Online:Courtyard Furnishings/Posts and Pillars

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ON-furnishing-Courtyard-Posts and Pillars.jpg

Posts and Pillars are wonderful additions to any build. Whether you wish to outline the garden, lead dignitaries along a path to the castle arch, or fortify the corners of your stronghold, Tamriel has a vibrant selection to suit your needs.

Posts and Pillars may be Crafted, purchased after completing Achievements, and also found in the Crown Store and Housing Editor.

See also:

Posts and Pillars[edit]

Image Name Cost Source Achievement or Quest Description
ON-furnishing-Alinor Column, Huge Timeworn.jpg Alinor Column, Huge Timeworn (page) 00200200 Crowns This is a huge house item.
ON-furnishing-Alinor Column, Jagged Timeworn.jpg Alinor Column, Jagged Timeworn (page) 00200200 Crowns This is a huge house item.
ON-furnishing-Alinor Column, Tumbled Timeworn.jpg Alinor Column, Tumbled Timeworn (page) 0009090 Crowns This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Ancient Nord Runestone, Memorial.jpg Ancient Nord Runestone, Memorial (page) This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Ancient Orcish Counterweight.jpg Ancient Orcish Counterweight (page) 0002000020,000 Gold This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Apocrypha Obelisk.jpg Apocrypha Obelisk (page) 00270270 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Apocrypha Obelisk This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Apocrypha Pillar, Book Stacks.jpg Apocrypha Pillar, Book Stacks (page) 00270270 Crowns Crafting: Pattern: Apocrypha Pillar, Book Stacks This is a huge house item.
ON-furnishing-Apocrypha Post, Small Stone.jpg Apocrypha Post, Small Stone (page) 00120120 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Apocrypha Post, Small Stone This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Apocrypha Post, Stone.jpg Apocrypha Post, Stone (page) 00270270 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Apocrypha Post, Stone This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Argonian Post, Frilled.jpg Argonian Post, Frilled (page) 00170170 Crowns Crafting: Design: Argonian Post, Frilled This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Argonian Post, Rough.jpg Argonian Post, Rough (page) 0004040 Crowns Crafting: Blueprint: Argonian Post, Rough This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Argonian Post, Sturdy.jpg Argonian Post, Sturdy (page) 0004040 Crowns Crafting: Blueprint: Argonian Post, Sturdy This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Ayleid Column, Short.jpg Ayleid Column, Short (page) 00270270 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Ayleid Column, Short This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Ayleid Column, Tall.jpg Ayleid Column, Tall (page) 00510510 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Ayleid Column, Tall This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Breton Street Post, Plain.jpg Breton Street Post, Plain (page) 0009595 Crowns Crafting: Blueprint: Breton Street Post, Plain This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Breton Street Post, Stone.jpg Breton Street Post, Stone (page) 0009595 Crowns Crafting: Blueprint: Breton Street Post, Stone This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Brotherhood Column, Ornate.jpg Brotherhood Column, Ornate (page) 00340340 Crowns This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Brotherhood Column, Tall Ornate.jpg Brotherhood Column, Tall Ornate (page) 00340340 Crowns This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Coldharbour Column, Skulls.jpg Coldharbour Column, Skulls (page) 0001500015,000 Gold This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Colovian Banister Post, Wooden.jpg Colovian Banister Post, Wooden (page) 00100100 Crowns Crafting: Blueprint: Colovian Banister Post, Wooden This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Colovian Garden Pillar, Stone.jpg Colovian Garden Pillar, Stone (page) 0009595 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Colovian Garden Pillar, Stone This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Colovian Pillar, Wooden.jpg Colovian Pillar, Wooden (page) 00180180 Crowns Crafting: Blueprint: Colovian Pillar, Wooden This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Colovian Trim, Wall.jpg Colovian Trim, Wall (page) 0009595 Crowns Crafting: Blueprint: Colovian Trim, Wall This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Common Post, Flag Pole.jpg Common Post, Flag Pole (page) 0008080 