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Online:Grappling Bow Pathfinder

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ON-icon-achievement-Grappling Bow Pathfinder.png Grappling Bow Pathfinder
Type Dragonhold Achievements
Points 10
Title Master Grappler
Locate and navigate an ancient Dragonguard training ground with your grappling bow.

Grappling Bow Pathfinder is awarded for locating a Dragonguard training ground and making a series of grappling jumps to light a brazier. No clues are given as to the location of this area, but it can be found at or next to Khenarthi's Arch in central Southern Elsweyr.

To reach the first grapple point, travel southeast from the Black Heights Wayshrine, to the nearby bridge & travel down to the river.

Staying on the west bank continue following the river downstream (south-to-southeast) until you go under the rock arch with the big log under it.

Once you're under the rock arch go up on the right bank, hugging the rock wall on the right follow it around until you reach a small ledge. Stop, look down & you'll see the 1st grappling post.

Once you use your grappling bow (you have to use the synergy button combination "circle+triangle") to reach this post turn right, follow the wall on the right to the next small ledge & you'll see the next post across the short expanse.

This time you'll need to jump & use the grappling bow in mid-air to get to the other side. Being careful of spoilers I'll leave the other grappling posts for you to discover on your own but once you make your way to the tower light, the brazier to earn the achievement and title, and have a magnificent view of the valley below...enjoy & good luck!

Note that unlike other grapple points seen in the Dragonhold main quest, these are activated using the Synergy control, rather than the normal Activate control. This is likely because on at least one of these jumps, you will need to take a flying leap off a cliff and grapple the post from mid-air, which is not possible with the normal Activate control. (Failing this stunt can be fatal, so be extra careful, don't try it on a laggy day.) Also, don't try it on a mount, as the synergy will not activate.

  • With careful positioning, it is possible to reach all grappling points without jumping.


  • The achievement can still be completed even if the prologue wasn't completed, or before Za'ji gives you one during the main quest Uneasy Alliances.