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Online:Clan Mother Shuzura
The UESPWiki – Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995
Clan Mother Shuzura | |||
Home Settlement | S'ren-ja | ||
House | Clanmother's House | ||
Race | Khajiit | Gender | Female |
Health | 39,959 | ||
Reaction | Friendly |
Clan Mother Shuzura is a Khajiit in charge of the town of S'ren-ja.
Related Quests[edit]
- Small Town Problems: Help the town of S'ren-ja with its problems.
- Ezzag's Bandits: Help the farmer Ezzag with his bandit problem.
- Haunting of Kalari: Discover why there are ghosts in Kalari's house.
- Rat Problems: Clear out some rats from a village well.
- Loose Ends: Report on your findings in the town of S'ren-ja.
Quest-Related Events[edit]
Before Small Town Problems:
- "Shuzura will hear your problem, but for now you must wait your turn."
Small Town Problems[edit]
After speaking to Tazia or Zal-sa, she'll say:
- "Shuzura will hear your problem, but you must wait your turn. Do you not see all these people before you?"
- Actually, I was sent to help you.
- "Tazia sent you? Or Zal-sa? For what purpose? What have those lazy attendants done?
Nothing has gone right since Rakhad … but never mind. What do you mean?" - You're having some problems, right? Can I help?
- "Hmm. Perhaps. Lately a few of our clanmates have been on my doorstep day and night. If you were to investigate, Shuzura could get some real work done."
- Just point me in their direction.
- "Excellent. My three loudest kittens are Milk Eyes, Ezzag, and Kalari."
- What's Milk Eyes's problem?
- "The clan knows Milk Eyes as a crotchety blind man, but really he's a sweet old cat. Rats now live in his well, he says.
Shuzura is very fond, truth be told, and she does not want him hunting rats in the dark."
- "The clan knows Milk Eyes as a crotchety blind man, but really he's a sweet old cat. Rats now live in his well, he says.
- What is Ezzag complaining about?
- "Ezzag is always complaining about something. This week, he says someone is stealing his crops.
Shuzura thinks it is the local children playing jokes, but he is sure bandits stalk his fields."
- "Ezzag is always complaining about something. This week, he says someone is stealing his crops.
- How can I help Kalari?
- "Poor little Kalari. Of late she's had bright moons and dark, both. Her uncle passed away, but left her his old house. She tried to move in … and now swears the place is haunted."
- I've decided who I'd like to help.
- "And which of my sad little kittens will you lift from the sand?"
- I'll help Milk Eyes with his rats.
- "Bright moons light your path, little one. You will find his house east of here up the hill. Good luck with those rats."
- I'll speak to him at once.
- "Milk Eyes really is sweet, you shall see. Tell him Shuzura said "Bright Moons.""
- I'll talk to Ezzag about these bandits.
- "You'll find his farm southeast of town. Shuzura is sure there's nothing to that fat old Khajiit's whining. Your kindness may quiet him down, though. And she thanks you for that."
- I'll speak to him at once.
- "Shuzura is sure it will turn out to be nothing, but Ezzag must always get his way. Luck to you."
- Kalari's ghost problem sounds serious.
- "Kalari's new home is at the very south end of town. Thank you for seeing to the girl. She's sweet, and Shuzura hates the idea of her fretting."
- I'll speak to her at once.
- "The moons have not been kind to Kalari lately. Shuzura hopes you can brighten her sky."
You can then continue to ask her questions:
- What do you do here?
- "What does she not do? Shuzura is the Clan Mother of S'ren-ja. Arbiter of disputes, leader in rituals venerating the Two Moons Dance, eldest of the women in the village."
- Your last assistant quit?
- "Pah! Rakhad was my assistant for many years. Made himself invaluable. Then Shuzura finds he has been in contact with the smugglers and skooma dealers from Pa'alat!"
- What did you do?
- "Shuzura confronted Rakhad about his dark dealings. He laughed, said she had become a 'feeble old cat.' She showed him. Had Rakhad run out of town. Now no one doubts who runs S'ren-ja."
- Can you tell me about S'ren-ja?
- "There is not much to tell, my new assistant. We are a sleepy town, yes?
We trade with Willowgrove, try to keep the men from going to Pa'alat or Hadran's Caravan, and the merchants make trips to Dune when we need supplies."
- "There is not much to tell, my new assistant. We are a sleepy town, yes?
After the quest:
- "This one feels confident that you will be a great help to S'ren-ja. Only the wisdom of a Clan Mother could see that kind of potential in you."
Ezzag's Bandits[edit]
While you're helping Ezzag with his bandit problems:
- "You are to help Ezzag, yes? So Tazia tells this one. Just know he is a cussed old cat."
Haunting of Kalari[edit]
While you are helping Kalari with her ghost problems:
- "You help Kalari now, yes? Tazia tells this one you are brave, to face the spirits."
Rat Problems[edit]
While you are helping Milk Eyes with his rat problems:
- "You are to clear the rats for Milk Eyes, yes? Tazia tells this one so. He is sweet, on the inside. You will see."
Loose Ends[edit]
Help the citizens of the town and you'll get sent back to Clanmother.
- "Shuzura has heard you have been all over town, yes? Tazia has told this one of your exploits, your work. A great help to S'ren-ja you have been."
- I've done what I could.
- "This one finds it hard to believe you've dealt with everyone already. You have helped gentle Milk Eyes with his rats?"
- It turned out a group of skooma dealers had moved in below his well. I took care of them.
- "Skooma dealers? In Shuzura's town? Dark moons! But then, surely, you couldn't have also helped cussed Ezzag with the children stealing his crops?"
- He was right, bandits had moved into a cave near his farm. They're not a problem anymore.
- "What? That old buzzard was telling the truth? Fine, fine. Then we should make sure someone looks in on Kalari. Poor little girl is scared to death, thinking there are ghosts in her big new house."
- Actually, the ghosts were illusion spells meant to scare her off. I took care of them as well.
- "Dark moons and dull claws! What has become of my town, my S'ren-ja? Bandits and spells and … wait a moment. Did you say skooma dealers? Did the name Rakhad come up at all as you dealt with these problems?"
- Several times, actually.
- "Jone and Jode, strike me down! Shuzura had thought him run out of town, his dark influence purged from her clan. But no ….
Stranger, you have done so much for S'ren-ja already. Will you help Shuzura … she means, S'ren-ja again?" - What would you have me do?
- "Shuzura must admit … she let Rakhad too close. She let Rakhad do as he pleased, for so long. When he was her assistant, Rakhad would often use an old cave outside of town for … projects.
She never asked. Because she did not want to know." - Sounds like a good place to check out. I'll go right away, Clan Mother.
Speaking to her again before you hunt down Rakhad:
- "You have my thanks just for seeking that Rakhad. Shuzura thought him a noble Khajiit. But instead he is a snake in the grass."
Deal with her former assistant and return to her:
- "Well? What did you find? Did he leave behind some papers, something to show what's going on in Shuzura's town?"
- Actually, he was using the cave as a base of operations for a smuggling ring.
- "Shuzura is speechless. Did … was Rakhad there?"
- He was, and I killed him. He won't be a problem any longer, Clan Mother.
- "There was a time when Shuzura knew every plot, every rumor, every story within her village. Now … she cannot even banish a scoundrel like Rakhad. Thank you. Please, speak to Tazia. She … she'll offer you some coin for your service."
- Thank you, Clan Mother.
Speaking to her again before Tazia:
- "Thank you."
After the quest, she'll say:
- "You have been a great help to this community."
- This NPC was previously called Clanmother Shuzura and is sometimes referred to as such in dialogue.