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Oblivion talk:Minor Glitches

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Minor Glitches[edit]

Some of these could be on exploitable like the item stacking, paintbrushes,and drink four potions. Spell list crash should go on problematic and loot bags should be put back on proposed because it is at least an intentional game feature and shouldn't be listed here. Datacaust 04:33, 7 May 2011 (UTC)

This is sort of preventing me from putting my glitches up since I'm not sure where they should go. Does anyone else have an opinion? Datacaust 17:51, 13 May 2011 (UTC)
I would say that anything that could be a clear benefit to the player without being intentional or by game engine should be classified as Exploitable. --DKong27 Talk Cont 18:52, 13 May 2011 (UTC)
I agree. Datacaust 15:38, 14 May 2011 (UTC)

() Probably been mentioned but there is a fall out of the game glitch i found in castle skingrad courtyard. It lets you fall what seems to be several hundreds of feet below the normally playable area. It is reversible. When entering the castle courtyard just go up the stairs to the barracks. Use those stair banasters to jump to the roof. Make your way south on the roof (pretty sure its easier if you are a monk but i did it with a bosmer steed just fine. Finally go northeast to the gap where it looks like you can jump off the roof into the mario 64 castle. And jump... You land below the castlemand can walk, for what seems to be forever, away from the castle. But if you walk towards the castle you will reappear at normal ground level. I never tried saving after this. 09:52, 23 June 2011 (UTC)

That is not a glitch, but the effect of leaving the created areas of a world. As it says here. It is not important to list every possible place it works, as it just really needs a high enough Acrobatics. --DKong27 Talk Cont 00:16, 26 June 2011 (UTC)

Dunno is this is worth mentioning...[edit]

But I have encountered this problem several times , and when I kill a wraith I think with a reflect spell , it just stays there floating. I can loot it's corpse , but it just stays there , floating. It's mouth moves and all , but you can pass right through it.. Dunno if this is worth putting on ? JackTurbo95 18:57, 13 May 2011 (UTC)

I've seen that before. I remember a conversation about this, but I can't remember where it is. Anyways, if you try, you'll see the same happens with Reflect Damage. I clearly remember someone mentioning that amulet that gives 33% Reflect Damage. I can't remember the name... --Rigas Papadopoulos • TalkDeeds 19:15, 13 May 2011 (UTC)
All I had was Namira's ring , or one of their rings , and it just stayed there... JackTurbo95 19:22, 13 May 2011 (UTC)

Invisible Me?[edit]

Not sure this is minor but my character's invisble. Tried restarting Oblivion and turning the unofficial patch on and off. no joy so far. Basically my character and his weapon\shield model are near inivisible, a blur where he should be. Hitting the inventory key allows me to see what he should look like, as does dying but getting back to actually seeing him in the game as I should, that's another issue! I can reload an old save but my last one is 2 hours old :(

Okay scratch that I'm an idiot. I was using the spectre ring for its feather properties. I knew it had chameleon abilities but I've not used that before so never considered the graphical aspect. It's the cause of my character model looking like it's made of water. I figured it would be quite different if observable at all e.g. cast invisibilty to semi-see through but keep the colours. This is like losing the model skin. 13:19, 17 June 2011 (UTC)

Loot bags[edit]

I was thinking about changing the way this is documented. It is clearly an intentional game feature, not a glitch. I am going to move information on the loot bags to Oblivion:Containers, but I am not sure about the information. If anybody knows anything about these things now would be a good time. There is a glitch I saw on YT where a person made loot bags. Then there is the waterfront loot bag that appears most commonly containing a wanted poster. Any ideas? Datacaust 03:36, 27 July 2011 (UTC)

Please leave it where it is. The whole point is that it looks like a glitch - especially with the typical contents - but isn't. Moving it off the glitches page is therefore a bad idea, and duplicating information is equally bad. rpeh •TCE 08:26, 27 July 2011 (UTC)
"The following are guidelines for adding glitches. Please adhere to these before submitting a glitch:
Entries must describe a glitch, i.e., some type of game malfunction that results from normal play.
Therefore, all glitches must meet all of the following criteria:
Be a mistake in the game mechanics. Any event that is a logical consequence of an intended game feature (even if the consequence is extreme) is not a mistake."
Whatever your rationale is you are WRONG. I respect your opinion considering who you are, but I have to say I disagree with you. Given my predisposition to ANGER I will leave this alone, FOR NOW. Furthermore the section is at least missing information, such as, the amount of items a cell can hold before creating a loot bag. Regards. Datacaust 17:48, 27 July 2011 (UTC)
If you're going to start shouting and implying threats to someone who makes a perfectly reasonable reply starting with "please", then you should consider making "for now" equal a long time. You might consider reading through the archives for previous discussions about this problem, which might help you understand why it's a good idea to keep the loot bag on this page. Archives 10, 11, 13 and 15 should make good starting points. rpeh •TCE 18:20, 27 July 2011 (UTC)
I "threatened" you with an angry edit. I maintain that loot bags don't belong here, and remain lacking information. I'll give the archives a look. Datacaust 18:32, 28 July 2011 (UTC)

