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The Deadlands

Online:Arox the Mutilator

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Arox the Mutilator
(lore page)
Home City Fargrave
Location The Collector's Villa
Species Daedrat
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Mindcleaver Clan
Arox the Mutilator
"My nose will guide us, my rage will drive us, and my fury will freeze the cultists in their tracks!"
—Arox, speaking to the Vestige in Fargrave

Arox the Mutilator is the former overseer of the Blood Pit bound in the form of a Daedrat. He is initially found being held captive at The Collector's Villa in Fargrave, claiming to be more than he appears and may be exactly what you need.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Destruction Incarnate[edit]

Arox the captive

While exploring Gazmod the Collector's galleries, you find a special gallery with a single specimen. Enter and you'll be confronted with the magnificent Arox:

Lyranth: "This gallery contains but a single display. See what it is, mortal."
Arox the Mutilator: "I am Arox the Mutilator, terror of the Deadlands!"
Arox the Mutilator: "Release me from this cage and I will grant you a boon, mortal."
Lyranth: "The relic is a … talking daedrat? Mortal, release the vermin!"

Speaking to him before releasing him::

"Arox the Mutilator is a daedrat of his word! At least, currently.
Release me and I will do anything in my power to aid your cause. You do have a cause that needs aiding, don't you?"

Release the little guy and he'll be overjoyed:

Arox the Mutilator: "Sweet freedom, at long last! Arox owes you for this kind indulgence."

Speaking to him about decoding:

"You have set Arox free! Free! Arox owes you a debt of honor, and Arox will pay it, no matter how long it takes. You have my word.
But pray tell, who do I owe this enormous debt of gratitude to?"
I'm <character name> and this is Lyranth. But you're a daedrat? We thought you were some sort of Daedric relic.
"Question not this pitiable form, mortal. For within it beats the heart of the Terror of the Deadlands, the Sunderer of the Seven Skies, and the Warrior of the Floating Wastes! I am Arox the Mutilator!
And, yes. I currently occupy this daedrat body."
We were told you could decipher any Dagonic code.
"Dagonic codes? Easy as ripping the ears off a Banekin! Arox is fluent in the many tongues of the Deadlands. No code can hide its meaning from the Mutilator's eyes!
Speaking of eyes, we should leave this place before the Collector looks this way."
If we take you with us, will you promise to decipher the code when we reach a safe location?
"I have already pledged to honor my debt to you. I will decipher every scroll in the tower of Lord Dagon's Viscount Scrivener if that is what you desire.
I swear my fealty to you, mortal master. My life and my skills are yours to command."
Very well. Hop in my pack, Arox.
"With pleasure, mortal master!"
<Arox hops in your inventory>

Once he's settled in, he gets right to work:

Arox the Mutilator: "Your pack is perfect, master. And I found the encoded note. I will work on translating it forthwith!"
Lyranth: "We have a daedrat. Wonderful. Now let's find the Anchorite and depart this place."

Make your way to Madam Whim's and go upstairs. Arox will pop out of your pack and claims to have made progress in his deciphering:

Arox the Mutilator: "Master, Arox has deciphered the note! Daedric troops from Burning Gyre Keep in the Deadlands are preparing to invade Fargrave."
Lyranth: "Well done, rat. Mortal, find out what else the note contains."
The Anchorite: "That daedrat … talks?"

Speak to him:

"Did you hear what I said, mortal master? Valkynaz Nokvroz prepares to send the most fearsome Daedric troops in all the Deadlands to this nexus city.
The destruction will be glorious!"
Does the encoded note say anything else?
"It is addressed to some despicable cur named Sister Celdina. A weak-sounding mortal name if ever I heard one! Why one of Mehrunes Dagon's most powerful warlords—not as powerful as Arox, mind you—would deign to aid a weak-named mortal baffles me."
Arox, the rest of the encoded note, please.
"Yes, right. Ahem. 'Troops stand ready at Burning Gyre Keep. Send word when Fargrave's defenses fall and the invasion will begin. Dremora blades will take the city, not your Incarnates.'
That is every word, mortal master whose name is in no way weak."
Then we should head for Burning Gyre Keep.
"Let us make haste, mortal master."

Outside Burning Gyre Keep, Arox will speak with anticipation:

Arox the Mutilator: "This place smells wonderful, master. Like weapons after a battle!"

Inside the keep Arox keeps quiet, but back at Madam Whim's, he jumps out of your pack and spins circles in excitement:

Arox the Mutilator: "A glorious victory! Arox the Mutilator must scratch furiously to celebrate!"

Speaking to him before Lyranth:

"Such violence! Oh, master, you make me so proud! You dispatched that Incarnate abomination with a ferocity worthy of Arox the Mutilator!
And did you see the look on Nokvroz's face? Like a lava crab crawled up his nose and died! Ha!"

If you exited out of the quest completion dialogue from Lyranth, you have a chance to speak to him:

"That Incarnate was a worthy foe, mortal master. Next time you face one, you must promise to let me out of your pack. I want to show you how Arox the Mutilator destroyed the Banekin Brigade at Dreadfire Cove."

The Durance Vile[edit]

Before you start the quest, he will urge you to speak to Lyranth:

"Master, shouldn't we be seeking Sister Celdina and her Riven Cataclyst? I may spend most of my time in your pack, but I hear every word.
Talk to Lyranth. The clever little Dremora must have a plan. She seems to have hundreds of the things."

Once you start the quest and before you speak to Lyranth:

"My enemies will rue the day they crossed me! Rue the day, I say!
Oh, hello, mortal master!"

After agreeing to go to Wretched Spire with Lyranth, Arox will offer to accompany you:

Arox the Mutilator: "Take me with you, master! Let us lay waste to your foes!"

