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Online:Jarl's Justice Formal Frock

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"We Nords tend to be an informal people at most times, but when a Jarl sits to decide a legal case, it's important that our system of law be honored with the proper attire!" —Jork, the Tailor-Thane of Windhelm
Jarl's Justice Formal Frock (female)
ON-icon-costume-Jarl's Justice Formal Frock.png
Jarl's Justice Formal Frock
Type Costume
Acquired From Crown Store
Price 010001,000 Crowns

Sold in the Crown Store for 00900900 Crowns to ESO Plus members from February 28 to March 3, 2019. Currently available to all players for 010001,000 Crowns.

Jarl's Justice Formal Frock (male)
Slot 1: Light blue center of the dress
Slot 2: Deep blue parts of the dress (sleeves, shoulders, body)
Slot 3: Black trim (including shoes)

(The gold trim and metal bits cannot be dyed)
