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Oblivion talk:Spell Making

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Archive 1: April 2006 - February 2007
Archive 2: February 2008 - July 2010

Oblivion Spell Assistant[edit]

Oblivion Spell Assistant v1.06
I have created a spreadsheet that will calculate the costs of custom spells. The spreadsheet is in XLS format, most people I expect should have Microsoft Excel to view it. There is a TUTORIAL sheet within it, and the interface should be pretty intuitive either way. I take no responsibility for any damages incurred using this spreadsheet. It has no macros anyway, so that should be a moot point. Use at your own discretion.
Oblivion Spell Assistant v1.06 Use File > Download (Ctrl+S) to save the file.
Feedback is welcome on my talk page, but if you want a response, use my email. If something goes wrong with the download, give me a yell via email. If you are sharing this file with others, please direct them to this webpage, rather than sending the spreadsheet as an attachment or via an alternative hosting service.
UPDATE: v1.06 is now on my Google Drive. Downloads shouldn't expire anymore.
Ong elvin (talk) 11:30, 19 July 2014 (GMT)

Paralyze with Area[edit]

Is it possible to create a paralyze spell with an area of effect? If so, would you be paralyzed too? Also, can paralyze spells be on target? 22:39, 18 August 2010 (UTC)

Yes, you can paralyze on an Area of Effect. AoE only affects others, so it would not hit you. You can paralyze can Target as well, but remember that paralyze has a really high base cost, so the targeted spell will be even more demanding of magicka reserves. Link5261 11:18, 2 March 2011 (UTC)

Spell Chaining[edit]

Curious why the "Spell Chaining" section was deleted from this page and all spells with a "chaining" aspect were deleted from the useful spells page? Not talking here about Spell Stacking where you use several spells with different names to stack really high weaknesses against an opponent. I'm talking about spell "chaining" where the spell has a fortify magicka 100 points for 3 seconds component coupled with another component, say a shock damage component for example. As long as the total magicka cost of such spells is less than 50, the spell can be cast repeatedly an infinite number of times, provided that each cast occurs within three seconds of the prior cast. Such spells can be very useful to anyone who finds themselves low on magicka and particularly useful to those with the Atronach birthsign who find themselves in a battle and have completely run out of magicka and restore magicka potions because they can simply equip an object enchanted with fortify magicka 50 (such as the Ring of Transmutation) and cast an infinite number of shock damage spells in rapid succession. There used to be a really good explanation of this topic with lots of detail about the order the components needed to be listed in, and well as adding fortify intelligence for more powerful effects, and lots of other useful information, but I can't find it anywhere. I know the trick of spell chaining may seem "cheap" but heck so is spell stacking. Wondering if spell chaining was deleted intentionally for some reason (and if so, why) or if it was an inadvertent deletion, and if so, whether anyone would mind if I took a stab at adding such a section?--Acerac 23:11, 19 August 2010 (UTC)