Speaking to him:

"You are unlikely to find any of Mehrunes Dagon's servants in Wretched Spire, master. Long ago the Prince of Destruction commanded that no Daedra among his legions should look upon that place. Or even speak of it.
He was quite insistent."
You heard? We're meeting a Dremora named Rynkyus there.
"Never heard of him, but I do not trust him. I will watch him closely, master. Sniff out his intentions. I have a keen sense of smell in this otherwise pathetic form!
I'd prefer to be huge and powerful again, of course, but this form has some uses."
Why does Mehrunes Dagon want his legions to ignore Wretched Spire?
"I do not know. Lord Dagon wasn't in the habit of explaining his commandments. I heard the entire town was dropped into the Deadlands from someplace else, but I was never curious enough to investigate further.
Sorry to have failed you, master."
Hop in my pack, Arox.
"At once, mortal master!"

Jynd's Foundary

After speaking to Rynkyus, he'll speak up:

Arox the Mutilator: "That Rynkyus doesn't know what to make of you, master. He seems like the suspicious type."

Find and pick up Jynd's Schematic:

Arox the Mutilator: "A strange drawing, master. Does Jynd intend to construct this thing?"

Find Sister Celdina's Orders:

Arox the Mutilator: "The mortal woman dares command Jynd? And Nokvroz? Arrogant. Why does she need so many Dremora?"

At the eastern side of the foundry, you'll come to a structure:

Arox the Mutilator: "Master, I sense a deathstone. If you find it, we may learn something."

When you get close to the deathstone:

Arox the Mutilator: "There it is. Touch it and you hear the victim's last thoughts. Enemies make the best deathstones!"

Watch the vision from the deathstone:

Arox the Mutilator: "Ah. Nokvroz seeks to undermine the mortal Celdina. Two factions, vying for Lord Dagon's favor. Let us hope for rivers of blood!"

Zynoahz's Gaol

Find the Flawed Runic Crux:

Arox the Mutilator: "What a poorly crafted runic crux. Whatever ritual they plan to use it for will most likely fail."

After speaking to Disastrix Daelon:

Arox the Mutilator: "Bah. Weakling. He probably didn't even provide the torturer with much sport."

Find Zynoahz's Sketch:

Arox the Mutilator: "More scratchings? They really are trying to build their own cataclyst, master!"

Return to Rynkyus and the rest of your party shows up. Arox will hop out of your pack at the mention of "Elegian":

Rynkyus: "Defective parts, strange scribblings, the inventions of a blind seer. I hope Lyranth learned more in Fargrave."
Lyranth: "The inventions of a blind seer? Interesting. I believe we know his name."
The Anchorite: "Elegian. That's what I remembered earlier. Lyranth helped me."
Arox the Mutilator: "Elegian? That old lunatic? He was locked in the Blood Pit, last I knew."
Rynkyus: "Did that daedrat … talk?"
Arox the Mutilator: "This pathetic form holds Arox the Mutilator, titan of destruction! Master, let's talk."

Speaking to him:

"Not so long ago, the Blood Pit trembled at the mere rumor of my approach. They cowered before me!
I first encountered Elegian there. He was quite mad. Probably still is. I'm not sure what he'll be able to tell you, master."
What's the Blood Pit? And how do you know Elegian?
"The Blood Pit is a foul prison that I once oversaw. When I was cursed, I awoke there in this reduced form. Cast down with others who offended Mehrunes Dagon.
That's where I met Elegian. He was locked in a prison within the prison—the Durance Vile."
Do you know who Elegian is or why he was imprisoned?
"Master, I am not sure if Elegian knows who Elegian is or why he is there. You'll see.
The Blood Pit lies northwest of Burning Gyre Keep. I can guide you, but the presence of powerful Daedra not aligned with Prince Dagon will be noticed."
Noticed? What do you mean?
"The Blood Pit imprisons disloyal Daedra with mystic wards. Lyranth and the Bladebearer would have to shatter those wards to enter. Mortals? Walls and locks are enough to bar your path.
Your Dremora allies cannot come with us."
Won't the wards stop you, too?
"I was imprisoned there before I escaped. Only to be captured by the Collector, damn his many eyes!
They never were able to overcome my natural immunity to the wards. Something to do with my position before I was cursed, I imagine."
Do I want to know what you did at the Blood Pit before you were a daedrat?
"Ahem … probably not. Mortals are delicate about such things.
The Blood Pit is a cruel place, master. Prince Dagon sends his enemies there to suffer. Mortal prisoners do not last long, unless they are valuable in some way."
Hop in my pack, Arox.
"Let us depart, master."

The Blood Pit

Enter the area and you'll see Valkynaz Nokvroz across the way speaking to Overseer Tykh:

Arox the Mutilator: "Nokvroz is weak. I would have killed the overseer for her failure."

Move ahead and you'll see Nokvroz again:

Overseer Jekshan: "Ah, Valkynaz Nokvroz. Do you have any idea when we can expect Arox the Mutilator to return?"
Valkynaz Nokvroz: "Arox never left. I had him cursed. Turned him into a daedrat."
Arox the Mutilator: "Nokvroz? He did this to me? That bloodless ash pile!"
Valkynaz Nokvroz: "Improve the elixir before I return. And forget Arox. He is no longer your concern."

Keep moving:

Arox the Mutilator: "The Warden's Overlook is nearby. The entrance is a portal. We might find the location of Elegian's Durance Vile there."

When you find the portal:

Arox the Mutilator: "There, master! The portal to the Warden's Overlook."

Atop the Warden's Overlook, Arox will spot Nokvroz again after you picked up the map:

Arox the Mutilator: "Look up there. Nokvroz returns!"
Overseer Tykh: "Have you completed your interrogation, Valkynaz Nokvroz?"
Valkynaz Nokvroz: "Nothing but a waste of time. Just more of the same. Secure the Durance Vile until I return."
Valkynaz Nokvroz: "I must go. That tiresome mortal Celdina insists on my presence. Improve the elixir before my next interrogation."

At Nokvroz steps through a portal:

Arox the Mutilator: "He's getting away! I'll kill him!"