Crowns Crafting: Diagram: Common Post, Flag Pole This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Common Post, Sign Holder.jpg Common Post, Sign Holder (page) 0008080 Crowns Crafting: Diagram: Common Post, Sign Holder This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Dark Elf Streetpost, Banner.jpg Dark Elf Streetpost, Banner (page) 00130130 Crowns Crafting: Blueprint: Dark Elf Streetpost, Banner This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Dark Elf Streetpost, Banners.jpg Dark Elf Streetpost, Banners (page) 0009090 Crowns Crafting: Blueprint: Dark Elf Streetpost, Banners This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Deadlands Column, Heavy.jpg Deadlands Column, Heavy (page) 00270270 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Deadlands Column, Heavy This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Deadlands Column, Heavy Roofed.jpg Deadlands Column, Heavy Roofed (page) 00270270 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Deadlands Column, Heavy Roofed This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Deadlands Column, Slender.jpg Deadlands Column, Slender (page) 00270270 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Deadlands Column, Slender This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Deadlands Pillar, Tall.jpg Deadlands Pillar, Tall (page) 00270270 Crowns This is a huge house item.
ON-furnishing-Deadlands Pillar, Tall Inscribed.jpg Deadlands Pillar, Tall Inscribed (page) 0002000020,000 Gold Reward for: Ambition Acquirer With its eerie crimson markings, this carved pillar brings the weighty and sometimes malice-laden presence of the Daedra to any area it dominates.
ON-furnishing-Deadlands Post, Short Wall.jpg Deadlands Post, Short Wall (page) 00120120 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Deadlands Post, Short Wall This is a large house item.
100px Dock Bollard, Metal (page) g Data]](?)Gold This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Draoife Storystone.jpg Draoife Storystone (page) 0001500015,000 Gold Need a focal point in your garden? This druidic megalith certainly works as one, plus lends the environment both a sense of agelessness and dramatic story.
ON-furnishing-Druidic Pillar, Stone.jpg Druidic Pillar, Stone (page) 00170170 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Druidic Pillar, Stone This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Druidic Post.jpg Druidic Post (page) 0008080 Crowns Crafting: Blueprint: Druidic Post This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Dwarven Pillar, Forged.jpg Dwarven Pillar, Forged (page) 0001000010,000 Gold This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Elsweyr Column, Stone Support.jpg Elsweyr Column, Stone Support (page) 00180180 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Elsweyr Column, Stone Support This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Elsweyr Monument, Ancient Stone Broken.jpg Elsweyr Monument, Ancient Stone Broken (page) 00260260 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Elsweyr Monument, Ancient Stone Broken This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Elsweyr Pillar, Ancient Stone.jpg Elsweyr Pillar, Ancient Stone (page) 00200200 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Elsweyr Pillar, Ancient Stone This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Elsweyr Pillar, Rough Wooden.jpg Elsweyr Pillar, Rough Wooden (page) 00000100100 Gold
0003030 Crowns
Vendor: Zadraska in Senchal;
Yatava in Rimmen
Vendor: Housing Editor
This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Elsweyr Post, Masonry Wall.jpg Elsweyr Post, Masonry Wall (page) 0007070 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Elsweyr Post, Masonry Wall This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Elsweyr Spire, Decorative.jpg Elsweyr Spire, Decorative (page) 00180180 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Elsweyr Spire, Decorative This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Fargrave Colonnade Pillar, Tall.jpg Fargrave Colonnade Pillar, Tall (page) 00270270 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Fargrave Colonnade Pillar, Tall This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Fargrave Post, Garden Wall.jpg Fargrave Post, Garden Wall (page) 00120120 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Fargrave Post, Garden Wall This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Hakoshae Hook, Block.jpg Hakoshae Hook, Block (page) 0008080 Crowns Crafting: Diagram: Hakoshae Hook, Block This is a small house item.