It was deleted due to it being similar to stacking, which had way more info, and for it being not as detailed (here is the version). If you could better explain the concept and its importance, then feel free to add it, though there might be debate. -- Jplatinum16 23:46, 19 August 2010 (UTC)
Thanks. I will play test thoroughly and post here before making any changes to the main page. I guess the importance of the concept is that it allows characters with low magicks to cast a spell repeatedly without ever running out of magicka. Spell Stacking only works if you have enough magicka to cast numerous spells. Every character starts with at least 60 magicka, and 50 is all you need to chain spells.
Why would one want to chain low level spells? If spell chaining is combined with single spell stacking (discussed in the Investigating Spell Stacking post above) you can create some wickedly powerful spells that only require a total of 50 magicka. I did some play testing last night on the Xbox with a 19th level character with a Destruction skill of 57 and a Restoration skill of 62 and the Atronach birthsign that was totally drained of magicka. First I made the following spell.
=== Bug Zapper ===
  • Fortify Magicka 100 points for 3 seconds
  • Shock Damage 8 points for 2 seconds
  • Weakness to Shock 100 points for 3 seconds
  • Weakness to Magic 100 points for 3 seconds
Total magicka cost of this spell is 50 for my character. With this spell the character was able to equip the ring of Transmutation (for an initial 50 magicka, just enough to cast the spell) and drop a 415 hit point Ogre in four casts, all with only the 50 magicka obtained from equipping the Ring of Transmutation. I had similar results against minotaur, land dreugh, trolls and bears, even against multiple opponents. As long as you keep casting every three seconds so the spell doesn’t run out, a single spell will drop an unlimited number of opponents.
You can do the same thing without chaining by unequipping and re-equipping the Ring of Transmutation every time you cast a Prepare spell, but that is a real pain. This type of spell opens up the ability for non-mages with limited magicka pools and only journeyman skills in Destruction and Restoration to slay some powerful opponents using only magic. Also useful for Atronach mages who have run out of potions.
I have read some of the posts on chaining under the Useful Spells talk page and it seems that part of the problem with the prior spell chaining discussion was that it wasn’t explained well and as a result of that people were having trouble making it work. If the spell isn’t created properly, it won’t chain infinitely but instead will fizzle out after a few casts. My experiments indicate that total magicka cost of the spell cannot exceed one half of the fortification built into the spell. So with fortify magicka 100, the total cost of the spell cannot exceed 50 (less if the character is wearing armor). If I find enough time to do some thorough play testing maybe I will write a good explanation one of these days. Cheers.--Acerac 23:11, 20 August 2010 (UTC)

In my experience, 10 or so years, the perfect Chain Spell goes like this

Fortify Magicka 100pts for 3 seconds on self

Drain Magicka 3pts for 3 seconds on self

That should net you 100 (minus casting cost) of self renewing energy to play around with. Things don't get weird for me until I try to extend the timers to 4/5 seconds, and chain into different spells. I can consistently cast the above spell forever as long as it's magicka cost doesn't exceed 99pts. I highly recommend ending these type of spells with either 3/5 second Invisibility on self, or a 3 second Calm lvl 25+ on touch. 12/2/1026

Weakness stacking cap in 1.2.0416[edit]

I think that in version 1.2.0416 the maximum stacking for weaknesses is 188. If i cast (using different spells) on self weakness to X%, on the first strike i have 94 weakness, on second 188 and on third 188. I've tried on foes and thus i cannot see their weaknesses, i can see if they die sooner or not: there's no difference if i cast weakness to X% 2 or more times, they die in the same matter of seconds.

I understand that with the changes in some of the patches that Spell Stacking has undergone some major changes, however I still think the information related to old patches should be easily findable (especially since some people still play those versions). I had to go through the history of the spell making section, then the user page of the guy who removed spell stacking info from spell making, then got lucky and had another user who happened to provide a link to the old spell stacking info on the 1st user's talk page. That is alot of random traveling. Should this not at least have some kind of link at the bottom of the page to that info with a note saying in x version this no longer applies so us old patch players can find the info while the new patch players will know to ignore it? 00:38, 19 June 2011 (UTC)

Using spells you shouldn't be able to?[edit]

I read somewhere (can't remember where, might have been another page here) that a created spell can only have ONE skill level requirement, and this is determined by the highest magicka cost among effects. Thus, if have an effect that requires a restoration skill level of 50, then you tack on an effect that requires a destruction level of 100 with a higher magicka cost, the screen will only display the 100 destruction requirement. My question is, does this allow you to actually use stronger effects from other schools? Would you be able to cast the above spell with a destruction skill of 100 and a restoration skill of 5?   -- Moses 19:03, 20 September 2010 (UTC)

Yes, that's exactly what it means. See the last paragraph of Making Custom Spells. It's convenient at times! Robin Hoodtalk 21:25, 20 September 2010 (UTC)
This discussion has led me to do a couple tests. Dunno if they're important enough to be added to the page, and the tests themselves are rather lengthy so I just put them on my talk page.   -- Moses 06:55, 21 September 2010 (UTC)

Making Sense of the Spell stacking numbers[edit]

I've been scratching my head, trying to figure out where the numbers for the spell stacking come from, especially the Weakness to Magicka column, since it is the key to the whole thing. For those confused, like I was, the answer is that the first step(s) wear(s) off. In other words, the Weakness to Magicka part doubles: 100% to 200% to 400% to 800%--but since the spell only lasts for 5 seconds, this number gets reduced by 100%. That's why the chart shows 700%. Same deal for the next step, but the combined weakness to magic is reduced by 200% (700%*2 to double the effect -200% =1200%).

