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Innkeeper Brynmir
Location The Outcast Inn, Outcast Inn Cellar
Race Nord Gender Male
Reaction Friendly

Innkeeper Brynmir is a Nord and new owner of the Outcast Inn. He is determined to make a success of the place and has a strong interest in brewing fancy drinks.

However, Brynmir has been having trouble with the place ever since his latest guest arrived at the inn.

Related Quests[edit]

  • The Many Paths: Look into the tangled threads of fates at the Outcast Inn and help Ithelia.
  • In Memory Of: Some memories are best forgotten.

Quest-Related Events[edit]

The Many Paths[edit]

When you arrive at the Outsider Inn, Leramil the Wise will be outside as she detected something unsual in the area. Furthermore, the nature of this anomaly hurts her to approach, so she asks you to investigate. After you head through the gates, the sky above will change drastically, and once inside the inn, golden spectral Reality Echos will wander the floors.

Once you enter the building, Innkeeper Brynmir will notice you:

Innkeeper Brynmir: "Another apparition? Oh, you're real. Please, come in. What can I get you?"

Speak with him to find out what is going on:

"Yes, uh, please come in. Stay for a while. Just pay no mind to the crack in the sky outside or those … shadows? Ignore them and have a drink.
All right, I can't ignore them either. It all started when the woman at the table by the fire came in."
Met Before:
I think I know her. Her name is Ithelia.
"I don't know her from a skeever's arse and I don't care what her name is. But she's absolutely the cause of my problems. Right after she arrived, the sky changed and those shadows started roaming my inn.
Then she sat by the fire without a word."
Who is she?
"I don't know her from a skeever's arse. But she's absolutely the cause of my problems. Right after she arrived, the sky changed and those shadows started roaming my inn.
Then she sat by the fire without a word."
She hasn't made any requests?
"Not a one. But a good innkeep can guess what a customer needs, and she needs a drink. Something to wake her up—a Skyrim Sunrise.
I can't leave my patrons with these shadows, though. Could you go to the well and fetch some water? You'll drink free."
I'll go get water from the well for you.
"The well's out back in the courtyard. Bring me a bucket of water and I'll mix up a Skyrim Sunrise. That should get her talking.
Then I can ask her to move along and take this strangeness with her. She's scaring my customers."

After you agree to fetch water, you can ask him some questions:

Did you try asking her to leave? / Did you try asking the woman to leave?
"All good innkeepers know when to leave someone alone and when to chat them up. If not for these shadows floating around, I'd let the woman have her privacy by the fire.
Also, there's something about her that frightens me."
Why do you call them shadows?
"Can't think of a better word. They're not people, just sort of disturbingly people-shaped. I think they want to speak, but they don't make a sound.
They arrived and the sky cracked exactly when the woman by the fire stepped through the door."
Can you tell me about the cracked sky?
"I didn't see the crack at first. The light through the window went dark, which was eerie enough. When I poked my head out to look at the sky, there it was.
It might be my imagination, but every time I look up, I swear those cracks get bigger."
Tell me about the Outcast Inn.
"Bought the place almost a year ago. It's old Colovian—late First Era I'm told. The seller claimed Reman III slept here, but I don't see how she'd know that.
I had big dreams for this place. Don't know if they'll work out now."
What sorts of dreams?
"I wanted to turn this establishment into a high-end place known for its most unusual drinks. All for a reasonable cost for the common traveler.
I concoct my own recipes from scratch, you know. Everyone deserves a drink made with skill and care."
Why is it called the Outcast Inn?
"Almost every innkeep apprenticeship I ever had kicked me out. They said my drink ideas were too complicated. Really hurt at the time.
When I could afford to buy my own place, I named it after how I felt back then. Showed them, didn't I?"
Did you always want to be an innkeep?
"Always! Making drinks is like alchemy, and I like taking care of strangers. I finally found someone who believed in me. Millie. She suggested I buy this place and provided some of the funds.
I need to keep this place open. Honor her belief in me."

When you draw water from the well and return, the woman at the fire will call out to you for help. If you talk to Brynmir, he says:

"Finally, she speaks! I think the woman wants something from you. Go talk to her. Maybe she'll tell you what she wants and we can finally get her to leave."

After speaking with the woman who is Ithelia, she remembers little, and strange happenings around the inn are a side effect of the current lack of control she has. She was drawn to the place due to a memory of a drink known as Sage's Dream. You can then speak with Brynmir to see if he can help:

"Well, at least she's finally talking. That's better than I ever managed.
I hope you told her to get out of here. My remaining customers are starting to talk about settling their bill and finding someplace less strange."
She mentioned a drink called Sage's Dream. She wants you to make it for her.
"I knew she wanted a drink! But Sage's Dream? Never heard of it. And I've memorized every recipe in every edition of the Innkeeper's Helper.
Wait, I just remembered. We might be in luck yet."
What did you remember?
"The previous owner left junk all over the courtyard. I've been sorting through it and noticed a book on obscure and ancient drinks. Maybe it contains a recipe for Sage's Dream.
Go back there and find that book!"
I'll search the inn's courtyard for the book on obscure drinks.
"Gilraedal's Book of Obscure and Ancient Spirits. That's the book's name! Search around the courtyard behind the inn. Also, try the outbuilding in the far back. I found junk in there, too.
Bring me the book and we'll see if it has the recipe we need."

