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Oblivion Mod:Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul/Merged Mods

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Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul is a massive mod. It changes a staggering amount of things in the world of Cyrodiil. These changes are bound to overlap with changes performed by other mods that also affect the same thing found in default Oblivion (overlaps do not occur with user made new things, like NPCS, Creatures, Lists, Dungeons, Quests, etc.). This means that you will have to ascertain what changes you are willing to let go should they overlap with OOO's changes. You can easily choose which change to keep by altering the load order of the mod. Altering the load order is very simple by using programs such as Wrye Bash.

In addition, you should consider the nature of the overlap itself. Many overlaps are not bad in any way. For example, some of the optional mods provided with OOO overlap with each other, but they will not cause any errors or deviations if they are used together.

OOO already develops to great extent what some other popular levelled-list mods do. OOO has levelled list tweaks for items, creatures, NPCs, spells and so forth. In addition, OOO aims to create a balanced static world whereas most other mods that change default lists rely on and emphasize leveling features (leveling in this context means that content remains locked, veiled, unavailable to the player until he or she reaches a specific level). Unless you prefer another mod's changes, and you know exactly what you miss in the trade, you should be very cautious about using them with OOO.

OOO merges several popular mods to further enhance gameplay and achieve its true goals (see General Overview of Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul's Gameplay Vision below). Most of these mods are, to a lesser or greater extent, modified to fit better with OOO, and thus the original ones is either unnecessary or flat-out incompatible with OOO.

Merged Mods[edit]

These mods are merged into Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul, and they will almost definitively conflict with OOO when used as stand-alone mods. If you have any of these, please remove them before installing OOO. If you do not, you will have to live with the incongruence of having items that look the same, but are found in radically different places with radically different stats and significance in the overall scheme of things. You may also lose significant integration features if you keep any of these active while using OOO (this is especially true for Harvest Containers, LockBash, and Security Rebalance).

Gameplay Mods[edit]

  • Combat Behavior by Lyrondor
  • Drop Lit Torches 1.6 by Frugal
  • Ebony Blade Fix by Dheer
  • Gem Dust by Turgothh (Modified to enhance Tamriel's Glittering Geology)
  • Geomancy by Momaw (Modified to enhance TGG)
  • Guild Item Ownership 1.2 by Tandem
  • Harvest [Containers] 0.99.08b by Dejunai
  • Independent Thievery Rebalance (Hard Setting) by AdelieDreams
  • Inebriation by Lap
  • LockBash 1.1 by Scruggsywuggsy the Ferret (modified to work with Lap's Security Rebalance)
  • Potions Recolored by DoofDilla + Better Potion Bottles by Ceano + Potable Pastiche by Daeger; the latter includes the following:
    • Better Blood Bottles for Vampires by Hero2014
    • Better Beer Bottles by Laurinque
    • Better Wine by MarkQuinn
    • Improved Potions of Exploration by Stabbey
  • Security Rebalance by Lap (modified to work with Scruggsywuggsy's LockBash)
  • Tamriel's Glittering Geology by Gristle and XMarksTheSpot

Item Mods[edit]

