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Online:Guild Scholar Valessea

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Guild Scholar Valessea
Home City Gonfalon BayHigh Isle
Location Zainsipilu, East of Vivec City, Skywatch
Race High Elf Gender Female
Health 15,000
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Mages Guild
Society of the Steadfast
Guild Scholar Valessea

Guild Scholar Valessea is a High Elf member of the Mages Guild and Society of the Steadfast who can be initially found in the Ascendant Order Hideout in Zainsipilu, being held captive. She appears as Guild Magister Valessea on High Isle.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Ascending Doubt[edit]

Jakarn will enlist you to help him find Valessea who, appeared to have been abducted by the Ascendant Order. You can track her down in the Ascendant Order Hideout which is located in a delve in Vvardenfell. When you enter the hideout, Valessea will call out for help:

Jakarn: "Valessea! Your dashing hero is here to rescue you!"
Valessea: "Is someone out there? Let me out of here!"
Jakarn: "That was Valessea! This way!"

You will find a tied up Valessea in a side cavern. Once she if freed, speak with her to see what is going on:

"I didn't think anyone would find me in here. Least of all Jakarn. But I'm thankful to you both.
The invitation medallions! Jakarn was supposed to pick them up for Lady Arabelle, but the Ascendant Order stole them. We have to get them back!"
Tell me what happened.
"I just finished the invitation medallions for Lady Arabelle when the Ascendant Order burst into my workshop! They kidnapped me, took the medallions, tied me up, and left me here.
They never even asked any questions. I don't understand it."
Where did they take the medallions?
"I don't know for sure, but the group split up when we arrived. A few dragged me in here while the others went off deeper into the cave. They must have taken the medallions that way!
There are five medallions total. Please, you must find them."
I'll find the medallions.

After agreeing to find the medallions, you can speak with Valessea some more:

"Give me a moment and I'll help you look for the medallions. It's extremely important that we get them back.
Those Ascendant Order thugs must have taken them farther into the cave."
Can you tell me what these medallions are for?
"I'm not really supposed to say. I'd rather let Lady Arabelle give you the details. What I can tell you is that the medallions are invitations—I enchanted them to allow the wearers entry to a secret location at Lady Arabelle's request."
Do you know why the Ascendant Order wants them?
"No. They barely acknowledged my presence, despite the fact that they kidnapped me! And believe me, I was persistent!
I don't know how they found out about the medallions in the first place, but their Ascendant Champion seemed very well informed."
Do you know anything about the Ascendant Champion?
"Just that she was clearly in charge of this operation. All of the so-called knights that manhandled me acquiesced to her every command.
She went off deeper into the cave with the group that I presume took the medallions."
How do you know Jakarn?
"We met a couple of times. He wouldn't have been memorable at all if he had not been so determined to get my attention. His advances were harmless, of course, but quite persistent.
Still, I'm not sad to see him. I'm grateful for the rescue."
He thinks you're smitten with him.
"Does he now? I'm not surprised. Jakarn is the kind of person who thinks everyone is enchanted by every breath he takes. And I'm sure some are. I'm just not one of them.
He's amusing, at least. Just shy of insufferable."

After finding the Ascendant Champion Orders, you can bring them back to Valessea:

"Ugh, I can't wait to get out of this place. The Ascendant Order has a lot to answer for.
Please tell me you found the medallions."
No, but I did find this scroll.
"Let me see.
There's that Ascendant Champion again. Lady Arabelle will want to hear about this. But I know this place, Sareloth Grotto."
Where is Sareloth Grotto?
"It's in Vvardenfell, but they neglected to say exactly where inside the grotto they took the medallions.
Hmm. I think I have something that may help with that. Here. Take this shell."
How will a shell help me find the medallions?
"It's not just a shell. I enchanted it with the same magic I used on the medallions. If you focus on the shell, the medallions will glow for a short time.
Here, I'll mark the grotto on your map. And the boats mentioned in the scroll should be nearby."
I'll head to Sareloth Grotto and use the shell to find the medallions.

Jakarn will take her to Lady Arabelle and will meet you at the grotto:

"Jakarn offered to escort me to Lady Arabelle. I'll try not to turn him into a mudcrab along the way. I'll tell Lady Arabelle what happened while you retrieve the medallions. Remember, the scroll said there were boats nearby to take you to the grotto."