Enter the Durance Vile and Arox will remember something:

Arox the Mutilator: "I remember the smells of this place. The old seer should be behind a glowing door."

After speaking to the Anchorite, his memory will jog further:

Arox the Mutilator: "I remember! There's a rune of unsealing on the balcony above. It unlocks the cell door, master."
The Anchorite: "And look over there. A charged lucent! Grab it and place it in the discharge labrum beside the displacer."

Place the lucent:

The Anchorite: "I see discharge labrums on the balcony above. Find some lucents, charge them, then place them up there."
Arox the Mutilator: "The masked one speaks true. We need charged lucents"

Once you've unlocked the Rune of Unsealing:

The Anchorite: "Hurry, activate the rune of unsealing before an overseer comes around!"
Arox the Mutilator: "Good! The sooner we can get to the old seer, the sooner we can banish Nokvroz!"

Enter Elegian's cell with The Anchorite and Arox the Mutilator. Elegian will be babbling to himself:

Elegian: "A noise! Is someone there?"
Elegian: "No. No more visions. I don't want to drink any more! Drink, brink, stink. Ha!"
Arox the Mutilator: "The blind seer is mad. I warned you, master."
The Anchorite: "That's him. The old man in my memory. Talk to him and see if he remembers me."

The Anchorite will suggest looking for the elixir Nokvroz mentioned. She suggests looking for a bottle with something related to spring. As you examine different bottles around the room, Arox will have much to say about each one:

  • Vial of Pungent Syrup:
Arox the Mutilator: "That smells wrong. All heat and mortal sweat. Trust me."
  • Vial of Clotted Blue Liquid:
Arox the Mutilator: "Ooh, bile. Delicious. But probably not what you'd use to clear a mortal's mind."
  • Vial of Jellied Yellow Glop:
Arox the Mutilator: "Hmm. That smells like rendered Ogrim fat. I like it, but it might kill the old seer."
  • Vial of Grass Green Elixir:
Arox the Mutilator: "That bottle smells of Nirn. I hate it, but this ridiculous nose of mine is not wrong. Try it, master. Pour it on the braziers."

After speaking to Elegian, Arox will suggest an escape before the overseers arrive:

Arox the Mutilator: "A sewer, on the east wall. That's our exit, master. We should hurry and return to Wretched Spire."

Born of Grief[edit]

After getting instructions from Lyranth, Arox will hop out again:

Arox the Mutilator: "Let us go, master!"
The Anchorite: "I'll meet you at Annihilarch's Summit. But we should be careful. I expect that both Sister Celdina and Nokvroz may be there."

If you drop the quest, he will be at the camp:

"I will not rest until I find out how Nokvroz did this to me. What trickery did he employ? And how can it be undone? Crushing him beneath my talons will be much easier when I am my proper size again."

Speaking to him:

"Tell me that we will find Nokvroz at Annihilarch's Summit, master. Oh, he has so much to answer for!
If you smash him to the ground so I may reach him, I will gnaw his face off!"
Do you have any idea how Nokvroz changed you into this form?
"No. Nokvroz is no mage. He must have found some relic or forgotten curse to transform me into this daedrat body. And he must have caught me off-guard. Otherwise, I would have destroyed him the moment he struck at me."
I hope you'll be more observant when we reach Annihilarch's Summit.
"You dare insinuate—! The master meant no offense. They're just a stupid mortal.
Nokvroz never dared display a hint of disloyalty, let alone challenge me for my place as Prince Dagon's champion. I would have crushed him into a paste. Can we go now?"
Hop in my pack, Arox.
"Yes, Master."

Once you start heading out:

Arox the Mutilator: "To the base of Annihilarch's Summit, master! Nokvroz must pay for this insult he has forced upon me!"

Arrive at the Summit and Lyranth, Rynkyus, and The Anchorite will be there waiting:

Arox the Mutilator: "I can practically smell Nokvroz. Hurry master, we can catch him."
Lyranth: "Good, we're all here. You and Rynkyus will lead the assault, mortal."
Rynkyus: "Your mortal shell may not survive the climb to the summit, but I will do what I can to protect you."

As you reach your destination, Arox will comment:

Arox the Mutilator: "I used to soar above this peak. Nothing troubled my true form!"

At the peak, he'll spot a cave:

Arox the Mutilator: "That scent! Nokvroz came this way!"
Arox the Mutilator: "A passage. Nokvroz went this way!"
Arox the Mutilator: "In here, hurry!"

Inside the passage:

Arox the Mutilator: "This way! I will gnaw Nokvroz's nose off!"
Rynkyus: "We're following … your daedrat?"
Arox the Mutilator: "Nokvroz is gone. Curse him!"

Speak to him:

"Master. I smell blood. Mortal blood. It seems I have a very strong nose in this puny form.
I smell Nokvroz, as well. He was here, I am certain of it."
Tell me about the mortal blood.
"Freshly spilled, master. A mortal died here, not long ago. We should look around and see what tale this place can tell us about those who ascend to the summit.
Travelers can be careless. Especially when they are being killed."
What do you mean, Arox?
"Dead mortals pay little attention to where they leave their bodies or the things they carry. Very untidy. Selfish of them, really.
Daedra avoid that by simply not dying. Usually."
All right, let's look around.

Once you start searching:

Arox the Mutilator: "Search the cave, master. A mortal died nearby. I smell magic, too. Dark and strange …."

If you speak to him before searching, he'll reiterate:

"What is that scent? It is faint, fading now. The echo of a spell long expired, I think. Quick, master, search the cave!"

Pick up the Twisted Rod:

Arox the Mutilator: "That twisted rod. That's what I smelled! It must be important."

Speaking to him:

"Let me examine that metal rod for you, master. It smells of power. And secrets."

