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Online:Head Markings/Crown Crate Rewards

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This article is about head markings earned through Crown Crates. For head markings that can be earned in-game or bought from the Crown Store, see Head Markings. For body markings earned through Crown Crates, see Body Markings/Crown Crate Rewards.

Head Markings are cosmetic collectibles worn on a character's face. These collectibles can be scars, face paint, tattoos, or any number of markings applied to a character's head. This page lists head markings that are earned through the purchase of Crown Crates, and can be bought with Crown 0GemsGems Crown Gems.


Storm Atronach Crates
Wild Hunt Crates
Reaper's Harvest Crates
Flame Atronach Crate
Scalecaller Crate
Psijic Vault Crate
Hollowjack Crate
Xanmeer Crate
Dragonscale Crate
Baandari Pedlar Crate
New Moon Crate
Frost Atronach Crate
Gloomspore Crate
Nightfall Crate
Sovngarde Crate
Akaviri Potentate Crate
Ayleid Crate
Iron Atronach Crate
Grim Harlequin Crate
Celestial Crate
Sunken Trove Crate
Dark Chivalry Crate
Wraithtide Crate
Stonelore Crate
Ragebound Crate
Unfeathered Crate
Buoyant Armiger Crate
All-Maker Crate
Order of the Lamp Crate
Diamond Anniversary Crates
Dark Brotherhood Crates
Mirrormoor Crates
Available to Men/Mer only • Available to Argonians only • §Available to Khajiit only • ±Available in this season's Preview Crate

Alftand Glacial Face Tattoos[edit]

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Alftand Glacial Face Tattoos
Tattoos that replicate the distinctive iconography of Alftand, the only known Dwarven site built partially inside an active, moving glacier.

The Alftand Glacial Face Tattoos are available as a Superior-level reward from Dragonscale Crown Crates.

All-Maker's Face Art[edit]

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All-Maker's Face Art
Skaal artists scribe waved bands, signs of the All-Maker's grace, upon the brows of the worthy. The ink they use combines the All-Maker's six gifts: earth, fauna, flora, sun, water, and wind.

The All-Maker's Face Art is available as a Superior-level reward in the All-Maker Crates.

Apocrypha Corrupted Eye[edit]

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Apocrypha Corrupted Eye
"Oh this? Don't fret, mortal. It may look frightening, but the One Who Knows granted it to me personally. With this eye, the secrets of reality are no longer hidden to me. I see the truth behind the words on the page, and I am grateful."—Cipher Lielle

The Apocrypha Corrupted Eye is available as an Epic-level reward in the Mirrormoor Crate Crates.

Aristocratic Astrologer Face Art[edit]

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Aristocratic Astrologer Face Art
"I asked the artist who will ink my face to use some aetherial dust in the ink when she mixes it. So, not only will a tasteful flourish enhance my visage, but a bit of wonder will forever be a part of me. I cannot wait."—Grandee Husni

The Aristocratic Astrologer Face Art is available as a Superior-level reward in Order of the Lamp Crown Crates.

The Aurbic Eye[edit]

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The Aurbic Eye
Mystical markings for your facial features to emphasize your anima essence.

The Aurbic Eye was an Epic-level reward in Storm Atronach Crown Crates. Usable by all races except Argonian and Khajiit.

Ayleid Face Ruinmarks[edit]

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Ayleid Face Ruinmarks
This triangular light blue facial marking shows off your love of all things Ayleid—plus lends authority to your tales of Ayleid ruin exploits! Who would dare refute even the most audacious of your stories with this symbol on your brow?

The Ayleid Face Ruinmarks are available as a Superior-level reward in Unfeathered Crown Crates. They match the Ayleid Body Ruinmarks.

Azure Eyes[edit]

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Azure Eyes
"Some claim those who ventured to Moonshadow, Azura's realm of blinding beauty, leave with these glowing blue eyes, but I think they're just the result of meddling with too much magic."—Bivale Saryoni, Scholar

The Azure Eyes are available as an Epic-level reward in Celestial Crates.

Azure Sky Blue Lip Tint[edit]

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Sky Blue Lip Tint always makes a bold statement! That statement being either "I'm a cheerful free spirit" or "I'm a psychotic killer," depending on the face that's wearing it.
Azure Sky Blue Lip Tint

The Azure Sky Blue Lip Tint is available as a Superior-level reward in the Reaper's Harvest Crown Crates.

Bards College Skald Face Marks[edit]

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"Paint Dibella's beauty in gentle strokes upon your cheek so that all will know your muse and feel her touch when you caress the hearts of your audience."—Artist-Adept Aimira
Bards College Skald Face Marks

The Bards College Skald Face Marks are available as a Superior-level reward in Nightfall Crates.

Black Sacrament Mass Face Marks[edit]

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Enacting the Black Sacrament is said to leave a mark upon the soul. Some few choose to make that soul mark visible for all to see.
Black Sacrament Mass Face Marks

The Black Sacrament Mass Face Marks are available as a Superior-level reward in Dark Brotherhood Crates.

Blessed Life-Tree Face Markings[edit]

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"The mysteries surrounding the ancient ruins of Ayleid civilization are many. How you returned from your last Ayleid endeavor with the markings of the blessed life-tree on your face remains one of them.
Blessed Life-Tree Face Markings

The Blessed Life-Tree Face Markings are available as an Epic-level reward in Ayleid crates. This marking stands out on vampiric faces.

Bloodmoon Eyes[edit]

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"When the blood moon rises over Hircine's Hunting Grounds, when true bloodlust has gripped his faithful, when the thrill of the chase is at its peak, it is said the Lord of the Hunt will mark his hunters forevermore."—Tales from the Hunt, translated
Bloodmoon Eyes

The Bloodmoon Eyes are available as an Epic-level reward in Dark Brotherhood Crates.

Briarheart Face Scarification[edit]

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"Feather and claw. Marked for a Briarheart, eh? What called you? Reachfolk dreams? Daedric nightmares? A persuasive witch? All of these and more? It matters not to me. I simply want a chance to examine your facial ink."—Artist-Adept Aimira
Briarheart Face Scarification

The Briarheart Face Scarification is available as a Superior-level reward in Ragebound Crown Crates.

Bright-Throat Algae Face Tattoo[edit]

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Bright-Throat Algae Face Tattoo
Cheerful face daubings in the Bright-Throat style, in colorful green algae dye.

The Bright-Throat Algae Face Tattoovailable as a Superior-level reward from Xanmeer Crown Crates.

Bright-Throat Chalk Face Tattoo[edit]

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Cheerful face daubings in the Bright-Throat style, in sharp white chalk dye.
Bright-Throat Chalk Face Tattoo

The Bright-Throat Chalk Face Tattoo is available as a Superior-level reward from Xanmeer Crown Crates.

Bright-Throat Woad Face Tattoo[edit]

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Cheerful face daubings in the Bright-Throat style, in colorful blue woad dye.
Bright-Throat Woad Face Tattoo

The Bright-Throat Woad Face Tattoo is available as a Superior-level reward from Xanmeer Crown Crates.

Bright-Throat Yolk Face Tattoo[edit]

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Cheerful face daubings in the Bright-Throat style, in colorful hackwing egg-yolk dye.
Bright-Throat Yolk Face Tattoo

The Bright-Throat Yolk Face Tattoo is available as a Superior-level reward from Xanmeer Crown Crates.