Invisible Ground glitch?[edit]

I found a strange glitch which might be of interest to anyone who likes seeing the raw bones of the game on show. Following the 'Climbing out of Bruma' glitch (N.B. I personally found it easier to start from the balcony of the Chapel opposite J'Ghasta's house rather than going all the way back to the Tap and Tack), follow the battlement round to the rightmost tower, the one closest to Helvius Cecias' house. Jump off the battlement through the crenellation closest to the tower, and you'll land on the road as usual. Move roughly South towards the Imperial City, and you'll soon find that on the green section of ground the grass layer (the one you walk on) is about a hundred metres above the level of the 'normal' ground, which will appear fuzzy and patchy. You will still be able to make out some features like roads, and looking at the map is no different to usual. Climb a little down the hill, and looking back up towards Bruma you should be able to see the 'underneath' of the city. I ran as far down as the Imperial City (though without being able to easily see hills it can be a bit treacherous) and found that not only did I walk over Lake Rumare, but I could also walk over the entire city. The ground was fuzzy as before, but you can easily make out the 'plans' for each part of it, and see through the walls as well. It's weird seeing it at first, almost like vertigo, as the ground you should be walking on is quite far down, and looks almost like someone's stomped it down. Unfortunately I can't screenprint as I'm on the 360, but will try and get a good photo or something soon. Can anyone else replicate it? Spikelovesmetal 19:52, 8 September 2011 (UTC)

Did it look like basic google earth? If so it can be easily replicated on the pc. 1. Go to the outside of the arena. 2. use tcl or tfc until it seem as if buildings are gone and where the Imperial Palace may look like a helicopter copter pad depending on your graphics (I had mine at very low). I have a new computer and I don't know how to take screenshot. If a pc user could follow my instructions I would be grateful. Oh and by the way my user is GH36. I just forgot to log on.
Hey I'm back and logged on. Your glitch "scientist"- GH36 23:40, 21 September 2011 (UTC)

Very minor glitch.[edit]

There is a glitch where if you attack Shadowmere with a sword, the game suddenly kicks you out of all of your factions, and gives you the messages that you get if you normally break a rule/tennant.(mages, fighters, thieves, and dark brotherhood were all of the factions I was in at that time) This happened on my xbox 360. I am not sure if this glitch just happens to me. I also have no expansionns or plug-ins, and no patches (official or unofficial). — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 07:14 on 9 October 2011 (UTC)

if you attack a horse you own it counts as assaulting a member of each faction your in see this (I plead LazynessEddie The Head 07:30, 9 October 2011 (UTC))

Another Audio Glitch[edit]

if you have to pay the blood price for the Adharji's Heirloom quest, Hlidara Mothril's subtitles will say "One of the castle's staff was murdered trying to stop a theif" but she will say "One of the castle's staff was murd- one of the castle's staff was murdered trying to stop a theif" — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:39 on 24 October 2011 (UTC)


sometimes when i use telekenesis on an object while i am turning my character in 1st person, the game crashes after i point my hand at the object, ive noticed this the most in the top floor of the rosethorn hall house. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 21:36 on 11 December 2011 (UTC)

loot bag inaccuracy?[edit]

According to the loot bag section, duped items will spawn a loot bag. I disagree. I once duped somewhere around 500 gems(I wanted a nice looking treasure pile). somehow I failed to realize the horrible lag this would cause, and even after entering and exiting the room(the treasure area of that mage tower DLC), and even going off to do other things for a while, a loot bag never appeared. Nor did a bag appear when I duped several hundred books in bruma. I play the 360 GotY version. Vegetablevandal 17:19, 31 January 2012 (UTC)

