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Oblivion talk:Raminus Polus

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Darkness Eternal[edit]

Would Polus be related to the 'Darkness Eternal' miniquest that then becomes the vampire cure?--Willyhead 12:11, 13 July 2007 (EDT)

I'd say that's already completely covered by the fact that "Vampire Cure" is listed under related quests. Raminus does not play any role in "Darkness Eternal": from the time that quest appears in your journal to the time it is checked off as completed, Raminus' name doesn't even get mentioned. The only link is that after "Darkness Eternal" is complete you are a vampire, but there are countless other quests during which you might end up becoming a vampire. --NepheleTalk 13:56, 13 July 2007 (EDT)
When i was playing, Vicente directed me to Polus during the darkness eternal quest before the vampire cure had started. Then when i spoke to Polus the Vampire cure quest started. Also the only way i could complete Darkness Eternal was by killing Vicente Valtieri.--Willyhead 06:23, 14 July 2007 (EDT)
Yeah, Vicente directs you to Polus during Darkness Eternal quest. His name is mentioned in your journal too if you would like to take a look.--Willyhead 16:23, 16 November 2007 (EST)
Going off of this, shouldn't Mages Guild Suspension be added to his list of related quests? — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 22 July 2009
Yeah that makes sense. I'll add it now. –rpehTCE 17:45, 22 July 2009 (UTC)


Okay, this may be specific to some of my mods, but Raminus no longer wants to sell me any spells, ever since I became Archmage... Is this a known bug in Oscuro's Overhaul or UOP? (granted, I'm running a few other mods as well, but those are the more likely candidates) CameronB 22:13, 19 January 2009 (EST)

Missing Raminus Polus[edit]

(Following moved here from Oblivion:Glitches/Proposed)

I had a bounty put on my head, so as instructed by this guide, I ran into the arcane university to let the mages kill the guards. Raminus wasn't faring well in the fight and was knocked unconscious several times. He now no longer appears in the mage lobby and I can't continue the Mage Guild quests without him to advance my rank. Any help?

I had a similar problem! I was resting in a bed when randomly out of nowhere my screen said Raminus has been knocked unconscious. I just thought it was weird as I was not anywhere near the university! Anyways next time I went to the university he was gone! No Raminus Polus anywhere now and like you I can't continue on because Traven says to see Polus about advancement before next quest.... Argh anyone had similar? Know how to fix?

Aaron R.

Yes. This will happen if any Essential character is knocked unconscious when you are not in their Block of area ( in this case, the Arcane University). I am not sure how they get in fights as generally, most essentials are not fighting monsters daily like some people I know...

  • Please notice that AI have 24 hour scripts. Even if your not in the same cell as the actor, this is why characters still go about their routine even if your in another cell. Several glitches, like a minor theft caused by a single AI (And this has occurred with City-Swimmer in Bravil) Causes guards to pursue, thus rendering the actor deceased. Sometimes, and this usually happens, citizens interfere with some guard pursuits. This has happened to me before, where Quill-weave who resides in Cheydenhal. (I believe) Sometimes this happens to Jaufree when he patrols in Cloud Ruler Temple, though I'm not sure how, as very few beasts tend to move there, if any. But a theory is that the two training blades accidentally attack a blade that happens to walking by, causing a fight to break out. Other than that, I have no idea.

— Unsigned comment by Nephele (talkcontribs) at 04:59 on 22 April 2009 (UTC)

Well David, I suspect that somehow a guard or Raminus himself ran off (this could be caused by you running and the guards chasing you, someone being hit by a demoralize spell etc.) into the wilderness, if it was a guard who ran it's likely Raminus would follow him, and Raminus is probably still somewhere in the wilderness. If it's any consolation he will eventually make his way back to the Arcane University if this is the case. The only reasons I can come up with as to why he would permanently dissapear include him possibly falling through the floor etc. or him being trapped in the plane of Oblivion (this is highly unlikely and possibly impossible as it would require him following someone into an Oblivion gate, and then not making it into the Sigillum Sanguis before the gate was closed, there's about a one in a million chance of this happening under normal circumstances.) --Nacht 19:16, 22 December 2009 (UTC)


For some reason I cannot get expelled from the guild. Does Raminus have any dialogue if you get expelled. That is the only potential thing I am missing. Thanks. --Manic 12:08, 9 December 2011 (UTC)