Cathay Baandari Face Brand[edit]

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Cathay Baandari Face Brand
During the Baandari Ritual of Pathkeeping, the highest ranked Baandari present bestows deep vermilion and brilliant white dots and crescents on a respected littermate. These marks acknowledge that the peddler lives by the Way of the Baandari.

The Cathay Baandari Face Brand is available as a Superior-level reward in Unfeathered Crown Crates.

Chittering Chaurus Face Markings[edit]

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Chittering Chaurus Face Markings
When mixed into tattoo ink, the insectoid eyes of the chaurus lend the substance a sting that makes gaining Chittering Chaurus facial markings an especially painful process. Yet the pain is part of the experience, or so both artists and recipients claim.

The Chittering Chaurus Face Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in Gloomspore Crates.

Clockwork Apostle Face Imprints[edit]

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Clockwork Apostle Face Imprints
The striking Imprint Tattoos some Clockwork Apostles display on their faces are inspired by the mechanomagical circuitry of Sotha Sil's Fabricants and Factotums.

The Clockwork Apostle Face Imprints are available as a Superior-level reward in Flame Atronach Crown Crates.

Coldharbour Corruption Eyes[edit]

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"Legion Zero is coming with their glowing blue eyes to force that odious sludge down my throat. I can hear them. My only hope is that the transformation is not too painful."—Scrap from the journal of Tatius Nerva
Coldharbour Corruption Eyes

The Coldharbour Corruption Eyes are available as an Epic-level reward in Unfeathered Crates.

Conjurer's Eyes[edit]

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Success in Conjuration requires tremendous willpower and fierce, unshakable focus. Mages who delve deeply into the art of summoning often develop otherworldly features. These violet eyes are a testament to your dedication to the arcane.
Conjurer's Eyes

The Conjurer's Eyes are available as an Epic-level reward in Grim Harlequin Crates.

Crimson Flame Lipstick[edit]

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Crimson Flame is a lipstick for the passionate, whether your passion is romance, adventure, or singing heartfelt bard songs in the local tavern on Loredas Night.
Crimson Flame Lipstick

The Crimson Flame Lipstick is available as a Superior-level reward in Flame Atronach Crown Crates.

Dagon's Aspirant Face Markings[edit]

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"To worship Dagon is to enact his will in the world. When the victims of our great work crawl from the ashes and gaze upon your face, they will see only the face of Lord Dagon." — Fenrold, Priest of Dagon
Dagon's Aspirant Face Markings

Dagon's Aspirant Face Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in Iron Atronach Crown Crates.

Darloc's Golden Eyes[edit]

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Darloc's Golden Eyes
"Darloc Brae, warlord that he was, conquered much in his life. Those with a fiery spirit and peerless martial skills sometimes possess the same molten eyes that blazed from the Golden Beast of Anequina's visage."—Sulema, Initiate Scholar

Darloc's Golden Eyes are available as an Epic-level reward in the Sunken Trove Crown Crates.

Dead-Water Blood Face Tattoos[edit]

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When the fierce Dead-Water tribe goes to a formal declaration of conflict, the warriors daub themselves with red dye that resembles smears of blood.
Dead-Water Blood Face Tattoos

The Dead-Water Blood Face Tattoos are available as an Epic-level reward in Xanmeer Crown Crates.

Death Grin Face Tattoo[edit]

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This grim design is often worn by members of groups usually in opposition to each other: necromancers such as the Worm Cult, and the priests of Divines who guide souls to the afterlife such as Arkay, Xarxes, and Tu'whacca.
Death Grin Face Tattoo

The Death Grin Face Tattoo is available as an Epic-level reward in the Reaper's Harvest Crown Crates.

Death Dealer Facial Markings[edit]

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"I've been told this tattoo makes my cheekbones stand out. Bah. Who has need of pretty cheekbones? No, this tattoo honors the blood I shed defeating the deadliest foes in Tamriel."—Margretha
Death Dealer Facial Markings

The Death Dealer Facial Markings are available as a superior-level reward in New Moon Crown Crates.

Defensive Rune Face Tattoos[edit]

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Defensive Rune Face Tattoos
"Julianos, god of all that is known to be true, guide my eyes toward the answers I seek. Let me cast my spells successfully. Through your power, may my lessons be everlasting."—Ritual prayer to Julianos

The Defensive Rune Face Tattoos are available as a Superior-level reward in the Dark Chivalry Crown Crates. They match the Defensive Rune Body Tattoos.

Draco Aerius Face Markings[edit]

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Before body artists place Draco Aerius facial markings on someone, they wash the face with a concoction called "Dragon's Blood."
Draco Aerius Face Markings

The Draco Aerius Face Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in Baandari Pedlar Crown Crates. They match the Draco Aerius Body Markings.

Dragonbone Chain Face Marking[edit]

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The bones of the Dovah have a powerful symbolic significance to worshipers of the ancient Dragon Cult, who created this Dragonbone Chain tattoo set.
Dragonbone Chain Face Marking

The Dragonbone Chain Face Marking is available as a Superior-level reward in the Scalecaller Crown Crates.

Dragondancer Facial Markings[edit]

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"Dancing among the Dragons. Wounding. Killing. It's not a job for the faint of heart. Whatever your motivation, and whatever your hunting methods, this facial mark expresses your resolve to destroy those creatures known as Dragons." —Artist-Adept Aimira
Dragondancer Facial Markings

The Dragondancer Facial Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in New Moon Crates.

Dragon Cult Face Tattoo[edit]

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Skyrim's Dragon Cult was exterminated two eras ago, but its powerful symbology lives on in the banners of the Ebonheart Pact, and in these bold draconic tattoo sets.
Dragon Cult Face Tattoo

The Dragon Cult Face Tattoo is available as a Superior-level reward in the Reaper's Harvest Crown Crates.

Dragonsmoke Face Markings[edit]

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"All will see your fierceness plainly as it is now writ upon your face in Dragonsmoke."—Artist-Adept Aimira
Dragonsmoke Face Markings

The Dragonsmoke Face Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in Baandari Pedlar Crown Crates.

Dragon Vassal Face Markings[edit]

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In ancient times, mortals wishing to express their utter devotion and fealty to the Dovah were known to wear these Dragon Vassal Face Markings.
Dragon Vassal Face Markings

The Dragon Vassal Face Markings are available as an Epic-level reward in the Scalecaller Crown Crates.

Dragon Wings Face Markings[edit]

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The Dragon Cult of the ancient Nords is long gone and forgotten—or is it? These Face Markings show the wearer's devotion to the Dovah worship of old.
Dragon Wings Face Markings

The Dragon Wings Face Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in the Hollowjack Crown Crates.

Dreadhorn Face Tattoo[edit]

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The Reachmen of the Dreadhorn clan revere Minotaurs for the brute strength and savagery, a regard evinced in their barbaric but strangely beautiful sets of tattoos.
Dreadhorn Face Tattoo

The Dreadhorn Face Tattoo is available as a Superior-level reward in the Reaper's Harvest Crown Crates.

