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Oblivion talk:Shum gro-Yarug

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Thank you very much for this code. I was getting so frustrated trying to find him, the green arrow would show outside of Skingrad, but he wouldn't be there when I looked. I now know why... he jumped to his death.

Google + UESP = WIN!!! — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 11:01 on 12 May 2007‎

Yes, I will add my thanks here also. I had no idea what was going on. Hahaha! fell to his death! Maybe he prefered a jump to his death than a meeting with Grishnakh-Skullcrusher!!!! — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 05:01 on 31 August 2007‎
wait so he's dead!! Can i get him back alive? — Unsigned comment by Jamz slack (talkcontribs)
Not on console, unfortunately. Dlarsh(T,C) 05:46, 22 April 2011 (UTC)

XBOX360 User's worriness[edit]

As I play the XBOX version of the game, I can't use that kind of console commands, so there's no way to find a solution. There are hundreds and hundreds of post in several forums discussing a solution for Shum Gro-Yarug's death, thing that happens sooner or later because of him falling off the gate or starting a fight at the hotel.

I'm wondering what to do to get these missions on with. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 19:32 on 12 January 2008

To be honest the problem of Shum jumping to his death seems grossly overstated. I've played several characters and in every game he's still alive, long after I've bought the house and don't need him any more. If you're really worried though, you need 15 fame and 25,000 gold. If you do the first few Arena matches and a few Fighters Guild quests you'll soon get the fame. As for the cash... you'll have to work for it. Just stay out of Skingrad and he won't die. Make sure you've got a charm spell to make sure you can get him to 70 disposition when you finally go for the house and you'll have no problem. –RpehTCE 14:51, 12 January 2008 (EST)
Same here, I have a 360 too. I have had the quest for a long time but I only waited until recently, I've been waiting to get to a very advanced point in the game to set up and decorate my house. I've been too fastidious, I've been waiting for a point where I could buy AND properly decorate the house all at once.
I permanently keep a save every 8 to 10 hours of the game so I have a chronologically recorded account of my game. I finally decided it was time to buy the house, I followed the find an empty void where Shum gro-Yarug should be. "Oh well," I thought "I can just load a save, I'm willing to go a few, or many hours back if need be." One god damn save after the other of my recent saves (saves from the last 10 hours of play) led me back to the same empty void. Checking my 8 to 10 hour saves... one after the other...led me back 50 HOURS OMGWTFBBQ WHAT IS WITH THAT? Somewhere between 43 and 50 hours ago the mo'fo' killed his stupid self. I felt like chewing my arm off, I got pretty upset, so upset I stopped playing for a few days when I found out there was nothing I could do to get my house back without spending 50 hours retracing my steps.
What's strange is his body, or the space it used to occupy, is some distance from the bridge, at least 20 m (65 ft) from the bridge. I had to RUN to make that distance when I jumped of the bridge and it's not steep enough for his corpse to roll down the path. Further more, when I loaded a previous save to follow him around, sometimes when I used the "wait' function to wait until 11am to see where he goes after he leaves the castle, sometimes when I waited a bit past 11am I found him walking along the path underneath the bridge but he was on full health indicating he didn't take any damage when he fell, if he did indeed fall, off the bridge. Has anyone ever seen him fall off the bridge? The distance is large enough for it to happen but that doesn't mean it did. It's possible the guard patrolling that path killed him. I've seen them kill NPCs before, it's a bit of a problem, but I've always noticed them being attacked to stop it.
More to the point is there anyway I can at least get access to MY house? Any other way to buy the house? Get a key? I tried pickpocketing Vandorallen Trebatius but he had no key for some reason. Some help would be greatly appreciated. 07:23, 28 March 2008 (EDT)
Actually not only Shum gro-Yarug, any Skingrad residents who frequently travel from the city to the castle has a chance of dying by falling of the bridge. I once discovered someone else (I believe it is Toutius Sextius) lying dead on the road located under the bridge. Zulu 10:47, 12 October 2008 (EDT)


Moved from User talk:

the butler that you talk to, to get rosethorn died so i cant buy the house. how can i get him back, cause his body dissapeared? — Unsigned comment by (talk)

Unfortunately, you can't. If you play on PC, you can spawn him via the console by typing: player.placeatme00028FB6. This can potentially damage your savegame, however. --SerCenKing 15:22, 8 March 2009 (EDT)

Orc Social Club[edit]

Is there any more mention to the "Orc Social Club" other than what the Colovian Traders guy says ? -- 20:21, 20 April 2009 (EDT)