  • Archmage Armor by Axeface (2 sets)
  • Arctic Gear by Perditio44
  • Battledress 1.1 by Chiz (plus a full set of an OOO-only retexture: Dread Armor)
  • Blades Ceremonial Armor by Axeface
  • Capes and Cloaks 1.2 by Someone1074, textures by Belenos (special 1.3 versions: Elhoim and Praetorio)
  • Chain Bikini by Aleanne
  • CM Iron Battle Shields and Orcish Nobility Shield by Mark Quinn
  • Contessa Chromed/Queen Metalace by Eyren (2 sets)
  • Dark Glass (Obsidian) by Praetorio
  • Dark Rose by Kafeid
  • Defensive Staves by Kearsage
  • Draconic Armor by BadAndy
  • Ethereal: Imperial Legion Armor by DagothBalls
  • Ethereal: Imperial Legion Armor Re-Texture by Elhoim
  • Female Dwemer model by Mmmpld
  • Femme-Daedric armor by Vagabond Angel
  • Gray Fox Armory by Daeger
  • Griffin Armor by Phitt
  • Growlf's Female Armor by Growlf (4 sets)
  • Ivory Armor by Sleeper25
  • More Shields by Zynthar (4 shields)
  • New Daedric retexture by Praetorio
  • Noble Plate by Ulath
  • Pegasus Armor by Gorgonzola3000
  • Shadowmail Armor by NorrabMaster
  • Silver Dragon Armor by The Atronach
  • Sin's Light Armor Pack 3.0 by Sin (9 sets)
  • Tegeal's Extra Robes by Tegeal (15 sets)
  • Tornes' Blockade Shield by Praetorio
  • Vermillion and Silverthorn robes by Kafeid (2 sets)
  • Vella's Armor by vine-au (2 sets)
  • White Rose by Kafeid
  • Worn Armors by Dieterweb (8 sets + 10 cuirasses)

Weapon Mods[edit]

  • Arctic Bow by Perditio44
  • Art of War Weapons 1.1 by RDjeke
  • Braided Weapons by Chiz
  • Cutlasses by The AshLad
  • Dark Rose weapons by Kafeid
  • Elven Sabres and Bows by Adonnay
  • Icxth Sword by ThrottleKitty
  • Jounk's Polearms by Jounk33 (Translation by Katan)
  • Maulers by TemplarGFX
  • Meteoric Weapons by Madcat and RDJeke
  • Noble Weapons by Ulath
  • Offensive Staves by Kearsage
  • Pegasus Weapons by Gorgonzola3000
  • Rapiers by Cethegus
  • Real Umbra by Razhkul (original model and texture by Oriphier)
  • Scimitars by Winter
  • Scythe Mod by Thomas "tda" Bramall
  • Severian's Katanas by Severian
  • Shadowmail Weapons by NorrabMaster
  • Silver Dragon Weapons by The Atronarch
  • Soul Wail by Praetorio
  • Two-handed maces by Rdjeke
  • VADaito by VagabondAngel
  • Vella Glass Bow by Au-vine
  • White Rose weapons by Kafeid

Other Mods[edit]

  • Leviathan's Soul Gems by Star Boi
  • Spell Icon Replace 1.0 by Forsaken32

General Information[edit]

Items statistics, names, owners, spell-effects, and values have changed drastically from how things were in the original stand-alone mods. You will not find them lying around in a chest in the middle of a plaza, or for sale at your local store. All items have new special owners, stories, resting places and meaning within the global design of Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul.

Item statistics are all redesigned to take into account every other included item. This was done to achieve balance across every single new item addition. It also serves one of the main goals of the mod: to make the world more static, varied, balanced and unique all at once.

Notable Known (In)compatibilities[edit]

Unofficial Oblivion Patch[edit]

Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul merges parts of Unofficial Oblivion Patch 2.1 where overlaps occur. If a newer version of UOP is released, there should be no problems using that – just make sure to load UOP before OOO.

Player House Markers[edit]

OOO adds player house markers. These will be revealed when you purchase a home. Many other house markers mods will conflict with OOO's changes to prices of the homes. Now you do not need to use those mods to get your house markers.

Knights of the Nine and other DLCs[edit]

The official plugin Knights of the Nine must be loaded after OOO. The rest of the official plugins should work properly with OOO.

Shivering Isles[edit]

OOO does not yet change anything in Shivering Isles, except for any leveled lists SI might use from default Oblivion. Shivering Isles will work perfectly together with OOO.


OOO will almost definitively conflict with mods that change a lot of NPCs or leveled lists, including NPC New Clothes by emyung and RealSwords by waalx. Compatibility patches can be found for many mods to make them compatible with OOO. See here for a full list.