Dreadsail Face Tattoo[edit]

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The Dreadsail adopted a tradition from Red Bramman's crew whereby anyone who has survived swells eight sailors high tattoos a gust of wind on their cheeks. This tattoo has even been used as a letter of recommendation when signing on to a new crew.
Dreadsail Face Tattoo

The Dreadsail Face Tattoo is available as a Superior-level reward in Stonelore Crates.

Dreamstrider Face Art[edit]

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"Do not talk to me of dreams. I've seen your dreams. Your nightmares. I've walked—and flown—alongside you through tragedy and awe. Vaermina's gifts let me see much. Look here. She also marked my face. Today, I choose to show her art."—Tredyn Ildram
Dreamstrider Face Art

The Dreamstrider Face Art is available as a Superior-level reward in Buoyant Armiger Crown Crates.

Dremora's Kiss Purple Lip Tint[edit]

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For the truly exotic, tint your lips with a color not found naturally on Nirn, only in the swirling depths of Oblivion. Dare you declare yourself a denizen from beyond the realm of mortals?
Dremora's Kiss Purple Lip Tint

The Dremora's Kiss Purple Lip Tint is available as a Superior-level reward in the Reaper's Harvest Crown Crates.

Dremora Kyn Face Tattoo[edit]

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Dremora Kyn Face Tattoo
When the Dremora go to war, the Kyn adopt special geometric face markings that display their commitment to victory over dishonor. With these tattoos, mortals can look just as fearsome as Dremora.

The Dremora Kyn Face Tattoo is available as a Legendary-level reward in Flame Atronach Crown Crates.

Dwarven Centurion Face Tattoos[edit]

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Dwarven Centurion Face Tattoos
An impressive set of face markings inspired by that giant mechanical guardian of Dwemer ruins, the Dwarven Centurion!

The Dwarven Centurion Face Tattoos are available as an Epic-level reward in Dragonscale Crown Crates.

Dwarven Geometry Face Markings[edit]

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Dwarven Geometry Face Markings
These repeating geometrical face markings emphasize the lost Dwemer's obsession with numerical precision, and make their wearer look as tough as a Dwarven mechanism.

The Dwarven Geometry Face Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in Dragonscale Crown Crates.

Eagle Plume Face Tattoo[edit]

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Eagle Plume Face Tattoo
The Eagle: symbol of the Aldmeri Dominion and totem of the High Elves, expressing their soaring ambition to be pre-eminent in whatever they choose to pursue. This tasteful Face Tattoo displays one's allegiance to that ideal.

The Eagle Plume Face Tattoo is available as an Epic-level reward in the Psijic Vault Crown Crates.

Elder Dragon Face Marks[edit]

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Blue pigment enhances the Dragon horns of this facial tattoo, creating a dramatic visual impact.
Elder Dragon Face Marks

The Elder Dragon Face Marks were distributed as a daily reward for logging in for fourteen days in February of 2020. They are available as a Superior-level reward in Buoyant Armiger Crown Crates.

Enchanting Cherry Blossom Visage[edit]

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Enchanting Cherry Blossom Visage
Painting a sprig of blossoms from Auridon's fair shores on your cheek ensures the petals of your own elegance will bloom in the eyes of all who see it.

The Enchanting Cherry Blossom Visage was available as the day 14 login reward for May 2022.

Eye of Shalidor Face Markings[edit]

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Eye of Shalidor Face Markings
"I see Shalidor's eye on your brow—you passed the final test set before you then. Well done! I shall make all the library's resources available to you at this point."—Librarian Nalinale, College of Winterhold

The Eye of Shalidor Face Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in the Akaviri Potentate Crown Crates.

Eyes of Sanguine[edit]

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Eyes of Sanguine
"Revel in the moment as you've never done. Fix the passionate excess in your mind, then let it go to fully enjoy the next moment. And the next. Some say that with practice, you can see the debauchery of Sanguine gleaming from your eyes."—Seducer Trilvath

The Eyes of Sanguine are available as an Epic-level reward in the Stonelore Crown Crates.

Eyes of Sithis[edit]

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It's said those who enact the will of Sithis with perfect clarity will one day see the Night Lord himself. What that sight may do to the viewer is never discussed.
Eyes of Sithis

The Eyes of Sithis are available as an Epic-level reward in Dark Brotherhood Crates.

Eyes of S'rendarr[edit]

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Eyes of S'rendarr
Mercy, compassion, and charity radiate from your eyes as clearly as the moons shine in the evening sky. Were you blessed by S'rendarr the Runt, or did your actions and words grant you this glow?

The Eyes of S'rendarr are available as an Epic-level reward in the All-Maker Crates.

Eyes of the Prophet[edit]

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Eyes of the Prophet
"Weep, my child, for you have been blessed with a great and terrible gift. You alone know what is to come. Many are the seers whose words fall on deaf ears, only for calamity to strike. Pray for the present, and grieve for tomorrow." —Wise Woman Asani

The Eyes of the Prophet are available as an Epic-level reward in the All-Maker Crates.

Eyes of the Scamp[edit]

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"Mix the sweat from your last kill with that of a Scamp. Then pray to Mehrunes Dagon. Might be that he grants your eyes a guise of sorts. Scamp's eyes, they call it. Good favor is what I call it."—Golor the Banekin Handler
Eyes of the Scamp

The Eyes of the Scamp are available as an Epic-level reward in Ragebound Crown Crates.

Eyes of the Xivilai[edit]

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Eyes of the Xivilai
The cunning madness of the Xivilai gleams in your eyes as you pursue your latest endeavor. Will you succeed because of, or in spite of, this new luminescence you've earned?

The Eyes of the Xivilai are available as an Epic-level reward in the Stonelore Crown Crates.

Eyes of Umaril[edit]

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Eyes of Umaril
"Some say that Umaril the Unfeathered can work through mortals, making their eyes glow. You see someone with yellow radiance in their eyes? Think twice before pummeling such folk." —Globura of Gonfalon Bay

The Eyes of Umaril is an Epic-level reward in the Wraithtide Crown Crates.

Fabulous Diamond Eyes[edit]

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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so they say. Although the soothsayers probably didn't mean it to be quite so literal.
Fabulous Diamond Eyes

The Fabulous Diamond Eyes are available as an Epic-level reward in Diamond Anniversary Crates.

Face Art of the Five Companions[edit]

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"Upon their brow the marks of heroism are borne. Let these symbols show all the peoples of Nirn that this bearer is a bringer of light and justice, and that no evil shall flourish where they go."—The Seer's Adoration, translated
Face Art of the Five Companions

The Face Art of the Five Companions is available as a Superior-level reward in Diamond Anniversary Crates.

Face Soul-Mark of the Sapiarchs[edit]

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Face Soul-Mark of the Sapiarchs
The pursuit of perfection is brutal when the Sapiarchs are involved. They may look elegant, but these markings are a sign the bearer suffered in the application. Remember this—and the cost of conformity.

The Face Soul-Mark of the Sapiarchs is available as a Superior-level reward in the Mirrormoor Crate Crates.

Fire Cyclone Face Markings[edit]

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Fire Cyclone Face Markings
Impress your friends and strike fear into your enemies with these dazzlingly vibrant face markings. Be warned! This look can only be pulled off by the most bold and daring adventurers in Tamriel.

Available as an Epic-level reward in Flame Atronach Crown Crates.