ON-furnishing-Hakoshae Pillar, Wooden Hooked.jpg Hakoshae Pillar, Wooden Hooked (page) 00160160 Crowns Crafting: Diagram: Hakoshae Pillar, Wooden Hooked This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-High Isle Pillar, Ornate.jpg High Isle Pillar, Ornate (page) 00220220 Crowns Crafting: Blueprint: High Isle Pillar, Ornate This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-High Isle Railing Post, Carved.jpg High Isle Railing Post, Carved (page) 00220220 Crowns Crafting: Blueprint: High Isle Railing Post, Carved This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Imperial Pillar, Chipped.jpg Imperial Pillar, Chipped (page) 00410410 Crowns This is a huge house item.
ON-furnishing-Imperial Pillar, Straight.jpg Imperial Pillar, Straight (page) 00410410 Crowns This is a huge house item.
ON-furnishing-Khajiit Column, Spiked.jpg Khajiit Column, Spiked (page) 000040004,000 Gold
Vendor: Maladdiq in Rawl'kha
This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Khajiit Frame, Arched.jpg Khajiit Frame, Arched (page) 0009090 Crowns Crafting: Blueprint: Khajiit Frame, Arched This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Khajiit Signpost, Fortified.jpg Khajiit Signpost, Fortified (page) 0009090 Crowns Crafting: Blueprint: Khajiit Signpost, Fortified This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Markarth Pillar, Stone.jpg Markarth Pillar, Stone (page) 00270270 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Markarth Pillar, Stone This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Markarth Post, Stone Wall.jpg Markarth Post, Stone Wall (page) 00120120 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Markarth Post, Stone Wall This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Murkmire Totem Post, Carved.jpg Murkmire Totem Post, Carved (page) 0009090 Crowns Crafting: Blueprint: Murkmire Totem Post, Carved This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Murkmire Totem, Wolf-Lizard.jpg Murkmire Totem, Wolf-Lizard (page) 0009090 Crowns Crafting: Blueprint: Murkmire Totem, Wolf-Lizard This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Necrom Column, Stone.jpg Necrom Column, Stone (page) 0009090 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Necrom Column, Stone This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Necrom Column, Tall Elegant.jpg Necrom Column, Tall Elegant (page) 00270270 Crowns Crafting: Praxis: Necrom Column, Tall Elegant This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Orsinium Statue Base.jpg Orsinium Statue Base (page) 000040004,000 Gold This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Post, Barnacle Covered.jpg Post, Barnacle Covered (page) 00000100100 Gold
0003030 Crowns
Vendor: Maladdiq in Rawl'kha
Vendor: Housing Editor
This is a huge house item.
ON-furnishing-Post, Reclaimed Wood.jpg Post, Reclaimed Wood (page) 0000005050 Gold
0003535 Crowns
Vendor: Murkholg in Necrom
Vendor: Housing Editor
This is a large house item.
100px Reach Totem, Post (page) g Data]](?)Gold This is a standard house item.
ON-furnishing-Redguard Pillar, Tiered.jpg Redguard Pillar, Tiered (page) 00250250 Crowns This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Rough Clothesline, Post.jpg Rough Clothesline, Post (page) 00000100100 Gold
0003030 Crowns
0000300300Alliance Points
This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Scholarium Column, Large.jpg Scholarium Column, Large (page) 000080008,000 Gold
Vendor: Caal in The Scholarium
Reward for: Ink Amasser Constellations mark even the columns of the Scholarium, adding visual interest to what would otherwise be a mere structural support component.
ON-furnishing-Serpent Column, Left.jpg Serpent Column, Left (page) 0002000020,000 Gold This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Serpent Column, Right.jpg Serpent Column, Right (page) 0002000020,000 Gold This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Solitude Pillar Base, Wood.jpg Solitude Pillar Base, Wood (page) 00180180 Crowns Crafting: Blueprint: Solitude Pillar Base, Wood This is a large house item.
ON-furnishing-Vampiric Column, Ancient.jpg Vampiric Column, Ancient (page) 00440440 Crowns This is a large house item.


  • Furnishings listed without a Source may not yet have been found in-game; while some of these may be rewarded through certain activities, such as fishing, theft, or pickpocketing, many are simply not yet available.
  • Items sold at the luxury furnishing vendor are sold during the weekend only, and are then replaced with new items the following weekend.