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Online:Field Hand Dro'vir

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Field Hand Dro'vir
Location West Weald
Race Khajiit Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Field Hand Dro'vir

Field Hand Dro'vir is a Khajiit worker found at the Valente Vineyards.

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You can meet with Fennorian outside the vineyards, who explains he found an unusual invitation to a wine auction on a dangerous vampire. As vampires do not normally drink wine, he felt that he had to investigate. Fennorian will join you as you explore the Valente Vineyards, and you soon come across an injured Dro'vir.

Speak with Dro'vir to find out what happened, and to learn about recent events:

"This is no place to wander aimlessly, traveler. The foul beasts are vicious and hungry for blood!"
Foul beasts?
"Ugliest hounds Dro'vir has ever seen! This one just finished checking the new grapes and was on his way to the auction when it came out of nowhere. Ripped up Dro'vir's leg real good."
Lord Valente invited his servants to attend the auction?

You can ask him further questions about the Valentes:

"Dro'vir thought the request was strange, too, but Lord Valente insisted. And Lady Valente specifically told Sentry Helvius to let the servants in, even if we didn't have the fancy invitations.
If you're here for the auction, you should head inside."
What can you tell me about Lord Gallio Valente? / What should I know about Lord Gallio Valente?
"He came back from his travels … different. Even his father was concerned about the changes in his beloved son. But shortly after young Gallio returned, his father fell ill and died. Gallio inherited the vineyard, the title, and all that entailed."
What can you tell us about the auction?
"Just that he invited some important guests. He's been working on the new grapes for a special vintage since he returned, and he's very proud of it. Says it's going to make him even more rich and powerful.
Can that be possible? This one is unsure."
Who's Lady Valente? / Tell me about Lady Valente. / Tell me more about Lady Valente.
"Lord Valente's new wife. A High Elf with a name too complicated for this one's Khajiiti tongue.
Dro'vir believes they met during young Gallio's time away, but what does this old field hand know of such things?"
Is there anything unusual about either Lord or Lady Valente?
"Unusual? Well, this one does not like to talk out of turn, but ….
Dro'vir hears that Lady Valente wants to be more involved in running the vineyard, but Lord Valente refuses to include her. This one wonders why he even married her."
The vineyard is growing a new kind of grape? / You mentioned a new kind of grape? / Tell me about the vineyard's new grape.
"Lord Valente developed the new seeds in his alchemical laboratory under the manor. They grow thorny vines that bear a crimson grape unlike anything Dro'vir has ever seen before. Once the first vintage was ready, Lord Valente set up this auction."

Speaking to him again:

"The wounds are painful, but this one thinks they are mostly superficial. Dro'vir will be all right. You should head inside and join the party."

After you destroyed Lord Valente's laboratory to prevent him from creating any more Vesper Valente. You will find Dro'vir outside with Fennorian, Lady Valente and the other surviving workers. Speaking to him before Fennorian:

"What Lord Gallio was doing, his father must be rolling in his grave! Dro'vir has agreed to stay on and work for Lady Valente. Destroy these vile grapes and plant our usual seeds.
Can the vineyard be salvaged? This one hopes so."