First Cat's Pride Tattoo[edit]

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"Within you is the spirit of the First Cat's Pride. Let us bring that golden fire to the surface so that others may gaze upon your spirit directly, then react with awe."—Artist-Adept Aimira
First Cat's Pride Tattoo

Available as an Epic-level reward in Frost Atronach Crates.

Firesong Face Art[edit]

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"Burn your eyes and see through the smoke to the True Way. Submit your mind to the flames and be remade in the essence of nature's bliss. Y'ffre will keep your path bright and your heart's fire will never dim."—Prayer said during the festival of Y'ffelon
Firesong Face Art

The Firesong Face Art is available as a Superior-level reward in Stonelore Crates.

Forsaken Sacrifice Face Markings[edit]

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"Nords are known for leading short, but vigorous lives driven by passion. Those with Giant sacrificial markings on their faces? The fire of life burns brightest in those with looming shadows cast over them."—Fadile Senoril
Forsaken Sacrifice Face Markings

Available as a Superior-level reward in Nightfall Crates.

Fortune's Anvil Face Markings[edit]

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Popular among the more zealous smiths of Blackwood, the anvil facial tattoo makes one's commitment to labor and commerce clear to everyone—especially Zenithar, the Provider of our Ease.
Fortune's Anvil Face Markings

The Fortune's Anvil Face Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in Celestial crates.

Frigid Impact Face Marking[edit]

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The ice within which you contain your emotions is strong, but your rage is stronger. Express your fury with these cracked ice facial markings.
Frigid Impact Face Marking

Available as a Superior-level reward in Frost Atronach Crates.

Frigid Ritual Face Markings[edit]

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The symbol of the Icereach coven reminds people not to cross you and yours. If they do, well, the consequences are theirs to suffer.
Frigid Ritual Face Markings

The Frigid Ritual Face Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in Gloomspore Crates.

Gargoyle Facial Flair[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Gargoyle Facial Flair.png
Express your inner gargoyle with this fierce facial flair. The gargoyle's horns are yours now. Will you use their power to intimidate gravely? Or frivously? Why not both?
Gargoyle Facial Flair

The Gargoyle Facial Flair is available as a Superior-level reward in New Moon Crates.

Ghost Goblin Face War Paint[edit]

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Ghost Goblin Face War Paint
Certain Goblin tribes instill fierce recklessness in their warriors by encouraging them to think of themselves as already dead, chalking their forms before battle with what their adversaries refer to as Ghost Goblin War Paint.

Available as an Epic-level Reward in Dragonscale Crown Crates.

Glenmoril Wyrd Face Markings[edit]

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Glenmoril Wyrd Face Markings
Favored among the Markarth Sisters, these blood-red markings signify one who fiercely defends the natural world while walking among the wilds and cities alike.

The Glenmoril Wyrd Face Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in the Akaviri Potentate Crown Crates.

Gloomlurker Face Markings[edit]

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"Look, I'll tell it to you straight: Don't mess with Gloomlurkers. They spent too much time in ruins and put some ritual markings on their faces after killing what they fear most. You poke them and they become your greatest fear."—Gloor the Glowerer
Gloomlurker Face Markings

The Gloomlurker Face Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in Gloomspore Crates.

Golden Eye Gaze[edit]

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The glint of gold tempts many. Wear this at your local Carnavale party to draw a greedy gaze.
Golden Eye Gaze

The Golden Eye Gaze is available as an Epic-level reward in Diamond Anniversary Crates.

Grave Plunderer Facepaint[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Grave Plunderer Facepaint.png
"People act like what we do is amoral, but you retrieve a trinket from their long-dead grandpa, and they're all smiles. Just don't forget to mark yourself as one of us before you start work, or we might mistake you for draugr!"—Paurges Aline
Grave Plunderer Facepaint

The Grave Plunderer Facepaint is available as a Superior-level reward in Gloomspore Crates.

High Isle Mariner's Face Tattoos[edit]

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High Isle Mariner's Face Tattoos
"Want to earn respect from High Isle sailors? Laugh in the face of a mast-shearing storm between here and Amenos, plus feed a few pirates to the fishes, and I'll ink your face so that all know your spirit.—Florent Renaudin, Tattoo Artist

The High Isle Mariner's Face Tattoos are available as a Superior-level reward from the Dark Chivalry Crates. They match the High Isle Mariner's Body Tattoos.

Highmane's Hero Face Marks[edit]

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Highmane's Hero Face Marks
The Dragon King of Cats gilds his champions so their endurance and dedication may be seen by all. Those who bear this mark have borne great responsibility upon their shoulders and risen to heed the call.

The Highmane's Hero Face Marks are available as a Superior-level reward in the All-Maker Crates. They match the Highmane's Hero Body Marks.

Hircine's Chosen Face Marks[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Hircine's Chosen Face Marks.png
"Hircine called you—I see it upon your face. Your scars tell the story of the kill, as does the Huntmaster's scarlet marks. Tell me. Was it fun?"—Garlor of Orsinium
Hircine's Chosen Face Marks

The Hircine's Chosen Face Marks are available as a Superior-level reward in Ragebound Crown Crates.

Hircine's Hunt Face Markings[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Hircine's Hunt Face Markings.png
After hunting some of the most threatening prey within Hircine's grasp—perhaps even under the Blood Moon—that Daedric prince's scarlet sign of approval now scores your face. Any who would become your quarry would do well to think twice.
Hircine's Hunt Face Markings

The Hircine's Hunt Face Markings were available as an Epic-level reward in the Nightfall Preview Crate, available to those who pre-purchased Greymoor.

Hoardwalker Face Marks[edit]

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Hoardwalker Face Marks
Seen from Outlaws Refuge to the soirees of affluent merchants, these shimmering gold facial marks carry with them the promise of more riches to come—if you dare seek out treasure hoards.

The Hoardwalker Face Marks are available as an Epic-level reward in Unfeathered Crown Crates. They match the Hoardwalker Body Marks.

Hrokkibeg's Claw Face Marks[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Hrokkibeg's Claw Face Marks.png
"You may meet the Mighty Bear, who is invoked as Hrokkibeg. He embodies the Totem of Claw and Fang, and comes seeking solitude, peace from labors, and renewal of the Burning Spirit Within. Beware, for if you rouse him you will be torn asunder."
Hrokkibeg's Claw Face Marks

The Hrokkibeg's Claw Face Marks are available as an Epic-level reward in the Hollowjack Crown Crates.

Hunting Grounds Face Tattoo[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Hunting Grounds Face Tattoo.png
When you wear the thorn and briar tattoo of the Hunting Grounds, you may be pursuer or prey, hunter or hunted, but either way you display your devotion to Lord Hircine, Master of the Great Hunt.
Hunting Grounds Face Tattoo

The Hunting Grounds Face Tattoo is available as an Epic-level reward in the Hollowjack Crown Crates.

Inferno Ink Face Markings[edit]

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Inferno Ink Face Markings
Though once reserved for summoners of Flame Atronachs, these tattoos can now be worn by any adventurer bold enough to try their daring look.

The Inferno Ink Face Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in Flame Atronach Crown Crates.

Inkwing Death Crow Face Tattoo[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Inkwing Death Crow Face Tattoo.png
The fearsome Death Crow tattoo is a favorite of Reach clans, smugglers, pirates, and worshipers of Nocturnal.
Inkwing Death Crow Face Tattoo

The Inkwing Death Crow Face Tattoo is available as an Epic-level reward in the Reaper's Harvest Crown Crates.

