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Oblivion talk:Ganredhel

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Schedule during the related quest?[edit]

Does anybody know, if her schedule will change while The Gray Fox are in her house? — Unsigned comment by Krusty (talkcontribs)

Just a quick reminder, that the newly written schedule on her page is incomplete. It still needs to describe her actions during the related quest. Krusty 09:10, 12 August 2009 (UTC)

Um, What?[edit]

Okay, right now I'm following Hil the Tall, but I noticed something really weird with Ganredhel, every time I reload she makes the same: at 6pm she enters sneak mode and pickpockets a piece of food from either Hil or Errandil and she simply sits down to eat. This is something unusual since it isn't mentioned in her schedule and her responsibility is of 50. Not sure if this is a one-off or a usual quirk in the AI, but we could use a second check from the CS to see if this is set to happen. Oh, by the way, it's Middas, just in case it is something relevant. --S'drassa T2M 17:20, 21 January 2010 (UTC)

That's very odd. 6pm is when she's scheduled to eat so she's obviously just trying to get some food, but I would have thought a responsibility of 50 would stop her stealing. Her sneak is 62 and her security is 52, which are both fairly high for NPCs, so maybe she's just making the most of her abilities? rpeh •TCE 17:30, 21 January 2010 (UTC)
Hmm, just tested this and it looks like something I overlooked the first time around. As far as I can tell, she will only go into Sneak mode if any of the Chapel residents carries food. But nevertheless, it seems like she have a dinner-time that I missed. Thanks for pointing that out. I'll make the correction as soon as I am done testing. --Krusty 17:32, 21 January 2010 (UTC)

Weird Factions Thing-a-mah-bob.[edit]

During the Boots of Springheel Jack Quest. The Gray Fox wants you to pay a visit to Ganredhel's House.... But, it states she isn't a Theives Guild Member. Is he meeting inside of a broken-in home? Or is it something the game creators forgot to put in? Shianni 04:17, 3 February 2011 (UTC)