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Online:Galrok the Burning

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Galrok the Burning
Location Silorn
Species Minotaur
Health 413,978 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 2.png
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Faction(s) Rotbreath Tribe
Lead: Ayleid Sculpture, Grand Tree
Galrok the Burning

Galrok the Burning is a minotaur who serves as one of the champions of Silorn.

Skills and Abilities[edit]

As a champion rank creature, Galrok the Burning is immune to all crowd control effects.

Fiery Surge
A basic ranged attack that deals moderate flame damage and applies/refreshes "Scorch".
Deals moderate damage over 4 seconds.
Flame Wave
Galrok does a cone fire breath attack dealing moderate flame damage.
Pillar Eruption
Galrok summons red spikes from the ground, indicated by red circles, each dealing moderate flame damage.
Pillar of Nirn
Standing in the circles from Pillar Eruption deals additional continuous moderate flame damage.
Pillar Explosion
The spikes explode after a short while, dealing moderate flame damage.
Brimstone Hailfire
Galrok summons a large flaming pool at a target's location, indicated by a very large red circle, dealing continuous moderate flame damage and continuously snaring for 2 seconds targets inside. This ability also summons 3 Flame Hounds.
Galrok charges in a straight line, dealing moderate-high physical damage and knocking down targets hit. Blocking will negate the knockdown.
Molten Armor
Galrok covers itself in magical armor, granting itself a damage shield as well as increasing its outgoing damage for about 25 seconds.


There is one achievement associated with this character:

Achievement Points Description
ON-icon-achievement-Silorn Conqueror.png Silorn Conqueror 50 Defeat all of the champions in Silorn.