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Imperial City

Online:Aishah (Imperial City)

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ON-Icon-Transparent Logo.png This page contains information about content that was cut from The Elder Scrolls Online.
The content described here was planned to be included in Imperial City, but removed before release.
Location Elven Gardens District
Race Khajiit Gender Female
Reaction Friendly

Aishah was a Khajiit daily quest giver who presumably resided within the Elven Gardens refuge. Before the Planemeld, she was a bailiff with the Imperial City guard. While her resignation letter was cut, a love letter addressed to her from a roguish Khajiit remains in the final release, however.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Speaking to Aishah before completing her quest for the day:

"It is truly tragic what's happened to this city, yes? Aishah thinks so. But – there is no cloud so dark that some light cannot be seen – by those who care to look. One might even find golden opportunities, yes?"
"It is truly tragic what's happened to this city, yes? Aishah thinks so.
But … there is no cloud so dark that some light cannot be seen … by those who care to look. One might even find golden opportunities, yes?"

Speaking to Aishah when she doesn't have a quest available for you that day:

"Your return gladdens Aishah's heart, but she see no opportunities right now. Perhaps later, walker."

Speaking to her after completing her quest for the day:

"Aishah likes you. And for those she likes, she can always find new opportunities."

Speaking to her after accepting one of her quests:

"Never waste an opportunity, warrior. Aishah does not and you should not either."

Speaking to her upon returning after completing an objective:

"Who would not like a few more coins weighing them down? Aishah, for one."

You can ask Aishah about herself during and after her daily quest. She has additional dialogue for if you've met Ezudash.

"Before the anchors fell? Aishah was an Imperial bailiff. This one was catching criminals, reclaiming stolen goods, this kind of thing. She also had a small business on the side, selling odds and ends, this and that."
Ezudash wanted me to tell you he said "hello."
"Ugh. That flea-bitten stray is still alive? As if Aishah needed another reason to hate the Daedra. They are killing everyone else, why could they not rid us of Ezudash?
Do yourself a favor and stay away from him. All paws that one. Disgusting."

Reclaiming the Gardens[edit]

"Aishah is only stating the obvious. Many homes have been abandoned. Many perfectly usable goods sit inside these homes. Acquiring these goods and selling them to people in need—this is an opportunity, and good for all!"
""Looting" — isn't really the right word. Daedra come from Coldharbour, kill everyone, and destroy the city. This one would call it "reclaiming". All Aishah is saying is if you find any useful goods, she will pay good money for them."

There's another version of this line.

""Looting" … isn't really the right word. Daedra come from Coldharbour, kill everyone, and destroy the city. This one would call it "reclaiming".
All Aishah is saying is if you find any useful goods, she will pay good money for them."

Returning to Aishah with loot:

"Look at you, walker, still stalking the streets unscathed. Your step seems a bit heavier though. Are you weighed down with treasures for Aishah?"
"You are a smart one, walker. Aishah can tell these things. She can appraise a person just as she can appraise the goods brought to her to sell."
I found a few things. Here they are.
"Very nice. Aishah can pay you for these. But no more for now. Aishah must find buyers for the goods she has acquired today.
Perhaps tomorrow, we do business again."

Flight to Freedom[edit]

"Many people are missing, stranded in their homes.
Their families are very desperate. They come to Aishah and they say "please take our gold and help us find our loved ones." How can Aishah refuse such a request?"
"No. They pay Aishah to find you. You find their loved ones, and this one will share the gold.
She can also mark the houses on your map and give you potions. These will turn the people into torchbugs so they can fly away to safety."

If you speak to her after accepting the quest, she says:

"Remember—find citizens, turn to torchbugs, return to Aishah, collect reward. What could be easier?"

Turning in the quest:

"Aishah is happy to see you again, walker. You have been busy, yes?
You rescued the people as this one asked?"
Yes. I found them all.
"Indeed. Aishah watched them fly by with their glowing bottoms. Such pretty torchbugs they make.
As Aishah promised, here is your reward for fine service."


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