Gold Road

Online:Captain Dartorius

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Captain Dartorius
Location West Weald
Race Imperial Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
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Faction(s) West Weald Legion
Captain Dartorius

Captain Dartorius is an Imperial Legion officer who can be found on the road west of Hastrel Hollow and southeast of the ruined Fort Hastrel.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

As you approach her, you can overhear her grumble:

Captain Dartorius: "As if Daedra weren't enough …. What was he thinking!"

Talk to the injured captain to see what you can do:

"You there! I'm a captain in the West Weald Legion and I require your assistance."
What happened to you?
"I was leading a patrol, hunting Daedra, when one of my own legionaries attacked me! An Orc named Ulrath. Such traitorous behavior endangered us all!
Since I'm injured, could you locate whatever remains of my squadron? For mercenary pay, of course."
Any idea where I can find your squadron?
"When the Daedra ambushed us and Ulrath turned on me, I ordered the patrol to take shelter in Fort Hastrel, to the northwest. Any survivors should be there.
I need to know what happened to Ulrath—and to my squad. Report back to me with any news."
I'll go to Fort Hastrel and find out what became of your squad.
"If you find my squadron, tell them that Captain Dartorius sent you. Order them to stay put at Fort Hastrel and wait for me to join them. I'll stay here until you tell me it's safe.
If you run into Ulrath, be careful. He's a cold-blooded killer!"

You can continue to speak with her to find out more about what happened:

You were tracking the Daedra and they ambushed you?
"You must be aware of the strange Daedra popping up all over West Weald. While the Legion is stretched thin, we're not helpless. My soldiers were patrolling this region when the very Daedra we were tracking turned the table on us!"
And why did Ulrath attack you?
"If I only knew! I was at the head of the patrol, about to lead the Daedra away to give my legionaries a chance, when Ulrath cut me down!
That Orc was always complaining, but to disobey a direct order? Probably upset I never gave him that promotion."
He was supposed to be promoted?
"He certainly thought so. Expected to be made a sergeant just because I had him performing those duties for the squad.
For all I know, Ulrath was in league with these Daedra. It wouldn't surprise me. He's a tough, nasty Orc who hates taking orders.'

When you head to the nearby Fort Hastrel, you will find the remains of the squadron killed by Daedra. In a corner of the fort, you will find Legionary Ulrath lamenting the dead and you have the chance to talk to him and hear his side of the story. He explains that Captain Dartorius froze up in the ambush attack and when asked for orders, she had squad charge the enemy so she could flee. In his anger he struck her down and tried to lead the squadron away, they were cut down to a man in the fort.

He does not care if you tell the captain if he died or deserted, but wants to make sure his report is handed over so someone can see it.

If you found Ulrath but haven't spoke to him yet and then return to speak to Captain Dartorius:

"I just…need to catch my breath."

After you have collected his report from nearby, you can return to Captain Dartorius:

"It's good to see someone who still knows how to follow orders. Did you make it to the fort? Did you find my squadron?"
I found what remained of your squadron at Fort Hastrel.
"What remained? Speak plainly, mercenary. What's the condition of my squadron? And what about the treacherous Orc, Ulrath?"
Ulrath and all your legionaries were dead. I found this report he wrote before he died.
"A report? You didn't read it, did you? No matter. My report supersedes Ulrath's anyway. At least that Orc got what he deserved. How dare he contradict … er, disobey my orders.
Here, the mercenary pay I promised. You earned it."
Ulrath was the only legionary to survive. He gave me this report and said he was leaving.
"Ulrath is a deserter? The coward! But that makes things simpler. Not that they'd ever take the word of a legionary over a captain. I'll make sure his report receives all the attention it deserves.
Here, the mercenary pay I promised. You earned it."

If you told her Ulrath is dead and exit the conversation before turning in the quest, she will alternatively say:

"Ulrath is dead…they're all dead. Did I hear that right?"
Ulrath and all your legionaries were dead. I found this report he wrote before he died. (Leads to quest completion dialogue)

If you told her Ulrath is still alive and exit the conversation before turning in the quest, she will alternatively say:

"Ulrath deserted the Legion? Did I hear that right?"
Ulrath was the only legionary to survive. He gave me this report and said he was leaving. (Leads to quest completion dialogue)

Speaking with her after the quest:

Told her Legionary Ulrath Died:
Told her Legionary Ulrath Deserted:
"No matter how many times you lose a squadron, it never gets any easier.
No need to stick around, mercenary. I'll be ready to head out myself in another few moments."
Is Legionary Ulrath's report true?
"Truth is written by the victors, mercenary. Haven't you learned that by now? The only truth is what I disclose to my superiors. Everything else is simply rumor and conjecture."
"No matter how many times you lose a squadron, it never gets any easier.
No need to stick around, mercenary. I'll be ready to head out myself in another few moments. I plan to personally lead the patrol that goes hunting for that traitor, Ulrath."
Are you really going to try to find Legionary Ulrath?
"That deserter isn't a legionary, not any more! And, yes, I plan to hunt him down and make an example out of him. No one questions the orders of Captain Dartorius and gets away with it!
Ulrath will wish he died with the rest of the squad."