I don't know this for fact, but I've heard it reported that loot bags won't spawn in a house you own. Also, I believe the amount required is more than 500 items, though I don't know the exact amount required. Robin Hoodtalk 08:03, 3 February 2012 (UTC)
Oh, I made a typo there. I meant 5000. sorry about that. as for the books, I think it was 700-800, but it was a while ago. I know it was a ludicrous amount.Vegetablevandal 17:35, 7 February 2012 (UTC)
Whatever the number, if you're able to confirm that it's only with duped items, we can probably add that to the article. To be on the safe side, though, I'd suggest testing dropping X duped items inside and outside a house you own, then dropping X non-duped items inside and outside a house...though how you get those items, I'm not sure—arrows are probably your best bet. Once we have confirmation of when it occurs and when it doesn't, we can note the anomalous behaviour on the article. Robin Hoodtalk 20:20, 7 February 2012 (UTC)

All female Dremora are mute.[edit]

This is already mentioned on the Dremora article, but I think it deserves a mention on this page, perhaps under the Audio Glitches section:

Encounters with female Dremora Markynaz archers reveal a minor oversight in the development of the game: Female Dremora NPCs have no voice whatsoever. They do not converse or otherwise interact with other NPCs, any attempt to engage one in conversation will yield the "I HAVE NO GREETING" message, they do not taunt or shout in combat, nor will they even grunt or groan upon injury or death.

Personally, I find it interesting that Bethesda would go to the trouble of including any female Dremora in the game, however rare such encounters would be, and not hire a voice actress, or at least assign some kind of "default" set of audio files to them. What is also interesting is the presence of the "I HAVE NO GREETING" message. All of the male Dremora, by default, will say "Be quick about it, mortal." when you talk to them, so you'd think that the same bit of dialogue would appear on the screen for the females, even if they lack the audio that accompanies the text.

I've encountered many instances of NPCs giving me greetings, even if the particular race/gender lacks the accompanying audio. This is especially strange when you bring into consideration the fact that all generic Dremora NPCs in the game belong to the same in-game faction. Bauglir100 21:25, 23 February 2012 (UTC)

Given that it only occurs with Dremora, I'd say having it mentioned only on their page is appropriate. That's pretty much what the intro section on Oblivion:Glitches says we should be doing. Robin Hoodtalk 22:21, 23 February 2012 (UTC)
Well, I would agree with that, but (even though this would likely be more relevant to discuss on the Shivering Isles glitches page,) this also happens with the Summoned variation of the Golden Saint and Dark Seducer; They, too, are completely silent under every circumstance. Even the two Summonable variations of Dremora (Caitiff and Markynaz) have the same audio range and dialogue as their normal counterparts, regardless of status. I think there might be a connection between the Summoned variation of the Saint and Seducer's status as "Oblivion gate Daedra" faction members, and the female Dremora's complete lack of dialogue. If you want, I can elaborate on this theory. Bauglir100 00:07, 24 February 2012 (UTC)
Okay, let me know what your theory is and we'll take it from there. Looking at the Audio Glitches section of the page, I think it's actually reasonable to put something like that in on closer examination, but it's better to explore theories on the talk page before we add anything to the article. Robin Hoodtalk 00:48, 24 February 2012 (UTC)
Very well, then. My theory is that "Kyn" and "Oblivion gate Daedra" are essentially the same faction, but with different members. Normally, the "Oblivion gate Daedra" faction is almost exclusively used by lesser Daedra, but I imagine that if you were to insert a male Dremora NPC into this faction, and only this faction, they'd probably have the same dialogue as if they were in the "Kyn" faction. As a result, all three of the Daedric NPC races would pool their dialogue together if they were all in the exact same Oblivion-based faction, but the Dremora dialogue would overrule the Saint and Seducer dialogue, since the Dremora are initially the only Daedric NPC race present in the game, not counting expansions.
Since the closest candidates for NPC members of "Oblivion gate Daedra" would be the Dremora (since the two Daedra factions overlap frequently), I imagine placing a male Golden Saint/Dark Seducer into this faction would probably give them the same dialogue as the male Dremora (albeit silently, since neither race would actually have recorded audio files for the otherwise Dremora-exclusive dialogue). But since the female Dremora have no assigned dialogue or audio files whatsoever, neither would the summonable Saints/Seducers, which are also female.
And that would be my theory. If you have any more questions or ideas, I would be glad to continue. Bauglir100 03:18, 24 February 2012 (UTC)
I'm not sure I followed all that, but if you were to stick a Dremora into the Daedra faction, and make whatever requisite changes there are to the dialogue (I haven't done dialogue modding, so I'm not 100% sure of what goes into that), it stands to reason that at least some of the dialogue would get transfered over, since some of the dialogue checks are faction-based. Not all, though—some check for race, gender, etc. Beyond that, I'm afraid I can't comment on your theory much due to my inexperience with Oblivion dialogue. Robin Hoodtalk 06:12, 24 February 2012 (UTC)
Well, if you were to "import" Dremora NPCs into the Shivering Isles, via the Daedric Lava Whiskey glitch, talking to them would yield the "I HAVE NO GREETING" message, but they would still retain their voices and combat-related dialogue. The Summonable Saints and Seducers, however, are completely silent, whether they were in Cyrodiil or the Isles, even when the latter case would seem illogical to occur, since Golden Saints and Dark Seducers can already be found there, and should be able to give the Summoned counterparts some kind of audio to work with.
But since these Summoned Saints/Seducers are only in the "Oblivion gate Daedra" faction, I guess that their dialogue has been overruled by the dialogue/audio (or lack thereof) of the female Dremora, since they happen to be the only Daedric NPC race that can be found in Cyrodiil without glitching a Saint or Seducer there. I suppose if you assigned some audio files to the female Dremora through a Mod, the Summonable Golden Saints and Dark Seducers could probably be able to use their own audio files. That, or a third-party patch that assigns Golden Saint and Dark Seducer dialogue to the "Oblivion gate Daedra" faction.
In which ever case, I think this should be enough evidence to prove noteworthy for the article. If not, I can conduct further investigations. It would be hard, though, since I don't have the PC version. Bauglir100 20:47, 24 February 2012 (UTC)

