."
  • "Let me go. I will never speak of this."
  • "If your parental units don't care, why should I?"
  • "I didn't see anything, I swear. I'm blind as a bat."
  • "Well ... you paid your bounty. I suppose I can be seen speaking with you."
  • "I didn't call the Guard, I swear!"
  • "Do you think I care what you do?"
  • "Fine. I'll let it go, this time."
  • "The Guard has no tolerance for criminals."
  • "I didn't see anything, I swear. I'm blind as a bat."
  • "You tried to kill someone!"
  • "Halt at once!"
  • "Coin is coin. Make your purchase and leave me in peace."
  • "The eye of the law is all-seeing."
  • "Well ... you paid your bounty. I suppose I can be seen speaking with you."
  • "I keep my nose in my own business."
  • "Lorkhan's bloated belly, leave me out of this."
  • "Just don't make that mistake again."
  • "Oh. Right. My mistake"
  • "Hold there!"
  • "Make your purchase and begone."
  • "I'll ... just be going."
  • "Oh, all right. Just this once."
  • "Gods, what a terrible thing!"
  • "Fine, but you'll owe me one."
  • "Stop right there, outlaw!"
  • "I didn't want it to come to this, but you wouldn't listen."
  • "You are pardoned. Go and sin no more."
  • "Stop right there!"
  • "What sort of fool do you take me for? Fine."
  • "Hold there!"
  • "Yes, of course. It's only right."
  • "I'll take your gold, but you better not try anything funny."
  • "Shop here if you must, but I'd prefer you went elsewhere."
  • "So you paid for your crimes? I suppose that means we can do business."
  • "Please don't hurt me!"
  • "I saw nothing. I assure you."
  • "Justice is not without mercy. Don't let it happen again."
  • "You will go no farther."
  • "It is inconsequential."
  • "Pardon me!"
  • "Right, I understand. We've all made mistakes."
  • "Cease all movement, now."
  • "Oh, fine. You'll probably just commit another crime."
  • "It matters not if you are good. Only that your gold is."
  • "I am a soft wind, passing by, remaining silent."
  • "My pleasure!"
  • "I am not your enemy."
  • "Keep your troubles to yourself."
  • "Your problems are not my problems."
  • "Look, there's no reason we should be enemies."


NPCs will react if you are a Necromancer and use an illegal ability in public. This dialogue is different for every race.


  • "No! You've cursed us thrice over with your necromancy!"
  • "Do not dare cross me, de'nt, with your obscene magic."
  • "Oh dear. However shall we clean that up?"
  • "Autak! That behavior is not welcome here."
  • "Really? How dare you use that detestable magic?"
  • "Is that … ? NO! Not necromancy!"
  • "Gah! You contaminate us all, necromancer!"
  • "Only a fool meddles with the dead, dryskin."
  • "Keep your corpse-puppets away from me."
  • "Away with you and your unclean magic!"
  • "Dark stars! This cannot be happening!"
  • "You understand nothing of how vile you are."
  • "Take that detestable necromancy elsewhere."
  • "No! I cry foul, necromancer!"
  • "Stendarr's folly, what are you doing? Necromancy?"
  • "It's a nightmare! But I am not sleeping!"
  • "Lorkhan take you and your crude behavior!"
  • "Trinimac aid me! My worst fears come to life?"


  • "A necromancer? I erect the spine of disgust."
  • "The dead … move? Kaoc!"
  • "Why do you bring such horrors here, necromancer?"
  • "Xuth! The dead return!"
  • "Keep your distance, dead-summoner."
  • "Stay back, necromancer. I do not make idle threats."
  • "The dead belong in the mud, wizard."
  • "Keep your dead-things away from me. Please."
  • "Those bones must return to the soil, death-mage."
  • "Be gone, necromancer. And take your abominations with you."
  • "Do not let those corpses touch me!"
  • "Ugh. The stench of undeath stings my nostrils!"
  • "Undead blights? By the Egg!"
  • "There is no moisture in those bones, or in your actions."


  • "You're ... you're a necromancer!"
  • "Leave our corpses be, necromancer!"
  • "Z'en's price! That's necromancy, isn't it?"
  • "Take your necromancy elsewhere, mage!"
  • "We don't want any necromancy around here!"
  • "An affront to Y'ffre, that's what you are! Begone from here!"
  • "By Y'ffre, it's a necromancer!"
  • "Begone, necromancer! We don't want your kind here!"
  • "A necromancer's about! By Y'ffre!"
  • "By the Divines, they're going to kill us and raise us again!"
  • "Now, you leave the dead where they lay, necromancer!"
  • "Necromancer! Dark mage! Leave us be!"
  • "Divines above! They're going to kill us all and raise our corpses!"
  • "Watch out! There's a necromancer about!"
  • "Stendarr protect us from this necromancer's evil!"
  • "Beware! There's a necromancer here!"
  • "Please, leave our corpses be!"


