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Oblivion Mod:Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul/Credits

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Oscuro thanks...[edit]

Note: This section is used as-is from the original 1.3 readme.

This section is last, but to do the contributors justice, for their level of dedication, help, passion, skill, and ingenuity, it should be right on top. However, that would be too distracting for those of you with too much eagerness to get the game started. I hope, my dear contributors, that you understand why I left you at this last spot in the list. As they say, the best is better saved for last! So, without further ado, let me mention a list of special thanks:

First and foremost, I would like to thank the extremely dedicated beta test team for their incredibly hard work. They have given me an amazing amount of help and support for the almost six weeks that we have been testing and perfecting the functions of these mods. OOO 1.3 is a creation of my stubbornness and passion for games, but by now it is also a creation with many more parents. This group of beta testers are right on top of the list, for their efforts have synthesized, changed, suggested, and perfected many of the features that you will find in OOO 1.3.

So, with all my thanks and gratitude, I'd like to praise the efforts of this great group of people:

  • 5hakes
  • Addikt
  • Baksheesh
  • Bo Straightarrow
  • BradRinWI
  • creepyfellow
  • dev_akm
  • doofdilla
  • ElementalNimbus
  • Elhoim
  • iron golem
  • Josef K.
  • Kal Choedan
  • Lyrondor
  • Madcat221
  • Natalia
  • OmegaRED
  • osprey15
  • Praetorio
  • Soor
  • Ubik

I would also like to make special mention to the help given by Praetorio and Elhoim, whose excellent texturing and modeling skills have made it possible to have exciting features such as the tailored guard capes, the new imperial tarnished armor and many other items that have been added to the world. Moreover, they were always available and ready to fix any oversights or problems with the resources used by OOO 1.3. Thank you guys!

Also very importantly, I would like thank Bo Straightarrow, Dev_akm, Dejunai, and Lyrondor for their constant administrative help and counsel in technical matters. These guys have gone to great lengths to help support OOO 1.3 and to solve problems of the most diverse nature as they arrived – not only during beta, but since the very beginning.

The next mention goes to OmegaRED, whose work as a master editor created two of the most exciting trailers made for any Oblivion production. Thank you Omega, also for your tireless support and help in getting things done in the forums and in the beta process. And, of course, I'd like to thank very much the gameplay nuts who so often prodded me for changes and reminded me of where the good gameplay rules. You know who you are, right, 5hakes, Baksheesh, Brad, Creepy, Doof, Elemental, Kal, Madcat, and especially, Ubik and Natalia (these last two are high maintenance! Very good pair to keep me on my toes!). Thank you all!

JosefK, who helped me very much with the addition of a lot of A.I. packages upon which I built a very large base of new unique A.I. behaviors, deserves a big mention! Thanks Josef! I look forward to work with you more in future releases and do with behaviors all those fantastic ideas we discussed.

But really, every single one of you guys and gals from the team has given me a lot of help and support. It is hard to make any serious distinctions after so much work together. The people who will enjoy OOO 1.3 owe your work for it. Next in line are those contributors of content. Thank you very much everyone for your permission and support in using your fine works as part of the OOO experience! I look forward to more fruitful collaborations. These fine contributors are:


  • Adeliedreams
  • Bofra
  • Ceano
  • Creepyfellow
  • Daeger
  • Dejunai
  • Dheer
  • Doofdilla
  • Eikona
  • Frugal
  • Gristle
  • Hero2014
  • Lap
  • Laurinque
  • Lyrondor
  • Mmmpld
  • Momaw
  • Scruggsywuggsy
  • Stabbey
  • Phoenixamon
  • Tandem
  • Turgothh
  • XMarksTheSpot
  • Xui' al
  • Quarn

Weapons, Armor and Items[edit]

  • Adonnay
  • Aleanne
  • AshLad
  • Atronarch
  • Axeface
  • Belenos
  • Cethegus
  • Chiz
  • DagothBalls
  • Daeger
  • Demonizzer
  • DieterWeb
  • Elhoim
  • Eyren
  • Gosu
  • Growlf
  • Jounks
  • Kafeid
  • Kearsage
  • Mark Quinn
  • Mealmoran
  • NorrabMaster
  • Oriphier
  • Perditio44
  • Phitt
  • Praetorio
  • Rdjeke
  • Razkhul
  • Severian
  • Silverthorn
  • Sin
  • Sleeper25
  • Someone1074
  • Star Boi
  • Tda
  • Tegeal
  • TemplarGFX
  • ThrottleKitty
  • Ulath
  • VagabondAngel
  • Vine‐Au
  • Winter
  • Zardalu

Again, thank you very much everyone! And, finally, thank you, dear player, for downloading and playing Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul! Enjoy!

dev_akm Thanks...[edit]

First, I must thank Oscuro for letting us put the final touches on his grand masterpiece. I was incredibly lucky to work with Oscuro on earlier versions of the mod and I hope this one lives up to the high standard he set. It has truly been a great experience. The RC5 and final versions owe a huge debt to Oscuro for the additional work he did on RC4. In addition, I would not have been able to make any of these final changes without the persistent help, advice, and support of both MadCat221 and MiSP. Thanks so much, guys!

Here's some additional detail on the contributors who helped make this release possible:

  • Final version OMOD‐installer scripts and updated readme by MiSP
  • Final version EXE‐installer by dev_akm
  • OOOUpsave.exe by dev_akm based on original code by Wrye
  • Harvest Flora 3.0 by Quarn, Dejaside, XMarksTheSpot, mmmpld, and DragonFireSG.
  • Huge thanks to Wolfbain5 for the OOO‐No_Guild_Ownership option.
  • None of this would've been possible without these great fan‐made tools: TES4Gecko, NifSkope, TES4Edit, and Wrye Bash.
  • Numerous players contributed greatly to fine‐tuning the hotfixes and RC5 releases. I really couldn't have done this without your feedback and support. You guys rock!