Then, as if that wasn't a large enough boosting effect, the weaknesses are cumulative (shown under "Total Weakness to Magic"). You, for some reason, add up all the weaknesses to magic up to this point. Btw, the to Total Weakness to ___ are largely irrelevant. They only come into play if you either use a non-fire (in this example) magic effect in the finisher, or a fire damage poison, respectively.

The damage multiplier column seems to have been shifted up once by accident. It should really read 1, 2, 4, .... because it should be Weakness to Magic* Weakness to Fire. Um the Muse 22:50, 16 October 2010 (UTC)

P.S. Has the new "Dragon Form" been verified in game? The earlier version of "dragon form" shows the spells wearing off a step earlier. That makes sense, because casting on self takes longer. However, the new Dragon Form would surely take so long to cast that this wouldn't work very well, if at all.

The first "Spell Combo" chart has some errors in it. On the second line, after casting Prepare1 you get a 100% Weakness to fire and 100% Weakness to magic. Using the calculations from the Complete Damage Formula page the multipliers should be

  Original Damage * (100+MagicWeakness)/100 * (100+FireWeakness)/100

which is

  Original Damage * 2 * 2  

The total damage should be 400 not 200. The later lines seem to have similar problems.

List for acquiring spell effects easily?[edit]

I've often wondered if there was or could be a list of ways to acquire all spell effects easily? For example a list of vendors, quests et cetera.Datacaust 01:55, 21 December 2010 (UTC)

You mean like here on the Spells page? Oblivion:Spells
No, I was thinking something that starts with "To easily obtain all spell effects..", and ends with ".. Congratulations! You now have all spell effects, enjoy.". A list of the vendors I need to visit and the spells that I need to buy from each vendor. Of course all the spells would be of the lowest level needed to gain the effect, would list the level I need to be at to use the spell and any prerequisite quest needed to be completed to acquire it. I would make the page myself but don't wan't to spend the time on it if it's considered not a good idea by the community. I'm not having a problem finding anything in particular as I have a few maxed out godlike characters. I just thought a guide to getting spell effects without acquiring to many superflous spells in your list to be useful.Datacaust 05:55, 21 December 2010 (UTC)
I like the idea, I thought about this some time ago. But I'm afraid some other users will oppose, since all magic effect pages already mention where to obtain them. (though most just say "they can be gained via spells") --Wizy (Talk/Contribs) 08:34, 21 December 2010 (UTC)
Yes. That page I linked already tells you where to get all of the spells. It is pretty-much up to the user to decide which specific spells thay would want --Brf 12:29, 21 December 2010 (UTC)

Yes. That page is very useful, but has A LOT of information to sift through. I've already 'pretty-much' outlined what I'm looking for here. I understand this would be reproducing information already on the site, probably from the page you linked. All I want is a shorter list, to obtain all spell effects, for spell making and enchanting. A shopping list, not a walk through. I'll give this a couple more days, would this be better on a user page?Datacaust 18:10, 21 December 2010 (UTC)

I made a list on my user page. Datacaust 17:38, 14 January 2011 (UTC)

Spell Making Crash[edit]

whenever I add an effect to the spell making menu, the game crashes.

Have you tried turning it off and then on again?

