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Oblivion talk:Resist Fire

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Unsubstantiated Note[edit] left the following note:

Allthough if you do get 100% resist fire, fire may still damage you.

All my empirical tests, conducted under controlled circumstances and monitored via the console contradict this. If you can list specific circumstances under which fire damage can affect an actor who has 100% resistance to fire I'll be very happy to test them and include them in my results. -- JustTheBast 05:03, 6 March 2007 (EST)

I conducted one further test that occurred to me, and it appears that there is a situation in which Resist Fire is ineffective, namely when ingesting a nominally benign potion that has Fire Damage as a side effect. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. -- JustTheBast 05:36, 6 March 2007 (EST)

Hm, how about lava? Will 100% fire resist protect against that? Bongo 08:26, 6 March 2007 (EST)

No, because lava does not inflict Fire Damage, paradoxical as that sounds. It does "Water Damage", because lava in the game is technically just a differently textured type of water. Resist Water Damage does exist as a spell effect in theory, but no spell in the game actually uses it, so it cannot be put into custom spells either. -- JustTheBast 10:33, 6 March 2007 (EST)
Yeah, that *is* a paradox LOL. Thanks btw. Was on a trip into oblivion yesterday when one of the jemane brothers chased a creature out in the lava. So I start getting those "NPC is unconscious" messages every 10 second or so. The game crashed on me while I was sorting through my inventory for a combination of fire resist/water walking gear to try and drag him out...didn't bother to recreate the situation though, maybe reverse-pickpocketing a zero-weight item with water-walking would have made the trick? Maybe something for a "memorable situations in oblivion" page? Bongo 08:36, 7 March 2007 (EST)
Don't know if this counts, but if you are wearign a Ring of Fire (100% Resist Fire) along with another ring or anything else with fire damage on it as an effect, the fire damage still hurts the character. In process of testing this some more, anyone have any luck?
Indeed. I had a character with 100% Resist fire (three pieces of enchanted armor), but the Blackwood Ring of Silence still hurt him. Same with Fire Shield- any way to prevent fire damage from potions/rings?
Wearable items with constant effect damage enchantments seem to ignore any resistances. See also the discussion at Oblivion Talk:Unique Items#Blackwood Ring of Silence. But fire damage from poisons should be affected by resist fire or resist poison. --NepheleTalk 15:26, 5 July 2007 (EDT)

Novice and resist fire potion[edit]

In the Resist Fire article is said: "The following alchemy ingredients can be used to create a potion of Resist Fire:

Novice Dragon's Tongue "

But to my knowledge (and it's not as if I do have a load of experience playing Oblivion) it is not possible for a novice in Alchemy to create a potion with only one ingredient and therefor it's not possible to make a potion with Resist Fire at that point. Saskia 09:52, 6 March 2007 (EST)

What is meant there is that you can see this effect in this ingredient at novice level - that doesn't necessarily mean you can make use of it, if there is no other ingredient exposing that effect at the level. You are right that the phrasing is misleading. -- JustTheBast 10:33, 6 March 2007 (EST)
Oh, I see! It makes more sense that way. Thanks for answering. Saskia 11:24, 6 March 2007 (EST)
Technically, you could make use of it, simply by eating a Dragon's Tongue raw. The effect would be fairly weak and short in duration if your Alchemy skill is so low that you can't even see the second effect on ingredients, but it would work. I debated what to do about effects which are only available on a single ingredient at Novice level, but decided just to stick to consistant formatting even if it seemed to make little sense in some cases. --TheRealLurlock Talk 09:13, 7 March 2007 (EST)

Resist Fire vs Fire Shield?[edit]

This article says that Resist Fire provides NO protection against lava. The Fire Shield article says that it provides SOME, but not complete, protection against lava. Do these effects really handle lava differently or is one of the pages wrong? -- 12:55, 31 March 2008 (EDT)

As far as I can tell, the information on Fire Shield was wrong, so I've changed that article.
One problem with lava damage is that the rate of damage is so fast, it's hard to do completely quantitative tests. But starting with my character as normal (effectively 4% Resist Fire from a combination of racial effects and enchantments), I took 265 damage in about 5 seconds standing on lava. I then maxed out my character's resistances (195% Resist Fire, 104% Fire Shield, 95% Resist Magic)... and took 337 damage in about 5 seconds. The difference between the two is probably that the first time was a bit under 5 seconds and the second time was a bit more than 5 seconds (as I said, hard to test quantitatively). But there was clearly no appreciable effect from making my character fire-proof and nearly magic-proof. --NepheleTalk 15:05, 22 June 2008 (EDT)