() Yeah, I think an entry in the article is probably in order. Robin Hoodtalk 22:40, 24 February 2012 (UTC)

Very well, then. I'm adding it to the article right now. Bauglir100 00:02, 25 February 2012 (UTC)

Summoned Creatures Glitch?[edit]

I am playing Oblivion on XBox 360 GOTY Edition with all DLC (except horse armor). Recently (possibly after I finally got around to installing KOTN AND SI) I have seen a video glitch whenever an enemy summons a creature - this happens with both conjurers and Xivilai. When they summon a creature, it first appears as a black cylinder. After a second or two, it reverts to its normal appearance. Has anyone else ever experienced this glitch, or know if there is a way to fix it?

If it matters, I completed KOTN but have not started anything with SI, so I would not be opposed to uninstalling the items from Disc 2 of the GOTY edition.

Cpratt 22:18, 2 April 2012 (UTC)

A cursory search through the site revealed this. It's a very minor graphical glitch from what I can gather and recall. --Darkle ~ Talk 01:25, 7 April 2012 (UTC)

Guard Glitch[edit]

I have noticed a glitch where if you commit a crime, resist arrest, and then yield, it is possible that you won't be close enough to activate dialouge. This can be exploited for training with ranged stuff (possibly weapons if they are long enough). Also, every time you hit them, it counts as a new assault, and all the guards will say a random assualt response line (occasionally, if most of them say the same thing, it will echo). I am playing GOTY on the PS3, with no mods/patches except those that come with GOTY. Can anyone duplicate this?--RandomPacmanObssesor 20:30, 20 July 2012 (UTC)

Items Disappearing from Containers[edit]

After doing exhaustive search on the Internet and some testing, I have found out that the reason are weapons/armours repaired to over 100% (they have negative encumbrance when calculating container's encumbrance). If there are many other* items in the container, it is less likely for this glitch to appear. However if it does, it may affect normal (i.e. non-repaired over 100%) items too. Finally, the problem occurs when "buggy" items are added to the empty container. If you first add some junk and then 125% items, it should be fine.

(*) I am not sure whether the number of items or their weight matters. Also I am not sure if the items in stacks are counted or only the number of stacks.

Workaround using console (unfortunately there is no command that allows to set item's repair state):

  • create custom disintegrate weapon/armour on self spell
  • set your magicka to something high
  • set armourer skill to something low (below 75)
  • give yourself a lot of repair hammers
  • equip weapons/armours that you want to store
  • cast disintegrate spell until you damage them to less than 100%
  • repair them
  • (optional) repeat last 3 steps
  • trash remaining hammers (e.g. put them into reset-able container)
  • set your armourer skill to the original value
  • set your magicka to the original value

— Unsigned comment by Jarcionek (talkcontribs) at 11:46 on 18 August 2013

Oblivion: Minor Glitches#Loot Bags[edit]

Discussion moved from UESPWiki:Administrator Noticeboard#Oblivion: Minor Glitches#Loot Bags

So I was looking through the minor glitches oblivion page. I found the selection about loot bags and found it apperently had never been tested on PS or PC's. So I decided to test it out on the PS3. But it didn't work both times I tried it. The 'loot bags' are a implemented feature Bethesda put in, but either didn't put it in the PS3 release or the PS3 never sends out a code telling the game it needs to create one of these 'loot bags' and crashes the game instead.— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 12:00 on 27 March 2016‎