Effect Stacking Self[edit]

I was wondering why spells that stack effects arent listed here with spell stacking or in useful spells. What I mean is making multiple spells that have the same effect and then using them in succession for combined effect. For example, four spells that do fortify magicka 100 and fortify intelligence 100 named example1, example2, example3, example4. Used one after another for a total of 1140 magicka. Something along those lines. Datacaust 02:50, 7 February 2011 (UTC)

Reflect-Proof Single Spell Stacking with Hiding?[edit]

I've come up with some sweet poisons that take care of everything except undead, so I thought a fire spell would work fine to finish them off, since most of them have a natural weakness to magic. I also wanted the spell to be reflect-proof for the few undead that reflect spell. Soul Trap and Invisibility are nice additions, as I like playing a sneaky character and on-touch spells are my preference. What I want to know is if this spell will have the intended effects of 1: Soul Trapping, 2: Increasing Fire Damage per cast, 3: Reflect-Proof, 4: Invisible (sneaking touch casting).

The spell effects are:

Soul Trap 3 sec on Touch

Fire Damage 3 points for 3 sec on Touch

Weakness to Fire 100% for 3 sec on Touch

Weakness to Magic 100% for 3 sec on Touch

Dispel x points on Self

Invisibility 3 sec on Self

Additionally, it would help to know how many points of Dispel the spell should contain. Is it 1/5 of the cost to cast all the effects above it in the spell? — Unsigned comment by Link5261 (talkcontribs)

The Dispel magnitude should be 1/5 of the total base cost, 16 in this case. But you have to change something, because Dispel will cancel Invisibility. --Wizy (Talk/Contribs) 12:05, 2 March 2011 (UTC)
Okay, thanks. I tested a simpler version of Dispel 5pts + Invisibility 5 sec on Self and tried that and I notice that I only turn invisible for a few milliseconds. Reversing the order of effects didn't change anything either. Yeah, I guess a spell like the one I want would be really broken. Link5261 12:49, 2 March 2011 (UTC)

I use spell absorption enchantments for protection in the event of reflection. Datacaust 21:05, 2 March 2011 (UTC)

I switched to resist magic enchantments 100pts now completely immune to reflect. Datacaust 15:52, 3 March 2011 (UTC)

I was able to make a character I'm playing now completely immune to magic, including traps. I have a Breton with the Atronach birthsign, and I've gathered the Spelldrinker Amulet at highest level (26pts) and the Sorcerer's Ring for full spell absorption. I wasn't sure if anything reflected gets through spell absorption, because I know it gets past reflect spell, so I also wear a Mundane Ring for full resistance (with my racial ability). Now just to find a second Transcendent Sigil stone with Resist Disease and I'll be immune to disease as well. Throw in the fact that I've gathered the Escutcheon of Chorrol and a full suit of Daedric armor (except the helmet so far), and I'm pretty unstoppable AND have 3 remaining enchantment slots which I think I'll give to fortify fatigue. I've gone and done the 100% chameleon suit, and it's just plain boring. Link5261 22:18, 17 January 2012 (UTC)

This page..[edit]

I was wondering when spell chaining was coming back. Also I was wondering why this page turns into spell stacking 101, which could be alternately described as weakness stacking or stacking effects that no longer work, in the case of spell stacking on self. Does anyone agree that the spell stacking section could be moved to it's own page since it involves a lot of tables, math, caveats, disclaimers et cetera? It could be linked to from the spell stacking note in the effective custom spells section, which could have a note added to it about how spells can be made that pay for themselves, which could contain a link to a page with information on spell chaining. Datacaust 06:38, 12 March 2011 (UTC)

I agree that the section on spell stacking does not belong here. I think that, at best, it belongs in the Useful Spells page, or more likely under the cheats section. Another idea, I suppose, is to make those two combinations have their own page, with a simple acknowledging link from Useful Spells--something along the lines of Useful Spell Combinations or Useful Spell Synergies. Um the Muse 21:31, 17 March 2011 (UTC)

I agree, with the amount of data that could be tabled for chaining and stacking they could have there own pages. Useful spells would be a good place for it. Spell making should be about spell making. Datacaust 01:44, 18 March 2011 (UTC)

How to delete a spell from your spellbook?[edit]

Hello, I wonder, anyone would know either in-game shortcut or console command for deleting unwanted/failed spells from your spellbook, please? 00:36, 12 August 2011 (UTC)

Console command is
player.removespell <Form ID>
Full information on removing spells, and a full list of form IDS, can be found on the spells page. Kitkat1749 :) 00:52, 12 August 2011 (UTC)

Combine Effects with Fortify skill[edit]

I used to think that Combine some effects with Fortify skill can reduce the magic cost at second cast when my corresponding skill is low.

