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Oblivion Mod:Veridius Investigations

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Veridius Investigations[edit]

Mod Information
Author(s) SSJ Hero
Current Version 0.1
Last updated 7 Jan 2008
Links Nexus Mods
Language English
Translations N/A
Requirements N/A
Playing Time  ??
Quests (Side Quests) 1


- New questline focused on characters - New weapons and armor for rewards - Heroines can become companions (yet to be implemented) - Cases that require a clever mind to solve, and need words to be chosen wisely - New influence system over new NPCs

Silvana Veridius: Soon-to-be freelance detective. She is feisty, rude, and intelligent. She can act extremely well, and is skilled in gaining information through speechcraft. Can be charming and witty if she feels like it. Her story path involves solving the case of who killed her mother, Tertia Veridius.

The gameplay of the mod mostly is choosing your words carefully in order to gain information. As such, there will be times when you'll need certain skills in order to succeed in convincing others. When your skill needs to be at a certain level in order to succeed at convincing, the topic will be marked with a [tag]. Here are some of the tags used in this chapter of the mod: [SPC] – Use words in order to gently convince a person to give information. Success depends on a high speechcraft and/or personality. [LIE] – Use guile and deceiving body language to trick a person to give information. Success depends on a high speechcraft and/or agility. [STR] – Use brawn in order to intimidate others to bend to you. Success depends on a high strength statistic. [AGL] – Pickpocket items while still in conversation, amongst other actions. Success depends on a high agility statistic.

I am stuck! What do I do?
If stuck, think outside the box and examine EVERY statement made, no matter how big or small. The smallest details may be critical to solving the case. Also, I will make it so that all evidence will have a logical source. So, I won't put a vital clue in a previously unmentioned place. However, do look in any place or business mentioned in cases, as any good detective does.

Influence System
Veridius Investigations' principle characters are immune to normal speechcraft methods to raise disposition. Instead, their disposition comes from the choice of words you say to them through various conversations, as well as how you approach various problems in your investigations. When you say or do something a character likes, you will gain influence over the character. (Yes, the term taken from KOTOR2.) As of now, high influence merely determines disposition, but more advanced uses of influence may be forthcoming. Just off the top of my head, I can make some stats related to influence (to represent how well you and a character can work together), or I can make some special quests that only appear when you gain high enough influence. Note, charm spells will still have an effect on disposition, but within a few seconds, the disposition will reset to its proper value.

