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Online:Foreman Bradiggan

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Foreman Bradiggan
Location Shipwright's Regret — Overgrown Lumber Mill
Species Wraith
Health Normal2,694,377Veteran4,330,803 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 3.png
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Condition Spirit
Foreman Bradiggan

Foreman Bradiggan is a spectral wraith who can be found at the lumber yard of Shipwright's Regret. He acts as the first boss of the dungeon.

Related Quests[edit]

Skills and Abilities[edit]

Magic Bolt
A basic range attack dealing high magical damage.
Soul Toss
Foreman Bradiggan forms an orb of soul magic and tosses it at you, exploding on impact, dealing massive magical damage. This attack can be blocked.
Soul Charge
Foreman Bradiggan lurches forward before dashing ahead at full speed, indicated by a long rectangular AoE, dealing very high physical damage. Harrowing Haunters and Skeletal Flame Shapers are summoned in its wake.
Soul Quake
Foreman Bradiggan overloads itself with soul magic before releasing it in the form of four magical tornadoes going outward from his position, indicated by large traveling AoEs, dealing very high magical damage and staggering you.
At 60%/30% health, Foreman Bradiggan teleports away, summons a powerful flesh colossus and enters its body to hide from you. You must slay the colossus in order to make Foreman Bradiggan vulnerable to damage again.

Quest-Related Events[edit]

As you approach the area, he will appear from the sky:

Foreman Braddigan : "You've come for a job ... I don't tolerate tardiness."

When you initialized combat:

Foreman Braddigan : "Get a move on! I said get!"

During combat:

Foreman Braddigan : "I'll hound you from dawn to dinner bell, loafer."
Foreman Braddigan : "Stubborn arses, I'll drive you like mules then."
Foreman Braddigan : "I have my eye on you. I'm always watching."
Foreman Braddigan : "Move, or you can work the plagueyards instead!"
Foreman Braddigan : "I can sniff out a dawdler no matter where you linger."

Close to finishing him:

Foreman Braddigan : "Don't raise your hand to me, whelps!"

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