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Oblivion Mod:Order of the Dragon/Underground Vault

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Fort Ruin:
Underground Vault
# of Zones 6
Important Treasure
Console Location Code(s)
ODDlager03basis, ODDlager03quartier, ODDlager03verwaltung, ODDlager03waffenlager, ODDlager03warenlager
Gold Coast
Northwest of Skingrad
The Underground Vault, exterior

The Underground Vault is a buried fort ruin that serves as a rebel bandit camp. It forms the third (northern) point of a small triangle with Echo Mine and Valley View Camp. There's a palisade around a small camp area; the entrance is located in the broken tower - a trap door in the ground.

Related Quests[edit]


  • The exterior is located at coordinates: Tamriel -26,10
  • This location does not have a map marker.

Zone 1: Underground Vault[edit]

The ladder from the trapdoor comes down at the end of a passage. Be prepared for a fight - there are three bandits here, all heavily armed. Once you deal with them, go down the passage and through the door at the end to the next zone. Be sure to grab the Store Room Key from one of the bandits - you'll need it in the next area.

Zone 2: Ruins[edit]

This is nothing more than a passageway with four doors leading to the Arsenal, Store Room, Sleeping Quarters, and Administration. All four are locked, but each has a key to the next area (see below). The door to Administration is guarded by another bandit.

Zone 3: Store Room[edit]

This is a single large room filled with crates and barrels; a set of shelves on the far side of the central column holds a variety of potions. The key to the Sleeping Quarters is sitting on the crate behind the lone chest.

Zone 4: Sleeping Quarters[edit]

This is another large room with five beds arranged around the walls, each with a chest. Two bandits can be found here; the Nord has the key to the Arsenal.

Zone 5: Arsenal[edit]

As the name suggests, this was once an armory; the bandits still use it as such. There is a variety of weaponry here for the taking, including arrows, a couple bows, and swords; a stack of crates and a pair of cupboards along the back hold clutter, and there is a handful of gold coins behind the barrels. This room has a single bandit. The Administration Key lies on the floor behind the barrel with the shortswords in it.

Zone 6: Administration[edit]

This room once served as the quarters for the fort's captain; now it's occupied by the bandit leader and his bodyguard. It has a single bed, a dining table, small desk, and various containers. You'll also find a map that shows the location of the rebel camp near Cheydinhal.