For example: Cheaper healing

Restore Health     22      1second
Fortify restoration 36  2second

Base cost = 64

My restoration skill is now 42 and luck=90 I suppose that at first it should cost 45 magicka, but the second,third... cast should only take 17 magicka if I cast rapidly.

But after test, it appears that Fortify restoration doesn't work. It always takes 45 magicka. I'm sure that when I cast second time, the previous fortify effect had not expired. I tested with both orders: Restore Health before Fortify restoration and Fortify restoration before Restore Health, same result. While, if I create 2 spell with different name, and cast them in turn, it works.

I'm quite curious about the mechanism behind this. --Zihao.jiang 11:44, 15 August 2011 (UTC)

I'm pretty sure I know the reason why. When you cast a spell which is already considered "active", it will simply refresh the timer, not usually taking into consideration the effect of a fortify skill or fortify attribute effect in the spell. More specifically, the spell is being cancelled just before the calculation for casting a second time is performed, so the casting cost remains the same. Link5261 03:11, 30 January 2012 (UTC)

broken link[edit]

on the page it says that a chart is avalible from some ones user page but the link is red just thought id point it out that the link linked to Ong elvin's userpage. dont work in the artical...The sorrow 20:43, 13 September 2011 (UTC)

Fixed. Thanks for pointing it out! Talk Wolok gro-Barok Contributions 20:55, 13 September 2011 (UTC)

I dont understand how to do this[edit]

The article states "Spells with different names can be simultaneously active, even if the spells do the exact same thing. This is a way to get around the 100 point maximum magnitude for spell effects."

Err? I missing something, how do you use more than one spell at the same time?. I can only ever select one at a time(PS3). I undertsand you can stack spells, but its always created as a single spell. The above implies you can use more than one differently named spell at the same time. Thanks 00:49, 21 December 2011 (UTC)

Okay, let's say you want to have a Feather spell with a magnitude of 200 points. You can't do it. So instead, you create two spells, Feather1 and Feather2, and give them each 100 points. They're identical spells, but because they have different names, when you cast them one after the other, they'll stack. Robin Hoodtalk 04:48, 17 January 2012 (UTC)

spell stacking section missing now?[edit]

coming back to oblivion, forgive me if things have changed, but i noticed the spell stacking destruction damage section missing.

i ran a few experiments after the spell stacking section was removed. all of it was done on hardest difficulty at level 36. 100 skill in destruction.

f0 = 100 wtm + 100 wtf + 10 fire

casted repeatedly, this spell does negligible damage. even after 40 iterations, most enemies are still at full.

w12 = 100 wtm + 100 wtf for 12 seconds (costs 45)

w9 = 100 wtm + 100 wtf for 9 seconds (costs 33)

w6 = 100 wtm + 100 wtf for 6 seconds (costs 22)

w3 = 100 wtm + 100 wtf for 3 seconds (costs 11)

f1 = 60 fire damage (costs 100+?)

alternating w3 and w6 yielded negligible damage regardless of iterations. w3 , w6 , w3 , w6 , w3 , w6 , w3 , w6 , f1 = negligible damage f1, f1, f1, f1, f1 = negligible damage. w9 , w6 , w3 , f1 = high enough damage to take most enemies to a sliver. w12 , w9 , w6 , w3 , f1 = kills all enemies if chain is unbroken.

it's clearly not linear. alternating 2 spells seemed to be ineffective, same results with w9 and w6. there is no cap. i believe the confusion is that if the duration is renewed, the effect is renewed and not accrued. if the duration is not renewed, all effects are cumulative. since renewal is no longer a viable stacking option, this necessitates longer initial spell durations. the savings in both time and magicka cost are substantial. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 03:58 on 27 September 2012