You can ask him further questions about the drink and Ithelia:

Any idea why this drink is so important to her?
"Not a clue. Innkeepers get plenty of requests they don't understand. Our job isn't to ask questions. We're here to listen and help customers relax and forget their problems.
Though, maybe that's different for this patron."
How do you mean different?
"Strong drink fogs the mind, right? Makes some pains less sharp. But doesn't her mind seem clouded already, maybe even stormy?
I think she wants a drink that will provide her with some clarity."

After finding the book, you can return to Brynmir and give it to him to read:

"She hasn't moved once since you left. I tried talking to her, but she only muttered quietly to herself. I'd almost feel bad for her if I wasn't losing sales.
Did you find that book on obscure drinks?"
Yes, I did. It describes a drink made by Ayleids called the Sage's Dream.
"An Ayleid drink? Odd. This inn was built on Ayleid ruins. Eh, just a coincidence.
Tirum weed, harkfruit juice, lute berries? I've never even heard of these ingredients. I can mimic that flavor profile, though. Just need some substitutions."
What can you substitute for those ingredients?
"I need to think about it. Maybe frost mirriam? Oh, some lotus might work ….
In the meantime, I need to make some syrup. Go to the cellar and grab some sugar. I'll keep thinking about this until you get back."
I'll go look for sugar in the cellar.

Before you head into the cellar, you can ask him some more questions:

"Reproducing a Sage's Dream sounds like a fun challenge. It'll certainly take my mind off of what's happening to my inn.
You'll find stairs to the cellar in the room behind you. It opens up into an old ruin, but don't mind that."
You've never heard of the ingredients in that recipe?
"Never. I've learned about drinks from across Tamriel, and none of these ingredients sound familiar.
But that won't stop me. Maybe we can bring this drink back into popularity."
Your cellar connects to old ruins?
"Oh, sure. You'll find these old ruins all across Colovia. The first owner built the inn on top of some. Whoever dug out the cellar broke through into ruins and just left it that way.
I use it for storage now."

If you went down the cellar and before you speak to Ithelia, you can return to Brynmir to talk to him:

"Don't know what you did, but the woman by the fire finally left. Sure, she just followed you downstairs for some unknown reason, but that's progress.
Still seeing the strange stuff, though. Bring back some sugar so we can make her that drink."

While down in the cellar, Ithelia will join you which leads to the discovery of the Lamp of Clarity and an impromptu journey through the Many Paths. Here you meet other versions of Ithelia, while gathering the ingredients for Sage's Dream and learning more about Ithelia and her nature. After your return from your journey, Brynmir will come down into the cellar with an update:

Innkeeper Brynmir: "There you are! Come here. I have an idea about the Sage's Dream."

Talk to Innkeeper Brynmir to inform him you have the ingredients:

"Did you get lost down here? Yeah, that happens to me sometimes, too. That woman is back upstairs, sitting by the fire, so I came looking for you.
I think I figured out how to make a Sage's Dream, even if we don't have the proper ingredients."
No need to improvise. I have the proper ingredients right here.
"What? You do? Well, that makes things easier. I'm not sure where you got ingredients that no longer exist, but a good innkeeper knows when not to ask questions.
Can you help me make the drink? I'll read from the recipe book while you do the rest!"
What should I do?
"I turned my alchemy stove into the finest experimental drink maker in Tamriel. You can be the first to try it!
For each ingredient, we'll need to get the temperature just right. I'll call out for more or less heat, you turn the appropriate valve."
All right. Let's make a Sage's Dream.

You can then head over to the nearby apparatus and place the ingredients. If you speak with him during he will say the following:

"No one ever wanted to try one of my experimental drinks before. All they ever ordered was mead or ale. Now I can finally put this apparatus to the test!
Just follow along with my instructions. We'll make a great drink."

Firstly the you will need to prepare the Tirum Weed:

Innkeeper Brynmir: "First, place the tirum weed in the apparatus."

Then apply heat:

Innkeeper Brynmir: "Slowly apply heat to steep the tirum weed."

When he asks you to put more heat:

Innkeeper Brynmir: "Needs more heat."

If you end up burning up the batch, you will have to start over:

Innkeeper Brynmir: "You burned that batch. We'll have to start over."