After speaking to Rynkyus , Arox will be annoyed at the Kynreeve's dismissal:

"There is nothing defective about my hearing, master. Or my curiosity. The Bladebearer is wrong to dismiss me with such contempt. I am Arox the Mutilator!
Have I not proved myself useful, master?"
Yes, you have, but we need to reach the summit now.
"As you wish, master. The day will come when I fall upon your enemies like a burning thunderbolt and lay a hundred blackened skulls at your feet!
Let us see if the Bladebearer sneers at Arox then!"
Hop into my pack, Arox.
"As you command."

Continue ahead and you'll be blocked by a barrier:

Rynkyus: "A wind-gate. Effective for blocking narrow places. See if the key you found by the dead mortal is of any use here."
Arox the Mutilator: "Wind-gate? Bah. My true form could tear through it with ease!"

Unlock the gate and Arox will commend you:

Arox the Mutilator: "Very good, master! Not as good as tearing it down and stomping it to rubble, but still, well done."

At the top, you'll come to a portal. Some in your party are perplexed, but Arox is certain Nokvroz is on the other side:

Rynkyus: "A portal? Curse it, our enemies have already fled."
Lyranth: "Where is the Dagonist temple? What exactly did the mad seer tell you, mortal? Did he lie?"
Arox the Mutilator: "Nokvroz used that portal, master. His scent lingers."
The Anchorite: "I don't think Elegian lied. The Riven Cataclyst must be beyond that portal."

Speak to Lyranth and she'll send you through the portal with The Anchorite. Arox will of course be with you in your pack:

The Anchorite: "I don't think I've ever been to Nirn."
<She steps into the portal>
Arox the Mutilator: "Let's go, master! Nokvroz must feel the wrath of my teeth and claws!"

Make your way through Fort Grief and Arox will note:

Arox the Mutilator: "Nokvroz! He's here somewhere. I'd know that stink anywhere!"

Enter the citadel:

Arox the Mutilator: "Strange scents here. Something metallic, sharp. It smells of … power. Maybe the cataclyst, master."

Back at Madam Whim's, Arox will be eager for you to show Lyranth the Twisted Rod you found:

Arox the Mutilator: "Master, show Lyranth the twisted rod! It's important, I'm sure of it!"


After speaking to Lyranth, he will pop out. But you can't speak to him at this point.

Later on when you meet Rynkyus, you will see the daedrat is there, just impatient as ever:

"The mortal cultists run like scared Banekin. I can smell their fear on the wind.
Finish them swiftly, master, so that we may turn our attention to Nokvroz and destroy him for his treachery!"

After speaking to Rynkyus:

"Let us find these mortal cultists and finish with them, master. Then we can wreck vengeance on that traitorous Nokvroz!"
Sister Celdina first. We'll deal with Valkynaz Nokvroz soon enough.
"As you say, master. I remain in your debt and will do as you command. My nose will guide us, my rage will drive us, and my fury will freeze the cultists in their tracks!"
Hop into the pack, Arox.
"Let us hunt, master!"

At the Charnel Pulpit:

Arox the Mutilator: "Rynkyus spoke true. This place reeks of the mortal cultists."

Read the Summons to Deadlight and Arox will be disappointed:

Arox the Mutilator: "Now we know where the portal is, master, but it's warded against beings such as myself. Prudent but annoying."

At the camp south of Agony's Ascent:

Arox the Mutilator: "Someone got to these cultists before us, master."

Read Thadriax's Instructions:

Arox the Mutilator: "That's the cipher we need, master. Perhaps Rynkyus's plan will work after all!"

At the Chantry of the Moon Reiver:

Arox the Mutilator: "We're too late again, master! Someone beat us to them. Check anyway. Maybe we'll find something important."

Search the dead cultists and find the Deadlight Portal Key:

Arox the Mutilator: "An intact portal key! If we align the symbols properly, it should open the way to Deadlight."

After you got all the clues needed:

Arox the Mutilator: "We have what we need, master. The Deadlight portal lies to the west, beyond the Blood Pit."

As you approach the portal to Deadlight, you'll hear your friends already there:

Rynkyus: "Locked and warded against Daedric incursion. These mortals are more resourceful than I imagined."
Lyranth: "You did well to find this place, Rynkyus. Ah, mortal. Let us confer."
The Anchorite: "Good. I was worried about you out there on your own."
Arox the Mutilator: "On your own? Who is Arox the Mutilator? Chopped Ogrim spittle?"

He will be out of your pack after speaking with Lyranth. Before entering the portal:

"I cannot follow you through that portal, master. Those Waking Flame sycophants must be afraid to face my wrath. So be it. I will wait here and groom myself until you return.
Then we can destroy Valkynaz Nokvroz."

Against All Hope[edit]

After starting the quest with Lyranth; Arox, Rynkyus, Drozu, and Madam Whim will be downstairs discussing the next course of action:

"Whim thinks Fargrave is safe. She is wrong.
Mehrunes Dagon has no interest in Fargrave's denizens, but he understands the usefulness of bridges between worlds. Nokvroz would be well rewarded if he can deliver Fargrave to him."

After developing a plan, you can speak to Arox:

"You plan to sneak into Ardent Hope, master? Then let me accompany Rynkyus and the Bladebearers! Arox the Mutilator should be at the head of our vanguard when they assault the front gates of the fortress!"

Arrive at the dais, and the gang will be ready:

"Lyranth explained her plan to me, master. I will accompany you on this mission of stealth and secrecy. No one knows the twists and turns of Ardent Hope as well as Arox the Mutilator!"

With the portal key in hand, Arox will want to speak:

Rynkyus: "The Bladebearers will keep the fortress's defenders occupied."
Lyranth: "Leave that to your clan, Rynkyus, and come with us. We could use your sword."
Rynkyus: "I will face Nokvroz in open battle, in the sight of my Kyn. That is the path of honor."
Arox the Mutilator: "Well said, Bladebearer, but I will destroy Nokvroz! Master, a word, please."

If you haven't explored Ardent Hope, he will say:

"I was once supreme among Lord Dagon's warlords. By the strength of my own hand I kept the Dremora of the Deadlands in line.
They feared me once. Now they have forgotten me. Curse that traitorous Nokvroz!"

