This article is about the boss in Fang Lair. For the boss in the Infinite Archive, see Caluurion (Infinite Archive).
Caluurion | |||
Location | Fang Lair | ||
Species | Lich | ||
Health | ![]() ![]() |
Difficulty | ![]() |
Reaction | Hostile | ||
Other Information | |||
Condition | Undead | ||
Drops | |||
Dragon Bone |
Caluurion is a Lich who serves as the third boss of Fang Lair. During the fight, he will activate the Wamasu, Serpent, Lurcher, Mammoth, and Shalk relics, which will give him varying boosts.
He has a chance to drop a sample of Dragon Bone.
Caluurion | |||
Location | Fang Lair | ||
Race | High Elf | Gender | Male |
Reaction | Friendly | ||
Other Information | |||
Condition | Spirit |
He was originally an Altmer and one of the adventurers who slew the dragon Thurvokun in the First Era, along with Ulfnor and Sabina Cedus. In undeath he has been bound to serve the necromancer Orryn the Black. Once he is defeated, his spirit will be freed and can be spoken to in later stages of the dungeon.
Related Quests[edit]
Casting the Bones: Investigate a necromancer cult searching for a long-dead Dragon.
Pledge: Fang Lair: Prove you are truly Undaunted by clearing Fang Lair.
Skills and Abilities[edit]
As a boss type enemy, Caluurion is immune to all crowd control abilities.
- Necrotic Spear
- A basic ranged attack that does minor magical damage, and can be blocked or dodged to reduce damage.
- Soul Cage
- The lich will summon three to five lich crystals from the ground around it, as indicated by white cracks on the ground. Standing near the crystals as indicated by the red circles will do moderate magical damage over time to the player. This attack is always followed by Soul Rupture. Stay at range when this spell is cast to avoid the lich crystals.
- Soul Rupture
- After a short time, the crystals explode, dealing moderate magical damage to all players within the red circle. Getting hit by the exploding crystals will cause the player to be lifted above ground briefly; the player can break free from this.
- Necrotic Barrage
- The boss summons magical bolts that hit the ground around itself dealing moderate magical damage as indicated by red circles.
Apart from the abilities above, at various points in the fight the boss will activate a relic which will grant him various additional abilities as long as they are active. The relic activated will glow to indicate this. At the same time, five bonefiends will spawn. Killing a bonefiend near the relic will cause it to explode, dealing high damage to the relic. It is recommended to use the bonefiends to disable the relics as they have too much health to destroy using normal abilities.
- Shalk's Breath
- Activating the shalk relic will allow the boss to spray fire in a cone in front of him, dealing high flame damage over time.
- Storm Lizard's Rage
- Activating the wamasu relic will allow the boss to place lightning AOEs on top of all players, dealing moderate shock damage over time.
- Tusks of Ice
- Activating the mammoth relic will allow the boss to place ice AOEs on the ground, dealing high frost damage over time.
- Nature's Clutches
- Activating the lurcher relic will allow the boss to spread root AOEs outwards from itself, immobilizing and dealing high physical damage to all players hit as indicated by red circles.
- Serpent's Sting
- Activating the serpent relic will allow the boss to summon many smaller serpents to attack the party, each dealing moderate poison damage.
- Enrage
- When around 20% health, the boss will activate all relics at once. Players should save ultimates to burn the boss down fast during this phase before damage from overlapping mechanics becomes overwhelming.
Combat Dialogue[edit]
When he is approached he can be heard talking to Orryn the Black.
- Orryn the Black: "Not to be an ungracious host, but I've tired of entertaining."
- "Caluurion. See that our uninvited guests are made comfortable for a very long stay."
- Caluurion: "How much more of your company must I endure, Orryn? None of you are welcome here!"
- <When engaged in combat.>
- "I'll banish every last trace of you from this world."
- "Leave me to this empty existence!"
Activating and embracing the power of the Shalk Relic:
- Caluurion: "The shalk glimpses the flame and sees only prey."
- Caluurion: "Consume the fire or be consumed by it."
- Caluurion: "The shalk leaves only cinders and bones in its wake."
- Caluurion: "I will boil the marrow in your bones."
- Caluurion: "Slough off your blackened flesh and show me your soul."
Activating and embracing the power of the Lurcher Relic:
- Caluurion: "The lurcher takes its time to choke the life out of its prey. As do I."
- Caluurion: "By the time you feel the creeping vines, it's too late."
- Caluurion: "The lurcher embraces death every fall and rises anew. It will be no different for you."
- Caluurion: "A lurcher's soul has a crushing grip on life. Can you feel how desperately it wants to take root?"
- Caluurion: "I'll strip your desiccated corpse of its brittle bark soon."
Activating and embracing the power of the Mammoth Relic:
- Caluurion: "The chill of the north lies deep in the bones of the mammoth."
- Caluurion: "They say the north wind cuts right through you. Let's find out."
- Caluurion: "Bodies caught in the Throat of the World never rot."
- Caluurion: "Feel how the mammoth's cold heart still seeks to gore."
- Caluurion: "Winter's beast beckons."
Activating and embracing the power of the Serpent Relic:
- Caluurion: "Venomous serpents are the heralds of a slow and painful death."