Nope, that's the only mention. It's not just him though - any Nord may talk about it. –RpehTCE 09:52, 30 April 2009 (EDT)
if you go to the main title screen you can press l2 and r2 at the same time and you get a list of all the dead people in the game if you click on shum gro-yarug he will come back in the castle — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 11:15 on 12 December 2010

Started a new game and within 24 game hours, shum gro yarug is dead.[edit]

I just started a new game so i can buy the rosethorn hall and correct the mistakes from my old game. I am in imperial city and have 30000 gold through the duplicating glitch. I made a separate save game and checked on shum and he WAS alive. Then i went to the arena to get some fame. after winning 3 fights, i went to checked on SHum gro yarug again but this time he was nowhere to be found. followed his schedule but no luck. I didnt even go near skingrad. just stayed in imperial city but hes still dead. What should i do to earn fame so I can buy my rosethorn hall. I play on a ps3 and i am a lvl 1 imperial.— Unsigned comment by BlackBuster (talkcontribs) at 23:07 on 16 January 2010

See the Fame for information on how to become famous. It can take a while to get famous, but fighting in the Arena might be the quickest option. You were just unlucky Shum is dead. Reload an earlier save and see if he's dead now. If you are playing on the PC, you can also use console commands to revive him. See here. If not, and Shum is still dead after reloading a save, you will have to start all over again. Good luck! Talk Wolok gro-Barok Contributions 11:03, 17 January 2010 (UTC)
His death was the final straw for me playing Oblivion on 360. Now I'm on PC I set him essential the instant I first spot him in Skingrad. ComaDivine 08:16, 22 April 2010 (UTC)
Old question, I know, but how the hell does his body end up where it does? the flag puts him almost twenty meteres from the bridge! Actually, has anyone ever -seen- him fall, or is that just the common assumtion? 20:14, 22 July 2010 (UTC)
He doesn't actually fall off the bridge, but rather through it. The game loads NPCs before statics, so if you enter the cell at just the wrong time, he'll be standing on thin air for a moment or two. The same thing can happen with NPCs crossing the IC bridge, but those are more likely to survive since they'll usually land in water. Seeing him fall is near impossible as this happens when the cell is loaded - which is usually a while before the player actually gets there.
I would guess that he hit a rock or something on the way down and was thrown a bit off course in your game. It's not impossible that he was killed by a guard or something else, though. However, if that were always the case, his body likely wouldn't be found right under the bridge just about every time. 19:02, 27 July 2010 (UTC)

gaining disposition[edit]

i find that i can only gain a max of 69 disposition, never the required 70, should i use a charm spell on him or do quests that relate to him through the thieves guild? — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 8 March 2010

It also depends on your Personality; in any case a Charm spell with 1 second duration should do the trick. --SerCenKing Talk 10:44, 8 March 2010 (UTC)
There are a number of good tips here. rpeh •TCE 12:24, 8 March 2010 (UTC)

Mythic Dawn Agent[edit]

Once you've gotten the Mysterium Xarxes (Dagon Shrine quest), the Mythic Dawn agents, who up to that point have been normal citizens of various towns, attack you on sight. If you happen to walk into the West Weald Inn at a time when both Shum gro-Yarug and Else God-Hater ( between 10:00am and 12:00pm)are there, Else will go ballistic (she would whether Shum was there or not), bind some armor and a weapon and head straight for you. As she does, the other residents of the inn attack her ( I'm assuming disposition towards Mythic Dawn agents isn't very high among the other NPCs). On one occasion she killed Shum gro-Yarug in the melee. It's possible that one of the other combatants did it, but nevertheless, he was stone cold when the encounter ended. Yet another way to lose the Skingrad house! It might be wise to catch him at the Colovian Traders instead of the inn.I've checked and Else seems to be the only Mythic Dawn agent in town and since she stays in the West Weald Inn, the Colovian Traders should be safe for Shum.Sittius 13:13, 12 September 2010 (UTC)

Shum gro-Yarug attacks in Wine Cellar[edit]

Pay Shum gro-Yarug a visit in his Wine Cellar abode, asleep-or no, and get attacked practically on sight. He could be aroused from repose with talk options available, but attacked directly after dialog closure. Lmstearn (talk) 13:23, 2 October 2013 (GMT)

Guarantee of death?[edit]

Is the flip-flopping compass arrow a guarantee that he died? What happens if I try to resurrect him if he's not dead? Is there any other way of determining that he's dead besides finding an actual corpse? Phelaran (talk) 01:50, 22 March 2014 (GMT)

player.moveto 2C466 should move you to him, dead or alive. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 02:03, 22 March 2014 (GMT)