Otherwise if you did explore Ardent Hope:

"Lyranth is correct, master. Before I was cursed with the form you see before you, I commanded Ardent Hope. I know its many rooms and passages as well as I know the back of my tail!
And you will need me when you confront the traitorous Nokvroz."
You really hate Valkynaz Nokvroz, don't you, Arox?
"Hate is too weak a word for what I feel, master! I do not begrudge him for chafing under my rule. That is the Deadlands' way. It is natural to challenge those above you.
But Nokvroz chose the path of cowardice. He must answer for that."
What do you mean, the path of cowardice?
"Did Nokvroz face me in open battle? Did he strike me down with his own strength and fervor? No! He resorted to a trickster's curse.
His actions revealed his fear, not his power. He has not earned his place at the head of Lord Dagon's armies."
Do you want to return to Mehrunes Dagon's service?
"I … I do not know. I would certainly be more worthy than Nokvroz. But Mehrunes Dagon allowed that worm to replace me through trickery and deceit. I gave Lord Dagon my unstinting loyalty, but where was his loyalty to me?
Bah! We should go, master."
All right, Arox. Hop in my pack.
"As you say, master!"

Enter the portal:

Arox the Mutilator: "This is the barbican, master. Go east and then north to reach the inner keep."

Approach the eastern gate and you'll hear Rynkyus and his Bladebearers on the other side:

Rynkyus: "We've breached the gates! Archers, clear a path!"
Rynkyus: "Bladebearers, with me! Show them our fury!"
Lyranth: "There is our distraction, just as Rynkyus promised. Let us not waste it. To the inner keep!"
Arox the Mutilator: "Curse this wretched form! I once had claws that could tear these walls asunder!"

Make your way inside Ardent Hope Citadel:

Arox the Mutilator: "I smell blood. Mortal blood."
Lyranth: "Watch for blood adepts. They are Nokvroz's most-trusted servants. If we encounter them, the Anchorite may be near by."

He will keep sniffing out for blood:

Lyranth: "If Nokvroz harvests the Anchorite's blood, she may not survive the process."
Arox the Mutilator: "The blood I smell, it's not the Anchorite's. She smells … different. Keep looking."

Inside the Blood Adept Sanctum:

Arox the Mutilator: "The Anchorite. She's near."
Lyranth: "I sense her presence as well."

Lyranth teleports ahead. Catch up with her and she'll have spotted The Anchorite in the next room:

Lyranth: "There! Bloodlord Zavak, and he has the Anchorite. Let us listen in."

Get near the opening in the wall and Zavak will reveal part of his plan:

Bloodlord Zavak: "Your blood will empower the Perfected Cataclyst and birth an Incarnate to conquer all for Mehrunes Dagon."
The Anchorite: "I'll destroy that device just like I destroyed the Riven Cataclyst."
Bloodlord Zavak: "Valkynaz Nokvroz cast down the foolish Arox and purged the Order of the Waking Flame. You will submit, too."
Bloodlord Zavak: "Bring her. Nokvroz awaits us in the volcano. And you there, in the shadows—we will deal with you soon enough!"
Arox the Mutilator: "Foolish? When I am restored I will return and slaughter them all!"
Lyranth: "Another time, Arox. How do we reach that volcano?"
Arox the Mutilator: "Through the door to the north. Soon Nokvroz will feel my wrath!"

Inside the Upper Reaches, Arox will hop out and take off on his own:

Arox the Mutilator: "Let me down, master. I can run from here."
Lyranth: "As I feared. The Bladebearers falter."
Dremora Kynval: "These are the mighty Bladebearers?"
Dremora Kynval: "Kneel, Rynkyus or Valkynaz Nokvroz will erase your clan from existence."

When you catch up to Lyranth and Arox, they'll be on a platform overlooking the Bladebearers below surrounded by Dremora:

"Master! Something must be done, quickly! If I possessed my true form I could destroy them all!"

Speak to Lyranth and she'll explain that breaking the Twisted Rod will likely return Arox to his true form, but the curse could reassert itself meaning Arox would be trapped as a Daedrat for eternity.

What do you think, Arox?
Arox the Mutilator: "Break the rod! Release me to seek my vengeance. I demand it!"

Break the rod to reveal...

Arox the Mutilator
Location Ardent Hope — Xarxes Crucible, Path of Cinders
Species Daedric Titan
Reaction Friendly
Arox's true form

Arox flies up and crashes down onto the grounds in front of the gate, now in his original Titan form:

Lyranth: "The magic is released! Get ready, daedrat. Your final flight is about to begin."
Arox the Mutilator: "Behold the wrath of Arox the Mutilator! Behold your doom!"
Dremora Caitiff: "Arox has returned! Run!"

Arox decimates Dagon's forces with a breath of fire.

Rynkyus: "Bladebearers! On your feet! Rally to me!"
Arox the Mutilator: "Come, mortal, I can smell Nokvroz's fear! Take the Path of Cinders and I will help you reach the Anchorite!"
Rynkyus: "Go, mortal! The Bladebearers will aid you as we can!"

Onto the Path of Cinders where a series of flame barred gates block your path.

Arox the Mutilator: "Three gates bar your path, mortal."
Arox the Mutilator: "Point what remains of the twisted rod at each and I shall destroy them!"

Use the rod at the first gate:

Arox the Mutilator: "Tremble at the power of Arox the Mutilator!"
Arox the Mutilator: "Onward, mortal! These barricades cannot stand against my true form!"

And the second:

Arox the Mutilator: "Arox is here, mortal!"
Arox the Mutilator: "See how they tremble before us? To the next gate!"

And the third:

Arox the Mutilator: "The last barrier falls, mortal!"
Arox the Mutilator: "To the volcano! My vengeance is at hand!"