  • "Take your necromancy elsewhere, mage!"
  • "By the eyes of Akatosh! You should never use necromancy!"
  • "I cannot stomach necromancy, and nor should you!"
  • "By Arkay's beard, you must stop casting that now!"
  • "So, you chose to be the most offensive spellcaster possible? Leave!"
  • "Necromancy? Ugh. Sheor take you, you witless lout!"
  • "Oh! No, stop. No more necromancy! Please!"
  • "Mara's bosom, now I have to deal with necromancers?"
  • "Gah! What are you doing? Stop it at once!"
  • "Help! They're making the undead!"
  • "Spare me that necromantic magic, and I'll pray to Dibella for you."
  • "If you keep up with that, you'll doom us all!"
  • "You seek to destroy us all with that vile casting!"
  • "If you take your dark magic elsewhere, I'll forget I saw this."
  • "You have skills in necromancy? Is that what I'm seeing? Nightmarish."
  • "You beef-witted fool! Necromancy? How could you?"
  • "Surely you're not casting necromancy? What sane person would do that?"


  • "Do you want restless dead? Because that's how you get them!"
  • "For all that's merciful, just don't conjure my late mother-in-law."
  • "I thought you smelled like netch-farts. Dirty corpse-fetcher!"
  • "Take that filth to the Ashlands, necromancer!"
  • "Haven't we got enough problems without you provoking the dead?"
  • "Necromancer! Someone get the guards!"
  • "Great Father of Mysteries. You're a necromancer!"
  • "Oh, that's not good. Take your foul magic elsewhere!"
  • "Nchow! Don't come near me with that rot!"
  • "Sar-shemad s'wit! Don't meddle with the dead!"
  • "Over here! They're corrupting the dead!"
  • "Fetching necromancers. Not in my town!"
  • "Don't you know death magic is bad for your health?"
  • "Defiler!"
  • "Lord, Mother, and Wizard. Death magic!"


  • "Horrid! Abominable! Leave the dead be!"
  • "Abomination! Necromancer!"
  • "We won't tolerate such horrid practices here!"
  • "Gods, that dark magic--it's terrifying!"
  • "Mara's heart, someone's summoned the dead!"
  • "Divines preserve us! A necromancer!"
  • "Necromancy? Not around here, mage!"
  • "Necromancy, here? Khenarthi take you!"
  • "No! Let the dead stay dead!"
  • "Necromancer! There's a necromancer here!"
  • "A necromancer! Seize them!"
  • "You wretch! Begone!"
  • "You commit a crime against the Divines!"
  • "Necromancy! S'rendarr preserve us!"
  • "Stop! To disturb the dead is forbidden!"
  • "Dark magic! Watch out, everyone!"
  • "We defy you! Alkosh smite you down!"
  • "No! No! What horror!"


  • "What are you--? Are those corpses?"
  • "Stay away from me, you boney bastard!"
  • "Grave magic? Kyne protect me!"
  • "No, no, no! The dead belong in their tombs!"
  • "Ugh! If you want to play with bones, go do it in a graveyard!"
  • "Shor's ghost! It's a necromancer!"
  • "Don't put a hex on me, death mage! I beg you!"
  • "Just stay back, all right? What you do with your bones is none of my business."
  • "Practice that creepy magic somewhere else!"
  • "Is that--? It is! There's a necromancer here! Call the guards!"
  • "Tsun's frosty breeches! What have you done to those bodies?"
  • "Death magic is forbidden, you know? Please, just move on, all right?"
  • "Be off, snowback! And take your magic bones with you!"
  • "Leave me in peace, death mage! Please!"


  • "Son of a troll! It's a necromancer!"
  • "Watch it with that necromancy, mage."
  • "Son of a Troll! What are you doing necromancy for?"
  • "We don't need your tusking Necromancy here, mage!"
  • "Call the Watch! This dungheap's a necromancer!"
  • "You leave the dead be, necromancer!"
  • "Grah! That mage is a necromancer!"
  • "You leave our dead alone, or I'll bust your skull wide open!"
  • "Necromancy! That magic just ain't right, mage."
  • "You won't get my soul, necromancer!"
  • "Forge of Mauloch! There's a necromancer about!"
  • "Now that's some unusual magic …."
  • "That's dark magic right there! And I want no part of it."
  • "That magic stinks …."
  • "They're-they're a beast! Steel and stone!"
  • "That magic ain't right …."
  • "They're a necromancer! Hide away the corpses!"


  • "What have you done to our honored dead?"
  • "Gather those bones and leave us in peace!"
  • "Take your abominations and go, death-mage!"
  • "A death-mage? Here? Morwha's mercy!"
  • "Necromancy sickens the soul. I weep for you."
  • "No! There can be no necromancy here!"
  • "To raise the dead is blasphemy, you cur!"
  • "Tu'whacca's breath, what is this evil? Necromancy?"
  • "You'll stop that necromancy, or you'll feel my axe!"
  • "Disturbing the dead brings nothing but suffering!"
  • "Your magic sickens me, cur!"
  • "Away! Get away, corpse-summoner!"
  • "The Ash'abah will hear of this, necromancer!"
  • "You faithless coward! Let the dead rest in peace!"
  • "You would do this to our ancestors? Honorless dog!"
  • "Risen dead? Tall Papa preserve us!"
  • "Stay back, death-mage!"

Unsorted Lines[edit]

Unsorted lines are hidden below this section for editors to catalogue.