Karthwatch Guardian Face Tattoo[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Karthwatch Guardian Face Tattoo.png
Upon their one-year anniversary of service guarding the border of the Reach, members of the Karthwatch garrison have an informal tradition of getting a knotwork band tattooed across their foreheads to signify that they held the line.
Karthwatch Guardian Face Tattoo

The Karthwatch Guardian Face Tattoo is available as a Superior-level reward in Nightfall Crates.

Karthwolf Face Tattoo[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Karthwolf Face Tattoo.png
Many of the Reach clans along the Karth River worship Hircine, the Father of Manbeasts, and take the savage Skyrim wolves as their totems. These tattoos evoke that heritage.
Karthwolf Face Tattoo

The Karthwolf Face Tattoo is available as an Epic-level reward in the Reaper's Harvest Crown Crates.

Ket Keptu Face Marks[edit]

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Ket Keptu Face Marks
Only the fiercest and most skilled warrior-smiths of the Ket Keptu earned the right to bear these two-toned face tattoos. Do you craft your own weapons and wield them in battle? If so, wear these marks proudly.

The Ket Keptu Face Marks are available as a Superior-level reward in the Suken Trove Crown Crates. They match the Ket Keptu Body Marks.

Knights of St. Pelin Face Marks[edit]

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Knights of St. Pelin Face Marks
"Envying my friend's wing tattoos, are you? If you want your own, join the Order of Saint Pelin. Once you've made your vows and served honorably alongside us, you may just earn your own wings. It's bloody work, though. You up for it?"—Sir Falbalg

The Knights of St. Pelin Face Marks are available as a Superior-level reward in the Dark Chivalry Crown Crates. They match the Knights of St. Pelin Body Marks.

Lambent Guar Face Markings[edit]

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Lambent Guar Face Markings
Under the light of the moons, after swearing an oath to defend the land, those chosen for the honor receive softly luminous facial markings. Maintain the favor of the land, and the marks continue to glow.

The Lambent Guar Face Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in the Akaviri Potentate Crown Crates.

Legendary Dragon Face Marks[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Legendary Dragon Face Marks.png
Many Dragons have fallen before your might. Many respect your prowess in combat. And with these green-glowing markings, even those unfamiliar with Dragon hunting will suspect your ferocity.
Legendary Dragon Face Marks

The Legendary Dragon Face Marks are available as an Epic-level reward in the Frost Atronach Crown Crates.

Maddening Mishap Face Markings[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Maddening Mishap Face Markings.png
Who needs goggles when you're as skilled as you are at alchemical experiments? Huh. Maybe we spoke too soon ….
Maddening Mishap Face Markings (Men/Mer)

The Maddening Mishap Face Markings were available as a daily reward for logging in for fourteen days in September of 2020. They are also available as a Superior-level reward in Ayleid Crates.

Mages Guild Sigil Makeup[edit]

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Mages Guild Sigil Makeup
Inspired by the Mages Guild, these markings use ingredients mixed into ink by an alchemical master. An illusion-working around the eyes finishes this mystical effect.

The Mages Guild Sigil Makeup is available as an Epic-level reward in Order of the Lamp Crown Crates.

Magicka Everlasting Face Marks[edit]

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Magicka Everlasting Face Marks
Apprentices in the Mages Guild bond over stories of the day they fully understood the concept of "everlasting magic." Some go so far as to have a distinctive sigil with a background pattern tattooed on their faces.

The Magicka Everlasting Face Marks are available as a Superior-level reward in Order of the Lamp Crown Crates.

Meridian Radiance Face Tattoos[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Meridian Radiance Face Tattoos.png
"The Light of Meridia bursts into your chest and then seems to come alive, coiling and burning throughout your body and head, illuminating you from within. —The Sayings of Valasha"
Meridian Radiance Face Tattoos

The Meridian Radiance Face Tattoos are available as a Superior-level reward in Dragonscale Crown Crates.

Meridian Sunburst Face Tattoos[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Meridian Sunburst Face Tattoos.png
Celebrate the brightest light of all the Lady's Infinite Energies with these glowing Meridian Sunburst Tattoos.
Meridian Sunburst Face Tattoos

The Meridian Sunburst Face Tattoos are available as an Epic-level reward in Dragonscale Crown Crates.

Meridian War Burst Face Markings[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Meridian War Burst Face Markings.png
Before battle, warriors consecrated to Meridia often paint their bodies with these energetic "War Burst" markings.
Meridian War Burst Face Markings

The Meridian War Burst Face Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in Dragonscale Crown Crates.

Midnight Rising Makeup[edit]

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Midnight Rising Makeup
"The midnight sky knows me. Its stars and moons lend meaning to my life. The tenebrous interstices reflect nothing back at me. So, any significance I give to it is both true and false. Does that answer your question about my facial art?"—Rendorien

The Midnight Rising Makeup is available as an Epic-level reward in Order of the Lamp Crown Crates.

Mirrormoor Eyes[edit]

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Mirrormoor Eyes
The shimmering, glistening glow of Mirrormoor is stunning to behold, though few have seen it and remember the experience.

The Mirrormoor Eyes are available as an Epic-level reward in the Mirrormoor Crate Crates.

Mirrormoor Memory Face Marking[edit]

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Mirrormoor Memory Face Marking
Mere mortals were never meant to remember Mirrormoor. And yet, its power emanates across the Threads of Fate, leaving some marked by this forbidden knowledge.

The Mirrormoor Memory Face Marking is available as a Superior-level reward in the Mirrormoor Crate Crates.

Mirthless Mirror Face Paint[edit]

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Mirthless Mirror Face Paint
Not all is glee and merriment as we live through our years. Wear purple and white upon your face to symbolize our tears.

The Mirthless Mirror Face Paint is available as a Superior-level reward in the Sunken Trove Crown Crates.

Morag Tong Writ Count Face Art[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Morag Tong Writ Count Face Art.png
When a Tong assassin runs out of room to count their kills on their body, they will elect to record new kills upon their face. Watch for these markings in seedy Vvardenfell alleyways, and run.
Morag Tong Writ Count Face Art

The Morag Tong Writ Count Face Art is available as a Superior-level reward in Dark Brotherhood Crates.

Morthal Champion Face Markings[edit]

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Morthal Champion Face Markings
A rite of passage among Morthal's guard involves surviving a night out in the marshes in the buff. Those who return bear this mark of their bravery. The rest bear only the weight of the crushing mire.

The Morthal Champion Face Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in Sovngarde Crates.

Mycoturge Face Markings[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Mycoturge Face Markings.png
"The crossed mushroom stalks on my face indicate my expertise with crafting mage towers. Precision and accuracy meet at that spot. You need both to build a lasting tower for a mage and their extraordinary number of books."—Mycoturge Anisi Farano
Mycoturge Face Markings

The Mycoturge Face Markings are available as an Epic-level reward in Buoyant Armiger Crown Crates.

Mystic Magicka Flow Face Tattoos[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Mystic Magicka Flow Face Tattoos.png
The mystic monks of the Psijic Order claim that Magicka flows through mortals in specific physical channels, and they can delineate these channels as tattoos to help mages focus their spellcasting.
Mystic Magicka Flow Face Tattoos

The Mystic Magicka Flow Face Tattoos are available as a Superior-level reward in the Psijic Vault Crown Crates.