After you recover the five medallions, Valessea can be encountered again at Lady Arabelle's camp. Speaking with her before Ladt Arabelle:

"Jakarn said you found all five medallions. I can't thank you enough, not only for recovering the medallions, but for rescuing me from those horrid Ascendant Order ruffians.
But don't let me keep you. Lady Arabelle wishes to speak with you."

If you talk with Valessea after speaking with Arabelle but before handing over the medallions:

"I'm surprised that Lady Arabelle brought you into her confidence, but I suppose she knows what she's doing. These peace talks are so important. The future of Tamriel is at stake!
Hmm. Shouldn't you give those medallions to Lady Arabelle now?"

A King's Retreat[edit]

Before starting the quest

"Recovering the invitation medallions was only the beginning[sic] my friend. Talk to Lady Arabelle. I'm sure she has another use for your impressive abilities."

After you start the quest, the Mages Guild representative will have arrived:

"I knew the Mages Guild was sending their chosen representative, but I didn't expect it to be Arch-Magister Delric. He was my mentor. And he created the master medallion I used as a template for the invitations.
Go ahead and give him his medallion."

Valessea will then open three portals:

Guild Scholar Valessea: "I'll create portals for you and Jakarn, Lady Arabelle."
Lady Arabelle: "Good luck, everyone. Remember, the future of Tamriel is at stake."
<Jarkan and Lady Arabelle enter the portals.>

You can then go over to Arch-Magister Delric and hand over his medallion after a brief chat.

Arch-Magister Delric puts on the medallion:

Arch-Magister Delric "Let me just slip this on and—aagh!"
<Once he put the medallion on, Delric suddenly clutches at his chest and falls to the ground. Valessea runs up and crouches by him.>
Guild Scholar Valessea: "Arch-Magister!"

Speak with Valessea:

"Arch-Magister Delric! He's … dead! He just put the medallion around his neck and it jolted him with arcane energy! How could this happen? My work was perfectly safe. You don't think—oh, no.
Quick, give me the Fighters Guild medallion."
Here's the Fighters Guild medallion, Valessea.
"I should have examined the medallions more closely after you recovered them. Someone has altered the enchantment. Trapped them to release a killing spell when worn.
It had to be the Ascendant Order. And they left them for you to find—oh no!"
What are you thinking, Valessea?
"Don't you see? The Ascendant Order altered the medallions. They wanted us to recover them. And now Jakarn and Lady Arabelle are on their way to deliver them. They must be stopped before the other medallions are activated and the delegates are killed!"
What do you need me to do?
"Take this medallion and place it on my worktable in the camp. I'll create a dispelling powder that you can use to eliminate the danger and return the medallions to their original state.
Meanwhile, I'll gather Delric's so I can cleanse it as well."

Valessea will scoop up the medallion and head over to the table at the camp where she being using the mortar and pestle for the dispelling powder. Once you place the Fighters Guild medallion on the table, Valessea will sprinkle purple dust over it.

Guild Scholar Valessea: "These reagents will form a powder that you can use to dispel the deadly enchantment. There!"
<Once it hits the medallion, it will glow purple.>

Talk to Valessea again:

"That powder will do the job. Just sprinkle a pinch over each of the alliance medallions and it will return them to their original state. Only the protective magic of the invitations will remain."
What do you need me to do?
"Chase down Jakarn and use the dispelling powder on his two medallions before any more of the delegates are killed.
Meanwhile, I'll restore the Guild medallions and contact Lady Arabelle."
Do you know where Jakarn was going first?
"Yes. My portal sent him to Windhelm. To deliver the Ebonheart Pact's invitation medallion to Jorunn the Skald-King. He's probably on his way to the Palace of Kings right now.
Take the pouch of powder from the table and I'll open a portal for you."

After you having spoken with her, she will proceed to open a portal:

Guild Scholar Valessea: "This portal will take you to Windhelm. Find Jakarn and use the powder on the medallions before anyone else is killed!"

Speaking with her again before leaving:

"You're wasting time, my friend. Jakarn may not be the sharpest thorn on the bush, but he knows how to make a delivery.
My portal will take you to Windhelm. Get to the Palace of Kings and use the dispelling powder. That will make the medallions safe."

