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High Isle

Online:Duchess Elea Dufort

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Duchess Elea Dufort
(lore page)
Home Settlement Castle Navire
Location Courtyard
Race Breton Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) House Dufort
Duchess Elea Dufort

Duchess Elea Dufort is a Breton noble and the leader of both House Dufort and High Isle. She can initially be found in the courtyard of Castle Navire.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

High Isle[edit]

People of Import[edit]

She will be one of the nobles you'll be investigating about the missing delegation:

"Welcome to Castle Navire. You're Lady Arabelle's assistant, yes? Then you know these festivities are only for appearance's sake. Our guests of honor have yet to be found.
Rest assured, I intend to bring the radicals behind this plot to justice."
You're aware of the Ascendant Order?
"I'm aware of most things that happen on my isle. It's true we didn't connect reports of mysterious knights to the Ascendant Order until recently. But now that we know they are one and the same, we'll quickly bring them to heel."
Is there anything you can tell me that might help us find the alliance leaders?
"I suggest that you and Lady Arabelle leave this matter in our hands. My knights have already pinpointed several sites where the Ascendant Order gathers. They are scouring High Isle for our missing guests even as we speak."
We have reason to believe a High Isle noble may be funding the Ascendant Order.
"Which is why I prefer to handle this discreetly.
I suspect House Mornard is behind this. They profit greatly from the war, and they still hold a grudge against my house for overshadowing their own. Frankly, I put nothing past them."

You have the option of asking about both of the main houses:

Tell me more about House Mornard.
"One should be careful when talking about one's neighbors. Still, Count Mornard's dislike of my family is well known. Years ago, his father backed King Ranser of Shornhelm in his dispute with High King Emeric.
Emeric did not forget it."
What did High King Emeric do?
"He punished Avrippe Mornard by stripping him of his ducal title and granting it to my father instead. The Mornards remain counts, with holdings and estates throughout the isles.
But the Duforts are now the Dukes of the Systres."
Tell me more about House Dufort.
"My family builds ships. Our shipyards construct the finest vessels to ply the western seas.
In reward for our service, High King Emeric granted us the Duchy of Systres. We rule with care and compassion for all—even the Mornards."

Speaking to her again:

"I have said all I wish to on the matter. In my opinion, Lady Arabelle's investigation is all too likely to scare off the very people we're trying to catch.
Her reputation as High King Emeric's troubleshooter precedes her."

After you spoke to all the nobles and before speaking to Jakarn:

"I believe I have discussed all the business I care to for the moment. This is supposed to be a festive occasion. Please, mingle with the other guests. Enjoy yourself."

If spoken to while Jakarn causes a scene:

"Well. I suppose this is meant to be flattering, but it's all rather awkward. I have no idea who that scoundrel is or what he thinks he's doing!
How much longer do my guards intend to let this spectacle go on?"

To Catch a Magus[edit]

Duchess Elea will be inspecting the Silver Swan, but is unaware that the Ascendant Magus has nasty plans in store for her. After fighting Steward Hercian Stalo, you will hear her cry out for help:

Duchess Elea Dufort: "Someone, please help! They locked me in my cabin!"
Lady Arabelle Davaux: "The duchess! Up the stairs, my dear!"

You will reach the cabin of the ship, and you will find Duchess Elea trying to pick a lock out. Lady Arabelle will ask you to speak to the duchess while she's looking around for clues of where Count Damard is at:

Duchess Elea Dufort: "My own steward turned against me! He had the audacity to lock me in my own cabin!"
Lady Arabelle Davaux: "Speak with the duchess, dear. I'll have a look around."

Asking questions about what happened from the duchess:

"Oh, thank you! You arrived just in time. My steward locked me in my own cabin! The nerve!
I thought he was surely going to take me away, never to be found."
Tell me what happened, duchess.
"I came to inspect my new flagship. When I arrived, Steward Hercian led me to my cabin and locked the door! He said we were to set sail. That I would be kept safe until the Ascendant Order finished their work. I have no idea what he was talking about!"
Count Damard is one of the Order's leaders. Calls himself the Ascendant Magus. Did you know?
"My brother is the Ascendant Magus? I assure you, I had no idea. I have nothing to do with those rogue knights! They are dangerous rebels and outlaws. Why, they even convinced my own steward to kidnap me!"
Do you know where Count Damard is now?
"Well, no. I saw Damard earlier, but when he learned the Swan wasn't ready to sail, he said he made other arrangements. He spoke with Steward Hercian, gave him a letter, and departed.
Wait, the steward left the letter behind in his rush, I'm sure!"

While you're looking for the letter, Duchess Elea insists on her innocence:

"I didn't hear what Damard said to Steward Hercian. But I'm sure Hercian left the letter my brother gave him somewhere in the cabin. Search for it if you like. I have nothing to hide."

After finding the letter:

"My faithful steward, an agent of the Ascendant Order? It goes to show you can never truly trust the household staff."

When you explain the contingency plans of the Ascendant Order to Lady Arabelle, the duchess is distraught of the betrayal she experienced from her brother and steward:

Duchess Elea Dufort: "I am simply mortified! My brother and my steward—traitors! I must return to my castle and barricade the gates!"

A Chance for Peace[edit]

Elea will be at the celebration in the Gonfalon Palace. You can speak to her before the ceremony begins:

"I understand we have you to thank for High King Emeric's safety. And for the other leaders, of course.
I am appalled by the part Damard played in this plot. I promise you, House Dufort will do everything in our power to set right his wrongful deeds."