At the final gate, Arox appears and wipes out the forces there:

Arox the Mutilator: "No, I was so close! The curse reasserts itself. Arox is a miserable daedrat once more."
<Arox turns back into a Daedrat.>
Arox the Mutilator: "No matter. Arox is still Arox. I am with you, master! This way!"
<Arox enters the gate ahead to the Xarxes Crucible.>

Inside the Xarxes Crucible, you'll find The Anchorite bound to an altar by Bloodlord Zavak. Once you defeat the Bloodlord, Arox will free the bonds of the Anchorite:

Arox the Mutilator: "No bonds can withstand Arox's teeth! You are free, Anchorite!"

Defeat Zavak and Nokvroz will appear:

Valkynaz Nokvroz: "Meddlesome fools. I already have what I need from Emperor Moricar's heir."
Valkynaz Nokvroz: "I am the embodiment of destruction and creation, bound within one mighty form! I am the Perfected Incarnate!"
Arox the Mutilator: "Valkynaz Nokvroz! Prepare to meet your doom! Doom him, master!"
The Anchorite: "I'll support you, friend. Just like at the Riven Cataclyst!"

Defeat Nokvroz and confront Mehrunes Dagon before Lyranth ports you all back to Fargrave. The portal will take you to the Plaza of Portals. There you'll be reunited with your friends:

The Anchorite: "Oh, Fargrave, how I missed you!"
Rynkyus: "Well fought, all of you. Lord Arox, it was an honor to share a battlefield with you."
Arox the Mutilator: "Yes. Forever will they fear my name, no matter what form I wear."
Lyranth: "Back to the House of Whims. We need time to recover. And to talk."

Inside Madam Whim's, Arox will be upstairs waiting for you to speak to Lyranth:

"Gratitude is a mortal concept. Still, you carried me until I was able to fly once more. That deserves … recognition.
I will simply say this. You are the first mortal I do not wish to eat."
Why did you give up your chance to break your curse permanently, Arox?
"Bah. I did not do it for you or the Anchorite, master. I did it because it offered my best chance for vengeance.
Had I chosen the safe course, Nokvroz would have been beyond my reach by the time Lyranth found a way to break the curse permanently."
Is one act of revenge worth an eternity as a daedrat?
"You do not know as much about Daedra as you think, master. We are patient, for time is on our side. In some century to come I will find another way to break the curse.
But even if I do not, our triumph over Valkynaz Nokvroz lives forever."
What will you do now?

If you completed both Blackwood and Deadlands questlines:

"Lyranth has been a bad influence on me. I confess I am curious about your doings. Mortals, that is. I think I will follow you for a time and see what else befalls you in this realm.
Who knows? You might find something else that can break my curse."

If you have not completed Blackwood questline:

"Pester Lyranth and Madam Whim until they devise a cure for my condition, of course. I may have patience, but that does not mean I care to remain a daedrat for one moment longer than necessary!"

Ambition's End[edit]

When you next meet Arox, he's once again trapped in a cage:

"Master! What are you doing here? Pay no attention to this cage. Arox will be free momentarily."
Arox, what happened?
"A simple disagreement, really. But then the mortal insulted my honor. Called me vermin! The impertinence! I had to respond. That kind of insult cannot be ignored, not in a place like the Shambles.
Such conflicts happen quite often here."
So how did the Grasp get involved?
"Ah, well, taking the life of a mortal with ties to a prominent Daedra is not quite as common, unfortunately. The Grasp involves themselves in such matters.
Apparently, this particular mortal had a powerful master. My mistake."

After speaking to Grasp-Kyn Xar, Arox will be both repelled by and amenable to both options:

"Oh, master, groveling is beneath you. And so is paying a bribe.
Then again, I'd rather not be inside this cage longer than necessary. So do whatever you think is best, master."

If you free Arox through paying the fine:

Grasp-Kyn Xar: "This compensation is adequate. The daedrat is free to go."
Arox the Mutilator: "Master, you came back for me!"
Lucinia Portius: "That's it? What about my dead guard?"
Grasp-Kyn Xar: "Acceptable compensation has been received for the mortal life."
Lucinia Portius: "Unbelievable."

Talking to Arox after freeing him either way:

"Thank you for freeing me again, mortal master. I shall shred the ankles of your foes once more, claw out their eyes and snip at their hair. Whatever you ask of me!"
We need your help getting into Destruction's Solace.
"You wish to challenge Mehrunes Dagon in his own city? A bold strategy, but I have come to expect nothing less from you, master.
Destruction's Solace is a quiet, haunted place. Ghosts prowl the streets and Mehrunes Dagon basks in their agony."
Do you know how to get inside?
"Oh, very much so! Arox has been there many times!
The city walls are impenetrable, even by magical means. But I know of one specific location that would allow Lyranth to portal us through, if she is still a part of this."
Yes, she's gathering allies at Wretched Spire. Will you join us?
"You can count on your faithful servant. It will be my honor to fight alongside you once more!
You do remember that when mortals die, they usually don't come back, though, right? I have no such concerns for myself, but master, I worry about you."
Hop in my pack, Arox.
"Let us make haste, master!"

Make your way to Wretched Spire and meet Lyranth along with Calia, The Anchorite, and Eveli:

Lyranth: "There you are, finally. Now we can begin."
Arox the Mutilator: "This is your army? Were I still in possession of my true form, the ground would shake with my laughter."
Lyranth: "I was not finished."

Just then several portals open and out steps a small army of allies from your adventures in Blackwood and Rynkyus and his Bladebearers:

Arox the Mutilator: "Now this we can work with! I know a spot where you can open a portal into Dagon's city."
Lyranth: "Very good, Arox. Come, mortal, we have plans to finalize."

Speak to him:

"Even facing terrible and certain death, your allies come! You have built this army. Now you must lead it to glory! My whiskers quiver in anticipation of the coming battle!"
Do you think we stand a chance?
"Not at all, but the attempt will be glorious!
I mean, of course, master. It will be difficult, but I will be there to assist you. Right up until the very end."