Necromantic Sigil Face Tattoos[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Necromantic Sigil Face Tattoos.png
Do you dare to wear the serpentine Necromantic Sigil that displays your dedication to the arts of undeath?
Necromantic Sigil Face Tattoos

The Necromantic Sigil Face Tattoos are available as an Epic-level reward in the Scalecaller Crown Crates.

Necrom Armiger Face Markings[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Necrom Armiger Face Markings.png
"Lord Vivec, heed my prayer. With your blessing, I traveled to Necrom. To tell my father's spirit of an oath kept, duties done. My honor as a Buoyant Armiger upheld. As my father smiles down upon me, the Dead Keepers scribe upon my flesh."—Armiger Relura
Necrom Armiger Face Markings

The Necrom Armiger Face Markings are available as an Epic-level reward in Buoyant Armiger Crown Crates.

Netchspot Abstraction Face Marks[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Netchspot Abstraction Face Marks.png
Netchspot Abstraction Face Marks
"Strokes of golden joy embracing rings of azure and bronze. These call attention to the spark of enduring happiness within you. You already love the idea of it, I can tell. Make it a reality."—Artist-Adept Aimira

The Netchspot Abstraction Face Marks are available as a Superior-level reward in Wraithtide Crown Crates. They match the Netchspot Abstraction Body Marks.

New Moon Cultist Face Tattoo[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-New Moon Cultist Face Tattoo.png
The Cult of the New Moon demands much, and you've given it … and then some. Show off your affiliation with this stylized flame facial tattoo.
New Moon Cultist Face Tattoo

The New Moon Cultist Face Tattoo is available as a Superior-level reward in the Frost Atronach Crown Crates.

Night Mother's Embrace Face Art[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Night Mother's Embrace Face Art.png
The Night Mother still weeps for her children. It is this sorrow that gives death meaning and drives her assassins into the darkness.
Night Mother's Embrace Face Art

The Night Mother's Embrace Face Art is available as a Superior-level reward in Dark Brotherhood Crates.

Nocturnal Indigo Lip Tint[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Nocturnal Indigo Lip Tint.png
Indigo Lip Tint is a popular way for worshipers of Nocturnal to do honor to the Mistress of Shadows. And it's not just for Nocturnal cultists: on the right face, dark blue lips can be strangely compelling….
Nocturnal Indigo Lip Tint

The Nocturnal Indigo Lip Tint is available as a Superior-level reward in the Reaper's Harvest Crown Crates.

Nocturnal Outlaw Face Tattoo[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Nocturnal Outlaw Face Tattoo.png
You stand strong in the darkness, listening to its wishes. You are a Nocturnal Outlaw, and none should ever doubt your abilities. Remind them with this striking facial tattoo.
Nocturnal Outlaw Face Tattoo

The Nocturnal Outlaw Face Tattoo is available as a Superior-level reward in the Frost Atronach Crown Crates.

Ode to Clockwork Face Art[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Mercymother's Face Art.png
Upon seeing these marks, some focus on how they enhance the cheekbones. By contrast, Assistant Maren of the Library of Vivec notes the connection to the Father of Mysteries. As if he caressed the recipient's face, leaving behind symbols of inspiration.
Ode to Clockwork Face Art

The Ode to Clockwork Face Art is available as a Superior-level reward in Ragebound Crown Crates. This item was previously known as Mercymother's Face Art.

Old Salt Face Tattoos[edit]

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Old Salt Face Tattoos
Your tears taste like the salty waves you brave. Your muscles endure like the anchor that holds your ship fast at sea. And the moons dictate both the tides and your schedule more often than not. Honor these aspects with an artistic facial tattoo.

The Old Salt Face Tattoos are available as a Superior-level reward in the Sunken Crates.

Path of Valor Face Markings[edit]

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Path of Valor Face Markings
"The road to Sovngarde requires bravery. Courage. Perseverance. And much death, including yours. Wear the symbol of this path upon your face—to warn others that you stand your ground in even the most desperate plights."—Gerda Swift-Sword

The Path of Valor Face Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in Sovngarde Crates.

Plague Dragon Face Stains[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Plague Dragon Face Stains.png
The followers of Peryite express their reverence through many means, including face stains that hint at their pestilent inner selves.
Plague Dragon Face Stains

The Plague Dragon Face Stains are available as a Superior-level reward in Baandari Pedlar Crown Crates.

Prankster Purple Face Paint[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Prankster Purple Face Paint.png
The prankster prances, filled with glee, as she plays tricks on all you see. With purple markings on her face, she'll bow to you with careless grace. Pray join her in her fancies free, and live life with frivolity!
Prankster Purple Face Paint

The Prankster Purple Face Paint is available as a Superior-level reward in Ayleid Crates. This marking stands out on vampiric faces.

Pride of Alkosh Face Marks[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Pride of Alkosh Face Marks.png
"The act of venerating Alkosh with ritualized facial art is an ancient Pride of Alkosh practice. In Elsweyr, we brought it back only recently." —Mo'khu, Moon Priest
Pride of Alkosh Face Marks

The Pride of Alkosh Face Marks are available as a Superior-level reward in Baandari Pedlar Crown Crates.

Raconteur Red Face Paint[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Raconteur Red Face Paint.png
The raconteur tells stories bright to help you shine through darkest night. His voice will change from friend to foe, and back again to vanquish woe. Please join him in his quest for light by taking on the red and white.
Raconteur Red Face Paint

The Raconteur Red Face Paint is available as a Superior-level reward in Ayleid crates. This marking stands out on vampiric faces.

Rajaska's Snarl Face Tattoos[edit]

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Rajaska's Snarl Face Tattoos
Namiira can grant power to those who fall, but at the cost of corruption to the soul and everything someone once was. Some rare few could help a Rajaska back to the light, but the knowledge of this ritual was lost long ago.

The Rajaska's Snarl Face Tattoos are available as a Superior-level reward in the Mirrormoor Crate Crates.

Red Diamond Face Stainwork[edit]

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Red Diamond Face Stainwork
Resembling the glass forged in the fires of an artisan's workshop, this marking is painted on the brow of anyone who's been tempered by the flames of the empire's collapse. The marking may wash away with rain, but the vow remains.

The Red Diamond Face Stainwork is available as a Superior-level reward in the Wraithtide Crown Crates.

Regal Eagle Wing Face Tattoo[edit]

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Regal Eagle Wing Face Tattoo
The noble eagle is the symbol of both royal family of the High Elves and of the Aldmeri Dominion which they lead. Show your loyalty to this Alliance and its leaders with these eagle wing tattoos.

The Regal Eagle Wing Face Tattoo is available as a Superior-level reward in the Psijic Vault Crown Crates.

Riften Rogue Face Markings[edit]

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Riften Rogue Face Markings
They say you're bolder than a starving skeever, deadlier than a rutting troll, and quieter than the fallen dead—you had to be to earn this tattoo from the artist-thieves in the Riften Ratway.

The Riften Rogue Face Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in the Akaviri Potentate Crown Crates.