While you missed Jakarn in Windhelm, you are able to uncurse the medallion delivered there. Captain Danylva will inform you that Jakarn was heading to Skywatch next to deliver the Dominion medallion to someone in Queen Ayrenn's court. As you approach the tavern on the Skywatch Docks, you will find Jakarn arguing with Seneschal Nomaadhel.

Valessea's projection

After explaining to Jakarn what has happened, you can use the dispelling power. At this, a projection of Valessea will appear nearby:

Guild Scholar Valessea: "My friends, I need your help!"
Seneschal Nomaadhel: "A projection? What is the meaning of this?"

Speaking the projection to see what is going on:

"Good, I'm glad I found you. Something's wrong.
The Ascendant Order attacked me! I managed to fight them off, but now I can't contact Lady Arabelle. I think she's in danger and she still doesn't know about the altered medallion she's carrying."
Why do you think Lady Arabelle is in danger?
"We have a way to stay in contact, but she isn't answering my sendings. I was able to trace the magic of my medallion and it's headed toward an island off the coast of Daggerfall.
Somehow, the Ascendant Order realized that we dispelled their magic."
Why do you think they know we restored some of the medallions?
"Because they came after me just before I delivered the restored medallion to the Fighters Guild. I think they may also be after Lady Arabelle! And I can't seem to open a portal to her location. That's very worrying to me."
Tell me where to find Lady Arabelle and the medallion.
"Sword's Rest is an island off the coast of Daggerfall. High King Emeric uses it as a retreat. It makes perfect sense for her to meet him there.
I need you and Jakarn to find a ship on the Skywatch docks and get to Sword's Rest as quickly as you can!"

Talking to her projection again before leaving Skywatch:

"I do hope Lady Arabelle is safe. She can certainly protect herself, but these Ascendant Order ruffians seem determined to disrupt our peace talks.
Hurry, my friend. I shall keep attempting to overcome the counterspells that are hindering my magic."

After reaching Sword's Rest Isle you will find the Ascendant Order has already arrived and plan to kill King Emeric. You and Jakarn will search for Lady Arabelle in the keep, witnessing the Ascendant Champion's superior, the Ascendant Magus along the way. You then locate Lady Arabelle and slay the Ascendant Champion before returning the Lady Arabelle's camp. Valessea will still be there, along with the returned Lady Arabelle and Jakarn.

"You're back! I'm so glad you're all safe. I knew I could count on you and Jakarn to track down Lady Arabelle.
I'm sure Jakarn will regale me with the fascinating tale of your adventure on Sword's Rest Isle … whether I ask him to or not."

Talking to Valessea after completing the quest, you will learn she has been selected as the new representative for the talks on High Isle:

"I'm still in shock about poor Arch-Magister Delric. Did you know the Mages Guild asked me to take his place as our delegate to the peace talks?
Anyway, thanks again for helping us. I'm not sure Jakarn would have managed as well on his own."

Of Knights and Knaves[edit]

She can be later be found in Gonfalen Bay, where she will be with Guild General Quentyn, Lady Arabelle Davaux and Lord Bacaro Volorus. According to the overheard conversation, some important cargo went missing before it arrived on the island.

Speaking with her, her greeting will depend on if you have met before during prior events:

Completed Prologue Quests:
First Time Meeting:
"Oh, hello! Good to see you again, my friend!
I'm here to represent the Mages Guild at Lord Bacaro's conference. I wonder if I'll have time to find a druid before Lady Arabelle needs me. I'm quite interested in their approach to magic."
"Oh, hello. I'm a representative of the Mages Guild to Lord Bacaro's conference.
This is my first visit to High Isle. I wonder if I have time to find a druid before Lady Arabelle needs me. I'm quite interested in their approach to magic."

Talking to Valessea after talking with Lady Arabelle, she will tell you of her plans to speak with the druids of the island:

"I've learned to trust Lady Arabelle's instincts, even if others sometime believe that she overreacts.
As long as we're waiting, I plan to head inland and talk to a druid I've heard about. Maybe she'll be willing to discuss arcane practices with me."