Speaking to him again:

"My teeth clatter in anticipation. For blood! For tasty flesh!"

After speaking to Lyranth and your friends, Arox will rally the troops:

Arox the Mutilator: "Pay heed to Arox the Mutilator, Daedra and mortals! Make haste to Destruction's Solace!"
Arox the Mutilator: "It lies west of here, where the Sever becomes the Burn. To glory!"
Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "Remember, we need to find Sombren so the Anchorite can take his power."

Speak to him again before leaving and he'll say:

"We march on Destruction's Solace! To victory!"

Arrive at Destruction's Solace and your allies will be waiting:

Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "The gates are undefended. Is that normal?"
Arox the Mutilator: "No. Never."
Arox the Mutilator: "Master, be careful! I smell a trap."

Speaking to him there:

"No matter what fate awaits us, I will fight with everything I have! It has been an honor to serve you, master. I won't fail you."

Inside the Solace Palace, you'll meet up with Arox again chewing off a Ruinach:

Arox the Mutilator: "Go, master! I will shred the feet of any who pursue you!"

Speaking to him:

"Hurry, master! Do not stop on my account! You must prevent Sombren from giving his power to Mehrunes Dagon!"

At Fort Sundercliff after defeating the waves of Dagon's forces, he will arrive from a portal and secure a defensive perimeter with Captain Rian and Keshu.

You won't see Arox again until you return to Wretched Spire:

"Mehrunes Dagon is defeated, master. The Deadlands is the plane of change, of revolution! What will become of it while its Prince suffers defeat?"

Hope Springs Eternal[edit]

Arox in Leyawiin Castle

If you accept the quest from Hezehk and before you speak to Eveli:

"We should make our return to Fargrave and locate the rest of our allies, master."

After finishing the last quest with Eveli, Arox will speak of his future:

"What a battle! Glorious! Blood drenches the ground of Destruction's Solace and Mehrunes Dagon's defeat shudders throughout the realm!
To witness your triumph was my greatest honor, master!"
How did you fare in the rest of the battle?
"Excellently! While you pursued Sombren, I helped the others hold back the forces of Mehrunes Dagon.
I lost count of the foes I felled in your name! My whiskers tremble with the memory of their last moments!"
How did you escape Destruction's Solace?
"Just when I thought we might be overwhelmed, a great and sudden force seemed to freeze the Deadlands entirely. Our adversaries halted in their tracks, clearly shaken by the event.
We used the distraction to fall back, for we knew the fight was done!"
Thank you for your help, Arox.
"Of course, master! The very foundations of this plane trembled with your might! A legion of Daedric eyes and ears bore witness to your victory! Dagon will never forget such a resounding defeat. It was my honor to be a part of something so monumental."
What do you plan to do now?
"Within this small body beats the massive heart of a titan! You have reminded me that my fight is not yet done and I can still be of use.
I am finished feeling sorry for myself. And hope is not lost! Perhaps one day I can reclaim my true form!"
Is that possible?
"Possible? You stormed the gates of Destruction's Solace and brought Mehrunes Dagon to his knees! And you brought your allies home safely. Nothing seems impossible after witnessing that.
If a cure for this curse exists, I will find it."

Join the celebration at Leyawiin Castle:

"Master! It warms my tail to see you."
What will you do after this?
"Though I am grieved to no longer travel at your side, I must return to the Celestial Palanquin. Madam Whim has agreed to assist me in searching for another way to release me from this cursed form.
Perhaps it is too much to hope for, but I must try."

After you speak to the Anchorite and before speaking to Eveli:

"Many have come to witness the hero who defeated Mehrunes Dagon. Word of your success has spread far and wide, master.
If any more of these mortals attempt to pet me, I will not be responsible for what happens next."

After Eveli gives her speech:

"This is a grand day, master. I am honored to be here to witness it.
And should you ever have need of my fangs or claws, you will always have them."

Quest Item[edit]

Throughout various parts of the questline, you will have Arox in your inventory. His dialogue depends on what quest you are on.

During Destruction Incarnate:

Arox the Mutilator: "I require a minion of my own, master. Perhaps a Banekin or a Scamp? There is enough room. Barely."
Arox the Mutilator: "I ripped a hole in your pack, master. So I can survey our surroundings. It is a small hole, do not worry."
Arox the Mutilator: "These accommodations are lacking, master. You need a larger backpack. Much larger."
Arox the Mutilator: "You seek my counsel, mortal master? Allow your weakest foe to live so they may spread the tale of your wrath!"

During Born of Grief:

Arox the Mutilator: "Annihilarch's Summit. Such memories I have of that place! How I loved perching on the jagged peaks!"
Arox the Mutilator: "Close that flap! I am plotting the downfall of my enemies and I do not wish to be disturbed!"
Arox the Mutilator: "The Bladebearers make decent allies, master, but remain vigilant. Dremora are never to be fully trusted."

During Against All Hope:

Arox the Mutilator: "Trust me, master. I know more about Ardent Hope than you could ever possibly require."
Arox the Mutilator: "Soon Valkynaz Nokvroz will rue the day he cursed Arox the Mutilator! Rue. The. Day!"
Arox the Mutilator: "Your pack has been soiled, master. Er, it must have been some mysterious interloper. I will find and punish them!"

During Ambition's End:

Arox the Mutilator: "Ah, master, I really did miss this pack!"
Arox the Mutilator: "The Anchorite is one of these so-called Ambitions? Does that make her an ally or an enemy, master?"
Arox the Mutilator: "There used to be a half-eaten sweetroll at the bottom of your pack. Not anymore …."


Kneel before the mighty Arox and he might just offer to crush your enemies for you! But, as a daedrat. Not his former much bigger self. After adding Arox to your home, you can set him on a path, plus you and your visitors can speak with him.
Arox the Mutilator
ON-icon-houseguest-Arox the Mutilator.png
Arox the Mutilator
Type Houseguest
Acquired From Crown Store
Price 025002,500 Crowns
020002,000 Crowns Discounted
Availability December 22, 2021 - January 5, 2022

Arox the Mutilator was available in the Crown Store as a houseguest for 025002,500 Crowns from December 22, 2021 to January 5, 2022. He returned to the Store from May 4 to May 18, 2023, where he was offered at a discounted 020002,000 Crowns to ESO Plus Members.