Recall that for proper spell stacking with a single spell, the order of effects in the spell matter. I am specifically focusing on your f0 spell, as in all my experiences playing the game, I focused on spells that tailored the weakness and damage effects together, rather than make multiple spells to stack together (I like a smaller spell list with minimal junk). The key order for such a spell with the intended effects as your f0 should be Damage Source, followed by Weakness to that Element/Type, and finally the Weakness to Magic (generic type, in order to further magnify the above effects of both Weakness to Element AND Element Damage itself).
The way the game updates spell effects for the same spell cast on a target already under the effects of the spell are to clear the current effect before recalculating the new one to stack onto the target, and it does not apply effects used earlier in the same casting application of the spell. Here's an example of how it works in theory:
Fire Stacking: Fire Damage 10pts 3sec; Weakness to Fire 100% 3sec; Weakness to Magic 100% 3sec
Cast 1 yields 10 Fire Damage Per Second (fdps) and 100% Weakness to Fire (wf) and Weakness to Magic (wm)
Cast 2 yields 40fdps, 200wf, and 100wm (replacing each effect and using only the previous cast's remaining effects for multipliers)
Cast 3 yields 60fdps, 400wf, and 100wm (and so on and so on, theoretically)
In your f0, the effects are listed in the opposite order, meaning the weakness effects simply refresh their timers, b/c Weakness to Magic is not magnified by Weakness to Fire, no pre-existing Weakness to Magic exists for the new application of Weakness to Fire, and the Fire Damage cannot be magnified by the only existing new Weakness to Magic and Weakness to Fire (as the old effects from the previous casting are already overwritten). Thus, you always result in the same effects, whilst only renewing the timer each cast.
This all makes sense in my mind, but feel free to question me for clarification if you don't quite understand. I actually went quite in-depth on an event that takes a fraction of a second for the game engine to perform. Link5261 (talk) 01:12, 11 October 2012 (GMT)
Update: look here for the tips on Custom Spell making for hints. Link5261 (talk) 05:11, 12 October 2012 (GMT)

specify that the fortify spell doesnt recquire a castable spell[edit]

ive been searching for a while on all wiki pages (relating to) because i remembered that the skills could be obtain for spell making other ways then being forced to be stucked with the useless spell bought from vendors forever having to scroll bottom list, so when i saw the sentence You can only create custom spells using effects of spells that you know and are able to cast it really pissed me off knowing i already saw an other option about this (now im not sure why but i know i did) then i found that other page that mentioned it again its true, but i think its only for fortifying skill, so id really like the exeption to be made cleared, (i wanted drain skill, but i think what you wrote is the only option right?)

(cant erase spells made, aww never buy console games that you can play alone, i learned how wiki pedia was amazzzzing and mods trough oblivion so i didnt know i should have bought it on pc)

Custom spells in other playthrough?[edit]

Okay, so, made a few custom spells. I was wondering, will these spells be there if I play through a second time? Or will I have to remake them? Will the game even let me remake them? FMPhoenixHawk (talk) 04:59, 29 June 2013 (GMT)

Nope, when playing with a new character, these spells will not exist again. You either have to make them into a mod (don't ask me how haha) or learn the effects to make them with the new character. With the effects of the spells learned, you can make the exact same spells. *WoahBro►talk 05:02, 29 June 2013 (GMT)

Spell Chaining revisited[edit]

So, it's been 10 years and spell chaining is still not explained anywhere, since this has been my obsesion back then, thought I would revisit it and start finally adding info about them to the UESP, however this has been controversial in the past, being a rather complicated mechanic, it is hard to explain in a way easily understandable by anyone or makes ugly walls of text. What are your thoughts? Should spell chaining be on this page? On another page? not in the wiki at all? Does anybody still play this game? ._. Wizy (talk) 14:39, 5 November 2020 (UTC)