After some investigation, you will be asked by Lady Arabelle to meet with the Guild Delegates but when you meet with Druid Ryvana, she will explain the pair went to deal with some nearby "rogue knights". Going to the marked location, you will see signs of a fight, some of the Ascendant Order, and Valessea can be found hiding on an nearby rock outcropping:

Guild Magister Valessea: "Over here! I…I could use some help."

When spoken to if you haven't helped her before:

Completed Prologue Quests:
Did Not Complete Prologue Quests:
"Ah, my friend. How glad I am to see you again! This island is far more dangerous than expected. Especially after what just happened."
"You're the one Lady Arabelle spoke to at the docks, aren't you? You volunteered to help investigate the ships that failed to reach port.
It's good to see a friendly face. Especially after what just happened."
Tell me what happened.
"Guild General Quentyn accompanied me to visit Druid Ryvana. When she told us about rogue knights in the area, Quentyn was eager to investigate.
It was the Ascendant Order! They overpowered Quentyn and knocked me senseless! They captured Quentyn!"
Was Guild General Quentyn injured?
"I don't think so—the Ascendant Order was definitely trying to take us alive. That's the only reason I had an opportunity to throw up a shroud spell and avoid being captured myself.
Did you come out here to find us?"
Lady Arabelle sent me to warn you that the Ascendant Order was targeting conference delegates.
"And Ryvana told you where to find us. Good.
Now we must rescue Quentyn. I may have a way to find where the Ascendant Order took him, but we should get to safety first. Meet me back at Druid Ryvana's hut."
Do you think the Ascendant Order followed you out here?
"No. We came upon them just as they were finishing an attack on a caravan. But I assume they recognized us or decided our station warranted capture rather than elimination.
But you came with a warning, didn't you? What did you find out?"
The Ascendant Order sabotaged the lighthouse. We think they may have wrecked Lady Arabelle's ships.
"Wrecked the ships? How in Oblivion could they coordinate such a thing?
Clearly the Ascendant Order is aware of the plans for Lord Bacaro's conference. They're here in force and causing more trouble than we anticipated!"
Any idea why they wanted to capture you instead of just kill you?
"If they recognized us as delegates, there's all sorts of ways they could hold that over the conference. If they just assumed we were rich nobles, ransom is always an option.
But who can really say what those helmeted bastards are thinking?"
What do you know about the Ascendant Order? (If you haven't completed the prologue quest)
"Lady Arabelle and I had dealt with them on the mainland. The Order tried to stop the conference by striking at delegates before they even left Tamriel.
We stopped them. But not before the previous guild delegate was killed. Then they appointed me."
What have you been up to since we last met? (if you have helped her before)
"I've remained at Lady Arabelle's side since we delivered the invitation medallions to the delegates. I hoped to help make sure their journey to High Isle proceeded smoothly.
It seems the Ascendant Order is not so easily avoided."
What were you and Guild General Quentyn doing out here?
"I came to talk to Ryvana about arcane and related topics, and Quentyn decided to tag along.
When Ryvana told us about rogue knights, I feared it might be the Ascendant Order. Quentyn wanted to investigate. Turned out I was right."

After speaking with her, she will shroud and you'll meet her back at Ryvana's hut:

"I owe you a debt of gratitude for coming to my aid. It seems once again that Lady Arabelle chose well.
Now to see if I can find Guild General Quentyn, and by extension, the rogue knights who carried him away."
How can you track Guild General Quentyn?
"I enchanted the invitation medallions that each delegate carries, so I can trace my own magic to locate Quentyn. Let me see … they moved north and east, across the loch. I see a chapel, crypts. Maybe abandoned?
No question. Quentyn is there."
If all of the delegates have a medallion, can you use them to find the missing ships?
"Lady Arabelle asked me to try as soon as we realized the ships were late. I wasn't able to make a connection with those medallions. Maybe they were too far away, or some other magic interfered with my scrying, but I wasn't able to detect anything."
Should we head directly to the abandoned crypts you saw?
"No, we need to return to Lady Arabelle and share this information. Then we can mount a rescue for Guild General Quentyn.
I'll meet you at Lady Arabelle's little pavilion. What she calls her field office, I believe."
I'll meet you there.

If spoken to again:

"Report back to Lady Arabelle and tell her about Quentyn's plight. I'll be along shortly.
I want to try to convince Ryvana to take shelter at Stonelore Grove one more time. While the Ascendant Order is active, she's in danger out here by herself."