Royal Purple Lipstick[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Royal Purple Lipstick.png
By ancient High Rock tradition, the deep Royal Purple color has been reserved for the use of Breton kings and queens, a custom that may date back to the Direnni Hegemony. Now any mortal can wear a monarch's lip color!
Royal Purple Lipstick

The Royal Purple Lipstick is available as a Superior-level reward in Flame Atronach Crown Crates.

Saint Kaladas Face Markings[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Saint Kaladas Face Markings.png
Thorns and angles, ancient Nibenese symbols of grace and precision, often appear in shrines and votives to Saint Kaladas. Wearing them on the face shows true dedication to one's craft.
Saint Kaladas Face Markings

The Saint Kaladas Face Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in Iron Atronach crates. They match the Saint Kaladas Body Markings .

Saliache Scholar Face Markings[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Saliache Scholar Face Markings.png
One does not need a background in Ayleid history to identify the origins of these facial markings, but only those with a vast knowledge of the Saliache Elves will truly appreciate the meaning of their design.
Saliache Scholar Face Markings

The Saliache Scholar Face Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in Ayleid crates.

Sanguine's Rose Red Lip Tint[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Sanguine's Rose Red Lip Tint.png
This is a lip tint that proclaims its wearer's dedicated commitment to passion, whether as a follower of Sanguine, of Dibella, or of the earthy side of Morwha. Pucker up, adventurer!
Sanguine's Rose Red Lip Tint

The Sanguine's Rose Red Lip Tint is available as a Superior-level reward in the Reaper's Harvest Crown Crates.

Scrying Eye Psijic Face Tattoo[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Scrying Eye Psijic Face Tattoo.png
The Psijic Order has its eye on you—literally! These tattoos show that Mysticism enables you to see beyond the mundane and into the arcane.
Scrying Eye Psijic Face Tattoo

The Scrying Eye Psijic Face Tattoo is available as an Epic-level reward in the Psijic Vault Crown Crates.

Senchal Brigand Face Tattoo[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Senchal Brigand Face Tattoo.png
The call of a lawless life sings in your head each evening. Maybe you'll help someone who's struggling. Maybe you'll steal an arrogant mer's coin purse. Whatever the case, your chosen path is reflected by your choice of facial tattoo.
Senchal Brigand Face Tattoo

The Senchal Brigand Face Tattoo is available as a Superior-level reward in the Frost Atronach Crown Crates.

Serpentine Interlace Face Tattoo[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Serpentine Interlace Face Tattoo.png
This design symbolizing the intertwining of all life forms is popular with wyresses, Wardens, Y'ffre-worshipers, and all those who feel a special connection with Nature in Tamriel.
Serpentine Interlace Face Tattoo

The Serpentine Interlace Face Tattoo is available as a Superior-level reward in the Reaper's Harvest Crown Crates.

Serpent Scale Face Marking[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Serpent Scale Face Marking.png
These ophidian tattoo markings are favored by those who revere Serpents, Dragons, and other mystical reptilians.
Serpent Scale Face Marking

The Serpent Scale Face Marking is available as a Superior-level reward in the Scalecaller Crown Crates.

Shadow Stripe Headwrap[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Shadow Stripe Headwrap.png
Head markings that resemble the mottled shadows of light filtering through the Elsweyr jungles.
Shadow Stripe Headwrap

The Shadow Stripe Headwrap is available as an Epic-level reward in Strom Atronach Crown Crates. Usable only by Khajiit.

Shagrath's Favor Face Marks[edit]

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Shagrath's Favor Face Marks
"I can see Shagrath's interest in you. The silver strands spun across your body speak volumes. My question is, will you traverse her weavings, or spin your own? Shagrath prefers the latter."—Selene

The Shagrath's Favor Face Marks are available as a Superior-level reward in Wraithtide Crown Crates. They match the Shagrath's Favor Body Marks.

Sheogorat Face Branding[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Sheogorat Face Branding.png
Sheogorat Face Branding
Not all who visit Cheesemonger's Hollow return the same. Sometimes those who escape remember nothing of the experience and must forever puzzle over how these cheese and butterfly tattoos showed up on their faces.

The Sheogorat Face Branding is available as a Superior-level reward in Order of the Lamp Crown Crates.

Skald's Face Branding[edit]

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Skald's Face Branding
Traversing northern waters exposes ships to dangers not found in warmer seas … such as restless spirits. Skalds brave these challenges fearlessly, marking their brows in defiance of the unquiet dead.

The Skald's Face Branding is available as a Superior-level reward in Wraithtide Crown Crates.

Soulburst Face Soulmarkings[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Soulburst Face Soulmarkings.png
"A great cry rose up across all of Nirn at the time of the Soulburst. None who felt it were ever the same, and those who saw it were forever marked by that day."—The Forlorn Soul, translated
Soulburst Face Soulmarkings

The Soulburst Face Soulmarkings are available as a Superior-level reward in Diamond Anniversary Crates.

Spiderkith Eyes[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Spiderkith Eyes.png
Those who wrap themselves in Mephala's web and help spin her secretive plots sometimes develop the keen night-eyes of her spiderkith. Ideal for navigating the complex strands of the Spiral Skein, but easily blinded by the light.
Spiderkith Eyes

Available as an Epic-level reward in Ayleid Crates. This marking changes your character's eyes, and is not affected by vampirism, unlike other head markings.

Sul-Xan Prophet Face Markings[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Sul-Xan Prophet Face Markings.png
The Sul-Xan designed their markings to emulate the elaborate stonework of the xanmeer pyramids. Painting lines on their cheeks and chins before battle ensures that they will remain steadfast and resolute, no matter the danger or the cost.
Sul-Xan Prophet Face Markings

Available as a Superior-level reward in Iron Atronach Crates.

Swaying Skeleton Face Art[edit]

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Swaying Skeleton Face Art
The Vaermina cult leader Larul first wore this facial design while presiding over a lich-making ritual. Her gleeful laughter still echoes in the damp caverns of Kingscrest Cavern. Yet, in the waking world, she is nowhere to be found.

The Swaying Skeleton Face Art is available as a Superior-level reward in Unfeathered Crown Crates.

Tenmar Leopard Face Marks[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Tenmar Leopard Face Marks.png
Those wishing for extra camouflage within Tenmar need only replicate the coloration of the Tenmar leopards upon their faces.
Tenmar Leopard Face Marks

The Tenmar Leopard Face Marks are available as a Superior-level reward in Baandari Pedlar Crown Crates.

Thorns of Ecstasy Face Marks[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Thorns of Ecstasy Face Marks.png
As the first roses of the season bloom, Sanguine's followers gather in candlelit gardens to caress each other's faces with ink—tracing a rose-shaped path of pain and pleasure along both brows and cheeks.
Thorns of Ecstasy Face Marks

The Thorns of Ecstasy Face Marks are available as a Superior-level reward in Grim Harlequin Crates.

Thrall's Arterial Map Face Marks[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Thrall's Arterial Map Face Marks.png
When you're a thrall, it's helpful to ensure that every single vein in your body is visible so that those feeding off you can find the best sources of blood.
Thrall's Arterial Map Face Marks

The Thrall's Arterial Map Face Marks are available as an Epic-level reward in Nightfall Crates.