Appearances: 3

  • Crown Store — December 22, 2021 - January 5, 2022
  • Crown Store — May 4, 2023 - May 18, 2023 (ESO Plus discount: 020002,000 Crowns)
  • Crown Store — May 30, 2024 - June 6, 2024 (ESO Plus discount: 017501,750 Crowns)


Regular dialogue:

"Carry me into battle, master. I will gladly sink my fangs into your enemy's throats … if you could but hold me high enough to reach them."
"Name an enemy, master. I will crush them underfoot for you!"
"We should seek out a way to undo this miserable curse of mine, master. Once I possess my proper form, no foe could stand against us!"

Before having met him in The Deadlands DLC:

"Come, let us wreak havoc on the weak and the unworthy. My talents grow stale in this place!"
"Do not be misled by this wretched form I currently wear. I shall let you in on a little secret. In reality, I am a mighty Daedra of enormous size and power. Truly!
Do you doubt the word of Arox the Mutilator?"
"Do not look shocked. Yes, I am currently a talking daedrat, but once I was so much more. I am Arox the Mutilator, and before this curse felled me, I was mighty! And very large. Huge. Much bigger than you.
What? Why do you smirk, mortal?"
"Do you happen to know any mages skilled in transformations? If I don't return to my normal form soon, someone will face my wrath!"
"Do you know, no matter how long I am trapped in this form, I still duck my head every time I pass through a doorway?
I will never become accustomed to this ridiculous stature."
"Gaze upon me and be astounded, mortal. My name means doom across half the planes of Oblivion!
What? Have I not explained? This isn't my original form. I've been cursed! Mortals. They never listen."
"Guard your fearsome name with care—the day may come when it is all that is left to you.
I speak from experience, mortal."
"Have I told you of the Harrowing of Varondo? An army of Ayleids burned like dry grass in a wildfire beneath my fiery breath that day!"
"I am no one's curio or pet. I am Arox the Mutilator, the Ruin of Varondo, Terror of the Burning—hey! Hey! Down here!"
"I am … intrigued by the aroma of cheese. Do you happen to have any?"
"I discovered a mortal kitchen during my recent explorations. The aroma of the baking—what did they call them? Ah, yes, pies—was bewitching. No Mazken ever devised something so seductive."
"I do not stand on ceremony. You may address me as Lord Arox or the Mutilator. When we are alone. And no one else can hear."
"I find myself puzzled by the notion of currency. Do not the strong simply take from the weak? Do not the weak attempt to steal from the strong?
Why complicate matters with this strange barter system?"
"I have been working to exert my dominion over the rats of the mortal world. Simple tools, but with them I shall build an empire of ash and ruin!"
"I observed a nearby village today. Not a moment went by without some mortal toiling to gather food, struggling to prepare food, or busying themselves with the task of consuming food.
Is eating really that important to your kind?"
"I ventured outside today and was set upon by a savage beast with claws and fangs. A cat, I think the mortals called it. To my shame, I was forced to flee at its unprovoked onslaught.
Next time, though, next time ….
"I wandered through a nearby village a few days ago. Not a single person I saw was in torment. I really don't understand how you expect to get anything done in the mortal realm."
"If I am truly condemned to ravage ankles instead of cities, then so be it. They shall know me by the trail of the many who limp!"
"Mortal rats lack ambition. I cannot seem to interest them in my schemes of conquest. Or even in a nice game of Agony and Affliction."
"Squeak! Squeaker squeakums squeak, squeak!
Ah, it is pointless. One cannot explain visions of conquest in rat-speak."
"Surely there must be something you wish destroyed. Why else would you be speaking to me?"
"Tell me of your plans for conquest. What role does Arox the Mutilator play in your next triumph?"
"The rats of this world have been used and abused for long enough! They shall be my horde and I shall be their king! Then our enemies will hear from us! Then they will fear us!"
"The small, flying things that haunt the mortal realm? Birds, I think they are called. Yes.
Dispose of them. I do not like them."
"This place could use more captives to torment. You can judge one's importance by the quality and quantity of the prisoners they keep."
"This realm is sadly lacking in a sufficient supply of minions to suit my taste. Churls. Drudges. Scamps. I require a legion! A multitude which I can condemn to an eternity of toil on my behalf!
Look into that, mortal."
"Today I fixed my eye upon a scrap of paper on the floor. It curled up and smoked a little under my burning gaze. Soon I will summon conflagrations again, I know it!"
"What do you wish of me, mortal? What favor do you beg of the mighty Arox?
I can be generous, when the mood strikes me."
"What? Oh, my apologies, mortal. I was lost in a pleasant recollection. My talons rending flesh, the screams of the damned, the towers of Ald Sotha tumbling down. You should have been there. It was glorious!"
"Why do we sit here like blisters on an Ogrim's arse? Is there no realm nearby that we can hurl down into ruin?"

This dialogue is dependent on the completion of The Deadlands DLC content:

"For centuries uncounted, I gave my loyalty to Mehrunes Dagon. In return, he allowed that lickspittle Nokvroz to curse and supplant me. Prince or no, he will answer for that. Vengeance shall be ours! Tomorrow.
Today I would like a wheel of cheese."
"I think some of those Waking Flame fools managed to escape our wrath, master. Let us go and look again. Who doesn't relish a good hunt and bloody retribution?"
"The story of our victory over Nokvroz spreads like wildfire across the Deadlands, master. It is good to hear my name spoken with dread again!"


  • Every time Arox hops in your pack, the dialogue either cuts off abruptly, or Arox disappears before the dialogue starts, resulting in it not being heard. ?