She will be back at Lady Arabelle's camp, you can speak to her before Lady Arabelle:

"Quentyn isn't far. My scrying spell returned a strong and clear result.
You will come with us to rescue him, won't you? Talk to Lady Arabelle and she'll tell you what's she thinking."

Speaking to her before setting out to Abhain Chapel:

"I'm sure the Ascendant Order won't just let us walk in and take Quentyn back. It's a good thing that you are coming with us. I have no great talent for the more destructive schools of magic."

As you arrive at the chapel, Valessea will be turning down Jakarn's advances:

Jakarn: "There, it's open. Got any more locks you need picked? How about you, Valessea?"
Guild Magister Valessea: "I think not, thank you."
Lady Arabelle: "Now's not the time, Jakarn. Let's see what awaits us down in the crypts."

When inside the chapel's crypts, Valessea will be trying to pinpoint Quentyn's location with the medallion while Jakarn will scout ahead:

Guild Magister Valessea: "I can't pinpoint the exact location of Quentyn's medallion. He could be anywhere in here."
Jakarn: "I'll scout ahead. Maybe someone should watch the door in case anyone follows us?"
Guild Magister Valessea: "I'll keep watch. Be careful."
Jakarn: "Aww. I knew you cared."
Lady Arabelle: "Quentyn is our priority, but keep your eyes open. Who knows what the Ascendant Order left lying about?"

Speaking to her before you venture further into the crypts: "I'll keep watch. My scrying has led us here, but I won't be able to get us any closer.
I hope you find Quentyn and that he's all right. Be safe."

Inside Mandrake Manor, you'll see her before speaking to Kaleen:

"Lady Arabelle explained that Guild General Quentyn chose to join the Ascendant Order. I knew he carried pain in his heart for the people he lost, but I never imagined his pain could lead him into such folly."

After speaking to Kaleen and before speaking to Lady Arabelle:

"Speak with Lady Arabelle, friend. Tell her what the captains revealed to you. I'm sure she can image a way forward."

After the quest, she'll continue trying to find leads to the missing alliance leaders:

"I'll continue scrying for the missing alliance leaders. In the meantime, you're more likely to turn up something using more direct and mundane means of investigation.
I have faith in you and Lady Arabelle, though, my friend."

Deadly Investigations[edit]

After the events at Castle Navire, you will need to investigate the areas marked on Steward Hercian's Map for Ascendant Order activity. Druid Ryvana and Valessea can be found at the western High Isle location.

Druid Ryvana: "The grove sings of its suffering. Something terrible happened here."
Guild Magister Valessea: "You can hear it? Incredible."
Guild Magister Valessea: "Ah, there you are."

Speaking to her:

"Hello, my friend. You're just in time. I met Ryvana here just as she was starting to look into an arcane disturbance.
It can't be a coincidence we're close to one of the Ascendant Order sites marked on the duchess's map"
What sort of arcane disturbance?
"We're not sure yet. Based on everything that Lady Arabelle has told me, it's conceivable that the Ascendant Magus could be responsible for the disturbance here.
Ryvana is trying to locate its source. We could use your help."
What do you need me to do?
"Ryvana's ritual is somewhat involved, and I'd like to help her prepare. Can you gather some reagents that we'll need?
She requires three bloomingsong flowers and an azure torchbug before we can begin."
Where can I find these reagents?
"Bloomingsong flowers grow in the copse of trees just north of here. You'll know them by their distinct blue and purple petals.
As for the torchbug, Ryvana told me they congregate near the lake at the heart of the grove. They are quite beautiful!"
I'll gather the flowers and a torchbug.

Speaking to her again before you gather the reagents:

"Between the two of us, we can have the ritual prepared and ready to perform by the time you return.
With it, we'll hopefully find the source of the disturbance and learn more about the Ascendant Magus in the process."

After you collected the reagents for the ritual, speaking to her before Ryvana:

"That looks like everything we asked for. Nicely done.
Pass the reagents to Ryvana and we can get started."

Ryvana will start the scrying ritual and Valessea will be in awe of the spirits:

Druid Ryvana: "Bones of the earth, spirits of the wild, sing unto your servants. Lead us to the source of your pain."
Guild Magister Valessea: "Look! The spirits have sent their messengers. How beautiful."
Druid Ryvana: "Follow the torchbugs, friend. They will lead you to the source of the disturbance."