An example of another use for chain spells, in this speedrun they use them to train their magic skills. Besides calling each other idiots, they also call them chain spells like us. --Wizy (talk) 02:22, 10 November 2020 (UTC)
Thank you so much, Wizy. Inspired by your spell chaining theory, I figured that adding Drain Intelligence 100 pts for 1s can further increase the maximum cost of chain spells to 500 pts. Also, drain magicka with longer greater duration can act as an extra "fortify magicka" effect. My chain spells (ultimate version for myself) work in this way:
Fortify Intelligence 100 pts for 13s
Fortify Magicka 100 pts for 13s
Drain Magicka 3 pts for 120s
Drain Intelligence 100 pts for 1s
(Other effects, damages, weaknesses, Calm at the end, total cost =< 500 pts)
With these 4 effects, the maximum cost is increased to 500 pts. Similar to your theory, drain intelligence takes effect before drain magicka as an extra source to further reduce the negative magicka, so the magicka can drop to -700, then resets to 0 by drain magicka. The drain magicka becomes a "drain magicka -700 pts for 120s", together with the two fortify effects, the magicka pool can be increased by as much as 1000 pts. Finally, the two fortify effects provide 300 pts magicka and last for 13s. With the buffed magicka pool and 100 Willpower, it can regenerate >500 pts magicka before the fortify effects expire, so the magicka will never run dry, either before or after the fortify effects expire. After 1s, drain intelligence expires, so additional 200 pts magicka is returned. Total magicka comes to 500 pts and ready for the next casting.
Another 2 unexpected discoveries: 1. Drain Magicka 3 pts for 120s, plus Drain Intelligence 100 pts for 1s. The two effects themselves can act as a "restore magicka to 200 pts + fortify magicka, after 1s" spell, and it only takes 6 pts magicka with 100 Destruction.
2. The order of the 4 effects does not matter. Drain effects always take place before fortify effects, and drain attribute always takes place before drain magicka. Drain magicka serves to clear the negative magicka instead of fortify magicka. Interestingly, it seems that the drain effects take place in alphabetic order. I tried versions with different languages. For example, the translated name of "drain attribute" is behind "drain magicka" in Chinese, so drain magicka always takes place before drain attribute, and my spell doesn't work in this translated version. But by only editing the name of translated "drain attribute", it works again.
Another example to prove this language hypothesis is the bound weapon effects. When combining all the bound weapon effects in a single spell, only the first one will take effect, others will fail. The same spell in English version will summon a bound axe, while in French version it will summon a bound bow (arc in French).

I am not familiar to do the editing, so please feel free to correct my writing if I didn't follow the format rules.-- 03:01, 9 September 2021 (UTC)

Just found that the Drain intelligence was mentioned quite early in the talk page of Useful Spell, by nEVER_BoRN, although I think he could have explained the mechanism better to convince other guys. -- 22:58, 12 September 2021 (UTC)

I got self spell chaining to work[edit]

1. Summon Skeleton 120sec

2. Reflect Spell on touch magnitude 100 duration 2seconds

invisibility self 3 seconds

3. 100 fortify magicka on touch 10seconds

100 fortify willpower on touch 10seconds

100 weakness to magicka on touch 10 seconds

invisibility self 10seconds

4. 100 fortify magicka on touch 10seconds

100 fortify willpower on touch 10seconds

100 weakness to magicka on touch 10 seconds

invisibility self 10seconds

I just cast 2&3 and then 2&4 over and over again on the same skeleton until my magicka explodes to insane proportions. I think its important to note that I did this all with only base 300 magicka and probably could do this with even less magicka.

Someone add this to the main wiki?

Missing image ("curiously")[edit]

This project is very thorough and "nothing" is missing... "curiously" I noticed that the image of the Spell Making menu is missing... why?--Cucu (talk) 00:13, 5 January 2024 (UTC)

Not sure there's anything particularly "curious" about it - simply no-one had bothered to take one. In any case, thanks for the tip - I have added a screenshot to the article. --SerCenKing (talk) 15:58, 31 January 2024 (UTC)