Gold Road
High Isle

Online:Faun Brute

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Faun Brute
Location High Isle
Near Clohaigh, GalenFiresong
The Feral Gallery Necrom
Near Lake Olo, Skingrad's vineyardsGold Road
Species Faun
Health 34,501
Reaction Hostile
West Weald Zones: Lead: Ayleid Sculpture, Grand Tree
Faun Brute

Faun Brutes are Fauns who can be mainly found around High Isle and Galen.

Related Quests[edit]

Skills and Abilities[edit]

Light Attack
A basic melee attack dealing minor physical damage.
Heavy Attack
A charged melee attack that deals moderate physical damage and staggers its target. This can be blocked to set them off-balance.
The Faun jumps up and slams the ground with its hooves, indicated by a large red circle around themselves, dealing moderate physical damage and knocking affected targets away.
If standing farther away, the Faun charges as its target, indicated by a small red cone in front of them and a small red circle at their destination, dealing low physical damage and staggering its target.