After the ceremony, she regrets the loss of her brother but there's no other choice:

"I have been told that my brother met his end at your hands during his reckless attack on All Flags Castle. If only I had seen through his schemes sooner, perhaps he might have been saved.
But I suspect he gave you no choice. That was so his way."
Count Damard wanted to kill the alliance leaders.
"When my brother fixed his mind on a goal, he did not allow anything—or anyone—to get in his way. We were never close, but our relationship only worsened after I accepted our father's title.
And now he's left our house on the brink of ruin."
The brink of ruin?
"The high king says he does not hold me responsible for Damard's misdeeds. But the ships that attacked All Flags Castle were built in Dufort yards, and many of our knights fought under Ascendant helms.
Our honor is irreparably stained."


The Hidden Lord[edit]

After learning from Philian Ashcroft that the poisoned wine vintage was originally from Duchess Elea's wine stock, you head over to the knight's wing in Castle Navire to speak to her:

"Lady Arabelle's assistant? How good to see you again, but I don't remember your name on my schedule today. Did we have an appointment?"
I have some difficult questions to ask you, duchess.
"Do tell? Well, go ahead. After everything you've done for the people of the archipelago, you've earned the right to be direct with me."
Lady Arabelle was poisoned. The wine was part of a large order your seneschal placed recently.
"Lady Arabelle poisoned? Is she all right? But what was that about wine? I haven't placed any orders recently, not while the castle is still in disrepair. And I haven't appointed a new seneschal since that trouble with Steward Hercian."
What about the Ascendant Order? They control the Dufort Shipyards.
"Again? I thought my knights ran them off after that terrible business with my brother. Thank you for bringing me the news. I'll send a battalion to deal with them right away.
I know how this must look, but I am not in league with those malcontents."
Lord Bacaro seemed to think otherwise.
"Did he? Well, I want the Ascendant Lord brought to justice, the same as you.
That wine that poisoned Lady Arabelle. Was it a Dufort Singular Amber, vintage 571? I received a similar gift this morning. It's in the knight-commander's private chamber."
I should examine the gift you received.

You'll find out she also received the similar vintage as a gift but hasn't tried it out:

"The knight-commander insisted that the anonymous gift be tested before I consumed so much as a drop. It's in her private chamber, waiting for one of my handmaidens to come by and taste it.
Feel free to perform your own investigation."
Tell me more about this gift you received, duchess.
"There's not much to say. It arrived without fanfare, with an anonymous note. The vintage was my father's favorite. He was still new to his role as duke when the vineyard turned out those precious bottles."
Why would someone send you a gift of your own wine?
"We depleted our own stores of that vintage a long time ago, but everyone at court knows I was fond of that wine. We opened a bottle once a year to celebrate my father and the elevation of House Dufort.
I was quite sad when we uncorked the last one."

After examining the gift and note:

"What do you think? Did someone send me that same gift that poisoned poor Lady Arabelle?"
The note and the wine are the same. Do you have any idea where the gift came from?
"As we discussed and you no doubt noticed, the letter was unsigned. My knight commander insisted on having someone else taste the wine before she would allow any to pass my lips.
I'm just glad you arrived before that happened."
Yes, but we're no closer to figuring out who sent the poisoned wine.
"Hold on! Earlier, you mentioned that the shopkeep claimed that my seneschal placed an order for a large amount of wine. While we did no such thing, one of my sentries informed me that a courier had arrived with an unscheduled delivery."
Right. I noticed them talking when I arrived at the castle. The sentry ordered them to wait.
"Then your answer may be right outside. I told the sentry to have them wait by the jousting tents until I was ready to deal with the mix up.
Talk to the courier and find out who hired them to deliver the incriminating bottles of wine to my castle."
I'll go talk to the courier.

Speaking to her some more before finding the courier:

"Someone has gone to a lot of trouble to try to remove both myself and Lady Arabelle from the table while also focusing the blame for this all on me.
Speak to this courier and get some answers—or I will."
Why would someone try to kill you and also try to make it look like you killed Lady Arabelle?
"To sow confusion and weaken House Dufort, of course. And to further delay the peace talks. Perhaps even scuttle them completely. I have political rivals, but none who would stoop to murder.
If I had to guess? This is the work of the Ascendant Order."
You think the Ascendant Order sent the poisoned wine?
"I fear we'll find the Ascendant Lord's hand on the tiller of most of the recent events that have plagued the archipelago. Call it a feeling deep in my bones.
In the meantime, talk to this courier and see what they reveal about whoever hired them."

And Now, Perhaps, Peace[edit]

You will find her attending the peace talks at All Flags Islet as a guest, speaking to her:

"Lord Bacaro, the Ascendant Lord. You know, I never really trusted that man. He was too…charitable.
Anyway, congratulations on solving the mystery and saving the archipelago. You have my thanks."

After Lady Arabelle gives her opening speech, the duchess will have to reconsider redecorating:

"You'd think the knight commander would have a nicer office. Well, if I must work here while my own wing of the castle undergoes repairs, I may just have to do some redecorating…."

After finishing the quest:

"You eliminated most of my rivals, adventurer. Even a few I once considered allies. Lady Arabelle was right to involve you in the affairs of the archipelago. Things may have taken a bad turn without your … intervention.
High Isle will remember you."