- Caluurion: "A flash of pain and the creeping dread of poison in your veins."
- Caluurion: "Will you hear the scrape of their scales before they strike?"
- Caluurion: "These serpents will swallow your soul."
- Caluurion: "You may outrun the snake, but never the venom."
Activating and embracing the power of the Wamasu Relic:
- Caluurion: "From the wamasu, I claimed thunder. Feel it course through you."
- Caluurion: "The snap of lightning's jaws sinks deep."
- Caluurion: "The lizard's roar is the cracking of the sky."
- Caluurion: "A wamasu kills simply by existing."
- Caluurion: "I'll enjoying watching your electrocuted meat spasm and die."
Once Caluurion is defeated:
- "Finally, a moment's peace!"
Conversation after being defeated:
- Yisareh: "Caluurion! By your true name spoken, I compel you to rise once more and tell us of your captors."
- Caluurion: "You are no friend to me, conjurer, but release those who walked with me in life and I will consider you an ally. Fail and we will have a very long time to become acquainted."
- Yisareh: "That's an acceptable bargain."
- Caluurion: "Then find Ulfnor and Sabina and dispatch them as you did me."
After defeating and freeing Ulfnor and Sabina, Yisareh will question the group about the dragon.
- Yisareh: "That's it, the necromantic energies are exhausted. They should be free now."
- Yisareh: "Caluurion, we've done as you have asked. Tell us of Orryn's plans."
- Caluurion: "He seeks to take what we won at so steep a price, so long ago."
- Sabina Cedus: "Thurvokun. The Dragon we hunted still lies dead in its roost."
- Ulfnor: "By my hand, you'll recall. Not that any songs'll be sung about it."
- Yisareh: "Tell me he doesn't have the Dragon's soul."
- Caluurion: "Hmmph, no. I was unable to capture the Dragon's soul when we slew it. It's [sic] corporeal form was all I was able to claim. And this ruin."
- Yisareh: "Small blessings … but even soulless Dragon bones pose a terrible threat in the hands of someone as powerful as Orryn. We have to stop his plans."
- "Even as a soulless husk, the Dragon's bones hold formidable power. If Orryn's able to complete the reanimation...let's hurry."
Caluurion can then be further questioned:
- "The Dragon was my prize. Stolen from me now, like my friends, my peace, and my free will. Destroy Orryn and let me lie."
- What do you mean the Dragon was your prize? / What did you mean when said the dragon was your prize?
- "Those bones, this place, they are mine by right of conquest. Spoils paid for in blood. I devoted lifetimes of study to all of it.
For what? The damned beast held onto its secrets more tightly than its life!" - What were you hoping to gain?
- "The others might claim an end to tyranny, but I lent my sorcery to their cause to claim the power of a god, or so near as to make no difference.
But that power could not be contained by the likes of me, so I had to content myself with the remnants."
- "Those bones, this place, they are mine by right of conquest. Spoils paid for in blood. I devoted lifetimes of study to all of it.
- Why did you become a lich?
- "Because I could. Because even an Altmer's longevity was not enough to find what I was seeking.
You can put that on my grave: here lies Caluurion, whose reach forever exceeded his grasp."
- "Because I could. Because even an Altmer's longevity was not enough to find what I was seeking.
At one point he will be called upon to break a door's magical seal:
- Yisareh: "It's like it's drawing its power from beyond the veil. Caluurion, can you help?"
- Caluurion: "If I must."
- <Caluurion breaks the seal.>
He can assist Yisareh when called during the battle against Orryn:
- "Wretched things. Begone!"
- "Stay back, they hunger for life."
Once Thurvokun and Orryn the Black have been defeated. Yisareh will unbind the dragon and Orryn.
- Yisareh: "I think it's time we laid these old bones to rest for good."
- "Caluurion, Ulfnor, Sabina, help me unravel the threads binding Orryn to your ancient foe."
- Caluurion: "Turnabout is fair play."
- Ulfnor: "Oh, I'm going to enjoy this."
- Sabina Cedus: "Time for a taste of your own medicine, bastard."
- <Orryn's ghost appears.>
- Orryn the Black: "Where did I go wrong?"
- Sabina Cedus: "There'll be plenty of time for regrets where you're going."
- Yisareh: "Now to ensure this Dragon stays buried for a very long time."
- <Starts the ritual>
- Yisareh: "Breath of the Tricky God. Breeze of the Far Shores. Carry away the lingering life that clings as Sep's skin to this world."
- Caluurion: "May your elusive spirit be forever swallowed by the Void."
Caluurion can be spoken to for a final time after this. He isn't that happy that the focus of his life's work was destroyed and he doesn't want your pity.
- "All my works and accomplishments finally reduced to dust and lost to time. I hope whatever comes after this life is not so pointless."
- I hope you can find rest now.
- "Is that to be my reward for accepting the inevitability of fate and surrendering to futility? Insipid and eternal languor? Save your pity and your dreams of idyllic repose for your own pointless existence."
- Have it your way. (Ends Conversation)
- I'll take comfort in the fact that wherever you end up, you'll be miserable. (Ends Conversation)