Once properly heated:

Innkeeper Brynmir: "That looks nicely steeped! Next, place the harkfruit in the apparatus."

After adding the harkfruit, you will need apply heat to it:

Innkeeper Brynmir: "Apply heat to liquify the harkfruit. Again, not too hot."
Innkeeper Brynmir: "It needs to be hotter."

If getting too hot:

Innkeeper Brynmir: "You'll burn the fruit. Reduce the heat!"
Innkeeper Brynmir: "Too hot! Reduce the heat."

If you end up overburning the harkfruit, you have to do the procedure again:

Innkeeper Brynmir: "Harkfruit burns too easily. Let's try again."

Once properly liquified:

Innkeeper Brynmir: "The harkfruit looks properly reduced. Now add lute berries to the apparatus."

After adding the Lute Berries:

Innkeeper Brynmir: "You should chill the lute berries without freezing them."

Trying to cool the berries:

Innkeeper Brynmir: "It needs to be cooler."
Innkeeper Brynmir: "It's getting too cold. Don't freeze them!"

If you freeze the berries:

Innkeeper Brynmir: "Ah, we froze the lute berries. We can start over."

Once the berries are properly chilled, Innkeeper Brynmir will say:

Innkeeper Brynmir: "Perfectly chilled! Now to blend the drink. Two parts steeped tirum weed and harkfruit juice for every one part of chilled lute berries."

Now you will have to mix the drink properly, you will need to add two portions of lute berries and four of the tirum weed and harkfruit juice. He will say the following as you add the correct amount of ingredients:

Innkeeper Brynmir: "That's the exact amount of lute berries we need."
Innkeeper Brynmir: "That's just the right amount of harkfruit juice. No need for more."
Innkeeper Brynmir: "That's the perfect amount of tirum weed. Don't add anymore."

If you add too much of an ingredient, Brynmir will say the following:

Innkeeper Brynmir: "That's too many lute berries. We'll begin again."
Innkeeper Brynmir: "You poured too much harkfruit juice. No problem, we'll start again."
Innkeeper Brynmir: "Too much tirum weed. We'll start a new blend."

Once you have successfully blended the drink:

Innkeeper Brynmir: "Looks like a perfectly blended Sage's Dream! Pour the finished drink into that carafe."

After placing the Sage's Dream in a carafe:

Innkeeper Brynmir: "Now grab the drink and take it to that strange woman. I'll meet you upstairs."
<Innkeeper Brynmir runs upstairs.>

If you return to the inn without retrieving the drink and then went back to the cellar and retrieve the drink, you can speak to him again:

"Are you sure you never made a Sage's Dream before? That wasn't an easy process. But it smells wonderful. That must be some drink!"

He will be back at the counter, and if you try to talk to him, he will insist you give Ithelia her drink:

"What are you waiting for? Give her the drink already!"

When you give Ithelia the drink, you can then speak with her to complete the quest. If you talk to Brynmir first:

"I just wanted a nice inn where I could serve normal customers. Instead, I got a mysterious woman, wandering shadow people, and cracks in the sky."

The drink did help and she now remembers more and has more control over her powers. After admitting her envy of you and mortals for being able to change, she will disappear and reality around the inn will be restored. Innkeeper Brynmir will be shocked at her exit:

"You did it! That strange woman has left and taken the shadows with her!
Time to start running a regular inn again. Maybe I'll add the Sage's Dream to the menu. Provided I can get some more of those ingredients!"

In Memory Of[edit]

Innkeeper Brynmir will be one of the guests at Beragon's townhouse during the celebration:

"When I heard about this party, I decided to make my way to the city and offer my regards, too.
Nice to see all the folks you helped here. I guess helping my little inn was only one step in what sounds like an epic adventure!"
How's the inn doing these days, Brynmir?
"Well, business is still a little rocky, but my new drinks are starting to get noticed.
I'm even working on one to commemorate this moment. Named for you, of course. The Helping Hand? The Mysterious Wanderer? If you have a suggestion, let me know!"

Midway through the party, you will be called away to meet with Hermaeus Mora. He reveals that despite your success at having Ithelia leave your reality for good, he will make everyone except you and him forget the Prince of Paths.

If you speak with Innkeeper Brynmir after Beragon's toast, you will find he has been affected by Mora's magic:

"Thanks again for helping me with that problem. If not for you … wait, what happened again? Oh, right, the shadows … and … was there someone else there?
Anyway, you can always drink for free at the Outcast Inn! Or, at least at a deep discount."


Later on, you can return to the Outcast Inn and Brynmir will happily greet you:

"Welcome to the Outcast Inn! We had some difficulties recently, but we're open for business and happy to see you. Come on in and rest for a spell. And do try the Sage's Dream! It's an ethereal experience in a glass!
Oh, good to see you again, friend!"