Triptych Motion Face Markings[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Triptych Motion Face Markings.png
The bands and arches of this distinctive pattern accentuate a face's brow and cheekbones, making a sneer or a battle cry all the more distinctive.
Triptych Motion Face Markings

The Triptych Motion Face Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in Iron Atronach Crates.

Trophy of Balorgh Facial Tattoo[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Trophy of Balorgh Facial Tattoo.png
"Yeah, so, if you're going to decorate your face, you wanna do it right. This face marking? Balorgh'd say it's right."—Yarzurgakh
Trophy of Balorgh Facial Tattoo

The Trophy of Balorgh Facial Tattoo is available as a Superior-level reward in New Moon Crates.

Twilight Wings Face Tattoo[edit]

ON-icon-head marking-Twilight Wings Face Tattoo.png
Are you "under the wing" of a Daedric Prince? You may want to display your affiliation with these winged Daedric Twilight Face Tattoos. Soar above other mortals and swoop down upon your prey!
Twilight Wings Face Tattoo

The Twilight Wings Face Tattoo is available as a Superior-level reward in the Hollowjack Crown Crates.

Umbral Snarl Face Markings[edit]

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The Huntsman selects prey for his games carefully, for weakness makes for poor sport, but few are wily and tenacious enough to survive the honor. Those who do carry these umbral markings along with their scars.
Umbral Snarl Face Markings

The Umbral Snarl Face Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in Nightfall Crates.

Uricanbeg Antlers Face Tattoo[edit]

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Uricanbeg Antlers Face Tattoo
Adherents of the Great Stag aspect of Hircine often show these Antler Bracket Face Tattoos.

The Uricanbeg Antlers Face Tattoo is available as a Superior-level reward in Wild Hunt Crown Crates.

Uricanbeg the Stag Face Tattoo[edit]

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Hircine the Hunter appears in his Uricanbeg aspect as the Great Stag, and is honored by his worshipers with the display of this distinctive face tattoo.
Uricanbeg the Stag Face Tattoo

The Uricanbeg the Stag Face Tattoo is available as an Epic-level reward in the Hollowjack Crown Crates.

Viridian Valor Face Markings[edit]

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Viridian Valor Face Markings
"The Bosmer have no qualms about stamping the 'opulence of life and growth' on their cheeks; it is a way to pay homage to their beloved Green. I say they're uncouth to wear such markings. We are flesh, not leaf."—Former Scholar Andania of Alinor

The Viridian Valor Face Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in the Grim Harlequin Crown Crates. They match the Viridian Valor Body Markings.

Warrior-Poet Face Tattoos[edit]

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Warrior-Poet Face Tattoos
Decorate your epidermis with writhing, sinuous, barbed fingers of mystic energy evoking the imagery associated with Lord Vivec, Tribune and Warrior-Poet of Morrowind!

The Warrior-Poet Face Tattoos are part of the Warrior-Poet Tattoos pack, which was available for a limited time in the Crown Store for 010001000 Crowns alongside Warrior-Poet Body Tattoos. It returned to the Crown Store from October 26th through November 3rd, 2020. It was offered to ESO Plus members at a discount, totaling 00800800 Crowns.

It is now available as an Epic-level reward in Ayleid Crates.

Werewolf Claw Face Scars[edit]

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Those who've run afoul of the Followers of the Manbeast, Lord Hircine, may bear the crimson scars of their encounter for the rest of their lives. Badge of honor? Symbol of devotion? Trophy of a battle well-fought? That's for you to judge.
Werewolf Claw Face Scars

The Werewolf Claw Face Scars are available as a Superior-level reward in the Hollowjack Crown Crates.

Whiterun Windracer Face Markings[edit]

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Whiterun Windracer Face Markings
"Windracers, sworn to protect Whiterun, learn their way around town without relying on vision. After they survive their first night battle, they gain facial markings to note their skill and courage."—Gerda Swift-Sword

The Whiterun Windracer Face Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in Sovngarde Crates.

Wild Vines Face Tattoo[edit]

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Wild Vines Face Tattoo
The sprig-and-leaves face tattoo known as the Wild Vines denotes a follower of the nature deity called Y'ffre or Jephre.

The Wild Vines Face Tattoo is available as a Superior-level reward in Wild Hunt Crown Crates.

Windcaller Face Markings[edit]

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Windcaller Face Markings
"May the skies smile upon you, caller of the winds. We recognize the delicate mark of your office upon your face and know the path you chose to walk with your creature companion holds darkness and great deeds. Let us help?"—Nona the Wise of Solstheim

The Windcaller Face Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in the All-Maker Crates. They match the Windcaller Body Markings.

Wings of Darkness Face Tattoos[edit]

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Wings of Darkness Face Tattoos
"Each of us has deep darkness within us. And we choose what to do with that darkness. You? You need reminding of that. Winged darkness, yes, to give you strength as you fly through shadowed times."—Artist-Adept Aimira

The Wings of Darkness Face Tattoos are available as a Superior-level reward in New Moon Crates.

Wolf of Solitude Face Markings[edit]

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Wolf of Solitude Face Markings
Some call these markings the fangs of Solitude because those who bear them tend to go for the throat with reckless abandon. Fierce!

The Wolf of Solitude Face Markings are available as a Superior-level reward in Sovngarde Crates.

Wyrd Root Face Tattoo[edit]

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Wyrd Root Face Tattoo
The Bramblevine face tattoos betray a dedication to the darker side of nature magic.

The Wyrd Root Face Tattoo is available as a Superior-level reward in Wild Hunt Crown Crates.

Wyrd Sight[edit]

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Wyrd Sight
The most dedicated champions of the forest receive visions from their Wyrd Sight, a gift from the Sisters. As to what those visions are, well. It depends on the champion.

Wyrd Sight is available as an Epic-level reward from the Wraithtide Crown Crates.

Xivilai Cruelean Linework Visage[edit]

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Xivilai Cruelean Linework Visage
"I have yet to gather the courage to ask the Xivilai about the markings upon his face. There appear to be dual blades over his eye. Perhaps to aid in seeing through his enemies' feints?"—Lady Finalore, kidnapped noble from the Court of Alinor

The Xivilai Cruelean Linework Visage is available as a Superior-level reward from the Celestial Crown Crates.

Xivilai Rubyfire Linework Visage[edit]

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Xivilai Rubyfire Linework Visage
For many mortals, marking the forehead with a tattoo or war paint is a reminder to fight with deadly intention. Daedra are very different, so it should be no surprise that Xivilai with forehead markings favor savagely headbutting their enemies.

The Xivilai Rubyfire Linework Visage is available as a Superior-level reward from the Celestial Crown Crates.

Xivilai Vilegilt Linework Visage[edit]

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Xivilai Vilegilt Linework Visage
Xivilai value independence and prowess over all else. What better way to show individual prowess than a smear of gold to add strength to a jawline and accentuate the murderous glint in an eye?

The Xivilai Vilegilt Linework Visage is available as an Epic-level reward from the Celestial Crown Crates.

Xivilai Weltwine Linework Visage[edit]

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Xivilai Weltwine Linework Visage
Said to borrow the marking from Xivilai in the service of Molag Bal, members of the Icy Harvester cult adorn their faces with paint that looks like dripping bruises to show that they embrace the sting of pain.

The Xivilai Weltwine Linework Visage is available as an Epic-level reward from the Celestial Crown Crates.