Speaking to her before following the torchbugs:

"Follow where those torchbugs lead. I want to consult with Ryvana. Then I'll catch up with you."

The trail will lead you to an old but well-hidden druidic circle, which has seen recent use:

Druid Ryvana: "An old druid circle? Here? How did I not know of this?"
Guild Magister Valessea: "Errant magicka still lingers. A powerful spell was cast here. Let's look around."

Speaking to her before checking out the clues:

"Interesting. I've never visited a druidic ritual circle before. Let's look around and see if we can ascertain what sort of magic was performed here recently."

Investigating the cracked staff:

Guild Magister Valessea: "A cracked staff? That can occur when the caster can't contain the magic they attempt to wield."

After you collected the clues:

"An enchanted lodestone, a cracked staff, and a smoking fissure.
All left behind in a place once used by the ancient druids of the island. Curious."
What do you think happened here?
"Well, the staff is obviously connected to Breton magecraft. Definitely not the implement of a druid.
A cracked staff is a bad sign. Whatever they were trying to do here, they probably didn't get the result they were hoping for."
And the lodestone?
"I've used such stones before. They help focus magicka over a distance. They come in pairs, you see, forming a sympathetic link between two points.
So this spell, whatever it was, was aimed at a point outside this circle."
Za'ji and I found some lodestones like this in a Sea Elf encampment. (If you completed Wright of Passage in Shipwright's Regret)
"Oh? Fascinating. That makes sense. These lodestones can also be used to focus navigation spells.
This is the truth of magic, after all. It is not inherently good or evil. It merely reflects what's in the heart of the caster."
What about the lava vent?
"Whoever cast this ritual obviously attempted to tap into the deep magic of High Isle. The power beneath the surface here is very…seductive.
But as I am sure Ryvana would tell you, using it and controlling it are not the same thing."
Can you determine what type of ritual was cast here?
"Not with certainty, but I can make an educated guess.
If the Ascendant Magus used this site to summon the storm that wrecked the alliance ships, then obviously he lost control. The result wasn't what he expected and now the Order is scrambling."
I'll let Lady Arabelle know what we found.

Once the site has been investigated, Valessea will help Ryvana dispel the ritual site:

Guild Magister Valessea: "Take the items back to Mandrake Manor, my friend. I can do a more thorough examination there."
Guild Magister Valessea: "Ryvana, if you'll allow me, I believe I can help you dispel the lingering disturbance."
Druid Ryvana: "My circle and I thank you, Valessea."

Speaking to her again and if there's still sites to investigate:

"I'll stay with Ryvana until the lingering effects of the ritual have been purged.
My more traditional, Guild-scholared dispelling techniques might be helpful here.
I hope the other locations on the map will provide more complete answers."

Speaking to her if she's the last contact to meet for investigation:

"I'll stay with Ryvana until the lingering effects of the ritual have been purged.
My more traditional, Guild-scholared dispelling techniques might be helpful here.
When I'm done, we'll meet back up at the manor. Hopefully Lady Arabelle can put the pieces together."

After find the survivor at the wreck of the Kamal's Bane, Valessea will be back at Mandrake Manor with Ryvana. She ask you to see Lady Arabelle:

Guild Magister Valessea: "Friend, Lady Arabelle is waiting for you upstairs."

Speaking to her before going upstairs:

"Ryvana and I will continue to study the items we found in the ancient druid circle. Perhaps there's more we can discover about the Ascendant Magus and his plans."

To Catch a Magus[edit]

After you have begun the quest, she will be showing Ryvana the charged medallions:

Guild Magister Valessea: "There. I recharged the medallions. They can be returned to the delegates"
Druid Ryvana: "What a strange magic."

Speaking to her:

"Whatever the Ascendant Order unleashed on the delegates' ship drained the medallions of the spells I put in place. Fortunately, I was able to restore their various protections.
The delegates will need them to enter the secure location."

