Imperial City


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Location Imperial SewersIrrigation Tunnels (Training Grounds)
Race Xivkyn Gender Male
Health 743,985 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 2.png
Reaction Hostile
Daedra Hearts, Tel Var Stones, Imperial Fragments
Lead: Hecatomb Tassets
Hzu-Hakan and his Clannfear

Hzu-Hakan is a xivkyn champion found inside the Irrigation Tunnels of the Imperial City Sewers. He is a powerful archer who has been training clannfear.

Skills and Abilities[edit]

Quick Shot
Basic ranged attack dealing moderate-high physical damage.
Arrow Spray
Fast conal AoE attack which deals very-high physical damage and snares targets hit. Blocking prevents the snare.
Smoldering Arrow
Hzu-Hakan fires a flaming arrow at you, dealing high flame damage and leaving an AoE on the ground dealing continuous very minor flame damage.
Hzu-Hakan fires continuously at an area as indicated by a red circle. This attack does moderate physical damage over time. This attack can be interrupted to stagger Hzu-Hakan. (Bugged)
Clannfear periodically appear out of the cages behind Hzu-Hakan to fight for him.
Negate Magic
Hzu-Hakan creates a globe of magic suppression for 10 seconds, removing and preventing all player area of effect abilities from occurring in the area. Players within the globe will be silenced and pets/companions are stunned. Silence prevents players from using any ability costing Health, Magicka, Ultimate or have no cost at all as long as they are in the affected area.


When he notices you:

"New targets to challenge me!"
"You don't have enough holes in you yet!"

Encountering him again after defeating him at least once:

"My targets return. Pathetic fools!"
"Time to play again, little fool?"
"This time, I'll put an arrow through your eye!"
"Foolishness masquerading as bravery. I will enjoy killing you."

Casting Smoldering Arrow:

"Burn, wretch, burn!"
"I'll burn the flesh off your bones!"
"You'll look good in flames, mortal!"


There is one achievement associated with this creature.

Achievement Points Description
ON-icon-achievement-Sewer Subjugator.png Sewer Subjugator 15 Kill all the named champions lurking in the Imperial Sewers.


  • His "Volley" attack is completely broken and never fires any AoE. You cannot even interrupt him despite red sparks showing around him. ?