The Ascendant Storm[edit]

Valessea and other remaining defenders will be guarding the entrance of All Flags Castle while is being besieged by Ascendant Order forces. She almost mistaken you, Lady Arabelle and Jakarn as Ascendant invaders before being reassured by Lady Arabelle:

Guild Magister Valessea: "To the door! The Ascendant Order is breaking in!"
Lady Arabelle: "It's just us, Valessea. Stand down!
Guild Magister Valessea: "Lady Arabelle! The Order is attacking the castle!"
Lady Arabelle: "Yes, dear, we saw. But where are the alliance leaders? Friend, let's talk."

You can speak to her before Lady Arabelle to hear about how the attack came to be:

"I gathered what help I could and mounted a defense, but the Ascendant Order's attack came so quickly. We had no time to prepare."
Tell me what happened.
"The ground shook and a terrible storm struck with no warning. It was the same magic I sensed at the druid circle. Then warships full of Ascendant Order knights appeared and began to land their forces. They'd used the storm to conceal their approach."
Where are the alliance leaders?
"I urged them to withdraw to Memorial Hall, but they did not want to abandon the fight. High King Emeric and Prince Irnskar went to defend the walls, while Queen Ayrenn took charge here.
But our foes were already inside the castle."
Where's Queen Ayrenn now?
"The ground shook again just moments ago. Fiery monsters broke through the floor of the museum. Queen Ayrenn ran downstairs to confront them.
She left me here to defend the door."

Lady Arabelle will organize the defense at the door while Valessea will be tending to the wounded:

Lady Arabelle Davaux: "We need to protect the alliance leaders. Where are they?"
Guild Magister Valessea: "Scattered, I'm afraid. Queen Ayrenn was with us, but there was a great rumble and screams from below. She ran to help."

<Lady Arabelle is leading an injured Alvaren Beauchamp to the side.>

Lady Arabelle Davaux: "Go, my dear. Make sure Queen Ayrenn gets to Memorial Hall."

<Jakarn and Valessea are tending the wounded.>

Lady Arabelle Davaux: "Jakarn, help me sort things out here. We must hold the castle until help arrives!"

Speaking to her again:

"Queen Ayrenn ran down to the museum below to deal with the creatures crawling up out of the floor. Please, you must go help her. I think she's alone down there."

Speaking to her again after partnering up with Queen Ayrenn:

"The Ascendant Order will not stop until the alliance leaders are dead."

After you defeated the Ascendant Magus, the Ascendant Order attackers will flee. You can meet with everyone outside, speaking with Valessea before Lady Arabelle:

"The alliance leaders are safe and the remainder of the Ascendant Order's forces are in retreat. Your work, I assume?
Thanks to you, the rulers of Tamriel are alive and there is still hope for peace."

A Chance for Peace[edit]

Valessea will attend the celebration at the Gonfalon Palace. You can speak to her before the ceremony begins:

"After so many challenges and setbacks, it's hard to believe all the delegates are finally together in this chamber. Except, Quentyn Guerot, of course. I can't support the choice he made, but I hope he is at peace now."

After the celebration, she is uncertain about her next role:

"I feel a little out of my depth here. So much trouble came from the medallions I prepared. And then the magical wards I helped raise at Memorial Hall failed to stop the Magus.
Now I'm supposed to turn my efforts to diplomacy?"
What worries you, Valessea?
"I'm no diplomat. Up to now, it's been my task to support Lord Bacaro and Lady Arabelle with my magic. I understood what they needed and how to craft it for them. But I know nothing about negotiating.
I don't understand why the Guild sent me."
The Mages Guild must believe you can do the job.
"There are other mages with more experience, such as Vanus Galerion or…anyone! They would be better negotiators.
Ah. That's the point, isn't it? My role here isn't to negotiate. It's to speak honestly and keep an open mind. That I can do."

And Now, Peace, Perhaps[edit]

You will find Valessea attending the peace talks inside the Memorial Hall Reception Hall:

"I feel a little out of my depth here. So much trouble came from the medallions I prepared. And then the magical wards I helped raise at Memorial Hall failed to stop the Magus.
Now I'm supposed to turn my efforts to diplomacy?"

Before you speak to the alliance leaders:

"Look around, friend. All these people are here because of you. I don't know what we would have done without you."


  • Following an unknown update, when first speaking to her on High Isle, she will exclusively deliver her Prologue-completed dialogue, even if you haven't done so. ?